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  dim2 gaai2   jyutping
  dian3 jie3   pinyin
why? | Syn.: 為乜 | : 為什麼; 為甚麼 | : 為何

Level: 1   Google Frequency: 457,000

This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
點解 / 点解

This word has been viewed 24742 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 14th Jul 2004 02:25 and last edited on 30th Oct 2008 19:03
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Characters in this word:

 dim2  -  dot; point; drop; select; touch; instruct
 gaai2 gaai3 haai6  -  untie; relieve; explain; escort; understand

Showing all 18 examples containing 點解
detail audio 點解打電話畀佢第二日
Why don't you phone her and tell her to change it to another day?
detail 點解
Why does it have to be like this?
[Lit. why would thus? [Very common phrase on TV dramas and anime!]]
detail audio 唔知點呢排成日頭痛
I don't know why I've been getting so many headaches lately.
detail audio 真係唔明白點解噉樣
I really don't understand why he acts/behaves like this.
detail 點解等於」?
why does one plus one equal '王'?
[This is a well known riddle, the character 王 being composed of two 一 characters at the top and bottom with a + in the middle!]
detail 點解中國咁多方言
Why are there so many "dialects" in China?
detail 點解今日見到
Why didn't I see you today?
[Lit. why I today not-have see-arrive you [particle]? [maybe on the telephone]]
detail 點解噉樣合作  ?! 
Why would you co-operate like this?
detail 頭髮平時撈攪點解今晚梳頭  ?! 
Your hair's normally so messy, why've you combed it this evening?
detail 點解佢哋畀人
Why would they be arrested?
[Lit. why they would by-person arrest [particle]]
detail 點解背叛
Why do you need to betray me?
[Lit. why need betray me]
detail audio 點解女朋友靚仔!
Why doesn't he have a girlfriend? Because he's not handsome, of course!
detail 雖然只係上台分享自己經歷唔知點自然覺得怯場
Although merely sharing my experiences on stage, I do not know why I would naturally get stage fright.
detail audio 點解次次波餅
I didn't do anything to piss you off. Why are you throwing/kicking/[whatever action is appropriate] the ball at my body every time?
[Alternative translation: There's no grudge between us, why are you hitting me with the balls that you return?]
detail 唔可以解釋一下點解無端端被人
Can you explain why you were arrested for no reason?
[Lit. Can-cannot explain a-little-bit why you would-be for-no-reason by people arrest [particle]?]
detail 唔知點算賬
I don't know why he has a bone to pick with you.
[[literal] Don't know why he has to with you settle accounts. ]
detail ,點解噉樣?
Tut-tut, what on earth did you do that for?
[吓 is an exclamation used here to express disapproval. ]
detail 點解打爛
Why is it that every time you wash dishes you break something?
[[粵] V-嚫 ... 都... Pattern the means every time someone does something, such and such will happen.]
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Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.