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  zan1 hai6   jyutping
  zhen1 xi4   pinyin
really | 真是真的 in Mandarin

This is "zan1 hai62" when asked as a question.

Level: 1   Google Frequency: 463,000

This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
真係 / 真系

This word has been viewed 18906 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by aaron on 10th Aug 2004 13:27 and last edited on 23rd Aug 2014 19:37
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Characters in this word:

 zan1  -  true; real; factual
 hai6  -  yes, it is; indeed; right; positive; to be

1 compounds containing this word:

真係? - "really?" as a question

Showing all 41 examples containing 真係
detail audio 真係
He is really fast.
detail 阻住溫書真係唔好意思
Sorry for interrupting your studies!
[Lit. block you revise [particle], really sorry. Standard Chinese:打擾你溫習,真不好意思]
detail 妹妹真係好叻
You're really smart, little sis!
[Lit. Younger sister, you really very clever!]
detail 係咪真係完全明白
Do you really understand everything?
detail 真係輸咗
I've lost (this contest)...
[Note that 真係 isn't necessarily translated into English - sometimes it's used where an English speaker would just add extra emphasis onto the word. In this case, "I've *lost*!"]
detail 你哋真係
You're no good at fooling people.
[Lit. you-[plural marker] really trick-not-arrive people]
detail audio 真係唔明白點解噉樣
I really don't understand why he acts/behaves like this.
detail 真係得著
You came at the right time
[cf. [url=http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/examples/596/]opposite version[/url]]
detail 真係唔著時
You come at a bad time.
[cf. [url=http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/examples/595/]opposite version[/url]]
detail 次次講大話真係大嚿衰
He tells lies to me every time... he's really obnoxious.
[大嚿衰 is specifically referencing a 大隻老.]
detail 次次講大話真係衰人
She tells lie to me every time... she's a really horrible person.
detail 你嘅真係好似好攰
Seeing your face, you must be really tired.
[Lit. see your face, really seem very tired [particles]]
detail 今次案件真係棘手
The case I'm working on is very thorny.
[Lit. This time [possessive particle] case really very problematic.]
detail 真係無聊落去
You're being ridiculous, I don't want to mess around any more.
[Lit. really nonsense, I not want play-continue [particle]. 落去 has the meaning of "continue" here and may be suffixed to many verbs.]
detail 真係
You're really very strict, huh?
detail 上次考試真係攞命
The last exam was a real killer.
detail audio 今日打扮真係潮爆
You look really fashionable today!
[Your style is very up to date.]
detail 九大簋加上美女真係錦上添花
Having this feast with such beauties is indeed beyond perfection.
detail 斷估原來真係廿
I was only making wild guesses. Didn't know he actually was 23 years old.
detail 真係多謝雪中送炭我哋先至難關
We really must thank you for giving us (the money, food, material needs etc) so that we can make it through the hard times.
detail 幾百真係及時雨
This few hundred dollars is really great help at the right time.
detail audio 真係癩蛤蟆想食天鵝肉
You are going after a girl who is way too good for you.
detail audio 真係吹脹
He rendered me speechless.
detail audio 真係棘手
You are competent to have solved such a sticky problem.
detail 真係kai
That guy is really nerdy!
detail 真係冇用畀人乜都出嚟
You are useless. You revealed everything when they pressured you to do so.
detail 老虎竟然識食紅蘿蔔真係咄咄怪事
Tigers that eat carrots? How strange is that?!
detail 真係令人猝不及防
I was caught off-guard by this sudden move of his.
detail 真係住得背而家先知移民
I am really not well informed. It is now that I learn he has migrated.
detail 真係著時適值屋企
Came at the right time, just when he is home.
detail audio 而家細路真係身在福中不知福
Children nowadays really don't know how fortunate they are.
detail audio 友仔掗拃真係好鬼麻煩
That over self-entitled person is really troublesome!
detail 起嚟真係一疋布咁長
It's a long incident/story to talk about.
[the story is so long to talk about as if it's as long as a full roll of fabric.]
detail 如果阿明真係一個超人⋯⋯唔會米田共返嚟屋企重要走廊地板都係死人⋯⋯
It'd be nice if Ah Ming were a superhero that knew how to fly … Then he wouldn't have brought home the poop that he stepped on in the street and printed it all over the floorboards in the hallway! Cleaning it up will be the death of me …
detail 如果真係有興趣學好廣東話嘅話一定要多啲香港
If you want to learn Cantonese, you must listen to more Hong Kong radio.
[Lit. If you really have interest study-well Cantonese [conditional delimiter], you then must listen more Hong Kong channel.]
detail 今次真係有排煩
Now you've got a whole bunch of problems.
[Lit. This-time you really have unending problems.]
detail 真係扭計成日冇心機
Siu Wing's always kicking up a fuss about studying, he never has any motivation.
[Lit. Siu Wing really unwilling-to-do-work, all-day also no-heart study things. (This is a good example of a phrase that's really tricky to translate directly.)]
detail 不可一世份人真係大鼻
He thinks he's the best in the world... he's really arrogant.
[second half: he personality really arrogant.]
detail 真係令人懷念一個世紀之後返嚟
We've really missed you while you've been gone the last 100 years.
[Lit. really make-people very miss-you, one century afterwards again return come [particle] This is being said to someone who's lived several hundred years (specifically Greed from Full Metal Alchemist).]
detail 四月忽然間落場大雪真係五月」!
It suddenly snowed during the end of April. "Until it's time to eat Dragon Boat Festival's dumplings, don't put away your warm clothes," as they say!
[未食五月粽寒衣唔入籠 is a Cantonese saying. There are variations used by Mandarin and other dialects.]
detail 真係好Q!
Seriously, it's so xxx annoying!
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