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  ge3 ge2   jyutping
[1] adjective suffix - usu affixed to an adjective and placed before a noun
[2] possessive marker - functioning like " 's " or "of"
[3] relative pronoun - that, who, which
[4] final particle - connoting assertion with emphasis

final particle - connoting assertion with doubt/surprise

Stroke count: 12
Level: 1
Radical: (#30)

This character is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 58686 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 5th Jul 2017 02:28

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detail  keoi5 ge3   = his, her, hers, its
detail  keoi5 dei6 ge3   = their; theirs
detail  nei5 dei6 ge3   = your; yours (plural)
detail  ngo5 dei6 ge3   = our; ours
detail  jan4 dei6 ge3   = other people's
detail  ngo5 ge3   = my; mine
detail  nei5 ge3   = your; yours (singular)
detail  soeng6 jat1 go3 ge3  shang4 yi2 ge4 ge2 = previous one
detail  ge3 waa6*2  ge2 hua4 = (part.) (used in conjuction with 如果 or 唔係 for emphasis) as said
detail  jap6 dak1 ge3   = possible to enter
detail  m4 cing1 co2 ge3   = unintelligible
detail  m4 hai6 ge3 waa6*2   = if not; otherwise
detail  gam3 ngaam1 ge3*2   = what a coincidence
detail  hai6 ngo5 lai4 ge3   = it's me
detail  jau5 ging1 jim6 ge3   = experienced
detail  waan4*2 ge3 je5   = a toy, plaything
detail  sik6 sou3 ge3 jan4   = a vegetarian
detail  sik6 zaai1 ge3 jan4   = a vegetarian (typically Buddhist)
detail  jam2 dak1 ge3   = drinkable
detail  hau2 aa2 ge3   = dumb (mute)
detail  hau2 aa2 ge3 jan4   = a dumb (mute) person
detail  ji5 lung4 ge3   = deaf
detail  m4 sik1 zi6 ge3   = illiterate
detail  m4 sik1 zi6 ge3 jan4   = an illiterate person
detail  zang1 leon6 ge3  zheng1 lun4 ge2 = controversial
detail  lou5 zok3 ge3   = "to make something up" (to say/accuse that something really doesn't exist)
detail  lyun2 tung4 pik1 ge3 jan4   = pedophile
detail  hai2 ngo5 ge3 gok3 dou6   = from my point of view
detail  zaam6 hai2 ngo5 ge3 laap6 coeng4   = from my position; from my standpoint
detail  kei5 hai2 ngo5 ge3 laap6 coeng4   = from my position; from my standpoint
detail  hou2 ge3 si4 hau6 tong4 ci1 dau6*2   = when in good relation, (the two are like) beans stuck together by molasses
detail  m4 hou2 ge3 si4 hau6 seoi2 kau1 jau4   = when not in good relation, (the two are like) oil poured into water
detail  m4 gu3 taa1 jan4 ge3 gam2 sau6   = inconsiderate
detail  fu2 gwaa1 gam2 ge3 min6   = to look miserable
detail  ciu4 lau4 ge3 ceoi1 sai3   = trend
detail  ge3 laa3   = (final particle)
detail  sei3 maan6 gam2 ge3 min6 hau2  si4 wan4 dan4 ge2 mian4 kou3 = wear a big smile
detail  m4 lat1 sik1 ge3   = colorfast (said of textiles)
detail  bat1 gau2 ge2 zeong1 loi4  bu4 jiu3 de5 jiang1 lai2 = in the non-distant future; soon; not too far down the road
detail ...  tai2 zoi6 ge3 fan6 soeng6  di4 zai4 ge2 fen4 shang4 = to give somebody face due to ...
detail  bat1 ho2 zi1 leon6 ge3  bu4 ke3 zhi1 lun4 ge2 = agnostic
detail  gik1 lit6 ge3 ging6 zang1   = cut-throat competition; fierce competition
detail  ge3 zek1   = asserting sth with an affective tone
detail  ge3 ze1   = asserting sth in a downplaying tone
detail  lai4 ge3   = actually, I believe
detail  hou2 ge3 m4 leng4 cau2 ge3 leng4   = ill news is too often true
detail  ban1 heoi1 gam2 ge3 coeng4 min6   = scene of a massive crowd; a massive gathering

Showing 10 of 178 examples containing 嘅
detail audio 你嘅教師邊個
Who is your teacher?
detail audio 烏龍茶一種
烏龍茶 is a type of tea.
detail 北京嗰度天氣點樣
How's the weather over there in Beijing?
[The 嗰度 is optional.]
detail 我嘅地埗喺呢度
My address is here.
[Lit. My address at here.]
detail 我唔知你嘅地埗邊度
I don't know where your address is.
[Lit. I not know your address at where.]
detail 佢嘅地埗
His address is hard to find.
[Lit. His address very hard find.]
detail 鐘意
I don't like tea that's too strong.
[Lit. I not like too strong [possessive particle] tea.]
detail 點解
Why does it have to be like this?
[Lit. why would thus? [Very common phrase on TV dramas and anime!]]
detail 佢哋嘅分別只有半年
There's only half a year's difference between them.
[Lit. Their difference only have half year]
detail 鐘意台灣歌手就係盧廣仲
My favourite Taiwanese singer is Crowd Lu.
Show all 178 examples

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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CantoDict v1.4.2 is a collaborative Chinese Dictionary project started in November 2003. Entries are added and mistakes corrected by a team of kind volunteers from around the world.
Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.