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Hong Kong is much more advanced than China.

Lit. Hong Kong advance surpass China a lot

(n.b. this is only intended to illustrate Cantonese comparatives and is not necessarily accurate!)
This sentence is in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

  Level: 2

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香港  hoeng1 gong2  xiang1 gang3  -  Hong Kong
先進  sin1 zeon3  xian1 jin4  -  advanced
 gwo3  guo4 guo5  - pass through; across
中國  zung1 gwok3  zhong1 guo2  -  China
好多  hou2 do1  hao3 duo1  -  a lot; much; many
This sentence was added by Eldon and last edited on 23rd Aug 2011 11:28
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Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.