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  gong2   jyutping
  jiang3   pinyin
Cantonese dialectical word: say; speak
Mandarin: V: to emphasize, to speak

Stroke count: 17
Level: 1
Radical: (#149)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
講 / 讲

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This word has been viewed 47935 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 8th Jul 2009 20:44

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detail  gong2 daai6 waa6   = to lie; to prevaricate
detail  gong2 siu3   = to joke; not serious
detail  gong2 gu2 zai2   = to tell a story / stories
detail  gong2 gaa3  jiang3 jia4 = bargain; haggle over the price
detail  gong2 waa6  jiang3 hua4 = to speak; to talk
detail  gong2 si1  jiang3 shi1 = lecturer
detail  gong2 gong2   = talk
detail  gong2 dak1 cing1 co2   = to speak clearly
detail  gong2 je5   = talk
detail  gong2 ji6  jiang3 yi4 = teaching materials
See all 106 compounds (CantoDict reports 107 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 54 examples containing 講
detail audio 唔識廣東話
I don't speak Cantonese.
detail audio 識講廣東話
I know how to speak Cantonese.
detail 平時唔會〞.
Normally we won't say "多過".
[(This is actually referencing the sentence "今年學費貴過舊年").]
detail 喺度亂講乜嘢
What the hell are you doing?
[Lit. you in-the-process-of say what? Std. Chinese: 你在胡說其麼?]
detail 識講好多俗語
He knows lots of slang.
detail audio 過來有啲
Come over here, I've got something I want to discuss with you.
detail audio 呢個廣東話?
How do you say this in Cantonese?
detail audio 千祈唔好講大話
Don't ever tell lies.
detail audio ?!
Is that for real?!
detail 次次講大話真係大嚿衰
He tells lies to me every time... he's really obnoxious.
[大嚿衰 is specifically referencing a 大隻老.]
detail 次次講大話真係衰人
She tells lie to me every time... she's a really horrible person.
detail 次次講大話畀我聽到
He's always telling lies which I hear.
[Lit. He time time also tells-lies, also give me listen]
detail 重要而家先至
Why has he left telling me such an important thing until now?
[Lit. so important [possessive particle] thing, now only with me say?]
detail 𦧲𦧲脷
He's slurring his speech.
[Lit. he speak manner tongue-tied. You can also replace 得 with 到 or 嘢 in the sentence.]
detail 可以留低可以走人嚟講冇所謂
You can stay or go, it's all the same to me.
[Sometimes we need more Cantonese syllables to express the simple English word "or". It's 亦可以 in this sentence. ]
detail 使!
You're telling me!
[Cantonese version does not need an object.]
detail 邊度
Where are you going with this?
He refused to listen to me.
[An example of a Cantonese sentence using more verbs (3 verbs) than its English counterpart (2 verbs).]
detail 每次見到都係講緊電話
He's speaking on the phone whenever I see him.
[English "whenever" = Cantonese "every time" (每次) + "is always" (都係)]
detail audio 嗰啲全部
Nothing you said made any sense.
detail 曹操 曹操  ?! 
PLEASE DELETE AND RECREATE AS A COMPOUND (IDIOM), AS PER http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,92526,92538#msg-92538 Speak of the devil (and he shall appear).
[PLEASE DELETE AND RECREATE AS A COMPOUND (IDIOM), AS PER http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,92526,92538#msg-92538 Note that this is a rough translation "曹操" is actually a famous Chinese general and NOT a translation for the devil.]
detail audio 天下無敵無能為力
[He] talks as if no one in the world could match him, but when he must act, he is completely incapable.
detail 唔單只,講話重開
Not only does he asks peculiar questions, he says things that causes embarassment.
detail 一個啱啱
This article is about a recently deceased person.
detail 𪙛𠸉 !
How is it you speak with such a stutter?
detail 下扒輕輕就要做到
Don't just say it, you must do it.
detail 仔女慢慢講道理開硬弓唔得
To teach children, one must explain the rationale; going by force won't work.
detail 先至唔好貪口爽
Tell me only if it is true, don't say it for the mere fun of it.
detail 我係非常贊同辛苦搵嚟自在食講法,何必委屈自己
I agree with the saying that one should work hard and play hard. Why treat yourself so badly?
detail 聽暇清楚
You should settle it with him if he comes later!
detail audio 咸豐年嚟講
You are still bringing up things that happened so many years ago
detail 學好講嘢當我時候開始而家只係最後先至
I want to learn to speak first . When I can speak well, then I'll learn to write. For now, I just want to leave the writing until last.
[copied from [url=http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,91899,91899#msg-91899]this thread.[/url]]
detail audio 講手指甲凹凹凸凸表示健康問題
I hear that uneven finger nails means that there are some health issues.
detail audio 隨口講著衫獨沽一味點知借啲意隔日
I was merely commenting she's always wearing the same clothes; little did I know that she would use it as an opportunity to buy herself a whole cupboard of new clothes the next day.
detail audio 講話唔使轉彎抹角
Don't have to beat about the bush when you talk.
detail 就至唔記得
Yet again you can’t remember what I’ve just said!
detail 女仔小心唔好輕信男人講嘢OK
Girls will be all right as long as they are careful and don't believe in what the guys say.
detail 人家點樣,點樣做
Just do as you are told.
detail 有時廣東話講起上嚟繑口
Sometimes Cantonese can be very hard to pronounce.
detail 起嚟真係一疋布咁長
It's a long incident/story to talk about.
[the story is so long to talk about as if it's as long as a full roll of fabric.]
detail 送禮心意
With gift-giving, it's the thought that counts. [Lit.] (with) gift-giving, it's about thought.
[講 is short for 講求.]
detail 講嘢大聲
you speak too loudly
[lit. your talk-saying manner [is] too loud.]
detail 剩係得個講字唔使
That guy is just all talk and no action. Pay no attention to him.
detail 聽講話近排獵豹個人
I heard there's a cheetah who killed three people recently.
[Lit. hear-say-speech recently have [counter] cheetah at this area kill-[particle indicating completeness] three people See this thread for discussion on grammar: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,111098,111192#msg-111192]
detail 其實掟煲但係因為次次所以而家唔敢分手
Actually I really want to break up with her, but I daren't suggest it. Every time I mention it, she bursts into tears.
[Lit. actually I very want with her break-up, however because time-time with her also speak this [counter] matter she cry manner very pitiful, therefore arrive now I not dare with her speak split hand.]
detail 聽日嗰啲準備?
Have you finished preparing the stuff you're talking about tomorrow?
[As this sentence consists of a long relative clause 聽日講嗰啲嘢, a topic-comment construction like the above is preferred to a subject-verb-object construction like 你準備好聽日講嗰啲嘢未. ]
detail 𠱂
He wouldn't listen to me. He even said something in retort.
detail 經濟都會瞓着
Listening to him talk about economics would put anyone to sleep.
detail 起嚟先生
Now you come to mention it, I know Mr Ho as well.
[起嚟 is a verb complement which means 'once you start ...'.]
detail 好處
The advantages are too numerous to mention.
[Cantonese verbs and adjectives are often followed by various types of particle. Here, 到、唔 and 晒 are extent, potential and quantifying particles respectively. ]
Where are you going with this?
detail 出嚟肯定有幫助
It would certainly help if you speak out.
[The whole sentence is composed of 5 separate verbs: 講, 出嚟, 肯定, 有, and 幫助. Coming together, 講 becomes the single verb; 出嚟 functions as a directional particle; 肯定 is converted into an adverb; 有 and 幫助 combine as an adjective ]
detail 大家知道吹水功夫一流可以簡單天花龍鳳吸引
Everyone knows Ah Hung is really good at talking. He can capture his audience by making a simple matter so sophisticated.
detail 今日國民教育
What I'm going to talk today is national education.
[所 is used before the first verb 講 to form the first noun phrase 今日所講嘅, indicating that the second noun phrase (國民教育) must be a 'topic'. If 所 is omitted, the second noun phrase could either be a 'topic' or a 'speaker'. ]

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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