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  m4 hou2   jyutping
[1] no good; not good. Mand.: 不好. [2] do not; better not. e.g.: 唔好成日睇電視讀書。Mand.:

Level: 2   Google Frequency: 397,000

This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 10798 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by tym on 14th Jul 2004 02:25 and last edited on 30th Oct 2008 19:03
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Characters in this word:

 m4  -  not; no
 hou2 hou3  -  good; very; friendly; healthy; ready

11 compounds containing this word:

好唔好 - is it good or not ; is it all right
唔好嘈 - shut up
千祈唔好 - don't ever
唔好意思 - excuse me; sorry
唔好郁 - don't move
唔好客氣呀 - "make yourself at home"
唔好嘅時候水溝油 - when not in good relation, (the two are like) oil poured into water
好話唔好聽 - to be frank (lit., "the right words aren't easy to listen to")
日頭唔好講人,夜晚唔好講鬼 - speak of the devil
唔好錯過 - don't miss it! don't miss this chance!
唔好為咗一棵樹, 而放棄成個森林 - don't focus on only one girl, hence give up other girls

Showing all 47 examples containing 唔好
detail 阻住溫書真係唔好意思
Sorry for interrupting your studies!
[Lit. block you revise [particle], really sorry. Standard Chinese:打擾你溫習,真不好意思]
detail 唔好
Stop crying.
[Lit. don't continue cry.]
detail 唔好
Don't chase him!
[Here, the guy is actually running away.]
detail 千祈唔好插手
You must not, by any means, interfere.
[Lit. you 1000-exhortations don't insert-hand [i.e. put it where it doesn't belong.]]
detail 唔好
Don't climb so high.
detail audio 千祈唔好講大話
Don't ever tell lies.
detail audio 唔好絕招
Don't force me to use my ultimate attack on you!
detail audio 好唔好?
Did you sleep well?
detail audio 呢個聖誕唔好飲醉!
Don't get drunk this Christmas!
detail audio 呢個聖誕唔好為咗使錢
Don't spend your money on me this Christmas!
detail 街上唔好走去
Don't chase around on the street.
detail 唔好呢啲防腐劑食物
Don't buy food with preservatives!
[Lit. Don't buy these have preservatives (of) food]
detail 唔好白鴿佢哋非常之揦鮓
Don't touch the pigeons, they're very dirty.
[Lit. don't touch [plural counter] pigeons [particle], they extremely dirty Other synonyms for 揦鮓: 污糟 and 污糟邋遢 ]
detail 我哋環保所以唔好嘥電
We need to protect the environment, so don't waste water and electricity.
[You can interpolate a 咁多 with the added meaning of "so much" in between the verb and object. 我哋要環保,所以唔好嘥咁多電同水]
detail 唔好嘈唔知幾多  ?! 
Don't disturb me, I'm up to my eyes in work.
[Lit. don't disturb me, don't know how-much work [to] do.]
detail 得滯唔好  ?! 
The soup's too hot! Don't drink it yet.
[Lit. [plural counter] soup hot too-much. Don't eat [extensional-aspect particle] him.]
detail 你哋兩個得滯唔好嘈
You two are too noisy, don't disturb me.
detail 唔好惹起
Don't aggravate me !
detail 唔好駁嘴冇禮貌
Don't answer back; it's not polite.
[parsing: 唔好 don't | 駁嘴 answer back | 咁 so | 冇 im- | 禮貌 polite ]
detail audio 唔好惡屎能登
Don't be so mean!
[The sound recording and the written sentence don't match. The recorder mispronounces 惡 (ok3) as ok6, 屎 (si2) as sei2, and 啦 (laa1) as aa1.]
detail audio 唔好爛gag!
Stop making crappy jokes.
detail 唔好大聲畀人歧視
Don't laugh so loudly! We are being discriminated!
detail audio 唔好
It's nothing to do with me
detail 唔好上面睇書!
Don't bend over the desk to read!
detail 唔好字眼!
Don't use such uncommon wording!
detail 唔好捵嚟捵去
He has gastritis; it hurts so much that he tosses and turns on his bed.
detail 先至唔好貪口爽
Tell me only if it is true, don't say it for the mere fun of it.
detail 唔好玩水唔係就𢱕濕
Don't play in the water, or else you will get your clothes wet.
detail 唔好
Pull the string taut but do not yank till it snaps.
detail 而家唔好遲啲喊冷㗎喇
Do not buy now; they will soon be slashing the prices.
detail 女仔小心唔好輕信男人講嘢OK
Girls will be all right as long as they are careful and don't believe in what the guys say.
detail 小小心意受落禮物唔好抰嚟抰去
It is a small token of appreciation, just accept the simple gift instead of pushing it back and forth.
detail 唔好
Do not sway about
detail 人哋啱啱廣東話發音唔好
Her pronunciation is a bit off as she has started learning Cantonese not long ago. You shouldn't tease her.
detail 唔好以為佢地只係學生  ?! 
Don't think they're just students!
detail 唔好偷𥊙人哋沖涼如果唔係眼挑針  ?! 
Don't spy on people when they are showering, otherwise you'll get a stye!
[There is an old wives' tale linking styes to spying on people when they are bathing.]
detail 琴日一套但係一啲唔好
I saw a film yesterday, and boy did it suck.
[Lit. I yesterday see-already [counter] film, however one little bit also not good-watch.]
detail 唔好老鼠佢哋污糟邋遢
Don't touch the rats, they're extremely dirty.
[You could also add in a 好 in this case (i.e. 佢哋好污糟邋遢) with no real difference in meaning.]
detail 唔好意思親自出馬
Sorry to make you come and personally deal with this.
[Lit. sorry, need you personally come-out horse]
detail 電飯煲唔好𠱂書檯上便
Don't choose to put the rice cooker on the desk.
detail 黃色紫色好唔好
Yellow and purple match, does it look good?
detail 紙板受力唔好
The cardboard doesn't carry much weight. Don't add too much.
detail 食力唔好
Sandy road surface doesn't provide much friction. Don't run too fast.
detail 成晚喺度喺度考慮好唔好請假
Ah Hung spent the whole night tossing and turning on his bed, clenching his fist like pig's trotters; he is still considering if he should apply for leave from work.
detail 唔好HEA櫃桶!
Don't make a mess of the drawer!
detail 就算華佗在世唔好
There would not be a cure even if Hua Tuo is alive.
[Hua Tuo was a famous doctor in the Three Kingdoms period. The alternative is '華佗再世' meaning the rebirth of Waa4 To4 ]
detail 沖涼芝麻綠豆嚟嘅唔好囉唆
That I don't take a bath is such a trifling matter, stop nagging at me here!
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