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  hon3   jyutping
  han4   pinyin
[1] Han nationality; Han Chinese
[2] Han dynasty (206 BC -220 AD)
[3] guy; fellow; adult man

Stroke count: 14
Level: 1
Radical: (#85)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
漢 / 汉

This word has been viewed 16416 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 7th Apr 2014 14:56

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detail  hon3 zi6  han4 zi4 = Chinese character
detail  hon3 jyu5  han4 yu3 = Chinese (language)
detail  hon3 jan4  han4 ren2 = Han Chinese person or people
detail  tit3 hon3  tie3 han4 = man of iron will; a strong determined person
detail  hon3 jyu5 ping3 jam1  han4 yu3 pin1 yin1 = Hanyu Pinyin
detail  hon3 sing4  han4 cheng2 = Seoul
detail  hon3 bou2 baau1   = hamburger
detail  hon3 bou2 ngau4 juk6 beng2   = Hamburger steak
detail  lo4 hon3 gwo2   = mangosteen, momordicae fruit; luohanguo; luo-han-kuo
detail  laat6 ziu1 zoeng3 hon3 bou2   = chiliburger
detail  lo4 hon3 zaai1   = a special vegetarian dish
detail  hon3 hau2  han4 kou3 = Hankou
detail  hon3 hok6  han4 xue2 = Chinese studies, Sinology
detail  hon3 jyu5 seoi2 ping4 haau2 si5  han4 yu3 shui3 ping2 kao3 shi4 = HSK Test; Chinese Proficiency Test
detail  hon3 zuk6  han4 zu2 = Han nationality (majority population in China); ethnic Han
detail  hon3 gaan1  han4 jian1 = a traitor to China
detail  hon3 bou2  han4 bao3 = Hamburg (German city); [loan.] hamburger
detail  hon3 faa3  han4 hua4 = Chinese localization; to convert sth into Chinese
detail  hon3 doi6   = the Han Dynasty
detail  hon3 bou2 paa2   = hamburger steak
detail  hon3 bou2 ngau4 juk6   = hamburger meat
detail  hon3 man4   = Chinese, the Chinese Language
detail  jin1 juk6 daan6*2 hon3 bou2  yan1 rou4 dan4 han4 bao3 = Egg McMuffin
detail  hon3 jyu5 seoi2 ping4 cak1 si3   = Chinese Language Proficiency Test (more commonly 漢語水平考試)
detail  zi1 si6*2 hon3 bou2 baau1   = a cheeseburger
detail  hon3 jyu5 ci4 din2  han4 yu3 ci2 dian3 = a Chinese dictionary
detail  hon3 jyu5 jyu5 faat3  han4 yu3 yu3 fa3 = Chinese grammar
detail  daai6 hon3  da4 han4 = big person; the great Han dynasty
detail  daan1 san1 hon3  dan1 shen1 han4 = a bachelor
detail  gaan2 faa3 hon3 zi6  jian3 hua4 han4 zi4 = simplify Chinese characters; simplified Chinese characters
detail  hon3 gung1  han4 gong1 = The Palace of China, The Han Palace
detail  lo4 hon3 zuk1   = Phyllostachys aurea (fishpole bamboo)
detail  hon3 hok6 gaa1  han4 xue2 jia1 = sinologist , sinologue
detail  jing1 hon3  ying1 han4 = English-Chinese (of language)
detail  hon3 hok6 hai6  han4 xue2 xi4 = Department of Sinology / Chinese studies
detail  mong5 hon3  mang3 han4 = a rough type of guy; a rude fellow
detail  mun4 ngoi6 hon3  men2 wai4 han4 = an outsider; a laymen; sb. uninitiated
detail  co2 ho4 hon3 gaai3  chu3 he2 han4 jie4 = the border of two opposing powers
detail  hou2 hon3  hao3 han4 = hero; strong and courageous person
detail  wan4 hon3  yun2 han4 = The Milky Way
detail  lau4 long6 hon3  liu2 lang4 han4 = tramp, wanderer, vagrant
detail  hou2 hon3 bat1 hek3 ngaan5 cin4 kwai1  hao3 han4 bu4 chi1 yan3 qian2 kui1 = a smart man knows when to avoid immediate harm
detail  lo4 hon3  luo2 han4 = worthy, worshipful; perfect man of Hinayana; Arhat, Buddhist saint
detail  sap6 baat3 lo4 hon3  shi2 ba1 luo2 han4 = the 18 Arhats; (mahjong) four kong/quadruplet hand
detail  mou5 hon3  wu3 han4 = Wuhan
detail  hon3 taa1 beng6 duk6  han4 ta1 bing4 du2 = hantavirus
detail  hon3 mat6 ji5 deon6  han4 mi4 er3 dun4 = [translit.] Hamilton
detail  hon3 ciu4  han4 chao2 = Han Dynasty
detail  cin4 hon3   = Former Han Dynasty (also 西漢)
detail 西  sai1 hon3   = Western Han Dynasty (also 前漢)
detail  hau6 hon3   = Later Han Dynasty (also 東漢)
detail  dung1 hon3   = Eastern Han Dynasty (also 後漢)
detail  gwong2 hon3  guang3 han4 = Guanghan (city in Sichuan)
detail  hon3 cyun1  han4 chuan1 = Hanchuan (place in Hubei)
detail  hon3 gu1 keoi1  han4 gu1 qu1 = Hangu (area in Tianjin)
detail  hon3 jam1  han4 yin1 = Hanyin (place in Shaanxi)
detail  hon3 joeng4  han4 yang2 = Hanyang (place in Hubei)
detail  hon3 jyun4  han4 yuan2 = Hanyuan (place in Sichuan)
detail  hon3 sau6  han4 shou4 = Hanshou (place in Hunan)
detail  hon3 zung1  han4 zhong1 = Hanzhong (city in Shaanxi)
detail  hon3 zung1 dei6 keoi1  han4 zhong1 di4 qu1 = Hanzhong district (district in Shaanxi)
detail  ngou4 hon3 kei4  ao2 han4 qi2 = Aohan qi (place in Inner Mongolia)
detail  syun1 hon3  xuan1 han4 = Xuanhan (place in Sichuan)
detail  hon3 bou2 zung1 man4 gok3  han4 bao3 zhong1 wen2 jiao3 = Chinese Corner Hamburg
detail  git6 ji1 hon3 gong2  jie2 yi1 han4 gang3 = Ceyhan (Turkish mediterranean port)
detail  ciu4 zau1 nou6 hon3   = Chao Zhou angry guy
detail  hon3 zi6 maa5  han4 zi4 ma3 = Hanzi (HZ) code
detail  dip6 lo4 hon3  die2 luo2 han4 = a human pyramid
detail  baak6 gam1 hon3 gung1  bai2 jin1 han4 gong1 = Buckingham Palace
detail  mou5 hon3 daai6 hok6  wu3 han4 da4 xue2 = Wuhan University
detail  hon3 bou2 wong4  han4 bao3 wang2 = Burger King
detail  san1 zoi6 cou4 jing4 sam1 zoi6 hon3   = body is in one place, while heart is in another
detail  lo4 ban1 hon3  luo2 bin1 han4 = Robin Hood
detail  soeng6 gu2 hon3 jyu5  shang4 gu3 han4 yu3 = Old Chinese; Archaic Chinese
detail  zung1 gu2 hon3 jyu5  zhong1 gu3 han4 yu3 = Middle Chinese; Ancient Chinese
detail  san1 hon3 pou2 gwan6   = New Hampshire
detail  aa3 lo4 hon3  a1 luo2 han4 = Arhat, Luohan, Buddhist saint
detail  lo4 hon3 tong4  luo2 han4 tang2 = hall of the Arhats
detail  hon3 gong1  han4 jiang1 = Han river, Han-gang
detail  hon3 fuk6  han4 fu2 = Han Chinese clothing
detail  lei5 zeng6 uk1 hon3 mou6 bok3 mat6 gun2  li3 zheng4 wu1 han4 mu4 bo2 wu4 guan3 = Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum
detail  hon3 si1  han4 shi1 = Chinese poem / poetry
detail  jat6 bun2 hon3 si1  ri4 ben3 han4 shi1 = poem in the form of Chinese writing Japanese poetry
detail  can4 hon3 wai5  chen2 han4 wei3 = Chen Hanwei
detail  ceon4 hon3  qin2 han4 = Chin Han (a.k.a, Qin Han)
detail  loeng4 hon3 man4  liang4 han3 wen4 = Edmond Leung
detail 耀  ng4 jiu6 hon3  wu2 yao4 han4 = Richard Ng
detail  zung1 hon3 loeng4  zhong1 han4 liang2 = Wallace Chung

Showing all 3 examples containing 漢
detail 漢字歷史上古老文字之一大概四千
Chinese characters are one of history's most ancient writing scripts, approximately four thousand years old.
detail 哪裡我的漢語
No, my Chinese isn't that good.
[Usage of 哪裡's definition [2], for example to reply to a compliment such as 「你的漢語很好。」]
detail 只有庸才留戀大鍋飯年代
Only lazybones and mediocre persons could hanker after the days of messing together.

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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CantoDict v1.4.2 is a collaborative Chinese Dictionary project started in November 2003. Entries are added and mistakes corrected by a team of kind volunteers from around the world.
Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.