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My friend has a part-time job at a high school.

This sentence is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, it cannot be used in Cantonese.

  Level: 3

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我的  ngo5 dik1  wo3 de5  -  my; mine
朋友  pang4 jau5  peng2 you5  -  friend
 zoi6  zai4 zai3  - at; in; on
一個  jat1 go3  yi1 ge4  -  a, an, the, one, etc.
中學  zung1 hok6  zhong1 xue2  -  secondary school
打工  daa2 gung1  da3 gong1  -  to work for others, be gainfully employed; to have a part-time job
This sentence was added by Yeegs and last edited on 30th Oct 2008 19:06
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Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.