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  m4 hai6   jyutping
[1] not be; is not; are not; am not; was not; were not. Mand.: 不是
[2] used as a conjunctive: otherwise
Mand. : 不然

Level: 2   Google Frequency: 554,000

This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
唔係 / 唔系

This word has been viewed 9907 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by tym on 14th Jul 2004 02:25 and last edited on 20th Feb 2013 22:19
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Characters in this word:

 m4  -  not; no
 hai6  -  yes, it is; indeed; right; positive; to be

25 compounds containing this word:

係唔係 - is it or is it not
唔係吖嘛 - surely it can't be
唔係呀嗎 - variant of 唔係吖嘛
唔係呢 - otherwise; or else
唔係幾清楚 - not quite clear...
唔係啩 - "are you kidding?"
係唔係先 - do you agree with me? don't you!
唔係就 - otherwise; or else
唔係幾... - not really...
而唔係 - instead of; rather than
唔係嘅話 - if not; otherwise
若唔係 - otherwise
唔係幾 - not very
唔係好 - not very
如果唔係呢 - otherwise; or else
一唔係 - otherwise
如果唔係就 - otherwise; or else
噉唔係 - that's just the way it is; exactly
唔係幾好 - nothing much; not very special
至多唔係 - at most; worst case scenario
唔係...手腳 - no match for...
唔係猛龍唔過江 - He who dares to come is surely not a coward
唔係路 - off the beam
唔係人噉品 - unfeeling and unreasonable; peculiar character
唔係嘢少 - no trivial matter

Showing all 24 examples containing 唔係
detail audio 唔係隨處
it's 徐志摩(a famous Chinese writer), not 除處摸 (touching everywhere around)!
detail 唔係蘋果
This is not an apple
detail 係唔係
Is it over?
detail 係唔係中國人
Is he Chinese?
[Lit. He is-not-is Chinese? Std. Chinese: 他是不是中國人?]
detail audio 係唔係花生油?
Is this cooked in peanut oil?
detail audio 係唔係大學讀緊書?
Is your son studying in university?
detail audio 如果唔係買嘢
If I'm not too tired, I will go shopping.
detail audio 火雞唔係容易
Cooking a turkey well is not easy.
detail audio 唔係
You're not my cup of tea
detail 雖然真空但係唔係乜嘢都
Although it's a vacuum, it's not like there's nothing there.
[Lit. Although is vacuum, but not saying anything don't-have]
detail 見到呢度唔係好警崗
I can see a police box that's not very big here.
[Lit. I see-arrive here have one [counter] is-not very big [possessive particle] police box. You CANNOT say 唔大 or 唔好大 instead of 唔係好大, although it may sound like either one if a speaker is talking very quickly. 唔大 should be 細.]
detail 頭盔但係唔係好
He's wearing a helmet but it doesn't look too good on him.
[Lit. He wear-continue one [counter] helmet, however not-very stylish.]
detail 唔係幾
I'm not too busy.
[唔係太忙/唔太忙. This is a useful construction into which you can place lots of other adjectives: 開心 or 急, for example.]
detail 唔係小氣
I'm not that petty!
[Context: I was saying that I wouldn't share my bananas with someone; then, to make the point that it was a joke, the above phrase was used.]
detail 唔係,今朝重未見到
No, I haven't seen him yet this morning.
[呃 [aak3] is a final particle used here to emphasize a denial of sth which is often detailed immediately after it.]
detail 快啲唔係就遲到㗎喇
Please be quicker, otherwise it will be late.
detail audio 我嘅職業唔係一般人可以接受
My occupation is not one that normal people can accept.
detail 唔係皇上使唔使姿整?
You are not meeting the emperor, do you need to be so particular about what you wear?
detail 唔係而係自己開心
I do this job not for the money, but rather for my happiness.
detail 唔好玩水唔係就𢱕濕
Don't play in the water, or else you will get your clothes wet.
detail 唔好偷𥊙人哋沖涼如果唔係眼挑針  ?! 
Don't spy on people when they are showering, otherwise you'll get a stye!
[There is an old wives' tale linking styes to spying on people when they are bathing.]
detail 見到頭先已經知道唔係普通筆記
Based on your expression just now, I guess you already know that this isn't an ordinary notebook.
[Lit. see-arrive you just-not (possessive particle) expression, I think you already know-already, this (counter) isn't ordinary (possessive particle) notebook.]
detail 唔係好不過
It's not too urgent but I still need it fast
[Lit. busy then not too busy, however fast do! 有〝你即刻做出嚟〞嘅意思。]
detail 哈薩克斯坦唔係美國人
Borat is from Kazakhstan; he is not an American.
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