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  dik1   jyutping
  de5 di2 di4   pinyin
[dik1 & de5] [1] possessive; adjectival suffix [2] final particle

[dik1 & di2] truly; really; indeed

[dik1 & di4] bull's eye; target

[dik1] [] [1] lift up [2] few; small

is the most commonly used character in written Chinese.

(4) nasal-stop alternant [ding1]
Stroke count: 8
Level: 1
Radical: (#106)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 39618 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 31st Jul 2009 16:50

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detail  taa1 dik1  ta1 de5 = his
detail  taa1 dik1  ta1 de5 = her; hers
detail  ngo5 dik1  wo3 de5 = my; mine
detail  nei5 dik1  ni3 de5 = your; yours
detail  ngo5 mun4 dik1  wo3 men5 de5 = our; ours
detail  nei5 mun4 dik1  ni3 men5 de5 = (plural) your; yours
detail  taa1 mun4 dik1  ta1 men5 de5 = their; theirs
detail  taa1 mun4 dik1  ta1 men5 de5 = their; theirs
detail  taa1 mun4 dik1  ta1 men5 de5 = their; theirs
detail  muk6 dik1  mu4 di4 = target; objective; goal
See all 503 compounds (CantoDict reports 534 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 68 examples containing 的
detail 北京的天氣怎麼樣
How's the weather in Beijing?
detail 喜歡你的香水
I like your perfume
detail 雪白兔子
I have a snowy white rabbit
detail 先生爸爸好朋友
Mr. Wong is a good friend of my father.
A ball is round.
detail 晚上可以看到上天空中星辰
At night you can see stars in the sky above your head.
detail 八月一年中第八月份
August is the eighth month of the year.
detail 希望大家輕鬆悠閒聖誕節
I hope we have a relaxing Christmas.
detail 如果下雪的話雪人
If it snows I will make a snowman!
detail 我們今年聖誕樹真的還是人造
Shall we get a real Christmas tree or an artificial one?
detail 你的聖誕樹
How tall is your Christmas Tree?
detail 的話聖誕老公公不會禮物
If you aren't a good boy, Santa won't bring you any presents!
detail 聖誕期間電視很多好看電影
There are lots of good films on TV at Christmas!
detail 燭光美麗
You look beautiful in the candlelight!
detail 烤火不是容易
Cooking a turkey well is not easy.
detail 我們家裡太多好吃東西
We have so much nice food in the house.
detail 聖誕節闔家團聚時光
Christmas is a time for family.
detail 春節動物發情期
Animals mate during spring.
detail 橙色的蠟筆太陽
She uses an orange crayon to draw the sun.
[來 here means "in order to" or "to". Marked as unsure: Can an editor please fix the jyutping?]
detail 就是你的不是
This is your fault
detail 老虎身上很多棕色條紋
A tiger has many black-brown stripes on its body.
detail 佢嘅真正目的
What's his real plan?
detail 不敢隨便填寫我的個人資料
I do not dare carelessly fill out [on a form] my personal information.
detail 漢字歷史上古老文字之一大概四千
Chinese characters are one of history's most ancient writing scripts, approximately four thousand years old.
detail 雖然大學但是認為有資格
Although I have not attended college, I believe that I am also qualified.
detail 可惜那天限於時間我們沒有這個問題深入交談
Unfortunately, owing to the lack of time that day, we weren't able to discuss this problem in depth.
detail 燦爛未來
A bright future.
detail 一下我的胸圍尺寸
I want you to take my chest measurement.
detail 不要嘲笑別人錯誤不幸
Do not jeer at the mistakes or misfortunes of others.
detail 我們參照原文必要修改
We consulted the original and made some necessary changes.
detail 乘務員剪票我們的車票
The train conductor punched our tickets.
detail 他的錯誤不能遷就
We mustn't pass over his mistakes.
detail 如果有事的話 , 不要
Don't come if you're busy.
detail 對於這種地位來說, 這樣行為莊重
Such conduct is undignified for a person of his position.
detail 他的名聲已經開始
His reputation has already begun to spread.
detail 你的腦子毛病?
"Are you out of your mind?"
detail 我的朋友一個中學打工
My friend has a part-time job at a high school.
detail 哪裡我的漢語
No, my Chinese isn't that good.
[Usage of 哪裡's definition [2], for example to reply to a compliment such as 「你的漢語很好。」]
detail 我的身體沒問題
There are no problems with my health.
detail 包括水電費房子
I want to rent a house that has utilities included.
detail 我的老天爺
Oh, my God!
detail 你的鞋子甚麼牌子 ?
What brand are your shoes?
detail 你的鞋子什麼牌子 ?
What brand are your shoes?
detail 什麼品牌電視機?
What brand (type) of TV do you want?
detail 噉就的士!
A taxi it will be, then!
detail 睡眼惺忪小學生校車
The sleepy-eyed students are waiting for the school bus by the road.
detail 先生偷拍女朋友女兒洗澡
Mr. Dong is taking pictures of his girlfriend's teenage daughter bathing without her knowledge.
detail 你的安全起見
For the sake of your safety
detail 現在流行事物時候成為明日黃花
What is fashionable now will be passe after some time.
detail 房子暢銷
The houses in the area is most sellable.
detail 藝術家作品細節一點都不苟且
All the artists pay very careful details towards their art pieces.
detail 搞不好故意
He may have done it intentionally.
detail 一點的話就要升天!
Get here a second later and I'd be dead!
detail 饒恕我的過錯
Please forgive my past trangressions.
detail 天真爛漫孩子無憂無慮生活
Innocent children, unaffected by the surroundings, live without a worry in the world.
detail 豈但年青人愛好運動年紀積極鍛煉身體
Not only are the young keen in sports, even the elderly are enthusiastic about physical training.
detail 笑話
Isn't that the biggest laughing stock?
detail 目前金融海嘯可能成為黃金復興契機
This economic tsunami could well be the turning point for gold to be fashionable again.
detail 他的作品獨樹一幟不規則的形狀
His pieces usually do not follow any rules and form. They are very distinctive.
detail 已經出神入化境界
He has already attained the level of perfection through training.
detail 不是一個
I am not someone who will speak boldly.
detail 高興接受你的邀請  ?! 
I am happy to accept your invitation.
detail 打探商業情報先至係參加旅行團真正目的
Spying out business secrets is the true purpose of his joining the tour.
[先至係 (to be really) is always used for emphasis.]
detail 只有庸才留戀大鍋飯年代
Only lazybones and mediocre persons could hanker after the days of messing together.
detail 我地的士?
Let's take a taxi, shall we?
detail 阿妹首都膾炙人口
A-mei's songs are all widely known.
detail 旅遊業擔心某種噱頭十足用語流失生意
The travel industry should not be unduly worried about businesses badly affected due to the cessation in the use of gimmicky linguistics of their promotions.
detail 絢麗花卉凋謝殆盡
This spring's flowers have nearly all withered away.

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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CantoDict v1.4.2 is a collaborative Chinese Dictionary project started in November 2003. Entries are added and mistakes corrected by a team of kind volunteers from around the world.
Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.