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  zi6 zi6   jyutping
  zi4 zhi4   pinyin
autonomous; autonomy

Level: 3   Google Frequency: 3,510,000

This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 1579 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by tym on 1st Jan 2005 08:41 and last edited on 30th Oct 2008 19:03
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Characters in this word:

 zi6  -  self; private; personal
 zi6  -  rule; govern; stable; treat; punish; study

61 compounds containing this word:

自治區 - (PRC) autonomous region
內蒙古自治區 - Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
民族自治地方 - autonomous regions of China
克里米亞自治共和國 - Autonomous Republic of Crimea
廣西壯族自治區 - Guangxi Autonomous Region in South central China, location of the Zhuang minority peoples
西藏自治區 - [n] Tibetan Autonomous Region, far west Chinese province
巴馬瑤族自治縣 - Bama Yaozu autonomous county (county in Guangxi)
白沙黎族自治縣 - Baisha Lizu autonomous county (county in Hainan)
北鎮滿族自治縣 - Beizhen Manzu autonomous county (county in Liaoning)
本溪滿族自治縣 - Benxi (county in Liaoning)
昌江黎族自治縣 - Changjiang Lizu autonomous county (county in Hainan)
長白朝鮮族自治縣 - Changbai Chaoxianzu autonomous county (county in Jilin)
長陽土家族自治縣 - Changyang Tujiazu autonomous county (county in Hubei)
大廠回族自治縣 - Dachanghuizu autonomous county (county in Beijing)
大化瑤族自治縣 - Dahua Yaozu autonomous county (county in Guangxi)
都安瑤族自治縣 - Du'an Yaozu autonomous county (county in Guangxi)
東方黎族自治縣 - Dongfang Lizu autonomous county (county in Hainan)
東鄉族自治縣 - Dongxiangzu autonomous county (county in Gansu)
化隆回族自治縣 - Hualong Huizu autonomous county (county in Qinghai)
阜新蒙古族自治縣 - Fuxin Mongol autonomous county (county in Liaoning)
富川瑤族自治縣 - Fuchuan Yaozu autonomous county (county in Guangxi)
寬城滿族自治縣 - Kuancheng Manzu autonomous county (county in Hebei)
豐寧滿族自治縣 - Fengning Manzu autonomous county (county in Hebei)
甘南藏族自治州 - Gannan Zang zhizhou (place in Gansu)
金秀瑤族自治縣 - Jinxiu Yaozu autonomous county (county in Guangxi)
江華瑤族自治縣 - Jianghua Yaozu autonomous county (county in Hunan)
河口瑤族自治縣 - Hekou Yaozu autonomous county (county in Yunnan)
河南蒙古族自治縣 - He'nan Mengguzu autonomous county (county in Qinghai)
麗江納西族自治縣 - Lijiang Naxi autonomous county (county in Yunnan)
連南瑤族自治縣 - Liannan Yaozu autonomous county (county in Guangdong)
樂東黎族自治縣 - Ledong Lizu autonomous county (county in Hainan)
峨邊彝族自治縣 - Ebian Yizu autonomous county (county in Sichuan)
峨山彝族自治縣 - Eshan Yizu autonomous county (county in Yunnan)
鄂倫春自治旗 - Elunchun zizhiqi (place in Inner Mongolia)
鄂溫克族自治旗 - Ewenki zizhiqi (place in Inner Mongolia)
城步苗族自治縣 - Chengbu Miaozu autonomous county (county in Hunan)
互助土族自治縣 - Huzhu Tuzu autonomous county (county in Qinghai)
寧夏回族自治區 - Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
循化撒拉族自治縣 - Xunhua Salazu autonomous county (county in Qinghai)
乳源瑤族自治縣 - Ruyuan Yaozu autonomous county (county in Guangdong)
孟村回族自治縣 - Mengcun Hui autonomous county (county in Hebei)
墨江哈尼族自治縣 - Mojiang Ha'nizu autonomous county (county in Yunnan)
木裡藏族自治縣 - Muli Zangzu autonomous county (county in Sichuan)
南澗彝族自治縣 - Nanjian Yizu autonomous county (county in Yunnan)
五峰土家族自治縣 - Wufeng Tujiazu autonomous county (county in Hubei)
屏邊苗族自治縣 - Pingbian Mianzu autonomous county (county in Yunnan)
三都水族自治縣 - Sandou Shuizu autonomous county (county in Guizhou)
三江侗族自治縣 - Sanjiang Dongzu autonomous county (county in Guangxi)
新賓滿族自治縣 - Xinbin Manzu autonomous county (county in Liaoning)
新晃侗族自治縣 - Xinhuang Dong autonomous county (county in Hunan)
天祝藏族自治縣 - Tianzhu Zangzu autonomous county (county in Gansu)
岫岩滿族自治縣 - Xiuyan Manzu autonomous county (county in Liaoning)
張家川回族自治縣 - Zhanjiachuan Huizu autonomous county (county in Gansu)
新疆維吾爾自治區 - Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
巴音郭楞蒙古自治州 - Bayinguoleng Mongol autonomous prefecture of Xinjiang
昌吉回族自治州 - Sanji or Changji Hui autonomous prefecture
延邊朝鮮族自治州 - Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture in Jilin province
Common Formations:
地方自治 - [n] home rule
高度自治 - high degree of autonomy
民族區域自治 - regional autonomy of ethnic minorities
台灣民主自治同盟 - Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League
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Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.