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  zoi6   jyutping
  zai4 zai3   pinyin
[1] at; in; on; up to [2] [v] rest with; consist in; depend on [3] [v] be alive; living; be present; exist [4] used to indicate a progressive tense

When used to show location, can be 'in', 'on ', or 'to' in Standard Chinese. In the sentences:
Hong Kong is in the south of China
Vietname is on the south of China
Singapore is to the south of China
the Chinese preposition is for all the three occasions.
Stroke count: 6
Level: 2
Radical: (#32)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

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This word has been viewed 31181 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 11th Dec 2011 10:24

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detail  zyu6 zoi6  zhu4 zai4 = live at; live in
detail  cyun4 zoi6  cun2 zai4 = existence; to exist
detail  zi6 zoi6  zi4 zai5 = at ease; free, unrestrained, comfortable
detail  jin6 zoi6  xian4 zai4 = now; at present
detail  hou2 zoi6  hao3 zai4 = luckily; fortunately
detail  zoi6 duk6 syu1  zai4 du2 shu1 = (in the midst of) reading a book; (at this very moment) studying at school or college
detail  jat1 jat6 zi1 gai3 zoi6 jyu1 san4  yi1 ri4 zhi1 ji4 zai4 yu2 chen2 = planning for the whole day will be done in the morning
detail  jat1 nin4 zi1 gai3 zoi6 jyu1 ceon1  yi1 nian2 zhi1 ji4 zai4 yu2 chun1 = planning for the year will be done in spring
detail  zoi6 haa6  zai4 xia4 = under; my humble self
detail  zoi6 naa5  zai4 na3 = where
See all 139 compounds (CantoDict reports 141 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 27 examples containing 在
detail 正在收拾東西
I'm cleaning up!
[Lit. I in-the-process-of tidying-up things]
detail 隔壁
I was next door just now.
[Lit. Just now at next-door]
detail 分鐘之內
I'll be there in a few minutes.
detail 我們黑板一個正方形.
Let's draw a square on the blackboard.
detail 放在
I put the ball on the table.
detail 今年聖誕節不要身上花錢
Don't spend your money on me this Christmas!
detail 這麼出爾反爾剛纔現在不要到底
Stop changing your mind! A while ago, you said you wanted to go, but now you say you don't want to--are you really going or aren't you?
detail 鴨子池塘
The ducks on the pond are swimming to and fro.
[The meaning of 游來游去 is discussed [url=http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,74996,77053#msg-77053]here.[/url] ]
detail 巴士半路拋錨
The bus broke down on the way.
[半路 should not be translated literally as halfway, just "along the way" [粵] [url=http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/examples/938/]link[/url] ]
detail 這個環境這個量詞
The character "場" is a classifier in this context.
[口語:喺呢個環境,呢個〝場〞字係個量詞。 (The actual context in which this sentence arose was 在還原那場雨, where 場 is a classifier for rain.)]
detail 媽媽銀行上班
My mum works at a bank.
detail 好些存放這兒
He has left a number of books with me.
detail 乘務員剪票我們的車票
The train conductor punched our tickets.
detail 我的朋友一個中學打工
My friend has a part-time job at a high school.
detail 危險激光使用
Danger: Laser in use.
detail 本來沿海城市工作
At first he intended to work in a coastal city.
detail 睡眼惺忪小學生校車
The sleepy-eyed students are waiting for the school bus by the road.
detail 我係非常贊同辛苦搵嚟自在食講法,何必委屈自己
I agree with the saying that one should work hard and play hard. Why treat yourself so badly?
detail 好彩得到細心查核搵到問題所在
Fortunately due to your careful checks, we are able to find where the problem lies.
detail 現在流行事物時候成為明日黃花
What is fashionable now will be passe after some time.
detail 可以為咗沕水撞牆在所不惜
He would dive into the water and collide/crash at the wall for you, without regards for the consequences.
[in other words: "He would do anything for you."]
detail audio 而家細路真係身在福中不知福
Children nowadays really don't know how fortunate they are.
detail 法國渡過寒暑
I spent three winters and summers in France.
["three winters and summers" symbolizes three years.]
detail 我哋不斷收到呢啲冇用傳單實在討厭
We keep getting these unwanted flyers; they're a real nuisance.
[In the second part of sentence, the English version uses "they" to show a change of new subject. The Cantonese version does not need a new subject which is understood.]
detail 好在重有公民黨
Thank goodness, we still have the Civic Party.
detail 自學”,顧名思義就是不在學校沒有老師指點自己學習
As the name implies, "Self-study" does not involve going to school where teachers are there to teach and guide; one learns on his own.
detail 就算華佗在世唔好
There would not be a cure even if Hua Tuo is alive.
[Hua Tuo was a famous doctor in the Three Kingdoms period. The alternative is '華佗再世' meaning the rebirth of Waa4 To4 ]

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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CantoDict v1.4.2 is a collaborative Chinese Dictionary project started in November 2003. Entries are added and mistakes corrected by a team of kind volunteers from around the world.
Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.