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  saang1 sang1   jyutping
  sheng1   pinyin
[1] [v] give birth to; be born; exist
[2] [v] grow; breed; beget; cause
[3] [n] life; lifetime; livelihood
[4] [n] student; scholar; practitioner
[5] [adj] alive; living; lively
[6] [adj] unripe; uncooked; raw
[7] [adj] unfamiliar; strange; unacquainted
[8] [adj] unskilled; crude; stiff
[9] [n] male role in traditional Chinese opera
[10] [] Mr; mister (abbreviation for 先生)

Jyutping sang1 is literary reading; saang1 is colloquial. Please refer to [www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk]
nounAdditional PoS: adjectiveverb
Stroke count: 5
Level: 1
Radical: (#100)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

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This word has been viewed 41083 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 24th Jun 2014 06:09

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detail  wut1 saang1 saang1  huo2 sheng1sheng1 = alive
detail  zuk1 sang1  zhu2 sheng1 = White fungus Puccinia bambusicol
detail  saang1 coi3  sheng1 cai4 = lettuce
detail  jan4 sang1  ren2 sheng1 = life
detail  daai6 hok6 saang1  da4 xue2 sheng5 = university student
detail  saang1 jat6  sheng1 ri4 = birthday
detail  faa1 sang1  hua1 sheng1 = peanut
detail  sin1 saang1  xian1 sheng5 = mister, Mr.; husband; teacher
detail  hok6 saang1  xue2 sheng5 = student; pupil
detail  jat1 sang1  yi1 sheng1 = lifetime, lifespan, a whole life
See all 562 compounds (CantoDict reports 600 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 52 examples containing 生
detail audio 祝你生日快樂
Wishing you a Happy Birthday!
detail audio 鍾意花生
Do you like to eat peanuts?
detail audio 先生後日
Mr. Wong will be coming back the day after tomorrow.
detail audio 先生請問幾位
Sir, how many people?
detail 做生意
So you want to be a businessman?
[Lit. you want study do business? More direct translation: You want to study how to do business? This is a good example of a serial verb construction. There are three in a row here (想學做) but more are possible.]
detail audio 一生一世都會
I'll love you for the rest of my life.
detail audio 生果營養
Fruits are sweet and nutritious.
[Please note that "有" is missing from the audio by mistake.]
detail 先生爸爸好朋友
Mr. Wong is a good friend of my father.
detail audio 係唔係花生油?
Is this cooked in peanut oil?
detail audio 花生
I cannot eat peanuts.
detail audio 花生敏感
I am allergic to peanuts
detail audio 先生聽日唔使返學
The teacher said we don't need to attend class tomorrow.
detail audio 生性!
Behave yourself!
detail 生果健康有益
Fresh fruit is good for your health
detail 以前呢度生意做得而家喎呵
Doing business here used to be all right, but now, it's over.
detail 一日蘋果醫生遠離
An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.
detail 先生請問有啲可以你嘅
Sir, how can I help you?
detail 電話醫生
She has phoned the doctor.
[咗 is a marker for perfective aspect. ]
detail 你嘅學生功課
You need to mark your students' homework.
[Lit. You need change [in the sense of correct] your student homework.]
detail 學生起身
A student called Ping stood up.
[Lit. have [counter] call Ping-boy [possessive particle] student stand-up]
detail 就算日常生活需要一啲科學常識
We need some scientific knowledge even in dealing with our daily life.
detail 個個學生擔心自己成績
Every student is worried about his grades.
[Reduplicated classifiers (like 個個 here) can be used as a subject, but not as an object. We cannot say, for instance, 通知個個 for "to tell everyone". ]
detail 兩個重係讀緊書
Mr Lee is married with two sons, who are still in school.
[There is no relative pronoun (such as "who") in Cantonese. The change of subject is self-evident from the context.]
detail audio 先生廣州前往桂林
Mr Wong wants to go to Guilin via Guangzhou.
detail audio 生產效率大大提高
Productivity has risen greatly.
detail audio 食咗腐敗食物容易生病
You are liable to get sick by eating putrid food.
detail 醫生要不化驗
Doctor, do I need to have a blood test?
detail audio 點解女朋友靚仔!
Why doesn't he have a girlfriend? Because he's not handsome, of course!
detail 注意地鐵車廂嚴禁飲食保持車廂清潔衛生多謝合作
Please remember. No eating or drinking on MTR trains. Help us keep them fresh, clean and tidy. Thank you!
[http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,132183 It's supposed to be a MTR announcement, but the wordings are not exactly the same.]
detail 嚟嘅所謂專家, 其實學生
The so-called expert they invited has turned out to be a student.
detail audio 所謂專家原來學生
The so-called expert turned out to be a student.
detail audio 公司專門生產電腦
The company specializes in producing computers.
detail 睡眼惺忪小學生校車
The sleepy-eyed students are waiting for the school bus by the road.
detail 老細工人七竅生煙
Boss got really pissed off by the workers.
detail 先生偷拍女朋友女兒洗澡
Mr. Dong is taking pictures of his girlfriend's teenage daughter bathing without her knowledge.
detail audio 與其苟且偷生不如
It is better to die than to drag on with such an ignoble existence.
detail 生性好奇, 甚麼事情研究一番
He is born curious and likes to look into every single thing.
detail 天真爛漫孩子無憂無慮生活
Innocent children, unaffected by the surroundings, live without a worry in the world.
detail 快要達成協議對方節外生枝
An agreement was about to be reached when the other side raised new issues
detail 一頭乳牛一天可以生產加侖牛奶
One dairy cattle can produce about 8 gallons of milk in one day
detail 生果一種有益健康食物
Fresh fruit is a kind of food that's beneficial to health.
detail 唔好以為佢地只係學生  ?! 
Don't think they're just students!
detail 唔好偷𥊙人哋沖涼如果唔係眼挑針  ?! 
Don't spy on people when they are showering, otherwise you'll get a stye!
[There is an old wives' tale linking styes to spying on people when they are bathing.]
detail 啱啱卡通好似𠵇𠺫唔知發生
The anime I was watching just now seemed strange, I'm not quite sure what was going on.
[Lit. I just-now see that [counter] anime seem very strange, not-know happen what-matter]
detail 生意蝕本生意嚟㗎
This venture... is loss-making.
[Lit. this [counter] business is loss-making business [explanatory particle]]
detail 做生意第一就係
If you wanna be a businessman, the first thing you gotta learn is how to play dirty.
[Lit. you want study do business, number one [counter] thing is-exactly study wickedness]
detail 醫生畀我蚊𧕴
The doctor gave me some cream to put on my mosquito bites.
[Lit. [counter] doctor give-already [plural counter] stop-itch-cream give me spread insect bite]
detail 嗰個學生唔見咗手機手機重係
That student has lost his mobile phone, and a new one at that.
[重係...添 = at that]
detail 起嚟先生
Now you come to mention it, I know Mr Ho as well.
[起嚟 is a verb complement which means 'once you start ...'.]
detail 都係比較揸拿好過投資小生意
I am of the view that buying property has more assurance, better than investing in small businesses.
detail 旅遊業擔心某種噱頭十足用語流失生意
The travel industry should not be unduly worried about businesses badly affected due to the cessation in the use of gimmicky linguistics of their promotions.
detail 人生困擾莫過於喪失人生目標
The biggest perplexity in life is losing the goal of life.
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Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.