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  dak1   jyutping
  de2 de5 dei3   pinyin
[] dak1 [] de2
[1] [v] get; obtain; gain
[2] [adj] fit; suit; proper
[3] [adj] finished; ready
[4] [v] [literary] be satisfied/complacent
[5] [v] permit; allow

[] dak1 [] de5
[verb particle] used to express possibility or capability; to indicate the result or degree

[] dak1 [] dei3
[v] must; need; have to

Default PoS: verb Additional PoS: adjective
Stroke count: 11
Level: 1
Radical: (#60)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

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This word has been viewed 39355 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 11th Dec 2014 01:38

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detail  gok3 dak1  jue2 de2 = to think; to feel
detail  dak1 ji3  de2 yi4 = [1] [粵] cute [2] self-satisfied, complacent
detail  m4 gwaai3 dak1   = no wonder
detail  jing6 dak1  ren4 de2 = to recognise
detail  gei3 dak1  ji4 de5 = to remember; to recall
detail  m4 dak1 haan4  m2 de2 xian2 = busy; not free
detail  gwaai3 bat1 dak1  guai4 bu4 de2 = no wonder
detail  m4 dak1   = cannot
detail  dak1 haan4  de2 xian2 = available; to have free time
detail  zik6 dak1  zhi2 de5 = worthwhile; worthy
See all 341 compounds (CantoDict reports 348 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 96 examples containing 得
detail 打字得很
You type very fast!
detail audio 唔記得手提電話
Oh! I've forgotten to bring my mobile phone.
detail 蝸牛得很
A snail moves slowly.
detail 覺得行公司
I think going shopping is boring.
[Lit. I feel walk-company very-boring.]
detail 覺得行公司
Going shopping bores me to death.
[Lit. I feel walk-company would boring die me]
detail audio 當天應該
That day, I think I was only seven.
detail 記得
Remember to buy milk.
detail audio 唔記得
I can't recall his name.
detail audio 花生
I cannot eat peanuts.
detail audio 唔得?
"Is that OK? Will that do? Is this all right?" etc.
[The reply will invariably be "得" or "唔得".]
detail audio 可以.
I can read (study) quickly.
[Illustrates use of V + 得 + modifier construct.]
detail audio 好唔好?
Did you sleep well?
detail audio 睇電視唔得!
I need to watch TV!
[Literally "I cannot not watch TV".]
detail audio 記得!
Remember to bring along all the stuff, okay!
detail 覺得聖誕節當天不會下雪
Do you think it will snow on Christmas Day?
detail audio 蠟燭光照
You look beautiful in the candlelight!
detail audio 火雞唔係容易
Cooking a turkey well is not easy.
detail audio 覺得香蕉?
Don't you think bananas taste weird?
detail 真係得著
You came at the right time
[cf. [url=http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/examples/596/]opposite version[/url]]
detail 真係唔著時
You come at a bad time.
[cf. [url=http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/examples/595/]opposite version[/url]]
detail audio , 快啲?
How come you're so puny! Can't you walk slightly faster?
detail 蝸牛行得
Snails crawl very slowly.
detail 以前呢度生意做得而家喎呵
Doing business here used to be all right, but now, it's over.
detail audio 哎吔唔記得返嚟
Oh, I have forgotten to buy some oranges.
detail 嗰啲聲音覺得好好
I love the sound of those cicadas [nearby]!
[This is an example of topicalisation: the topic of the sentence, 嗰啲蟬嘅聲音, is placed at the front.]
detail 聲音覺得好好
I love the sound cicadas [in general] make.
[Note that because we haven't specified any particular cicadas, we're talking about cicadas in general. (Use 呢啲 or 嗰啲 otherwise.)]
detail 覺得聲音好好
I love the sound cicadas make!
[Lit. I feel cicada [possessive particle] sound very good-sound [particle]!]
detail 覺得呢啲聲音好好
I love the sound these cicadas are making!
[Lit. I feel these cicadas [possessive particle] sound very good-listen [particle].]
detail 呢隻草蜢覺得佢嘅聲音好好
I love the sound this grasshopper makes!
[Lit. This [counter] grasshopper, I feel his sound very good-listen [particle].]
detail 守得秘密係咪
You can keep a secret, right?
detail 寫字整齊
You have nice handwriting.
[Lit. you write characters write manner very tidy]
detail 覺得英國香港有啲乜嘢分別
What differences do you perceive between England and Hong Kong?
[Lit. you feel England with Hong Kong have [plural counter] what differences?]
detail 獵豹世界上動物
The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world.
[Lit. cheetah is world-on run-manner most fast [possessive particle] animal]
detail 覺得普通話兒化好惡
I think that erhua in Mandarin sounds horrible.
[Lit. I feel Putonghua [possessive particle] erhua very terrible-listen]
detail 得滯唔好  ?! 
The soup's too hot! Don't drink it yet.
[Lit. [plural counter] soup hot too-much. Don't eat [extensional-aspect particle] him.]
detail 覺得英國得滯  ?! 
Don't you think the UK's too cold?
[Lit. You not feel UK cold too-much [particle expressing surprise]]
detail 你哋兩個得滯唔好嘈
You two are too noisy, don't disturb me.
detail 佢嘅服務態度冇得彈
Her attitude toward serving people couldn't be better.
[[國] 她的服務態度沒得挑 ]
detail 𦧲𦧲脷
He's slurring his speech.
[Lit. he speak manner tongue-tied. You can also replace 得 with 到 or 嘢 in the sentence.]
detail 唔得閒麻煩你斟水
My hands are full [at the moment]... could you get some water for me?
[lit. my [counter] hand not free, trouble you help me pour water]
detail 覺得份人點呀?
What kind of person would you say she is?
detail 上面
Only three cups are left on the table.
[In this sentence, the aspect marker 翻 merely connotes that there have been more than three cups on the table.]
detail 筆錢唔會覺得肉赤
I don't feel any pain in spending this amount of money.
detail 對得起朋友
be a true friend
detail 唔好大聲畀人歧視
Don't laugh so loudly! We are being discriminated!
detail 覺得自己矜貴
You really think highly of yourself, don't you?
detail 入得嘅
If you can put it in, put it in.
detail audio 點解女朋友靚仔!
Why doesn't he have a girlfriend? Because he's not handsome, of course!
detail audio 游水!
He is by no means a poor swimmer!
[We have to repeat the verb 游 because the object 水 and the extent particle 得 are both there in the sentence.]
detail 呢個紙板箱地下就得㗎喇
Just leave this cardboard box on the floor.
[(No need to do anything else to the box.)]
detail 病咗, 唔怪之得!
He is sick. No wonder he's failed to turn up!
detail 唔理, 求其得喇
I don't mind how small the room is as long as there is a bed inside.
detail 今次比賽我哋全軍覆沒
During the competition, our team was completely annihilated by theirs.
detail 唔單只,講話重開
Not only does he asks peculiar questions, he says things that causes embarassment.
detail 事關重大擔戴?
Is he able to bear the responsibility of such an important matter?
detail 四正!
These writings are very neat and tidy.
detail 枕住健身肌肉都係鬆婄,只得老鼠仔
He has been working out for a long time, yet his muscles are still soft, with only half-developed biceps.
detail 冇雷公咁遠
It is not worth buying goods from such a faraway place.
detail 𪙛𠸉 !
How is it you speak with such a stutter?
detail 仔女慢慢講道理開硬弓唔得
To teach children, one must explain the rationale; going by force won't work.
detail 小心晚年
We must consider this matter more carefully; being cautious will help us go a long way.
detail 𠵇𠺫
He is very particular about food.
detail 雖然只係上台分享自己經歷唔知點自然覺得怯場
Although merely sharing my experiences on stage, I do not know why I would naturally get stage fright.
detail 好彩得到細心查核搵到問題所在
Fortunately due to your careful checks, we are able to find where the problem lies.
detail audio 唔怪之得廚房罐頭逐一逐樣唔見咗原來鼠竊狗偷
No wonder the can foods in the kitchen has been disappearing one by one; so you are the one stealing them.
detail 學好講嘢當我時候開始而家只係最後先至
I want to learn to speak first . When I can speak well, then I'll learn to write. For now, I just want to leave the writing until last.
[copied from [url=http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,91899,91899#msg-91899]this thread.[/url]]
detail audio 提起覺得唏噓
Bringing up that issue makes me feel sad.
detail audio 記得帶挈兄弟
Remember to treat your fellow brothers when you get your promotion!
detail 就至唔記得
Yet again you can’t remember what I’ve just said!
detail 文章點頭如搗蒜
I'm sure that this article will resonate with you thoroughly.
detail audio 真係棘手
You are competent to have solved such a sticky problem.
detail audio 梗係唔及得
He is definitely not as clever as you.
detail 或者呢個褻瀆神明應得報應
This probably is the punishment he gets for blaspheming against the deities.
detail 咁多對手競爭點樣先至令到自己脫穎而出
With so many other competitors, how can I ensure that I stand out from the rest?
detail 真係住得背而家先知移民
I am really not well informed. It is now that I learn he has migrated.
detail 呢度啱啱線雪櫃
This place is just nice for a fridge
detail 弊傢伙,唔記得封信!
Oh shit! I forget to bring along the letter.
detail 乜得氣來氣喘
Why are you gasping?
detail 淨係鍾意紅色,冇得解
She only loves to wear red dresses, which can't be explained why.
detail 邊度有得正宗意大利
Where can (one) finds authentic Italian food?
[[Lit.] where can/have authentic Italian food to be eaten?]
detail 快脆有得
Food will be ready soon. [Lit.] very soon, (food will be done and) available to be eaten.
detail 講嘢大聲
you speak too loudly
[lit. your talk-saying manner [is] too loud.]
detail 剩係得個講字唔使
That guy is just all talk and no action. Pay no attention to him.
detail 突然間咁多芒果覺得𠺫𠵇
I think he's very strange, suddenly eating all those mangoes like that.
[Lit. suddenly eat so many mangoes, I think he very strange.]
detail 其實掟煲但係因為次次所以而家唔敢分手
Actually I really want to break up with her, but I daren't suggest it. Every time I mention it, she bursts into tears.
[Lit. actually I very want with her break-up, however because time-time with her also speak this [counter] matter she cry manner very pitiful, therefore arrive now I not dare with her speak split hand.]
detail 監考老師
The exam proctor is watching too closely.
detail 萬大事有得解決
No matter how formidable this problem seems, it can be solved.
detail 超市行路得到
The supermarket is within walking distance.
[間 the | 超市 supermarket | 行路 walking | 去 go | 得 able to | 到 arrive]
detail 唔恨咁多
It's no use wishing so much.
detail 呢隻病人
This medicine is able to cure the patient.
[The verb 醫 is followed by three particles: 得, 翻, 好. 得 is potential particle; 翻 is resumptive marker; 好 is resultative particle. ]
detail 得㗎?
Would you go after all?
[Alternatively, we can say 你到底去唔去? ]
detail audio 噏得就噏, 周時畀人抽後腳
He talks so much that people often use his own words to contradict him.
detail 年卅晚家人喺度𨅝檯腳, 點知咁啱男朋友預訂情人節喺呢度燭光晚餐
I had my reunion dinner with my family here on Chinese New Year's Eve. Little did I know that my boyfriend made a reservation to have our candlelight dinner in this same place on Valentine's day.
detail 結賬嗰陣時計埋租金保險燈油火臘賺得幾多
When working out the accounts, considering the rental, insurance, utility bills, and other deductibles, there won't be much profit to be made.
detail 好得!
Very cute, isn’t it?

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.