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  hoeng1 gong2   jyutping
  xiang1 gang3   pinyin
Hong Kong, literally "fragrant harbour" - which is sadly ironic in light of its polluted waters nowadays; Hong Kong stop on Airport Express MTR line


Level: 2   Google Frequency: 25,500,000

This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 10683 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by aaron on 14th Jul 2004 02:25 and last edited on 30th Oct 2008 19:03
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Characters in this word:

 hoeng1  -  fragrant; aromatic
 gong2  -  port; harbour; Hong Kong

160 compounds containing this word:

香港人 - Hong Kong person/people
香港國際學校 - Hong Kong International School
香港特區 - Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
香港地 - here in Hong Kong
香港腳 - athlete's foot, tinea pedis
香港仔 - Aberdeen, Hong Kong
香港公園 - Hong Kong Park
香港大球場 - Hong Kong Stadium
唱衰香港 - badmouthing Hong Kong
香港仔隧道 - Aberdeen Tunnel
香港出生的 - Hong Kong-borned
香港花卉展覽 - Hong Kong Flower Show
香港島 - Hong Kong Island
香港車站 - Hong Kong station
香港電影 - Hong Kong movies
中國香港 - [n] Hong Kong, China
香港報春 - Lysimachia alpestris (Hong Kong primrose)
香港木蘭 - Magnolia championi (Hong Kong magnolia)
香港杜鵑 - Rhododendron hongkongense (Hongkong azalea)
香港算盤子 - Glochidion zeylanicum (Hong Kong abacus plant)
香港銀行 - "Hong Kong Bank," a popular local nickname for HSBC
香港西區隧道 - Western Harbour Tunnel (西隧)
香港品質保證局 - Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency, HKQAA
香港影視娛樂大使 - Hong Kong Entertainment Ambassador
香港特別行政區 - Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
香港體育館 - Hong Kong Coliseum
香港文化中心 - Hong Kong Cultural Center
香港金融管理局 - Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)
香港上市內地公司 - Hong Kong-listed mainland companies
香港上海匯豐銀行 - Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp.
香港中學生聯盟 - Hong Kong Secondary Students Union
香港健康情緒中心 - Hong Kong Mood Disorders Center
香港公開大學 - Open University of Hong Kong
香港大學專業進修學院 - HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE)
香港大學民意研究計劃 - University of Hong Kong Public Opinion Programme
香港天文台 - Hong Kong Observatory
香港家書 - Hong Kong Letter
香港專業進修學院 - Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE)
香港建築師學會 - The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
香港愛滋病基金會 - Hong Kong AIDS Foundation
香港房屋委員會 - Hong Kong Housing Authority
香港政策研究所 - Hong Kong Policy Research Institute
香港機場管理局 - Airport Authority, Hong Kong
香港殯儀館 - HK Funeral Home
香港海關 - Customs and Excise Department
香港演藝學院 - Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
香港發展論壇 - Hong Kong Development Forum
香港紅十字會 - Red Cross, HK
香港紅十字會輸血服務中心 - Red Cross, HK, Blood Transfusion Service Centre
香港經濟日報 - Hong Kong Economic Daily
香港網絡電視 - Hong Kong Network Television
香港腎臟基金會 - Kidney Foundation Ltd, HK
香港藝術中心 - Hong Kong Arts Centre
香港證券專業學會 - Hong Kong Securities Institute
香港郵政 - Hong Kong Post
香港醫務委員會 - The Medical Council of Hong Kong
香港醫學專科學院 - Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
香港電台 - Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK)
香港電燈有限公司 - Hong Kong Electric Co. Ltd.
香港電燈集團有限公司 - Hong Kong Electric Holdings Ltd.
香港電訊 - Cable & Wireless Hong Kong Telecom
香港電車公司 - Hong Kong Tramways Ltd.
香港青年協會 - Federation of Youth Services, HK
香港青年商會 - Junior Chamber of Commerce, HK
香港青年政策研究所 - Hong Kong Avant-Garde Policy Research Institute
香港飛機工程有限公司 - Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Co (HAECO)
香港食品委員會 - Hong Kong Food Council
香港駕駛學院 - Hong Kong School of Motoring
香港體育學院 - Hong Kong Sports Institute
香港黃金海岸 - Hong Kong Gold Coast
香港暴動 - Hong Kong Riots (May 1967)
香港駐軍法 - Hong Kong Garrison Law
香港輔助警察隊 - Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force (HKAP)
香港街道地方指南 - Hong Kong guidebook
香港教育學院 - Hong Kong Institute of Education
香港警務處 - Hong Kong Police Force
香港日本人俱樂部 - The Hong Kong Japanese Club
香港貿易發展局 - Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC)
香港回歸 - the return of Hong Kong to China in 1997
香港澳門辦公室 - Hong Kong-Macao Affairs Office
香港早晨 - Good Morning Hong Kong (TVB show)
香港小姐 - Miss Hong Kong; a beautiful woman
香港居留權 - right of residence in Hong Kong (HKSAR)
香港國際機場 - Hong Kong International Airport
香港理工大學 - Hong Kong Polytechnic University
香港聯合交易所 - Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
香港藝術館 - HK Museum of Arts
香港城市大學 - City University of Hong Kong
香港會議展覽中心 - Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC)
香港浸會大學 - Hong Kong Baptist University
香港中文大學 - Chinese University of Hong Kong
香港珠海書院 - Chu Hai College of Higher Education
香港大學 - The University of Hong Kong
香港大學大學堂 - University Hall of Hong Kong University
香港迪士尼樂園 - Hong Kong Disneyland
香港交易所 - Hong Kong Stock Exchange
香港濕地公園 - Hong Kong wetland park
香港工會聯合會 - Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions
香港海底隧道 - Cross-Harbour Tunnel
熱情香港,好客之道,點少得你 - Friendly HK, You Make a Difference
香港動漫電玩節 - ACGHK, Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong, annual fair
香港蜆殼有限公司 - Shell Hong Kong Limited
香港家庭計劃指導會 - The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong
香港太空館 - Hong Kong space museum
香港禮賓府 - Hong Kong Government House
香港中學會考 - Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination
香港高級程度會考 - Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination
香港中學文憑考試 - HK Diploma of Secondary Education Exam
香港考試及評核局 - Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, HKEAA
香港茶 - Hong Kong Camellia
香港國際七人欖球賽 - Hong Kong Sevens
香港職工會聯盟 - Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions
香港專上學生聯會 - HK Federation of Students
香港中國企業協會 - Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association
香港中文大學創業研究中心 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong's Center for Entrepreneurship
香港九龍的士貨車商會 - Hong Kong Kowloon Taxi and Lorry Owners' Association
香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司 - Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited
香港傷殘人士體育協會 - Hong Kong Sports Association for the Physically Disabled
香港公共醫療醫生協會 - Hong Kong Public Doctors' Association
香港出口商會 - Hong Kong Exporters’ Association
香港域名註冊有限公司 - Hong Kong Domain Name Registration Company Limited
香港專業人才協會 - Hong Kong Professionals and Executives Association
香港意外保險公會 - Accident Insurance Association of Hong Kong
香港房屋協會 - Hong Kong Housing Society
香港攝影記者協會 - Hong Kong Press Photographers Association
香港文化博物館 - Hong Kong Heritage Museum
香港新聞行政人員協會 - The Hong Kong News Executives' Association
香港旅行社協會 - Association of Travel Agents, HK
香港旅遊協會 - Tourist Association, HK
香港會計師公會 - Hong Kong Society of Accountants (HKSA)
香港歷史博物館 - Hong Kong Museum of History
香港海洋環境保護協會 - Hong Kong Marine Conservation Society
香港海防博物館 - Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence
香港版權複製授權協會 - Hong Kong Reprographic Rights Licensing Society
香港牙醫學會 - Hong Kong Dental Association
香港特殊學習障礙協會 - Hong Kong Association for Specific Learning Disabilities
香港社會工作人員協會 - Hong Kong Social Workers Association
香港管理人員專業協會 - The Hong Kong Management Association
香港管理專業協會 - Hong Kong Management Association
香港航空機組人員協會 - Hong Kong Aircrew Officers' Association
香港銀行公會 - Hong Kong Association of Banks
香港鐵路博物館 - Hong Kong Railway Museum
香港電影評論學會 - Hong Kong Film Critics Society
香港電腦保安事故協調中心 - Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Co-ordination Centre (HK CERT)
香港青年獎勵計劃 - The Hong Kong Award for Young People
香港電影資料館 - Hong Kong Film Archive
香港經濟貿易辦事處 - Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office
香港動植物公園 - Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens
香港科技大學 - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
香港科學館 - HK Museum of Science and Technology
香港油麻地小輪 - Hong Kong Yau Ma Tei Ferry (HKF)
香港樹仁學院 - Hong Kong Shue Yan College
香港中央圖書館 - Hong Kong Central Library
香港電車 - Hong Kong Tramways
Common Formations:
香港個人資料私人專員公署 - Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
香港骨髓捐贈基金 - Hong Kong Marrow Match Foundation
皇家香港警察 - Royal Hong Kong Police Force (1969-1997)
香港警察 - Hong Kong Police Force (since 1997, previously 皇家香港警察)
香港法律改革委員會 - Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong
香港電影金像獎 - Hong Kong Film Awards

Showing all 15 examples containing 香港
detail audio 下個星期香港
I'm going back to Hong Kong next week.
detail audio 睇到封信時候已經離開香港
By the time you read this letter, I will have already left Hong Kong.
[This line of dialogue is often heard in TV soap operas! :-)]
detail audio 全民香港特色
Everyone buying stocks is a characteristic of Hong Kong
detail 香港
I didn't go to Hong Kong.
detail 去過香港
I have never been to Hong Kong.
detail 香港先進台灣
Hong Kong is more advanced than Taiwan.
[Lit. Hong Kong advanced surpass Taiwan]
detail 香港先進中國好多
Hong Kong is much more advanced than China.
[Lit. Hong Kong advance surpass China a lot (n.b. this is only intended to illustrate Cantonese comparatives and is not necessarily accurate!)]
detail 覺得英國香港有啲乜嘢分別
What differences do you perceive between England and Hong Kong?
[Lit. you feel England with Hong Kong have [plural counter] what differences?]
detail 香港,就係
In Hong Kong, I'm most scared of being bitten.
[Lit. Hong Kong, I most scared [possessive particle] exactly is by mosquitoes bite. This sentence is topicalised: the topic (Hong Kong) is introduced at the start. Also, note the phrase 最怕嘅; the 嘅 turns it into a noun phrase.]
detail 呢個旅遊團香港人為主
This tourist group consists mainly of Hongkong people.
[以...為主 = take ... as the main thing]
detail audio 香港新加坡人高樓大厦
People of Hong Kong and Singapore are used to seeing high rise buildings.
detail 香港機場與時並進
Hong Kong Airport is to improve and advance with the times.
detail 如果真係有興趣學好廣東話嘅話一定要多啲香港
If you want to learn Cantonese, you must listen to more Hong Kong radio.
[Lit. If you really have interest study-well Cantonese [conditional delimiter], you then must listen more Hong Kong channel.]
detail 香港英文脫離
The English spoken in Hong Kong is worse than before.
[Lit. Hong Kong [possessive particle] English broken away-already]
detail 香港財富分配均勻
Hong Kong has a very unequal distribution of wealth.
[There is no verb in this Cantonese sentence.]
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Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.