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  ge3 ge2   jyutping
[1] adjective suffix - usu affixed to an adjective and placed before a noun
[2] possessive marker - functioning like " 's " or "of"
[3] relative pronoun - that, who, which
[4] final particle - connoting assertion with emphasis

final particle - connoting assertion with doubt/surprise

Stroke count: 12
Level: 1
Radical: (#30)

This character is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 56477 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 5th Jul 2017 02:28

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detail  keoi5 ge3   = his, her, hers, its
detail  keoi5 dei6 ge3   = their; theirs
detail  nei5 dei6 ge3   = your; yours (plural)
detail  ngo5 dei6 ge3   = our; ours
detail  jan4 dei6 ge3   = other people's
detail  ngo5 ge3   = my; mine
detail  nei5 ge3   = your; yours (singular)
detail  soeng6 jat1 go3 ge3  shang4 yi2 ge4 ge2 = previous one
detail  ge3 waa6*2  ge2 hua4 = (part.) (used in conjuction with 如果 or 唔係 for emphasis) as said
detail  jap6 dak1 ge3   = possible to enter
See all 47 compounds

Showing all 178 examples containing 嘅
detail audio 你嘅教師邊個
Who is your teacher?
detail audio 烏龍茶一種
烏龍茶 is a type of tea.
detail 北京嗰度天氣點樣
How's the weather over there in Beijing?
[The 嗰度 is optional.]
detail 我嘅地埗喺呢度
My address is here.
[Lit. My address at here.]
detail 我唔知你嘅地埗邊度
I don't know where your address is.
[Lit. I not know your address at where.]
detail 佢嘅地埗
His address is hard to find.
[Lit. His address very hard find.]
detail 鐘意
I don't like tea that's too strong.
[Lit. I not like too strong [possessive particle] tea.]
detail 點解
Why does it have to be like this?
[Lit. why would thus? [Very common phrase on TV dramas and anime!]]
detail 佢哋嘅分別只有半年
There's only half a year's difference between them.
[Lit. Their difference only have half year]
detail 鐘意台灣歌手就係盧廣仲
My favourite Taiwanese singer is Crowd Lu.
detail audio 畢業之後搵工
After I graduate, I will find a job.
detail audio 呢個價錢平時
This price is higher than normal.
detail audio 多謝你嘅幫襯下次再嚟過
Thank you for your business. Come back next time.
detail audio 係唔係花生油?
Is this cooked in peanut oil?
detail 唔見咗我嘅荷包
Oh no! I can't find my wallet!
detail audio 我嘅唔舒服.
I have an upset stomach.
[literally "My stomach is uncomfortable"]
detail audio 希望大家輕鬆悠閑聖誕節
I hope we have a relaxing Christmas.
detail audio 你嘅上面
Your hat is on the table.
detail 可以誓願
It's true I swear!
detail audio 唱口幾好
That bird sings well.
detail 中國人筷子食飯
Chinese people are [people who] use chopsticks to have their meals.
["揸" here is actually "to hold"]
detail 打麻雀姨媽嗜好
Playing mahjong is my aunt's hobby.
detail audio 睇到封信時候已經離開香港
By the time you read this letter, I will have already left Hong Kong.
[This line of dialogue is often heard in TV soap operas! :-)]
detail 以前呢度生意做得而家喎呵
Doing business here used to be all right, but now, it's over.
detail audio 全民香港特色
Everyone buying stocks is a characteristic of Hong Kong
detail 先生請問有啲可以你嘅
Sir, how can I help you?
detail audio 中國人前面
Chinese put their surnames to the front.
Some oranges are sweet.
detail 點解中國咁多方言
Why are there so many "dialects" in China?
Water and oil cannnot be mixed together.
detail 唔好呢啲防腐劑食物
Don't buy food with preservatives!
[Lit. Don't buy these have preservatives (of) food]
detail 唔會任何
I'm not going to do anything to you.
[Lit. I will not toward you do any (possessive particle) thing]
detail 唔要嘅話可以第二個
If you don't want it, you can just give it to somebody else.
[Lit. you don't want [conditional delimiter], can give-present give other person]
detail 街燈照住黑暗角落
A really bright streetlight is illuminating a dark corner.
detail 見到呢度唔係好警崗
I can see a police box that's not very big here.
[Lit. I see-arrive here have one [counter] is-not very big [possessive particle] police box. You CANNOT say 唔大 or 唔好大 instead of 唔係好大, although it may sound like either one if a speaker is talking very quickly. 唔大 should be 細.]
detail 古靈精怪動物
A weird and imaginative animal.
detail 如果唔夠小心嘅話煙花危險
If [you're] not careful enough, setting off fireworks is dangerous.
detail 嗰啲聲音覺得好好
I love the sound of those cicadas [nearby]!
[This is an example of topicalisation: the topic of the sentence, 嗰啲蟬嘅聲音, is placed at the front.]
detail 聲音覺得好好
I love the sound cicadas [in general] make.
[Note that because we haven't specified any particular cicadas, we're talking about cicadas in general. (Use 呢啲 or 嗰啲 otherwise.)]
detail 覺得聲音好好
I love the sound cicadas make!
[Lit. I feel cicada [possessive particle] sound very good-sound [particle]!]
detail 覺得呢啲聲音好好
I love the sound these cicadas are making!
[Lit. I feel these cicadas [possessive particle] sound very good-listen [particle].]
detail 呢隻草蜢覺得佢嘅聲音好好
I love the sound this grasshopper makes!
[Lit. This [counter] grasshopper, I feel his sound very good-listen [particle].]
detail 呢隻草蜢鐘意佢嘅聲音
I love the sound this grasshopper makes!
[Lit. This [counter] grasshopper, I very like his sound [particle]. Note that 㗎 can be used interchangeably with 囉 here.]
detail 重要而家先至
Why has he left telling me such an important thing until now?
[Lit. so important [possessive particle] thing, now only with me say?]
detail 你嘅真係好似好攰
Seeing your face, you must be really tired.
[Lit. see your face, really seem very tired [particles]]
detail 今次案件真係棘手
The case I'm working on is very thorny.
[Lit. This time [possessive particle] case really very problematic.]
detail 詳細情況唔可以透露
I can't let you in on the details.
[Lit. small-details information I not-allowed divulge.]
detail 佢嘅真正目的
What's his real plan?
detail 冇用緊要才華
Looks are nothing... the most important thing is talent.
detail 近排我哋滿意
We're satisfied with the work you've done recently.
[Lit. You recently do [particle] things, we [meaningless word] satisfied. Here, 好 has no particular meaning, and just serves to introduce the adjective afterwards.]
detail 琴晚一套感人
I saw a moving film yesterday evening.
[Lit. I yesterday evening see-already one [counter] moving [possessive particle] film.]
detail 噴泉前面黑色
There's a beautiful cat in front of the fountain.
[Lit. fountain front-face have one [counter] beautiful [possessive particle] black-colour cat.]
detail 噴泉側邊白色狗仔
There's a beautiful white puppy beside the fountain.
[Lit. fountain side have one [counter] beautiful [possessive particle] white-colour dog-child]
detail 如果個人你嘅謙虛
If someone praises you, you need to be more humble!
detail 你嘅學生功課
You need to mark your students' homework.
[Lit. You need change [in the sense of correct] your student homework.]
detail 學生起身
A student called Ping stood up.
[Lit. have [counter] call Ping-boy [possessive particle] student stand-up]
detail 啱啱收到現場最新消息
We've just received an on-the-spot update.
[Lit. just now receive on-the-spot most new [possessive particle] news. Std. Chinese: 剛剛收到現場最新的消息. (Heard this sentence on a news report.)]
detail 不愧爸爸
You should be proud to be your father's son.
[lit. you no shame be father [possessive particle] boy]
detail 竟然精緻
I'd never have guessed you could make something so exquisite!
[Lit. you unexpectedly make so exquisite [possessive particle] thing.]
detail 不愧爸爸
You're worthy of being your father's son.
[Lit. worthy be father [possessive particle] boy]
detail 有用
Make yourself a useful person.
[Lit. you need do [counter] useful [possessive particle] person]
detail 一啲
You call this hot? It's not hot at all!
[Lit. one bit also not hot [particle]. This is an idiomatic pattern that indicates emphatic negation of the adjective.]
detail 就嚟十五
He's almost 15 years old.
[Lit. he almost 15 year [particles]]
detail 我嘅
He slapped my face!
detail 獵豹世界上動物
The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world.
[Lit. cheetah is world-on run-manner most fast [possessive particle] animal]
detail 香港,就係
In Hong Kong, I'm most scared of being bitten.
[Lit. Hong Kong, I most scared [possessive particle] exactly is by mosquitoes bite. This sentence is topicalised: the topic (Hong Kong) is introduced at the start. Also, note the phrase 最怕嘅; the 嘅 turns it into a noun phrase.]
detail 覺得普通話兒化好惡
I think that erhua in Mandarin sounds horrible.
[Lit. I feel Putonghua [possessive particle] erhua very terrible-listen]
detail 佢嘅態度敷衍
His attitude is apathetic.
detail 佢嘅服務態度冇得彈
Her attitude toward serving people couldn't be better.
[[國] 她的服務態度沒得挑 ]
detail 佢嘅
Her ass is damn huge!
[Lit. Her ass very [mild expletive] big http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,135805,135810#msg-135810]
detail 以為
Do you think I'm stupid?
detail 個個學生擔心自己成績
Every student is worried about his grades.
[Reduplicated classifiers (like 個個 here) can be used as a subject, but not as an object. We cannot say, for instance, 通知個個 for "to tell everyone". ]
detail audio 燦爛未來
A bright future.
detail audio 如果發脾氣嘅話唔要出街
If you're still throwing a tantrum, I'm not going out with you.
detail audio 月尾之前所有書籍必須歸還圖書館
All books are to be returned to the library before the end of the month.
detail audio 食咗腐敗食物容易生病
You are liable to get sick by eating putrid food.
detail audio 琴日都好今日發燒
It was all fine yesterday; the fever just came up today.
detail audio 現代女裝恤衫露出乳溝露出肚臍都係已經成為常態
Today, it is no longer unusual to have tops for ladies which reveal the cleavage or the navel.
detail audio 公司
How do you spell your company's name?
detail audio 今日打扮真係潮爆
You look really fashionable today!
[Your style is very up to date.]
detail audio 但係
He/She is reading a book, but I can't see what it's called.
detail audio 如果嘅話唔可以呢個入去
If you're not too busy, could you help me move this dressor into the bedroom?
detail 入去實驗室睇吓我嘅雷射
Follow me into my lab and take a look at my laser.
detail audio 小朋友唔准甜品
Children who don't eat their vegetables aren't allowed to eat dessert.
detail 入得嘅
If you can put it in, put it in.
detail audio 我嘅職業唔係一般人可以接受
My occupation is not one that normal people can accept.
detail 馬來西亞未滿17唔准揸車
In Malaysia, those who have not reached the age of 17 cannot (legally) drive.
detail 嚟嘅所謂專家, 其實學生
The so-called expert they invited has turned out to be a student.
detail audio !
Huh! not sweet at all.
detail audio 邊個眼高手低無論佢嘅目標崇高能力
It's such a pity that no matter how big his aims are, he hasn't the ability to see them through.
detail 今次比賽我哋全軍覆沒
During the competition, our team was completely annihilated by theirs.
detail audio 專門開會
The room is given over to meetings.
detail 唔好字眼!
Don't use such uncommon wording!
detail audio 佢嘅金叵羅
His youngest son is his most precious.
detail 蘋果通常㓟皮
I usually eat apples without peeling its skin.
detail 表面上關係好好內裡其實係咪
The relationship is cordial on the surface, but is it really so (deep down inside)?
detail 三板斧一哥面前自吹自擂?
He is not capable but yet has the audacity to blow his trumpet before the master?
detail 成日賭錢都好激氣
As a mother, she is very upset with her son gambling.
detail 女朋友
His girlfriend's legs are so slender.
detail 反而𣲷
The newly changed door lock is unexpectedly not as smooth as the old one.
detail 竟然揦鮓招
I never expected him to use such dirty tricks!
detail 餐廳例湯都係三幅被新鮮畀你
This restaurant always serves the same soups; there's never a new thing for you to try.
detail 一個啱啱
This article is about a recently deceased person.
detail 瞓醒,矇忪.
Rubbing a pair of sleepy eyes after waking up.
detail 唔通將來攝灶罅
You disallow her despite her wanting to marry Ah Tong's son; don't tell me you want her to end up a spinster?
detail 我係非常贊同辛苦搵嚟自在食講法,何必委屈自己
I agree with the saying that one should work hard and play hard. Why treat yourself so badly?
detail 捉棋時候依牙鬆槓
It irritates me when people around me are giving all sorts of comments while I am playing chess.
detail audio 而家情況重有心情游山玩水?
He still has the mood to go for sightseeing at a time like this?
detail 工廠旁邊住宅殃及池魚
The nearby houses were not spared when the factory caught fire.
detail 騎樓危危乎隨時都會跌落
The pots on the balcony seems unstable enough to fall off anytime.
detail 已經寫明點鐘開始
I've already clearly put into writing that it starts at 7 o'clock.
detail 今次婚禮場面認真巴閉
The wedding ceremony was really grand
detail 雖然只係上台分享自己經歷唔知點自然覺得怯場
Although merely sharing my experiences on stage, I do not know why I would naturally get stage fright.
detail 好彩得到細心查核搵到問題所在
Fortunately due to your careful checks, we are able to find where the problem lies.
detail audio 咸豐年嚟講
You are still bringing up things that happened so many years ago
detail 學好講嘢當我時候開始而家只係最後先至
I want to learn to speak first . When I can speak well, then I'll learn to write. For now, I just want to leave the writing until last.
[copied from [url=http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,91899,91899#msg-91899]this thread.[/url]]
detail audio 設計見仁見智
Whether such a design is good or bad, is a matter of opinion.
detail audio 隨口講著衫獨沽一味點知借啲意隔日
I was merely commenting she's always wearing the same clothes; little did I know that she would use it as an opportunity to buy herself a whole cupboard of new clothes the next day.
detail audio 機會稱職老婆
Give me a chance to be a good and competent wife.
detail audio 等我試下你嘅咖喱係咪耍家
Let me try and see if your curry is really that accomplished.
detail audio 畀佢頭槌龍門
I passed the ball to him and he scored with a header
detail audio 霎戇
You are ridiculous!
detail audio 今日咎由自取
He has only himself to blame for the plight he is in now.
detail 消防員救出被困電梯
Fire fighters rescued three people trapped inside a lift.
detail 今次你好嘢不過下次冇咁好彩
You got away this time, but you won't be so lucky next time!
detail 靚女上車小巴麻甩仔打雀噉眼望住
The sleazy guys on the minibus were gawking at the pretty girl the moment she boards
detail 或者呢個褻瀆神明應得報應
This probably is the punishment he gets for blaspheming against the deities.
detail 唔知大陸通姦唔會打靶
I wonder if one would be shot dead if one is caught committing adultery in mainland China.
detail 有啲審美觀念
Some people do have a very bad sense of aesthetics.
detail 今次舞蹈演出婀娜多姿舞蹈家非常水準
This dance performance used many different styles but were all elegant.The dancers were excellent!
detail 一個別具一格建築物
I will bring you to see a unique building.
detail 當日天陰陰落雨絲濕出門經已不祥預感
That day the weather was overcast and about to rain. I had a very bad feeling as I stepped out my house.
detail 朝早稀冧冧晏晝
The bowl of porridge you had this morning was so watery. You will be hungry before noon.
detail 我知道呢個不爭事實
I know this is the undeniable truth.
detail 地鐵西灣河銅鑼灣只需大概二十分鐘車程
It takes only around twenty minutes from Sai Wan Hoi to Causeway Bay by MTR (the Metro).
detail 社會氛圍
Back then, society had its own sets of norms.
detail 考古學研究人類文化歷史學科
Archeology is a science that studies human cultures and history
detail 淨係鍾意紅色,冇得解
She only loves to wear red dresses, which can't be explained why.
detail 生果一種有益健康食物
Fresh fruit is a kind of food that's beneficial to health.
detail 佢嘅穿著品味
(s)He has a good taste in clothes.
[Literally: His/Her (way of) wearing (clothes) really has taste [in other words: "is very tasteful"]. instead of "佢嘅穿著", you may also say "佢嘅衣著/佢著衫".]
detail 邊度有得正宗意大利
Where can (one) finds authentic Italian food?
[[Lit.] where can/have authentic Italian food to be eaten?]
detail 你嘅另一半
How compatible are you and your partner?
[[Lit.] How compatible are you and your other half?]
detail 重嘢時候保持姿勢正確
When moving heavy objects, (one) should maintain a correct posture.
[or "要保持正確嘅姿勢"]
detail 如果阿明真係一個超人⋯⋯唔會米田共返嚟屋企重要走廊地板都係死人⋯⋯
It'd be nice if Ah Ming were a superhero that knew how to fly … Then he wouldn't have brought home the poop that he stepped on in the street and printed it all over the floorboards in the hallway! Cleaning it up will be the death of me …
detail 你嘅未來期待
I have very high expectations for your future.
detail 一帶房屋員工青睞
The workers favour houses in this area.
detail 見到頭先已經知道唔係普通筆記
Based on your expression just now, I guess you already know that this isn't an ordinary notebook.
[Lit. see-arrive you just-not (possessive particle) expression, I think you already know-already, this (counter) isn't ordinary (possessive particle) notebook.]
detail 幾個見到非常之街燈草地上面
I saw a bright and really tall streetlight on the grass a few months ago.
[Lit. I several months before see-arrive have one [counter] and bright and very tall [possessive particle] streetlight located grass-floor on.]
detail 細佬鐘意公眾地方著衫但係呢啲法律
Kid, no-one likes to wear clothes in public, but it's the law!
[Lit. child, have-no people like in public place wear-clothes [particle], however these are law [particle]]
detail 如果真係有興趣學好廣東話嘅話一定要多啲香港
If you want to learn Cantonese, you must listen to more Hong Kong radio.
[Lit. If you really have interest study-well Cantonese [conditional delimiter], you then must listen more Hong Kong channel.]
detail 不過大部分只係冇用情報
Most of the reports are useless though.
[Lit. however most also simply are no use [possessive particle] piece-of-intelligence]
detail 唔使幾耐可以睇到精彩
In due course, you'll see a spectacular display.
[Lit. in good time, you then can see-arrive one [counter] brilliant [possessive particle] play. 不消多久=唔使幾耐]
detail 表達可以隨心所欲
He wants to show that he can have his own way.
detail 時間配合難以置信
The coincidentalness of the timing is too hard to believe.
detail 香港英文脫離
The English spoken in Hong Kong is worse than before.
[Lit. Hong Kong [possessive particle] English broken away-already]
detail 科學家科學方法研究
A scientist is someone who does research using scientific methods.
detail 坦克車履帶戰鬥
A tank is a war machine with caterpillar tracks.
detail 呢個一個開頭光芒芒後尾黑壓壓故事
This is a story that starts out innocently but ends up being very dark.
[Lit. this [counter] is one [counter] start bright, end dark [possessive particle] story]
detail 仲有重要清楚
I still have something important and in need of clarification to ask you.
detail 朋友屋頂上面
I'm standing on the roof of my friend's house.
[Equivalently: 我企喺朋友間屋嘅屋頂度]
detail 八月十五
Your butt is huge.
detail 手機聯繫人列表超過200
The contact list in my mobile phone has more than two hundred entries.
detail 香港財富分配均勻
Hong Kong has a very unequal distribution of wealth.
[There is no verb in this Cantonese sentence.]
detail 嗰個學生唔見咗手機手機重係
That student has lost his mobile phone, and a new one at that.
[重係...添 = at that]
detail 我哋不斷收到呢啲冇用傳單實在討厭
We keep getting these unwanted flyers; they're a real nuisance.
[In the second part of sentence, the English version uses "they" to show a change of new subject. The Cantonese version does not need a new subject which is understood.]
detail 唔恨咁多
It's no use wishing so much.
detail 聽日聚會頸鏈
At tomorrow's gathering, I will be wearing the necklace you gave me.
[住 (-ing) is a durative marker in a future tense sentence here.]
detail 佢哋開緊會決定員工命運
They are holding a meeting which would soon decide the fate of thousands of employees.
[The second part of this sentence is a relative clause. The Cantonese clause differs from the English one by omitting the relative pronoun "which". ]
detail 打探商業情報先至係參加旅行團真正目的
Spying out business secrets is the true purpose of his joining the tour.
[先至係 (to be really) is always used for emphasis.]
detail audio 今朝關於你嘅裡面見到一齊器械
This morning I had a dream, it was about you. In the dream I saw us playing the equipment together
detail 自從新聞報道椰子又盛, 一帶食肆食住條水, 推出各種各樣椰子有關小食
Ever since the news reported that coconuts were good and all, the entire stretch of eateries here seize the opportunity to serve snacks made from coconuts.
detail audio 經濟衰退成因消費投資資產價格之間平衡
Inequilibrium in expenditure, investment and the prices of assets and properties would cause an economic downturn.
detail 大家知道吹水功夫一流可以簡單天花龍鳳吸引
Everyone knows Ah Hung is really good at talking. He can capture his audience by making a simple matter so sophisticated.
detail 沖涼芝麻綠豆嚟嘅唔好囉唆
That I don't take a bath is such a trifling matter, stop nagging at me here!
detail 甚至有能力不留痕跡情況底下
I have the capability to not leave a trace afterwards.
[E.g. on a computer.]
detail 呢度住客穿著禮服為主顯赫
The residents here are all formally attired, a mark of their affluence.
[Note: this is a very formal register, and is not the kind of this you'd drop into everyday conversation.]
detail 今日國民教育
What I'm going to talk today is national education.
[所 is used before the first verb 講 to form the first noun phrase 今日所講嘅, indicating that the second noun phrase (國民教育) must be a 'topic'. If 所 is omitted, the second noun phrase could either be a 'topic' or a 'speaker'. ]
detail 直覺話我知
I have a gut feeling that he stole the money.
[The two nouns "feeling" and "money" could be placed ahead of the two pronouns "I" and "he" respectively in the Cantonese version.]

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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CantoDict v1.4.2 is a collaborative Chinese Dictionary project started in November 2003. Entries are added and mistakes corrected by a team of kind volunteers from around the world.
Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.