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  sin1   jyutping
  xian1   pinyin
[1] [n] first; lead; initiative | [ant]
[2] [adv] before; early on; in advance
[3] [adv] temporarily; for the time being; for now
[4] [n] elder generation; ancestor; forefather
[5] [adj] leading; pioneering; initiating
[6] [adj] preceding; early; antecedent
[7] [] [adv] only then/after (shortened for 先至)

nounAdditional PoS: adjectiveadverb
Stroke count: 6
Level: 1
Radical: (#10)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 24235 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 24th Jun 2013 15:42

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detail  on3 si4 gaan3 sin1 hau6  an4 shi2 jian4 xian1 hou4 = chronological
detail  sin1 saang1  xian1 sheng5 = mister, Mr.; husband; teacher
detail  sin1 jan4  xian1 ren2 = forefathers
detail  sin1 fu1  xian1 fu1 = my late husband; [華] 亡夫
detail  tau4 sin1   = just now; a moment ago
detail  sin1 zi3   = not until; only then
detail  hai6 gam2 sin1   = that's it for now; that's all for now
detail  zou2 sin1  zao3 xian1 = earlier; previously
detail  sau2 sin1  shou3 xian1 = firstly
detail  zou2 sin1  zu3 xian1 = ancestors
See all 109 compounds (CantoDict reports 110 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 47 examples containing 先
detail audio 先生後日
Mr. Wong will be coming back the day after tomorrow.
detail audio 先生請問幾位
Sir, how many people?
detail audio 食飯洗手
One should wash one's hands before having a meal.
detail audio
I have to leave earlier.
detail 食完先至
I'll have dinner first and then sort it out!
[Lit. eat-finish-rice only-then do. Std. Chinese: 吃完飯再計算吧]
detail 蘋果鐘意先至
I like to peel apples before eating them.
[Lit. apples, I like peel [perfective zo2] skin only-then eat.]
detail 先生爸爸好朋友
Mr. Wong is a good friend of my father.
detail audio 首先圖書館然後返屋企
First go to the library, then afterwards go home.
detail audio 先生聽日唔使返學
The teacher said we don't need to attend class tomorrow.
detail 究竟定係  ?! 
Actually, does chicken come first or egg first?
detail 可以學好廣東話
How actually can I learn Cantonese well?
[點先 is the abbreviated form of 點樣先至。 先至 means ‘really; actually’ here, often used with 呢 at the end of a sentence for emphasis. See this thread for details: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?1,111468,111471#msg-1114]
detail 先生請問有啲可以你嘅
Sir, how can I help you?
detail 幾時食飯
When do we go having meal?
detail 等我睇睇
Let me see (let me have a look).
detail 頭先伙記已經
Just now he said all the delivery boys had gone out.
detail 重要而家先至
Why has he left telling me such an important thing until now?
[Lit. so important [possessive particle] thing, now only with me say?]
detail 頭先總部𠹭所以
Headquarters called me just now which is why I'm late.
[Lit. Just now headquarters call me, therefore late-already]
detail 頭先email畀你嗰啲資料收到
Have you get the information I emailed to you just now yet?
[Lit. I just-now email give you that information, you receive not-yet [particle]?]
detail 香港先進台灣
Hong Kong is more advanced than Taiwan.
[Lit. Hong Kong advanced surpass Taiwan]
detail 香港先進中國好多
Hong Kong is much more advanced than China.
[Lit. Hong Kong advance surpass China a lot (n.b. this is only intended to illustrate Cantonese comparatives and is not necessarily accurate!)]
detail 先進係咩詞性?/一個形容詞
What part of speech does "先進" belong to? / It's an adjective.
[Lit. "advanced" is what part-of-speech [particle]? / is one [counter] adjective.]
detail 蘋果㓟皮先至
Peel the apple before eating it.
detail audio 先生廣州前往桂林
Mr Wong wants to go to Guilin via Guangzhou.
detail audio 好多冤枉路, 先至搵到
He has taken many a roundabout way before finding this job.
detail 環境被逼先至標參
The circumstances forced him to kidnap.
detail 先至唔好貪口爽
Tell me only if it is true, don't say it for the mere fun of it.
detail 真係多謝雪中送炭我哋先至難關
We really must thank you for giving us (the money, food, material needs etc) so that we can make it through the hard times.
detail 先生偷拍女朋友女兒洗澡
Mr. Dong is taking pictures of his girlfriend's teenage daughter bathing without her knowledge.
detail 學好講嘢當我時候開始而家只係最後先至
I want to learn to speak first . When I can speak well, then I'll learn to write. For now, I just want to leave the writing until last.
[copied from [url=http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,91899,91899#msg-91899]this thread.[/url]]
detail audio 等我試下你嘅咖喱係咪耍家
Let me try and see if your curry is really that accomplished.
detail audio 我哋搓波
Let's have a rally to warm up.
[[In a game of tennis or ping-pong or whatever.] Lit. We come stroke ball first. 我哋嚟搓吓波先 is okay too, with the altered meaning of "let's rally *for a while* to warm up." Further discussion: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/]
detail 咁多對手競爭點樣先至令到自己脫穎而出
With so many other competitors, how can I ensure that I stand out from the rest?
detail 真係住得背而家先知移民
I am really not well informed. It is now that I learn he has migrated.
detail 一日先至健康
Drinking eight glasses of water per day, only then we will be in good health!
detail 人齊開飯
Wait till everyone has arrived and then start the meal
detail 等我.
Let me have a look.
detail 見到頭先已經知道唔係普通筆記
Based on your expression just now, I guess you already know that this isn't an ordinary notebook.
[Lit. see-arrive you just-not (possessive particle) expression, I think you already know-already, this (counter) isn't ordinary (possessive particle) notebook.]
detail 頭先畀我等陣銀行人哋入票
He told me he wanted to go to the bank soon to cash a cheque for someone.
[頭先 implies 10 or 20 minutes ago; contrast with 啱啱 which implies a few seconds ago.]
detail 首先一般情報
First of all, we have some (new) information.
[Lit. first is one [counter] piece-of-intelligence]
I'll leave this bag of clothes with you for the time being.
detail 𠱓幾耐你先
How long did I have to nag you before you agreed to put your pants back on?
detail 租金,等我,,總共萬一
The rent is, just let me get it right, oh yes, 11,000 dollars altogether.
[The speaker uses some discourse markers to make a reply.]
detail 起嚟先生
Now you come to mention it, I know Mr Ho as well.
[起嚟 is a verb complement which means 'once you start ...'.]
detail 打探商業情報先至係參加旅行團真正目的
Spying out business secrets is the true purpose of his joining the tour.
[先至係 (to be really) is always used for emphasis.]
detail 先至出去
Shake off water from your hand before going out.
detail 藥水𢳆先至好飲
There is sediment in the medicine, shake evenly before drinking it.
detail 頭先
He has just been looking for you.
[The final particle 嚟 indicates the completion of an action.]

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.