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  zau6   jyutping
  jiu4   pinyin
[1] [adv] right away; at once; thereupon
[2] [adv] only; just; almost
[3] [v] approach; come near; move towards
[4] [v] comply with; accommodate; follow
[5] [prep] with regard to; concerning; as far as

Default PoS: adverb Additional PoS: verbpreposition
Stroke count: 12
Level: 3
Radical: (#43)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 35962 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 1st Dec 2016 02:13

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detail  zau6 faai3   = soon
detail  jat1 zou2 zau6  yi1 zao3 jiu4 = earlier on; from the start
detail  zau6 si6  jiu4 shi4 = means; is; exactly
detail  zau6 hai6  jiu4 xi4 = exactly; even if
detail  m4 hai6 zau6   = otherwise; or else
detail  zau6 gam2   = just like that
detail  zau6 syun3 hai6 gam2   = be that as it may
detail  zau6 lei4   = almost; soon
detail  zau6 jiu3   = about to
detail  zau6 dei6  jiu4 di4 = local; nearby
See all 76 compounds (CantoDict reports 79 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 104 examples containing 就
detail audio 先生後日
Mr. Wong will be coming back the day after tomorrow.
detail audio 下個星期香港
I'm going back to Hong Kong next week.
detail 就算係噉點呀
Even if that's the case, so what?
[Lit. even if is that way, then how [particle]?]
detail 鐘意台灣歌手就係盧廣仲
My favourite Taiwanese singer is Crowd Lu.
detail audio 見到父母開心
I am very happy upon seeing my parents.
detail audio 消息通知
Once you have the news then let me know.
detail 分鐘之後
After a few minutes I'll be there.
detail 分鐘之內
I'll be there in a few minutes.
detail 小馬就是
A foal is a young horse.
detail audio 就嚟死啦
I am being bored to death.
detail audio 就快新屋
I will move to a new house soon.
detail audio 就快大廈
I will move to a new building soon.
detail audio 聖誕節就快
It will be Christmas soon
detail audio 若果聖誕老人送禮畀你
If you aren't a good boy, Santa won't bring you any presents.
detail 的話聖誕老公公不會禮物
If you aren't a good boy, Santa won't bring you any presents!
detail audio 就要量地官
I'll be out of a job after the new year.
detail 就是你的不是
This is your fault
detail 以前呢度生意做得而家喎呵
Doing business here used to be all right, but now, it's over.
detail 一百
Water boils at one hundred degree (Celcius).
detail 如果唔夠小心嘅話煙花危險
If [you're] not careful enough, setting off fireworks is dangerous.
If you pay by card it'll be cheaper.
detail 唔係幾
I'm not too busy.
[唔係太忙/唔太忙. This is a useful construction into which you can place lots of other adjectives: 開心 or 急, for example.]
detail 跌親起身
If you fall over, get back up again!
[Lit. fall bad-thing, stand back up body. As the translation suggests, this is actually a conditional sentence, even though it might not seem like it. More explicitly we could say 如果你跌親嘅話,你就企返起身啦!]
detail 一對唔可以筷子  ?! 
Now that you've lost both your hands, you can't use chopsticks any more.
[Lit. don't-have already one pair hands, you then cannot use chopsticks. (Originally transcribed as 冇咗一隻手,你就唔可以用鍊金術... but 鍊金術 is hardly a useful word for learners.)]
detail 食水就要
If you want to have some fruit you need to pick it [from the tree].
[Lit. you want eat fruit then pick it [particle]]
detail 就嚟十五
He's almost 15 years old.
[Lit. he almost 15 year [particles]]
detail 香港,就係
In Hong Kong, I'm most scared of being bitten.
[Lit. Hong Kong, I most scared [possessive particle] exactly is by mosquitoes bite. This sentence is topicalised: the topic (Hong Kong) is introduced at the start. Also, note the phrase 最怕嘅; the 嘅 turns it into a noun phrase.]
detail 就算日常生活需要一啲科學常識
We need some scientific knowledge even in dealing with our daily life.
detail 屈質,將就
The room is indeed cramped, please make do with it.
[[i]literal[/i] (classifier) room is cramped indeed, make-do-with a-little (particle)]
detail 老細我哋
We'll go wherever the boss says.
[Cantonese sentences often feature a balanced structure with repetitive wordings rather than a simple structure. ]
detail 郁啲撞火
His face flares red whenever he gets cross, which happens quite often.
[Cantonese language often prefers 'simple' repetition (撞火) to 'unnatural' conjunction (such as 每當) for the sense of "whenever".]
detail 可惜那天限於時間我們沒有這個問題深入交談
Unfortunately, owing to the lack of time that day, we weren't able to discuss this problem in depth.
detail 自來水
I only drink water
detail 他的錯誤不能遷就
We mustn't pass over his mistakes.
detail 如果有事的話 , 不要
Don't come if you're busy.
detail audio 如果發脾氣嘅話唔要出街
If you're still throwing a tantrum, I'm not going out with you.
detail audio 琴日都好今日發燒
It was all fine yesterday; the fever just came up today.
detail 快啲唔係就遲到㗎喇
Please be quicker, otherwise it will be late.
detail 是不是這樣不能居安思危?
Is this way not preparing one's self for danger when in good times?
detail 曹操 曹操  ?! 
PLEASE DELETE AND RECREATE AS A COMPOUND (IDIOM), AS PER http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,92526,92538#msg-92538 Speak of the devil (and he shall appear).
[PLEASE DELETE AND RECREATE AS A COMPOUND (IDIOM), AS PER http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,92526,92538#msg-92538 Note that this is a rough translation "曹操" is actually a famous Chinese general and NOT a translation for the devil.]
detail 入得嘅
If you can put it in, put it in.
detail audio 快啲趕唔切㗎喇!
Let's hurry or we might miss it!
[Here, 就...㗎喇 means "or else"]
detail audio 聽話, 㗎喇!
You better behave yourself else I won't take you there!
[Here, 就...㗎喇 carries a more threatening tone, but still serves as a reminder.]
detail 呢個紙板箱地下就得㗎喇
Just leave this cardboard box on the floor.
[(No need to do anything else to the box.)]
detail 噉就的士!
A taxi it will be, then!
He lifts up a bucket of water with just one hand.
detail 唔理, 求其得喇
I don't mind how small the room is as long as there is a bed inside.
detail audio 天下無敵無能為力
[He] talks as if no one in the world could match him, but when he must act, he is completely incapable.
detail 畀我一早唔同
I would have hung up the phone and not chatted with her for so long.
[Literally: 畀我就 - If I was in the situation, 一早收綫 - (I) would have hung up right at the outset 唔同佢嗲 - (and) wouldn't have talked with her 咁耐! - so long!]
detail 九大簋加上美女真係錦上添花
Having this feast with such beauties is indeed beyond perfection.
detail 利害三兩下手勢做低對手
His opponent was defeated in no time. He is really formidable.
detail 我哋幾個夾手夾腳做完報告
We will be able to complete the report very soon with everyone's help and cooperation.
detail 你哋冇幾何就坐
As you all seldom come, do stay (sit) a little longer.
detail ,煲燶飯
If you add too little water, you will burn the rice.
detail 下扒輕輕就要做到
Don't just say it, you must do it.
detail 唔好玩水唔係就𢱕濕
Don't play in the water, or else you will get your clothes wet.
detail 拒載投訴
I'll report you if you refuse to taxi me.
detail 近來一時一時鼓埋泡腮
She has been acting a little strange lately, one moment she is smiling sweetly, next moment she is grumpy
detail 成功就要一步一步千祈切忌
Take things one step at a time; avoid being rash and hasty if you want to succeed.
detail audio 模稜兩可
He does not answer when asked; whenever he responds, they are vague.
detail 聽日就要有啲𠍁
You want it by tomorrow? That leaves me with too little time.
detail 這樣咄咄逼人追問
With your forceful interrogation, he became even more nervous.
detail 學好講嘢當我時候開始而家只係最後先至
I want to learn to speak first . When I can speak well, then I'll learn to write. For now, I just want to leave the writing until last.
[copied from [url=http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,91899,91899#msg-91899]this thread.[/url]]
detail audio 誠意勉為其難原諒你呢
Since you’re so sincere, I’ll reluctantly forgive you just this once!
detail 唔妥,!
Beat him up if we don't feel happy with him!
detail audio 設計見仁見智
Whether such a design is good or bad, is a matter of opinion.
detail audio 提起覺得唏噓
Bringing up that issue makes me feel sad.
detail audio 一個屈尾十
He just turned around and he walked away.
detail audio 隨口講著衫獨沽一味點知借啲意隔日
I was merely commenting she's always wearing the same clothes; little did I know that she would use it as an opportunity to buy herself a whole cupboard of new clothes the next day.
detail audio 燕窩魚翅實情
For no good reason he'll have bird's nest and shark's fin as a meal; he must really be rich.
detail 就至唔記得
Yet again you can’t remember what I’ve just said!
detail audio 呢啲手板眼見功夫你好學識
It will not take long before you learn how to do such simple jobs.
detail 做錯少少, 乞人憎!
He chews you out for every small mistake you make, it's no wonder he's so unpopular!
detail audio 就手留情佢哋
Show some mercy and let them go.
detail 一點的話就要升天!
Get here a second later and I'd be dead!
detail audio 落去唔會掯喉
Add some water into it and it wouldn't taste so overpowering.
detail 激將法毅力信心
We'll urge by ridiculing him until he regains the will power and confidence.
detail 真係冇用畀人乜都出嚟
You are useless. You revealed everything when they pressured you to do so.
detail 而家唔好遲啲喊冷㗎喇
Do not buy now; they will soon be slashing the prices.
detail 燒焊線圈可以撻着
The car should be able to start once we weld the solenoid.
detail 女仔小心唔好輕信男人講嘢OK
Girls will be all right as long as they are careful and don't believe in what the guys say.
detail 豈但年青人愛好運動年紀積極鍛煉身體
Not only are the young keen in sports, even the elderly are enthusiastic about physical training.
detail 就算亦都於事無補
Even by doing so, you would not help the situation.
detail 人家點樣,點樣做
Just do as you are told.
detail 朝早稀冧冧晏晝
The bowl of porridge you had this morning was so watery. You will be hungry before noon.
detail 人哋啱啱廣東話發音唔好
Her pronunciation is a bit off as she has started learning Cantonese not long ago. You shouldn't tease her.
detail 轉身唔見咗
He disappeared as soon as I turned around.
detail 落啲薑蔥可以腥味
Drop in some ginger and scallion , can get rid of the fishy smell.
detail 頭暈
He feels dizzy every time he takes a ferry.
detail 快脆有得
Food will be ready soon. [Lit.] very soon, (food will be done and) available to be eaten.
detail 如果阿明真係一個超人⋯⋯唔會米田共返嚟屋企重要走廊地板都係死人⋯⋯
It'd be nice if Ah Ming were a superhero that knew how to fly … Then he wouldn't have brought home the poop that he stepped on in the street and printed it all over the floorboards in the hallway! Cleaning it up will be the death of me …
detail 如果真係有興趣學好廣東話嘅話一定要多啲香港
If you want to learn Cantonese, you must listen to more Hong Kong radio.
[Lit. If you really have interest study-well Cantonese [conditional delimiter], you then must listen more Hong Kong channel.]
detail 唔使幾耐可以睇到精彩
In due course, you'll see a spectacular display.
[Lit. in good time, you then can see-arrive one [counter] brilliant [possessive particle] play. 不消多久=唔使幾耐]
detail 唔係好不過
It's not too urgent but I still need it fast
[Lit. busy then not too busy, however fast do! 有〝你即刻做出嚟〞嘅意思。]
detail 脾氣
He overturns tables whenever he gets angry.
[Lit. He send-out each-time anger then will reverse-tables.]
detail 做生意第一就係
If you wanna be a businessman, the first thing you gotta learn is how to play dirty.
[Lit. you want study do business, number one [counter] thing is-exactly study wickedness]
detail 冷靜繼續做嘢
Keep Calm and Carry On
detail 機會錯過永遠唔會返嚟
Once an opportunity slips away, it is gone for good.
[For details on '一 + V + 就' pattern, see http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?1,130226,130243#msg-130243]
detail 佢哋開緊會決定員工命運
They are holding a meeting which would soon decide the fate of thousands of employees.
[The second part of this sentence is a relative clause. The Cantonese clause differs from the English one by omitting the relative pronoun "which". ]
detail audio 噏得就噏, 周時畀人抽後腳
He talks so much that people often use his own words to contradict him.
detail 根本就係藤㨢瓜瓜㨢藤
These two matters are deeply entangled together. There is no way to separate them apart.
detail 自學”,顧名思義就是不在學校沒有老師指點自己學習
As the name implies, "Self-study" does not involve going to school where teachers are there to teach and guide; one learns on his own.
detail 就算華佗在世唔好
There would not be a cure even if Hua Tuo is alive.
[Hua Tuo was a famous doctor in the Three Kingdoms period. The alternative is '華佗再世' meaning the rebirth of Waa4 To4 ]
detail 跟住報廢手續㗎喇
Follow the condemnation and write-off procedures and you can't go wrong.

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.