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  wan6 dung6   jyutping
  yun4 dong4   pinyin
[1] sports | Syn.: ; [2] to exercise; [3] movement; campaign

Level: 3   Google Frequency: 13,200,000

This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
運動 / 运动

This word has been viewed 11226 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by tym on 5th Dec 2004 10:50 and last edited on 30th Oct 2008 19:03
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Characters in this word:

 wan6  -  move; revolve; transport, ship
 dung6  -  move, stir; change, alter

47 compounds containing this word:

運動會 - sports meet; athletic meeting; games
運動鞋 - sport shoes; sneakers
運動員 - an athlete
女運動員 - female athlete, sportswoman
運動衣 - ball shirt
運動裝 - tracksuit
大英國協運動會 - the Commonwealth Games
英聯邦運動會 - the Commonwealth Games
毛織運動衫 - jersey
劇烈運動 - violent motion
示威運動 - rally
運動家 - athlete; sportsman
熱身運動 - warm-up exercises
運動用品店 - a sportswear store
機械運動 - mechanical movement
啟蒙運動 - the Enlightenment
群眾運動 - mass movement; mass campaign
運動褲 - exercise pants
帶氧運動 - aerobic, aerobic exercise
球類運動 - ball games
運動腳踏器 - stepper, step exerciser
運動場 - sports field; playground; exercise yard
亞洲運動會 - Asian Games
奧林匹克運動會 - the Olympic Games
運動休閒車 - SUV
粒子運動模型 - [phys.] kinetic theory model
粒子運動模擬器 - [phys.] kinetic motion model
五四運動 - 5.4.1919 (the May 4th Movement)
布朗運動 - [phys.] Brownian movement
義和團運動 - the Boxer Rebellion
心肺運動 - aerobic exercices
運動學 - kinematics
粵語正音運動 - proper Cantonese pronunciation campaign
國家體育運動委員會 - State Physical Culture and Sports Commission
游泳運動管理中心 - The National Swimming Administrative Centre
東突厥斯坦伊斯蘭運動 - East Turkestan Islamic movement ETIM
Common Formations:
極限運動 - extreme sports, X Games
國際共產主義運動 - Comintern; the international communist movement
滑雪運動 - skiing
田徑運動 - [n] track and field
解放運動 - [n] liberation
舒展運動 - stretching (for exercise)
不結盟運動 - non-aligned movement
女權運動 - movement for women's rights
反吐痰運動 - an anti-spitting campaign
運動機能學 - kinesiology
百花運動 - Hundred Flowers Movement

Showing all 2 examples containing 運動
detail 肥仔多啲運動減肥
Fat guys have to do more exercise to lose weight.
detail 豈但年青人愛好運動年紀積極鍛煉身體
Not only are the young keen in sports, even the elderly are enthusiastic about physical training.

*** The simplified equivalent of this word has not been verified by any editors, so it may not be fully accurate ***

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