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  jan4 si6   jyutping
  ren2 shi4   pinyin
[1] person
[2] public figure

Level: 3   Google Frequency: 7,160,000

This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 1574 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by tym on 29th Nov 2004 11:10 and last edited on 15th Sep 2010 17:08
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Characters in this word:

 jan4  -  person; human being
 si6  -  commendable person

35 compounds containing this word:

給有關人士 - to whom it may concern
分析人士 - analyst; expert
有關人士 - persons involved; those connected with (sth)
觀察人士 - observers
知名人士 - celebrity; public figure; well-known person
智障人士 - mentally handicapped person
傷殘人士 - physically disabled person
弱智人士 - a mentally retarded or mentally handicapped person
中年失業人士 - middle-aged unemployed people
傳統左派人士 - traditional leftists
流亡海外異見人士 - exiled dissident
駕駛人士 - motorist
黑社會人士 - triad members; gang members
殘疾人士 - individuals with disabilities, the disabled
滑浪人士 - a surfer
環保人士 - environmentalist
罷工人士 - a striker
遊行人士 - marchers
天體人士 - a nudist, a naturist
失業人士 - the unemployed
示威人士 - an activist, a demonstrator
無黨派人士 - a public figure without party affiliation; non-party personage
英籍人士 - British subject
澳籍人士 - Australian subject
自僱人士 - self-employed person
行內人士 - industry insider
阿拉伯激進人士 - Arab radicals
香港傷殘人士體育協會 - Hong Kong Sports Association for the Physically Disabled
Common Formations:
掃墓人士 - grave-sweepers
各界人士 - all walks of life
外籍人士 - alien (with respect to citizenship)
駕車人士 - motorist
鼓吹企業改革的人士 - corporate-reform activists
尋求政治庇護人士 - asylum seeker
愛國民主人士 - patriotic democratic personages
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