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  tung4   jyutping
  tong2   pinyin
[1] same; similar; identical
[2] together; in common
[3] with; as; like
[4] and; as well as
[5] [] for; on behalf of

adjectiveAdditional PoS: adverbconjunction
Stroke count: 6
Level: 2
Radical: (#30)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 33362 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 20th Jul 2009 05:08

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detail  tung4 maai4   = and; join in
detail  m4 tung4   = different, other, not the same
detail  tung4 hok6  tong2 xue2 = classmate, school friend
detail  tung4 si6  tong2 shi4 = colleague; co-worker
detail  tung4 ji3  tong2 yi4 = consent to; concur with; agree
detail  bat1 tung4  bu4 tong2 = not the same
detail  soeng1 tung4  xiang1 tong2 = same; identical
detail  tung4 jat1  tong2 yi1 = identical; the same
detail  tung4 bun6  tong2 ban4 = companion; mate; comrade
detail  tung4 nin4  tong2 nian2 = in the same year; of the same age
See all 174 compounds (CantoDict reports 185 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 47 examples containing 同
detail audio 聽日朋友出街
I'm going out with my friends tomorrow.
detail audio 上星期朋友一齊晚飯
Last Sunday, I had dinner with my friends together.
detail audio 屋企阿爸阿媽阿哥
My home has father, mother, brother and me.
detail audio 小明好朋友
Siu Ming and Siu Fong are good friends.
detail 你哋唔使
You don't need to fight with me!
detail 而家拍拖
I'm not dating her any more.
[Lit. I with her now don't have dating, i.e. we split up. 而家我同佢冇拍拖 is also valid.]
detail audio 過來有啲
Come over here, I've got something I want to discuss with you.
detail audio 唔可以風扇
Can you please turn on the fan for me?
detail audio 發燒頭痛
I have a temperature and headache.
detail audio 同埋一齊
I'll join you and go together.
detail audio 返學可以好多同學
Going to school can get to know a lot of classmates.
detail 媽咪
I am chatting with my mummy.
Water and oil cannnot be mixed together.
detail 次次講大話真係大嚿衰
He tells lies to me every time... he's really obnoxious.
[大嚿衰 is specifically referencing a 大隻老.]
detail 次次講大話真係衰人
She tells lie to me every time... she's a really horrible person.
detail 重要而家先至
Why has he left telling me such an important thing until now?
[Lit. so important [possessive particle] thing, now only with me say?]
detail 我哋環保所以唔好嘥電
We need to protect the environment, so don't waste water and electricity.
[You can interpolate a 咁多 with the added meaning of "so much" in between the verb and object. 我哋要環保,所以唔好嘥咁多電同水]
detail 覺得英國香港有啲乜嘢分別
What differences do you perceive between England and Hong Kong?
[Lit. you feel England with Hong Kong have [plural counter] what differences?]
detail 散咗好耐
I split up with her a long time ago.
[[literal] I with her have-separated very long already]
detail 點呀?女朋友嗌交?
What's the matter? Bickering with your girlfriend again?
detail 唔該睇住
Please keep an eye on my stuff.
[Parsing: 唔該 please | 你 you | 同 for | 我 me | 睇 watch | 住 keep | 啲嘢 the stuff.]
detail audio 今日女朋友掟煲
I broke up with my girlfriend today.
detail audio 上次計數
I still haven't gotten even with you!
[for that thing you did before]
detail 畀我一早唔同
I would have hung up the phone and not chatted with her for so long.
[Literally: 畀我就 - If I was in the situation, 一早收綫 - (I) would have hung up right at the outset 唔同佢嗲 - (and) wouldn't have talked with her 咁耐! - so long!]
detail 阿媽女朋友投契
My mom and girlfriend are having such a kindred conversation.
detail 隔籬周不時打通麻雀令到同屋滋擾
Ah Lin's neighbours often play mahjong right through the night thereby disturbing her and her family.
detail 我係非常贊同辛苦搵嚟自在食講法,何必委屈自己
I agree with the saying that one should work hard and play hard. Why treat yourself so badly?
detail 聽暇清楚
You should settle it with him if he comes later!
detail audio 香港新加坡人高樓大厦
People of Hong Kong and Singapore are used to seeing high rise buildings.
detail 打邊爐同打屎窟可以
These two issues are as different as chalk is from cheese, how can they be put together and be compared at all?
detail audio 點解次次波餅
I didn't do anything to piss you off. Why are you throwing/kicking/[whatever action is appropriate] the ball at my body every time?
[Alternative translation: There's no grudge between us, why are you hitting me with the balls that you return?]
detail 老師我哋參觀二次大戰博物館軍人塚
The teacher brought us to the museum and memorial tombs of World War II.
detail audio 靚女睇戲梗係𦧲飯應
A pretty girl is willing to catch a movie with you. Surely that is something you wished for.
detail audio 魚蛋粉魚蛋牛丸牛丸雪糕薯片? 些粉
Fish ball noodles contain fish balls, beef ball noodles contain beef balls, what kind of noodles contain ice cream and potato chips? 7-Eleven.
[A joke in Cantonese that utilizes the pun between 粉 (noodles) and the Cantonese pronunciation of the second syllable of "seven". See entry for 些粉.]
detail 而家朋友HEA
Right now, I'm hanging out with my friends.
["Hea-ing" can directly replace "hanging out."]
detail 激將法毅力信心
We'll urge by ridiculing him until he regains the will power and confidence.
detail 咁多對手競爭點樣先至令到自己脫穎而出
With so many other competitors, how can I ensure that I stand out from the rest?
detail (san3)
He even lamented to me about the matter
detail 輸賭
I'll bet with you.
detail 考古學研究人類文化歷史學科
Archeology is a science that studies human cultures and history
detail 你嘅另一半
How compatible are you and your partner?
[[Lit.] How compatible are you and your other half?]
detail 其實掟煲但係因為次次所以而家唔敢分手
Actually I really want to break up with her, but I daren't suggest it. Every time I mention it, she bursts into tears.
[Lit. actually I very want with her break-up, however because time-time with her also speak this [counter] matter she cry manner very pitiful, therefore arrive now I not dare with her speak split hand.]
detail 處女座雙子座
Virgo and Gemini are a match right?
detail audio 今朝關於你嘅裡面見到一齊器械
This morning I had a dream, it was about you. In the dream I saw us playing the equipment together
detail 自從新聞報道椰子又盛, 一帶食肆食住條水, 推出各種各樣椰子有關小食
Ever since the news reported that coconuts were good and all, the entire stretch of eateries here seize the opportunity to serve snacks made from coconuts.
detail 年卅晚家人喺度𨅝檯腳, 點知咁啱男朋友預訂情人節喺呢度燭光晚餐
I had my reunion dinner with my family here on Chinese New Year's Eve. Little did I know that my boyfriend made a reservation to have our candlelight dinner in this same place on Valentine's day.
detail 我等舖頭打墩傾吓偈消磨時間
I'm going to his store and spend a long time there in a moment, to chat, and to kill time.

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.