Last updated October 21, 2009

Contact Page

Quick Link: Postal Address
My e-mail address may be found below, but please read the text below first.

If you want to ask me a question, please read the Frequently Asked Questions page first.

Once you've checked the FAQ, please consider whether it would be better to post to the Discussion Forums instead of e-mailing me. The reason for this is that I maintain a fair few websites and my mailbox receives a LOT of mail.  I do always try and respond but it can sometimes take a while.  Also, by mailing me I will read your letter but by posting to the forums many other people will as well.

Posts which definitely should be posted to the forums are:

  • "Tell me this name in Chinese!" or "Translate this Chinese for me!"
    - this is actually in the FAQ, but the summary is that there is a Chinese Translation forum specifically for requests such as this, called Translate This!

  • "Where can I learn Chinese? What learning materials do you recommend? I need Cantonese audio CDs! etc"
    - 95% of the time I won't know the answer to your question, but people on the forum will. The other 5% of the time I might not have time to respond to you and then you might be offended if I don't reply.

  • "There's a mistake in the Chinese on one of your pages!
    - thanks, these reports are really useful to me but I'd prefer you to post them to the forum unless they are really obvious errors.  The reason is that it is possible that someone that reads your post will suggest a better correction and then I will only have to correct the page once. 

  • "I like your site!  I'm learning Cantonese because..."  
    - again, I love to hear from you, but if you post to the forum I will still see your post and so will lots of other people who may well be motivated to start learning as well.

I've been told by people that mail me anyway that they couldn't find the forums to post in. The forums may be found by clicking >> here << (and they are linked multiple times above in red)

Hopefully this doesn't sound as if I don't want you to mail!  I do genuinely love getting e-mail, it can just sometimes be a bit overwhelming

If you would still like to mail, I am at: cantocontact @

Alternatively, you can mail me using the webmail form here.




P.S. If you would like to send me anything through the post for whatever reason (preferably something nice!), I can be reached at:

Mr Adam Sheik
16 Market Square
St. Neots
PE19 2AF