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  jiu3 jiu1   jyutping
  yao4 yao1   pinyin
[] jiu3 | [] yao4
[1] [v] want; wish; need; ask for
[2] [v] must; should; have to
[3] [v] shall; will; be about to
[4] [adj] important; essential; major
[5] [n] essential points; main points
[6] [conj] if; suppose; in case

[] jiu1 | [] yao1
[1] [v] demand; ask; request
[2] [v] force; coerce; threaten

There is an excellent thread about the various ways of using here.
Default PoS: verb Additional PoS: nounadjectiveconjunction
Stroke count: 9
Level: 1
Radical: (#146)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

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This word has been viewed 34367 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 5th Aug 2013 02:19

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detail  zi2 seoi1 jiu3  zhi3 xu1 yao4 = only needs
detail  bit1 jiu3  bi4 yao4 = necessary; necessity; need
detail  m4 gan2 jiu3   = not critical; never mind
detail  jiu3 si6  yao4 shi5 = if; in case
detail  zung6 jiu3  zhong4 yao4 = important
detail ,  sam1 jiu3 jit6 tau4 jiu3 laang5  xin1 yao4 re4 tou4 yao4 leng3 = One should have a warm heart and a cool head
detail  m4 seoi1 jiu3   = unnecessary
detail  jiu3 jau5  yao4 you3 = to need; to require
detail  bit1 jiu3 si4  bi4 yao4 shi2 = if necessary
detail  faai3 jiu3  kuai4 yao4 = about to
See all 107 compounds (CantoDict reports 110 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 98 examples containing 要
detail audio 行路小心
You must be careful when walking.
detail audio 食飯洗手
One should wash one's hands before having a meal.
detail 入票
I need to cash a cheque.
[Definitely Canto! Not sure whether or not it's Mando too...]
detail 需要畀錢
He must pay me money
[Lit. he must pay money me]
detail 要好珍惜細佬
You need to take care of your brother.
[Lit. you need cherish you brother.]
detail audio 而家決定
I have to decide now.
detail audio 聽日點鐘起身
I need to wake up at 7 o'clock tomorrow.
detail audio 行路幾耐?
How long will it take to walk?
detail audio 一定要睇電視
I must watch TV!
[(spoken by someone obviously addicted to TV!)]
detail 我們聖誕節當天聚會
On Christmas Day we will have a big party.
detail 如果下雪的話雪人
If it snows I will make a snowman!
detail 我們今年聖誕樹真的還是人造
Shall we get a real Christmas tree or an artificial one?
detail audio 想要聖誕禮物
What would you like for Christmas?
[(implying presents)]
detail 聖誕節什麼禮物
What would you like for Christmas?
[(implying presents)]
detail 今年聖誕節不要喝醉
Don't get drunk this Christmas!
detail 今年聖誕節不要身上花錢
Don't spend your money on me this Christmas!
detail 這麼出爾反爾剛纔現在不要到底
Stop changing your mind! A while ago, you said you wanted to go, but now you say you don't want to--are you really going or aren't you?
detail audio 就要量地官
I'll be out of a job after the new year.
detail 刷牙牙膏
To brush your teeth you need toothpaste.
detail 肥仔多啲運動減肥
Fat guys have to do more exercise to lose weight.
detail 需要一把牙刷
I need a new toothbrush.
detail 阿媽今晚煮飯自己
Mum is not going to cook tongiht, so we/I have to have dinner on our/my own.
[Usually mother cooks at home every night. If she does not cook, it implies that she is out at night, so the entire family has to think about the dinner stuff.]
detail 今晚當值
I'm on duty tonight.
[Lit: I need to be on duty tonight.]
detail 不要一般見識!
don't lower yourself to their level!
[lit. don't follow them in being so common/basic/primitive]
detail 唔要嘅話可以第二個
If you don't want it, you can just give it to somebody else.
[Lit. you don't want [conditional delimiter], can give-present give other person]
detail 重要而家先至
Why has he left telling me such an important thing until now?
[Lit. so important [possessive particle] thing, now only with me say?]
detail 冇用緊要才華
Looks are nothing... the most important thing is talent.
detail 試吓程度邊度
You need to find out what his level is like.
[Lit. You need try-little he level at where. In this case, referencing a student's level of English. More explicitly, 你要試吓佢英文程度喺邊度.]
detail 如果個人你嘅謙虛
If someone praises you, you need to be more humble!
detail 你嘅學生功課
You need to mark your students' homework.
[Lit. You need change [in the sense of correct] your student homework.]
detail 我哋環保所以唔好嘥電
We need to protect the environment, so don't waste water and electricity.
[You can interpolate a 咁多 with the added meaning of "so much" in between the verb and object. 我哋要環保,所以唔好嘥咁多電同水]
detail 食完香蕉之後
Throw away the peel after you've finished the banana.
[Lit. eat-finish banana afterwards, need throw-[particle used in imperatives] [counter] banana-skin. Classifier 塊 is optional if the object (蕉皮) consists of two characters. But 塊 would be mandatory if followed by single character 皮. ]
detail 食水就要
If you want to have some fruit you need to pick it [from the tree].
[Lit. you want eat fruit then pick it [particle]]
detail 大大方方
You need to meet her confidently.
[Lit. you need confident-and-holding-yourself-properly-manner see her. 大大方方 means standing upright and looking someone in the eyes.]
detail 有用
Make yourself a useful person.
[Lit. you need do [counter] useful [possessive particle] person]
detail 點解背叛
Why do you need to betray me?
[Lit. why need betray me]
detail 呢個實驗緊要記性
It's vital to remember what you're doing in this experiment.
[Lit. this [counter] experiment[,] most important is memory Translated more directly: "the most important thing about this experiment is memory", but I don't think that's what's meant since the context is a chemistry experiment rather than psychology.]
detail 出賣朋友
You need to sell out your friends.
detail 螢光棒
You need to wave the glow sticks.
detail 就算日常生活需要一啲科學常識
We need some scientific knowledge even in dealing with our daily life.
detail 出嚟
You need to get it all out of your system at once! [Talking about excretion.]
[Lit. poo you need excrete all out! Note the X晒出嚟 construction here. 嘔晒出嚟 [throw everything up] 喊晒出嚟 [cry]]
detail 今朝見工
He's attending a job interview this morning.
[[國] 他今天早上要去參加求職面試。]
detail 不要嘲笑別人錯誤不幸
Do not jeer at the mistakes or misfortunes of others.
detail 我們參照原文必要修改
We consulted the original and made some necessary changes.
detail audio 先生廣州前往桂林
Mr Wong wants to go to Guilin via Guangzhou.
detail 任何勤儉
Be thrifty and hardworking in whatever undertaking you are to start on.
detail 務必按時到達那裡
You must be there on time.
detail 如果有事的話 , 不要
Don't come if you're busy.
detail audio 如果發脾氣嘅話唔要出街
If you're still throwing a tantrum, I'm not going out with you.
detail audio 對待顧客要有禮貌
be polite to customers
detail audio 我哋食藥嗰陣時小心可能副作用
When taking medication, we have to be careful; there may be some side-effects.
detail 醫生要不化驗
Doctor, do I need to have a blood test?
detail audio 唔知阿蓮
Not sure whether Ah Lin wants to go or not.
detail audio 主動
You need to be more proactive (i.e. take the initiative more often).
detail audio 如果垃圾出嚟垃圾袋
If you don't want garbage to spill out, you'll need to tie the garbage bag tight!
detail audio 唔要八達通積分?
Do you want to accumulate Octopus card points? (said by cashiers to customers when making a sales transaction)
[儲 should be pronounced cou5 here]
detail audio 唔要$5朱古力?
Do you want to pay $5 to get a chocolate?
[note the absent character 購 from 換購]
detail audio 唔要$5換購朱古力?
Do you want to pay $5 to get a chocolate?
detail 什麼品牌電視機?
What brand (type) of TV do you want?
detail audio 垃圾桶
Cover the garbage can tightly with the lid.
detail audio 吸煙危害健康, 只要每日, 已經足以致命
Smoking is very harmful; as long as you smoke one cigarette a day, it's enough to cause death
detail 工作如果無任歡迎
Much work remains to be done. Any assistance that you can render is most welcome.
detail BB快啲背囊裡面口水肩BB.
The baby needs to eat。 Quickly take the bib from the backpack and put it over her。
[Discussion on usage of 將: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,120703]
detail 唔通將來攝灶罅
You disallow her despite her wanting to marry Ah Tong's son; don't tell me you want her to end up a spinster?
detail 下扒輕輕就要做到
Don't just say it, you must do it.
detail 仔女慢慢講道理開硬弓唔得
To teach children, one must explain the rationale; going by force won't work.
detail 小心晚年
We must consider this matter more carefully; being cautious will help us go a long way.
detail 真係多謝雪中送炭我哋先至難關
We really must thank you for giving us (the money, food, material needs etc) so that we can make it through the hard times.
detail 裝修材料
The materials that he wants for the renovation is very peculiar
detail 成功就要一步一步千祈切忌
Take things one step at a time; avoid being rash and hasty if you want to succeed.
detail 聽日就要有啲𠍁
You want it by tomorrow? That leaves me with too little time.
detail audio 記得帶挈兄弟
Remember to treat your fellow brothers when you get your promotion!
detail audio 靚女睇戲梗係𦧲飯應
A pretty girl is willing to catch a movie with you. Surely that is something you wished for.
detail 一點的話就要升天!
Get here a second later and I'd be dead!
detail 生性好奇, 甚麼事情研究一番
He is born curious and likes to look into every single thing.
detail 要人不知除非
[1] The best way to hide a misdeed is not to commit it. [2] What is done by night appears by day.
detail 快要達成協議對方節外生枝
An agreement was about to be reached when the other side raised new issues
detail 壓力壓力做咩挑釁
"You have pressure, I have pressure, why do you want to provoke me?"
[This infamous quote from 巴士阿叔 ("Bus Uncle") was a cultural phenomenon in 2006. See the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bus_Uncle.]
detail 重嘢時候保持姿勢正確
When moving heavy objects, (one) should maintain a correct posture.
[or "要保持正確嘅姿勢"]
detail 如果阿明真係一個超人⋯⋯唔會米田共返嚟屋企重要走廊地板都係死人⋯⋯
It'd be nice if Ah Ming were a superhero that knew how to fly … Then he wouldn't have brought home the poop that he stepped on in the street and printed it all over the floorboards in the hallway! Cleaning it up will be the death of me …
detail 聽日
I need to run, see you tomorrow.
detail 如果真係有興趣學好廣東話嘅話一定要多啲香港
If you want to learn Cantonese, you must listen to more Hong Kong radio.
[Lit. If you really have interest study-well Cantonese [conditional delimiter], you then must listen more Hong Kong channel.]
detail 喪事重要部份喪禮
The most important part after a person dies is called the funeral.
[Lit. Death-matters most important part call funeral]
detail 唔係好不過
It's not too urgent but I still need it fast
[Lit. busy then not too busy, however fast do! 有〝你即刻做出嚟〞嘅意思。]
detail 你哋遲早唔需要隱瞞
You'd have had to find out sometime, there's no point in me covering anything up.
detail 唔好意思親自出馬
Sorry to make you come and personally deal with this.
[Lit. sorry, need you personally come-out horse]
detail 垃圾, 辦公室
Can you bin the junk that's lying around? The office is a mess.
[Lit. you need throw-away [particle used in imperatives] [plural particle] rubbish, [counter] office very messy Other words you could use instead of 好亂: 好亂龍, 亂晒, 亂晒龍, or 亂晒大龍]
detail 仲有重要清楚
I still have something important and in need of clarification to ask you.
detail 做生意第一就係
If you wanna be a businessman, the first thing you gotta learn is how to play dirty.
[Lit. you want study do business, number one [counter] thing is-exactly study wickedness]
detail 唔知點算賬
I don't know why he has a bone to pick with you.
[[literal] Don't know why he has to with you settle accounts. ]
detail 點都要辦法呢度
You must bring him here by fair means or foul.
detail ,點解噉樣?
Tut-tut, what on earth did you do that for?
[吓 is an exclamation used here to express disapproval. ]
detail 借此機會, 各位致謝
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all.
detail 呢啲山路𪙛𠸉㗎喇千祈低波
You must engage low gears when you drive as these mountain roads are very uneven.
detail 一個人異鄉無根無蔃自己容易
To be alone in a foreign place without the support from family or society, one has to be very independent; and that can be very trying.
detail 做事出錯改正避免矯枉過正
We must correct what has been done wrong, but also avoid making correction beyond what is really necessary.
detail 糖尿病所以每日胰島素
Her dog has diabetes, so it needs insulin shots each day.

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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