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  gaau2   jyutping
  gao3   pinyin
[1] carry on; engaged in; practise
[2] set up; start; organize
[3] incite; stir up; scheme
[4] seek; secure; obtain
[5] make (sb) suffer; fix (sb)

Stroke count: 13
Level: 2
Radical: (#64)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 17059 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 8th Jul 2009 20:44

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detail  gaau2 sing4 gam2   = do (sth) until it turned out like this
detail  gaau2 gwai2  gao3 gui3 = play tricks
detail  gaau2 zok3   = action, movement
detail  gaau2 dim6   = to get sth. done
detail  gaau2 ding6  gao3 ding4 = to finish a job
detail  gaau2 co3  gao3 cuo4 = mistaken; do sth. wrong [Var.] 攪錯
detail  jau5 mou5 gaau2 co3   = are you kidding me?
detail  gaau2 gaau2 zan3  gao3 gao3 zhen4 = to horse around
detail  gaau2 siu3  gao3 xiao4 = funny; amuse
detail  gaau2 mat1 gwai2  gao3 mie1 gui3 = what the heck are you doing?
detail 𠶧  gaau2 dim6  gao3 dian4 = to accomplish sth.; to (successfully) complete a task
detail  gaau2 wut6  gao3 huo2 = to liven up
detail  zam2 mo1 gaau2  zen3 me5 gao3 = how to do
detail  gaau2 hou2  hao3 hao3 = do well; make a good job of
detail  gaau2 siu3 pin3*2  gao3 xiao4 pian4 = comedy film
detail  daai6 gaau2   = to do something vigorously; to get something into full swing
detail  gaau2 dou3   = cause; result in; even
detail  gaau2 dou3 sei2 fo2   = to involve in (usually financial) trouble; engine trouble or car stalled
detail  gaau2 zyu6   = to disturb; to keep (annoyingly) disturbing someone
detail GAG  gaau2 laan6 gek1   = making crappy jokes
detail  gaau2 tung1  gao3 tong1 = [v] make sense of something
detail  gaau2 gan2 mat1   = what are you doing?
detail  gaau2 m4 dim6   = cannot handle
detail  gaau2 si6   = to make trouble between people (also 搞屎)
detail  gaau2 si2   = to make trouble between people (also 搞事)
detail  gaau2 sau2   = the driving force (person) behind an organization
detail  gaau2 bin1 fo1   = "what are you trying to do?", "what are you plotting?"
detail  gaau2 si2 gwan3   = a troublemaker (lit., "a stick that stirs excrement"); to stir up trouble between people
detail  lo2 lai4 gaau2   = to go looking for trouble
detail  ok3 gaau2  e4 gao3 = spoof
detail  gaau2 bat1 hou2  gao3 bu hao3 = perhaps; maybe
detail  ging6 gaau2 siu3  jing4/jin4 gao3 xiao4 = extremely funny or ridiculous
detail  gaau2 sam6 mo1 gwai2  gao3 shen2 me5 gui3 = "what are you trying to do?", "what are you plotting?"
detail  gaau2 lai4 gaau2 heoi3   = to range back and forth
detail  gaau2 waang4*1   = spoil; ruin
detail  gaau2 wai6 sang1   = sanitation, to clean up
detail  gaau2 bat1 dung2  gao3 bu5 dong3 = not to be able to understand; cannot figure out
detail  gaau2 gaau2 zan3 mou5 bong1 can3  gao3 gao3 zhen4, mao3 bang1 chen4 = to cause trouble; to go to a store and instead of buying sth. you cause trouble
detail  gaau2 ceot1 jan4 meng6  gao3 chu1 ren2 ming4 = do sth. that get someone killed; (slang) get pregnant
detail  gaau3 zaap3  gao3 za2 = to mess up; to ruin; to scre up; to throw a monkey wrench into (粵) 搞橫;搞喎;搞亂檔;
detail  gaau2 lyun6 dong3  gao3 luan4 dang4 = upset the apple cart; stir up trouble
detail  zaan2 gaau2  zhan3 gao3 = do something to no avail; do something for nothing
detail  gaau2 ceot1 go3 daai6 tau4 fat6  gao3 chu1 ge4 da4 tou2 fo2 = to make a mess of things; get oneself in a dilemma
detail  gaau2 gei1   = being gay
detail  zam2 mo1 joeng6*2 gaau2  zen3 me5 yang4 gao3 = how to do
detail  zam2 joeng6*2 gaau2  zen3 yang4 gao3 = how to do
detail  zam2 gaau2  zen3 gao3 = how to do
detail  gaau2 siu3 nok6 bui3 ji5 zoeng2   = the IgNobel Prize (satire ceremony by the Journal of Irreproducible Results)

Showing 10 of 11 examples containing 搞
detail audio 假期搞作
What are your plans for the holidays?
detail 做乜搞成噉
What were you thinking?
[Lit. do what make complete thus [particle]? This is an idiomatic expression that does not take well to direct translation.]
detail 辦公室細路搞到立立亂
The office was turned upside-down by the kids.
[[parsing] (classifier) office by (plural classifier) kids make (extent particle) chaotic http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,128766 ]
detail !
I can't be bothered!
[[synonym] 唔使預我, 我唔得閒 http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?3,117987]
detail 喺度搞乜鬼
What the heck is he/she doing here (or right now)?
detail audio 唔好爛gag!
Stop making crappy jokes.
detail 搞不好故意
He may have done it intentionally.
detail audio 真係棘手
You are competent to have solved such a sticky problem.
detail 無厘頭搞笑
The movie is nonsensical but funny.
detail 經常遲到搞到老闆高興
He is always late, which makes his boss very upset.
[Cantonese grammar does not need a relative pronoun (which) to introduce a subordinate clause.]
Show all 11 examples

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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CantoDict v1.4.2 is a collaborative Chinese Dictionary project started in November 2003. Entries are added and mistakes corrected by a team of kind volunteers from around the world.
Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.