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  wui5 wui6 kui2   jyutping
  hui4 kuai4   pinyin
[] wui5 | [] hui4
[1] [v] will; shall; would; be likely to
[2] [v] understand; know; be able to

[] wui6 | [] hui4
[1] [v] get together; assemble; gather
[2] [v] meet with; see; receive (a guest)
[3] [n] meeting; party; conference
[4] [n] association; society; union
[5] [n] chief city; capital; metropolis

[] wui6 kui2 | [] kuai4
[v] compute; calculate; do the accounts

For the last definition, Jyutping wui6 is much more popular than kui2 even though the latter is recommended by most dictionaries as the standard reading.
Default PoS: verb Additional PoS: noun
Stroke count: 13
Level: 1
Radical: (#73)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
會 / 会

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This word has been viewed 40704 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 2nd Jul 2016 15:32

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detail  zyu1 naa2 wui5 soeng5 syu6   = (lit. female pigs can climb tree) something impossible; "When pigs fly"
detail  ting1 zing3 wui5  ting1 zheng4 hui4 = (legislative) hearing
detail  zung1 waa4 wui6 gun2  zhong1 hua2 hui4 guan3 = The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (CCBA). Chinese Six Companies
detail  hing1 zung1 wui5  xing1 zhong1 hui4 = Revive China Society, founded by Dr Sun Yat-sen 孫中山|孙中山 in 1894 in Honolulu
detail  ling5 wui6  ling3 hui4 = understand, comprehend, grasp
detail  zoi3 wui6  zai4 hui4 = 'see you soon'
detail  gaau3 wui6*2  jiao4 hui4 = church
detail  m4 wui5   = cannot, not willing
detail  dang2 jat1 wui6 ji4  deng3 yi1 huir4 = wait a moment; wait awhile
detail  wui6 waa6*2  hui4 hua4 = conversation
See all 467 compounds (CantoDict reports 526 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 67 examples containing 會
detail audio 今日唔會早餐
Today I'm not going to eat breakfast
detail 平時唔會〞.
Normally we won't say "多過".
[(This is actually referencing the sentence "今年學費貴過舊年").]
detail 覺得行公司
Going shopping bores me to death.
[Lit. I feel walk-company would boring die me]
detail 點解
Why does it have to be like this?
[Lit. why would thus? [Very common phrase on TV dramas and anime!]]
detail audio 一生一世都會
I'll love you for the rest of my life.
detail audio 畢業之後搵工
After I graduate, I will find a job.
detail audio 如果唔係買嘢
If I'm not too tired, I will go shopping.
detail audio 聖誕唔會落雪?
Do you think it will snow on Christmas Day?
detail 覺得聖誕節當天不會下雪
Do you think it will snow on Christmas Day?
detail audio 聖誕節我哋親友
At Christmas we will have a big party.
detail 我們聖誕節當天聚會
On Christmas Day we will have a big party.
detail audio 若果落雪雪人!
If it snows I will make a snowman!
detail 的話聖誕老公公不會禮物
If you aren't a good boy, Santa won't bring you any presents!
detail audio 唔會!
I don’t buy inferior stuff.
detail 一百
Water boils at one hundred degree (Celcius).
detail 點解中國咁多方言
Why are there so many "dialects" in China?
detail 唔會任何
I'm not going to do anything to you.
[Lit. I will not toward you do any (possessive particle) thing]
detail 點解噉樣合作  ?! 
Why would you co-operate like this?
detail 你哋唔會有啲拗撬
Do you ever have arguments?
[Lit. you-[plural marker] will-not-will have [plural classifier] arguments [particle]?]
detail 你哋唔會有啲火花  ?! 
Are there ever sparks between you?
[Lit. you-[plural marker] will-not-will have [plural counter] sparks [particle]? The 'sparks' could possibly of anger or love. [Check please!]]
detail 好多角度  ?! 
I'll think about [it] from many angles.
[Lit. I will think many angles.]
detail 點解佢哋畀人
Why would they be arrested?
[Lit. why they would by-person arrest [particle]]
detail 酒店噏耷? 有人幫襯?
Why's this hotel such a mess? How will anyone want to come here?
[Lit. what this [counter] hotel so shabby [particle]? How would have person would frequent [particle]]
detail 筆錢唔會覺得肉赤
I don't feel any pain in spending this amount of money.
detail 估唔到喺呢度見到!
Fancy seeing you here!
[See the word entry for 估唔到 as the pronunciation for 到 can change depending on the meaning intended.]
detail 通常博物館搵到古董
Antiques can usually be found in museums.
detail audio 專門開會
The room is given over to meetings.
detail 工作如果無任歡迎
Much work remains to be done. Any assistance that you can render is most welcome.
detail 逢親放假我哋都會出國遊埠
We travel overseas whenever there is a holiday.
detail 這兒豬朋狗友吃喝嫖賭
The only thing this good-for-nothing son does is to go around with some bad company and engage in all kinds of vice activities.
detail ,煲燶飯
If you add too little water, you will burn the rice.
detail 真係多謝雪中送炭我哋先至難關
We really must thank you for giving us (the money, food, material needs etc) so that we can make it through the hard times.
detail 唔好玩水唔係就𢱕濕
Don't play in the water, or else you will get your clothes wet.
detail 騎樓危危乎隨時都會跌落
The pots on the balcony seems unstable enough to fall off anytime.
detail 雖然只係上台分享自己經歷唔知點自然覺得怯場
Although merely sharing my experiences on stage, I do not know why I would naturally get stage fright.
detail 學好講嘢當我時候開始而家只係最後先至
I want to learn to speak first . When I can speak well, then I'll learn to write. For now, I just want to leave the writing until last.
[copied from [url=http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,91899,91899#msg-91899]this thread.[/url]]
detail audio 機會稱職老婆
Give me a chance to be a good and competent wife.
detail audio 以為攝影師男朋友一定會好多殊不知一張
I had the idea that by having a photographer as boyfriend, I would have many of my pictures taken. Little did I know that none of the photographs were of me.
detail audio 呢啲手板眼見功夫你好學識
It will not take long before you learn how to do such simple jobs.
detail audio 落去唔會掯喉
Add some water into it and it wouldn't taste so overpowering.
detail 唔知大陸通姦唔會打靶
I wonder if one would be shot dead if one is caught committing adultery in mainland China.
detail 而家唔好遲啲喊冷㗎喇
Do not buy now; they will soon be slashing the prices.
detail 幾點進行篝火晚會
When can we start tonight's bonfire?
detail 棒打鴛鴦
Doing this would break the couple apart. I cannot bear to do it.
detail 做事不留撳地游水唔會較飛
He has all along been very careful. He will not land you in trouble.
detail 社會氛圍
Back then, society had its own sets of norms.
detail 每晚臨瞓一定會祈禱
Everynight before I sleep, I must pray.
detail 祈禱
I'd pray for you
detail 我地一定會水落石出
we must investigate this incident till the truth comes out.
[[also]查個水落石出 ]
detail 以後一定會加倍小心
I will certainly be much more careful in the future.
[加倍小心 literally means "add on double amount of carefulness", which implies "(be)much more careful"]
detail 唔好偷𥊙人哋沖涼如果唔係眼挑針  ?! 
Don't spy on people when they are showering, otherwise you'll get a stye!
[There is an old wives' tale linking styes to spying on people when they are bathing.]
detail 如果阿明真係一個超人⋯⋯唔會米田共返嚟屋企重要走廊地板都係死人⋯⋯
It'd be nice if Ah Ming were a superhero that knew how to fly … Then he wouldn't have brought home the poop that he stepped on in the street and printed it all over the floorboards in the hallway! Cleaning it up will be the death of me …
detail 我哋瞓身做好
We'll give this job our best shot.
detail 你哋遲早唔需要隱瞞
You'd have had to find out sometime, there's no point in me covering anything up.
detail 脾氣
He overturns tables whenever he gets angry.
[Lit. He send-out each-time anger then will reverse-tables.]
detail 每一都會兩次
I always dye my hair twice per year.
detail 有時神經質
She gets hysterical sometimes.
[Lit. she will sometimes very hysterical]
detail 唔可以解釋一下點解無端端被人
Can you explain why you were arrested for no reason?
[Lit. Can-cannot explain a-little-bit why you would-be for-no-reason by people arrest [particle]?]
detail 經濟都會瞓着
Listening to him talk about economics would put anyone to sleep.
detail 笑起上嚟殺死
She has a killer smile.
detail 聽日聚會頸鏈
At tomorrow's gathering, I will be wearing the necklace you gave me.
[住 (-ing) is a durative marker in a future tense sentence here.]
detail 機會錯過永遠唔會返嚟
Once an opportunity slips away, it is gone for good.
[For details on '一 + V + 就' pattern, see http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?1,130226,130243#msg-130243]
detail 佢哋開緊會決定員工命運
They are holding a meeting which would soon decide the fate of thousands of employees.
[The second part of this sentence is a relative clause. The Cantonese clause differs from the English one by omitting the relative pronoun "which". ]
detail 只有庸才留戀大鍋飯年代
Only lazybones and mediocre persons could hanker after the days of messing together.
detail 借此機會, 各位致謝
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all.
detail 係噉落去,
If you keep going on like this, you would lose all your money.
detail 藥水𢳆先至好飲
There is sediment in the medicine, shake evenly before drinking it.

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.