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  gaan1 gaan3   jyutping
  jian1 jian4   pinyin
[] gaan1 | [] jian1
[1] [n] space between; relationship among; interval
[2] [n] (within) a definite time or space
[3] [n] room; cubicle; workshop
[4] classifier for shop, house, bedroom, etc

[] gaan3 | [] jian4
[1] [n] opening; gap; break
[2] [v] separate; alternate; partition
[3] [v] sow discord; drive a wedge

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Radical: (#169)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
間 / 间

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This word has been viewed 26576 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 17th Aug 2013 04:49

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detail  on3 si4 gaan3 sin1 hau6  an4 shi2 jian4 xian1 hou4 = chronological
detail  zi1 gaan1  zhi1 jian1 = between; in the middle of
detail  jam6 ho4 si4 gaan1*3  ren4 he2 shi2 jian1 = anytime
detail  ng5 gaan1  wu3 jian1 = noon; midday
detail  si4 gaan3; si4 gaan1  shi2 jian1 = time
detail  sai2 sau2 gaan1  xi3 shou3 jian1 = washroom
detail  zung1 gaan1  zhong1 jian1 = middle; centre; (placename) Chung Kan
detail  sam6 mo1 si4 gaan1*3  shen2/she2 me5 shi2 jian1 = when? what time?
detail  saai1 si4 gaan1*3   = to waste time
detail  jat1 zan6 gaan1   = soon; a moment; a while
See all 152 compounds (CantoDict reports 172 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 37 examples containing 間
detail audio 餐廳好好
The food at that restaurant is excellent!
detail audio 大學有名!?
This university is very famous!
detail 呢度警崗
There's a police box here.
detail 屋企地毡
This house is carpeted.
[Lit. This [counter] house have carpet]
detail audio 聖誕期間電視好多!
There are lots of good films on TV at Christmas!
detail 聖誕期間電視很多好看電影
There are lots of good films on TV at Christmas!
detail audio 一日嘥時間
It is very time-consuming if the three meals of a day are all made by me.
detail 見到呢度唔係好警崗
I can see a police box that's not very big here.
[Lit. I see-arrive here have one [counter] is-not very big [possessive particle] police box. You CANNOT say 唔大 or 唔好大 instead of 唔係好大, although it may sound like either one if a speaker is talking very quickly. 唔大 should be 細.]
detail 廁所魔鏡世間上邊
Mirror mirror on the washroom wall, who's the fairest one of all?
[Lit. toilet magic-mirror, world on which-one most pretty?]
detail 黑猛猛
This room is pitch black.
detail 辦公室細路搞到立立亂
The office was turned upside-down by the kids.
[[parsing] (classifier) office by (plural classifier) kids make (extent particle) chaotic http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,128766 ]
detail 屈質,將就
The room is indeed cramped, please make do with it.
[[i]literal[/i] (classifier) room is cramped indeed, make-do-with a-little (particle)]
detail 酒店噏耷? 有人幫襯?
Why's this hotel such a mess? How will anyone want to come here?
[Lit. what this [counter] hotel so shabby [particle]? How would have person would frequent [particle]]
detail 近排時間照顧仔女
I'm too busy these days to have time to take care of my children.
[The English phrase "too busy to have time" becomes "too busy and have no time" in Cantonese.]
detail 可惜那天限於時間我們沒有這個問題深入交談
Unfortunately, owing to the lack of time that day, we weren't able to discuss this problem in depth.
detail 慳返時間
to save (back) some time
detail 包括水電費房子
I want to rent a house that has utilities included.
detail audio 如果嘅話唔可以呢個入去
If you're not too busy, could you help me move this dressor into the bedroom?
detail 入去實驗室睇吓我嘅雷射
Follow me into my lab and take a look at my laser.
detail 小心列車月台空隙
Please mind the gap between the train and the platform
[MTR announcement]
detail audio 公司專門生產電腦
The company specializes in producing computers.
detail audio 專門開會
The room is given over to meetings.
detail 基本上剩番頭頭尾尾
The house is basically well-decorated. What remains to be done are just some odds and ends.
detail 餐廳例湯都係三幅被新鮮畀你
This restaurant always serves the same soups; there's never a new thing for you to try.
detail 工廠旁邊住宅殃及池魚
The nearby houses were not spared when the factory caught fire.
detail 中間
Read the side if any; read the middle part if there is no side.
[This is a guesswork method people use to read a Chinese character when they do not know its exact pronunciation.]
detail audio 酒店冇理由話唔定有鬼
There is no reason why the rates for this hotel is so low. Maybe there are ghosts in the rooms.
[Final particle 格 is the affective version of 㗎.]
detail 兩個禮拜鐘意衫舖
I took the shirts that I bought two weeks ago at my favourite shop to be ironed.
[Note: although the verb and object could be separated by the lengthy adjective clause 兩個禮拜前喺我最鐘意嗰間衫舖買, it's more natural and more easily understood use the topicalised construction in this example.]
detail 時間配合難以置信
The coincidentalness of the timing is too hard to believe.
detail 垃圾, 辦公室
Can you bin the junk that's lying around? The office is a mess.
[Lit. you need throw-away [particle used in imperatives] [plural particle] rubbish, [counter] office very messy Other words you could use instead of 好亂: 好亂龍, 亂晒, 亂晒龍, or 亂晒大龍]
detail 突然間咁多芒果覺得𠺫𠵇
I think he's very strange, suddenly eating all those mangoes like that.
[Lit. suddenly eat so many mangoes, I think he very strange.]
detail 朋友屋頂上面
I'm standing on the roof of my friend's house.
[Equivalently: 我企喺朋友間屋嘅屋頂度]
detail 超市行路得到
The supermarket is within walking distance.
[間 the | 超市 supermarket | 行路 walking | 去 go | 得 able to | 到 arrive]
detail 四月忽然間落場大雪真係五月」!
It suddenly snowed during the end of April. "Until it's time to eat Dragon Boat Festival's dumplings, don't put away your warm clothes," as they say!
[未食五月粽寒衣唔入籠 is a Cantonese saying. There are variations used by Mandarin and other dialects.]
detail audio 經濟衰退成因消費投資資產價格之間平衡
Inequilibrium in expenditure, investment and the prices of assets and properties would cause an economic downturn.
detail 我等舖頭打墩傾吓偈消磨時間
I'm going to his store and spend a long time there in a moment, to chat, and to kill time.
detail 兩個禮拜鐘意衫舖
I've taken the shirt that I bought in my favourite clothes shop two weeks ago to be ironed.
[[literal] I taken-have two-weeks-ago in my most-like that-(classifier)-clothes-shop buy that-(classifier)-shirt go iron This Cantonese example shows how a relative clause is composed without a relative pronoun. ]

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.