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  do1   jyutping
  duo1   pinyin
[1] [adj] many; much; several | [antonym]
[2] [adj] more; more than; odd; over
[3] [adj] excessive; unnecessary
[4] [adv] much better; much more; far more
[5] [adv] how; what; to what extent

Default PoS: adjective Additional PoS: adverb
Stroke count: 6
Level: 1
Radical: (#36)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 27304 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 17th Oct 2014 14:35

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detail  do1 ze6  duo1 xie4 = many thanks
detail  gam3 do1   = so much
detail  han2 do1  hen3 duo1 = a lot; much; many
detail  hou2 do1  hao3 duo1 = a lot; much; many
detail  do1 do1  duo1 duo1 = many
detail  do1 hou2  duo1 hao3 = very good
detail 使  m4 sai2 do1 ze6   = you're welcome; don't mention it
detail  do1 sik1  duo1 se4 = multicolor, multi-color
detail  gei2 do1 cin4*2   = how much?
detail  do1 si6*2   = toast
See all 295 compounds (CantoDict reports 314 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 60 examples containing 多
detail audio 其實不過太多功課
Actually I want to go, but I have too much homework.
detail audio 太多嘢食
Too much food!
[If it is obvious that food is being talked about, the more general 太多嘢喇! would probably be preferred.]
detail audio 今日幾多
What is the date (of today)?
[The possible response will be: 今日|the date|號。 e.g. 今日十二號。 gam1 jat6 sap6 ji6 hou4 。]
detail 平時唔會〞.
Normally we won't say "多過".
[(This is actually referencing the sentence "今年學費貴過舊年").]
detail 好多次
I‘ve heard this song many times
detail 其實我哋多咗
Actually, we're thinking about this too much.
[Lit. actually we think too-much Note: if you ask someone a simple question and they waste time running through every possible eventuality, this is a good phrase to bust out.]
detail 識講好多俗語
He knows lots of slang.
detail 太多
I drank too much tea.
[Lit. I drink-already too much tea]
detail 今日幾多
What's the date today?
[Lit. today at how-many day-of-the-month]
detail audio 記住多啲牛奶
Remember to drink more milk!
detail 世界上很多
There are many people in the world.
detail audio 多謝你嘅幫襯下次再嚟過
Thank you for your business. Come back next time.
detail audio 幾多
How much gas (petrol) do you want to put in?
detail 你的聖誕樹
How tall is your Christmas Tree?
detail audio 聖誕期間電視好多!
There are lots of good films on TV at Christmas!
detail 聖誕期間電視很多好看電影
There are lots of good films on TV at Christmas!
detail 每次太多
You always eat too much food!
detail audio 我哋屋企好多嘢食
We have so much nice food in the house.
detail 我們家裡太多好吃東西
We have so much nice food in the house.
detail audio 我哋你哋好好!
We're better than you!
detail audio 多謝收睇
thank you for watching
detail audio 廣東話進步好多
Your Cantonese has improved a lot!
detail audio 玫瑰好多
Roses are full of thorns.
detail 肥仔多啲運動減肥
Fat guys have to do more exercise to lose weight.
detail audio 返學可以好多同學
Going to school can get to know a lot of classmates.
detail 老虎身上很多棕色條紋
A tiger has many black-brown stripes on its body.
detail 點解中國咁多方言
Why are there so many "dialects" in China?
detail 好多頭盔畀你
There are lots of helmets for you to choose.
[Lit. have many [counter] helmets give you choose. Note: the counter is optional. 有好多頭盔畀你揀 is okay too.]
detail 好聽好多
This song is much nicer to listen to than yours!
[Lit. This one [counter for songs] good-listen surpass yours [particle] lots]
detail 你哋係咪好多男朋友
You must be popular with the boys!
[Lit. you [plural] [clause delimiter], is-or-is-it-not have many boyfriend [particle]]
detail 香港先進中國好多
Hong Kong is much more advanced than China.
[Lit. Hong Kong advance surpass China a lot (n.b. this is only intended to illustrate Cantonese comparatives and is not necessarily accurate!)]
detail 好多角度  ?! 
I'll think about [it] from many angles.
[Lit. I will think many angles.]
detail 唔好嘈唔知幾多  ?! 
Don't disturb me, I'm up to my eyes in work.
[Lit. don't disturb me, don't know how-much work [to] do.]
detail 鮮奶好多鈣質
There's a lot of calcium in this glass of milk.
[Lit. this glass milk have many calcium]
detail 唔介意
Chan won't mind waiting a bit longer.
[The Cantonese and English versions match each other almost word by word.]
detail 多倫多十年
He has lived in Toronto for ten years.
[喇 means "by now" in the sentence, indicating sth in the present. Cutting off 喇, the sentence would mean "He lived in Toronto for ten years", indicating sth of the past.]
detail 耗費多年
To squander away the years.
detail audio 眼闊肚窄重有好多慢慢
Don't be so greedy, there's still a lot of food; eat slower!
detail 今晚咁多梗係食唔晒
There's so much food tonight; of course I can't finish the lot.
detail 屋企重有幾多
How much rice is there left in the house? (at home)
detail 注意地鐵車廂嚴禁飲食保持車廂清潔衛生多謝合作
Please remember. No eating or drinking on MTR trains. Help us keep them fresh, clean and tidy. Thank you!
[http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,132183 It's supposed to be a MTR announcement, but the wordings are not exactly the same.]
detail audio 咁多陰質
you did so many bad things
detail audio 好多冤枉路, 先至搵到
He has taken many a roundabout way before finding this job.
detail 好多根蔃
These old trees have lots of roots.
detail 真係多謝雪中送炭我哋先至難關
We really must thank you for giving us (the money, food, material needs etc) so that we can make it through the hard times.
detail audio 以為攝影師男朋友一定會好多殊不知一張
I had the idea that by having a photographer as boyfriend, I would have many of my pictures taken. Little did I know that none of the photographs were of me.
detail 似乎過份咁多人面奚落
You have gone too far, to ridicule her in front of so many people.
detail 咁多對手競爭點樣先至令到自己脫穎而出
With so many other competitors, how can I ensure that I stand out from the rest?
detail 今次舞蹈演出婀娜多姿舞蹈家非常水準
This dance performance used many different styles but were all elegant.The dancers were excellent!
detail 減價衣服
We're right in the midst of a sale, you should buy a few more shirts.
detail 眼尾好多魚尾紋
I have a lot of crow's feet(wrinkles) at the corner of my eyes.
detail 多謝嗮你承惠十一
Thank you. Please pay eleven dollars.
detail 如果真係有興趣學好廣東話嘅話一定要多啲香港
If you want to learn Cantonese, you must listen to more Hong Kong radio.
[Lit. If you really have interest study-well Cantonese [conditional delimiter], you then must listen more Hong Kong channel.]
detail 好多
The car looks shinier after waxing.
detail 突然間咁多芒果覺得𠺫𠵇
I think he's very strange, suddenly eating all those mangoes like that.
[Lit. suddenly eat so many mangoes, I think he very strange.]
detail 好處
The advantages are too numerous to mention.
[Cantonese verbs and adjectives are often followed by various types of particle. Here, 到、唔 and 晒 are extent, potential and quantifying particles respectively. ]
detail 唔恨咁多
It's no use wishing so much.
detail 兼職工作, 借此幫補
He worked several part-time jobs, thereby helping his family financially.
detail 結賬嗰陣時計埋租金保險燈油火臘賺得幾多
When working out the accounts, considering the rental, insurance, utility bills, and other deductibles, there won't be much profit to be made.
detail …差唔多咁滯
He has almost lost all his money.
[差唔多 and 咁滯 are two apparently redundant adverbs that share the meaning of "almost". However, when used together, they function as two split constituents that form part of a discontinuous construction.]

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.