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  lou5   jyutping
  lao3   pinyin
[1] old; aged; venerable [2] always [3] the youngest [4] very [5] a particle indicating ordinal numbers to designate order of birth [6] parents; [7] a particle used before a man's family name to indicate familiarity and friendship [8] tough (meat); overcooked [9] [v] treat with the reverence [10] dark (color) [11] [Wu] very

Default PoS: adjective Additional PoS:
Stroke count: 6
Level: 2
Radical: (#125)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

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This word has been viewed 31793 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 15th Jul 2009 14:57

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detail  lou5 si1  lao3 shi1 = teacher
detail  lou5 jau5  lao3 you3 = old friend, good friend
detail  lou5 pang4*2/paang4*2  lao3 peng2 = old friend
detail  lou5 pang4 jau5  lao3 peng2 you3 = old friend
detail  lou5 dim2   = to trick
detail  gu2 lou5  gu3 lao3 = [1] ancient; [2] old-fashioned
detail  sing3 daan3 lou5 jan4  sheng4 dan4 lao3 ren2 = Father Christmas (Santa Claus)
detail  lou5 syu2  lao3 shu3 = mouse; [粵]: Mr. Nobody
detail  lou5 fu2  lao3 hu3 = tiger; [粵]: a powerful person in the criminal underworld
detail  lou5 po4  lao3 po2 = wife
See all 287 compounds (CantoDict reports 300 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 32 examples containing 老
detail audio 中文老師好好
My Chinese teacher is a very nice person.
detail audio 冇記性
As I get older, I get more forgetful.
detail audio 老點!
You cheated me!
detail audio 聖誕老人?
Do you believe in Father Christmas?
detail 相信聖誕老公公
Do you believe in Father Christmas?
detail audio 若果聖誕老人送禮畀你
If you aren't a good boy, Santa won't bring you any presents.
detail 的話聖誕老公公不會禮物
If you aren't a good boy, Santa won't bring you any presents!
detail 老虎身上很多棕色條紋
A tiger has many black-brown stripes on its body.
detail 老闆
He is a nice boss.
detail 其實老公仲有
Actually, I have a husband... and a daughter to boot!
[呢 is sometimes used to separate conjunctive adverbs from the rest of the sentence: equally valid would be 咁其實呢.]
detail 老細我哋
We'll go wherever the boss says.
[Cantonese sentences often feature a balanced structure with repetitive wordings rather than a simple structure. ]
detail 漢字歷史上古老文字之一大概四千
Chinese characters are one of history's most ancient writing scripts, approximately four thousand years old.
detail audio 畀人搵老襯
Someone tricked me.
detail 我的老天爺
Oh, my God!
detail 栽培成為老師
You trained me to become a teacher
detail 枕住健身肌肉都係鬆婄,只得老鼠仔
He has been working out for a long time, yet his muscles are still soft, with only half-developed biceps.
detail 好多根蔃
These old trees have lots of roots.
detail 老細我哋依牙鬆槓
The treat from my boss was wonderful and the food was great!
detail 老細工人七竅生煙
Boss got really pissed off by the workers.
detail 老婆尾注
His wife took all his money and eloped with another man already.
detail audio 機會稱職老婆
Give me a chance to be a good and competent wife.
detail 老師我哋參觀二次大戰博物館軍人塚
The teacher brought us to the museum and memorial tombs of World War II.
detail 又係老鬼
It's just me, the old guy!
detail 老虎竟然識食紅蘿蔔真係咄咄怪事
Tigers that eat carrots? How strange is that?!
detail 試過我老婆你呢
I have never cheated on my wife, (how about) you? [Literally] I haven't tried (and did something that I) cannot face to my wife, you?
[whether it means "cannot face to/cannot confront with" or "sorry",to 對唔住 someone you're romantically involved,it mostly refers to you "cheat". Otherwise, it can means you did something that disappointed the other or you let someone down.]
detail 唔好老鼠佢哋污糟邋遢
Don't touch the rats, they're extremely dirty.
[You could also add in a 好 in this case (i.e. 佢哋好污糟邋遢) with no real difference in meaning.]
detail 監考老師
The exam proctor is watching too closely.
detail 經常遲到搞到老闆高興
He is always late, which makes his boss very upset.
[Cantonese grammar does not need a relative pronoun (which) to introduce a subordinate clause.]
detail 老婆大人出聲
How would he be so daring as to utter a word, under the staring eyes of his wife.
detail audio 雖然老公出便嫖賭飲吹至少賺錢返嚟養家冇眼屎乾淨盲
Despite all the vices outside, your husband brings home money to support the family, you should just pretend you don't know and choose to be happy.
detail 近來傳出流言蜚語老闆畀人捉黃腳雞
Recently there has been all these slanderous tales about the boss being blackmailed for having some extra-marital affair.
detail 自學”,顧名思義就是不在學校沒有老師指點自己學習
As the name implies, "Self-study" does not involve going to school where teachers are there to teach and guide; one learns on his own.

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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CantoDict v1.4.2 is a collaborative Chinese Dictionary project started in November 2003. Entries are added and mistakes corrected by a team of kind volunteers from around the world.
Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.