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  ceot1   jyutping
  chu1   pinyin
[1] go out; come out
[2] show up; be present
[3] exceed; go beyond
[4] put/set up; offer
[5] produce; yield
[6] [] acquire; obtain

Stroke count: 5
Level: 1
Radical: (#17)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 26307 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 17th Jan 2017 13:24

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detail  lau6 dung6 baak3 ceot1  lou4 dong4 bai3 chu1 = lit. one hundred loopholes (idiom); full of mistakes (of speech or article)
detail  loeng4 jap6 wai4 ceot1  liang2 ru4 wei2 chu1 = to assess one's income and spend accordingly; to live within one's means; You can only spend what you earn.
detail  ceot1 cung1  chu1 chong1 = Mahjong: to discard a winning tile; also 出銃
detail  ceot1 tai4  chu1 ti2 = to draw up the theme (for discussion); set a question; set a test
detail  ceot1 heoi3  chu1 qu4 = to exit
detail  jat6 ceot1  ri4 chu1 = sunrise
detail 便  ceot1 bin6   = outside
detail  ceot1 lei4/lai4/loi4  chu1 lai2 = to come out; to emerge
detail  ceot1 meng4*2  chu1 ming2 = famous
detail  ceot1 sai3  chu1 shi4 = to be born; to be reborn; to enter the world
See all 392 compounds (CantoDict reports 408 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 58 examples containing 出
detail audio 聽日朋友出街
I'm going out with my friends tomorrow.
detail audio 我哋而家出門[]
We're leaving now.
[literally, "We're going out the front door now." - the 口 is optional.]
detail 噉樣做為出嚟
This way is to find him out.
detail 洗潔精出嚟
Squeeze out some detergent.
detail audio 唔好絕招
Don't force me to use my ultimate attack on you!
detail 聖誕全部出去
Have you sent all of your Christmas cards yet?
detail audio !
He's gone out for sure!
detail 這麼出爾反爾剛纔現在不要到底
Stop changing your mind! A while ago, you said you wanted to go, but now you say you don't want to--are you really going or aren't you?
detail audio 出名孤寒
He's known for being stingy.
detail 牛奶出自乳牛身上
Cow's milk comes from the body of dairy cows
[Instead of saying "cow produces milk", it sounds more natural to say it the other way: "milk comes from cow"]
detail 頭先伙記已經
Just now he said all the delivery boys had gone out.
detail 點鐘開工所以夜晚唔可以出街
I start work at 7 o'clock each morning, so I can't stay out too late.
[Lit. I every morning also at 7 o'clock open-work, so I late cannot go-out]
detail 出賣朋友
You need to sell out your friends.
detail 出嚟
You need to get it all out of your system at once! [Talking about excretion.]
[Lit. poo you need excrete all out! Note the X晒出嚟 construction here. 嘔晒出嚟 [throw everything up] 喊晒出嚟 [cry]]
detail 粒聲唔出
She went away without a word.
[In Cantonese, the adverb phrase (粒聲唔出) is placed before the verb (走). ]
detail audio 之後我哋大家出去雪人
After the snow stopped falling, we all went out to build a snowman.
detail audio 出千
I caught your cheating!
detail audio 如果發脾氣嘅話唔要出街
If you're still throwing a tantrum, I'm not going out with you.
detail 這些囚犯分批帶出槍斃
The prisoners were led out in batches and shot.
detail audio 現代女裝恤衫露出乳溝露出肚臍都係已經成為常態
Today, it is no longer unusual to have tops for ladies which reveal the cleavage or the navel.
detail audio 如果垃圾出嚟垃圾袋
If you don't want garbage to spill out, you'll need to tie the garbage bag tight!
detail audio 橫掂順便睇戲
Let's go for a movie as we are already here anyway!
detail 掹出
Grip the nail tight and pull it out.
[眼 is the classifier for 釘 (nail).]
detail audio 出去!
Get him out of here!
detail 雖然三十六板斧唔夠犀利
Although he put in all that he knew, he could not match up with you.
detail 逢親放假我哋都會出國遊埠
We travel overseas whenever there is a holiday.
detail 竟然揦鮓招
I never expected him to use such dirty tricks!
detail 肥仔出力𨅝三輪車
The fat guy is pedalling furiously on his tricycle.
detail 想話攞返
After giving half a catty of effort, all I'm asking for is to get back eight taels.
[From the song 《半斤八両》 by 許冠傑 (Sam Hui). Note: 1 catty (斤) equals 16 taels (両).]
detail audio 人一世物一世,出嚟旅行乜都應該試下
Live the moment and enjoy life, when travelling, one should try out and experience everything.
detail audio 使出渾身解數
Forced him to pit all his skills
detail 消防員救出被困電梯
Fire fighters rescued three people trapped inside a lift.
detail 出啲紳士風度開車
Shouln't you be a gentleman by opening the car door for Bou Wah?
detail 真係冇用畀人乜都出嚟
You are useless. You revealed everything when they pressured you to do so.
detail 寸嘴
He's known for his sharp tongue.
detail 咁多對手競爭點樣先至令到自己脫穎而出
With so many other competitors, how can I ensure that I stand out from the rest?
detail 今次舞蹈演出婀娜多姿舞蹈家非常水準
This dance performance used many different styles but were all elegant.The dancers were excellent!
detail 當日天陰陰落雨絲濕出門經已不祥預感
That day the weather was overcast and about to rain. I had a very bad feeling as I stepped out my house.
detail 已經出神入化境界
He has already attained the level of perfection through training.
detail 唱機,不出聲
The record player is broken, it's not making any sound.
detail 我地一定會水落石出
we must investigate this incident till the truth comes out.
[[also]查個水落石出 ]
detail 唔使幾耐可以睇到精彩
In due course, you'll see a spectacular display.
[Lit. in good time, you then can see-arrive one [counter] brilliant [possessive particle] play. 不消多久=唔使幾耐]
detail 唔好意思親自出馬
Sorry to make you come and personally deal with this.
[Lit. sorry, need you personally come-out horse]
detail 獅子動物園出嚟
A lion escaped from the zoo.
detail 嗰陣時親眼見到獅子動物園嗰度出嚟
With my own eyes, I saw a lion come charging out of the zoo!
[Lit. I that time own-eyes see-arrive [counter] lion at zoo that-place zoom-already out come 出嚟 implies that you're standing outside of the zoo, because the lion's coming towards you 咗 implies the lion's already outside the zoo gate (completed)]
detail 出嚟
Get it all out of your system in one go! [Talking about excretion.]
[Lit. excrete completely the poo out]
detail 鯁嚫!〞〝D𦧲出嚟!〞
"I'm choking!" "Quickly spit it out!"
detail 政府打算警察出街巡邏
The government intends to increase the number of policemen on the beat.
[A typical Cantonese sentence uses more verbs than the English version.]
detail 簡直
He had changed so much that I no longer recognized him.
[The two verbs 變 and 認 are each affixed with a verb particle 到 and 唔出 respectively. 到 is a degree particle while 唔出 is a potential particle.]
detail 出現蹤影
the appearance of mountain lion tracks
detail 出嚟肯定有幫助
It would certainly help if you speak out.
[The whole sentence is composed of 5 separate verbs: 講, 出嚟, 肯定, 有, and 幫助. Coming together, 講 becomes the single verb; 出嚟 functions as a directional particle; 肯定 is converted into an adverb; 有 and 幫助 combine as an adjective ]
detail 老婆大人出聲
How would he be so daring as to utter a word, under the staring eyes of his wife.
detail 自從新聞報道椰子又盛, 一帶食肆食住條水, 推出各種各樣椰子有關小食
Ever since the news reported that coconuts were good and all, the entire stretch of eateries here seize the opportunity to serve snacks made from coconuts.
detail audio 雖然老公出便嫖賭飲吹至少賺錢返嚟養家冇眼屎乾淨盲
Despite all the vices outside, your husband brings home money to support the family, you should just pretend you don't know and choose to be happy.
detail 近來傳出流言蜚語老闆畀人捉黃腳雞
Recently there has been all these slanderous tales about the boss being blackmailed for having some extra-marital affair.
detail 做事出錯改正避免矯枉過正
We must correct what has been done wrong, but also avoid making correction beyond what is really necessary.
detail 先至出去
Shake off water from your hand before going out.
detail 景氣好壞口紅銷售看出端倪
The sales volume of lipstick gives a clue as to how prosperous the economy is.

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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