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  aa3 aa4 aa5 aa1   jyutping
  ya1 ya5   pinyin
(jyutping) aa3 -- [1] final particle used to soften an abrupt question/statement, act as reminder and make emphasis; [2] pause particle in enumerating items

(jyutping) aa4 -- interrogative particle used to get confirmation or clarify a doubt, show skepticism or surprise

(jyutping) aa5 -- interrogative particle used in rhetorical question

(jyutping) aa1 -- variant of

(pinyin) ya1 -- [1] [interjection] wow; [2] [onomatopoeia] creak/squeak

(pinyin) ya5 -- variant of final particle

Compare with another final particle , the Cantonese has a neutral tone and sounds less assertive than .
Stroke count: 7
Level: 1
Radical: (#30)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 32572 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 7th Sep 2010 16:11

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detail  hou2 aa3   = OK, fine
detail  me1 aa3   = what?
detail  dim2 aa3   = what's up?, what's going on?
detail  dak1 mei6 aa3   = Is it ready yet? Is it OK yet?
detail  aai1 aa1  ai1 ya1 = "aiya!" variant
detail  m4 hai6 aa6 maa3   = variant of 唔係吖嘛
detail  deoi3 aa3   = right, yes
detail  saa1 aa6   = thirty (start of contraction for 31-39)
detail  saa1 aa6 jat1   = thirty-one
detail 廿  jaa6 aa6 jat1   = twenty-one
See all 24 compounds

Showing all 99 examples containing 呀
detail audio 聽日朋友出街
I'm going out with my friends tomorrow.
detail audio 唔該冰水
Can I please have a glass of ice water?
detail audio 牛肉定係豬肉
Do you want to eat beef or pork?
detail 打字得很
You type very fast!
detail audio 今日打算邊度
Where do you plan on going today?
detail audio 頭髮
Your hair is so smooth!
detail audio 定係食飯
Do you want to eat noodles or rice?
detail audio 有冇男朋友?
Do you have a boyfriend?
detail audio 今日點呀?
How was your day today?
detail audio 做乜嘢?
Why are you sad/angry?
detail audio 乜嘢?
What are you doing?
detail audio 你嘅教師邊個
Who is your teacher?
detail audio 邊處?
Where are you going?
detail 乜嘢
What are you doing?
detail 唔該請問有冇榴槤
Excuse me, do you sell durian?
detail ?
What's the matter?
[shortened form of 乜嘢事呀]
detail 以後你哋?
How can I order from your [restaurant] in the future?
[Lit. Afterwards I how order you-guys?]
detail 全部唔識
I don't know anything.
[Lit. everything also not know.]
detail 就算係噉點呀
Even if that's the case, so what?
[Lit. even if is that way, then how [particle]?]
detail 點呀
In that case, how do I feel?
[Use the corrected Jyutping! 咁 is almost meaningless when used to introduce a sentence, you could translate it as "in that case" here.]
detail 可惡究竟係咩
Ugh, what actually happened [just now]?
[This is a common phrase in some TV shows. 可惡 is an interjection meaning "ugh". 究竟係咩事呀 is a shorter form of 究竟係發生咩事呀, so literally we have "ugh, actually is happen what?"]
detail 食飯定食
Do you want to eat rice or noodles?
[Lit. you want eat rice or eat noodle [particle]?]
detail 媽咪
Has mum left yet?
[Lit. I mummy run-already not-yet [particle]? [Said by one of my students :)]]
detail 有冇郵局
Is there a post office in the area?
[Lit. this area have not-have post-office [particle]?]
detail 乜嘢?
What do you like to drink?
[呀 is a final particle used here to soften an abrupt question.]
detail audio 過來有啲
Come over here, I've got something I want to discuss with you.
detail audio 唔可以風扇
Can you please turn on the fan for me?
detail 請問附近哪裡藥房
Excuse me, is there a pharmacy around here?
detail audio 琴晚派對十分之熱鬧
The party yesterday night was extremely lively (and exciting)!
[the word "排對" is incorrect. we should say "派對"]
detail audio 記住多啲牛奶
Remember to drink more milk!
detail audio 女朋友
Have you seen his girlfriend before?
detail audio 唔知點呢排成日頭痛
I don't know why I've been getting so many headaches lately.
detail audio 真係唔明白點解噉樣
I really don't understand why he acts/behaves like this.
detail audio 使乜噉樣
Why is it necessary to do it this way? [Implication: Don't do it this way.]
detail audio 有冇禮拜堂?
Do you go to church?
detail audio 乜嘢?
What is your religion?
detail audio 中意乜嘢?
What do you like?
detail audio 呢個廣東話?
How do you say this in Cantonese?
detail audio 行路幾耐?
How long will it take to walk?
detail audio 老點!
You cheated me!
detail audio 唔得?
"Is that OK? Will that do? Is this all right?" etc.
[The reply will invariably be "得" or "唔得".]
detail audio 廣東話
My Cantonese is better than you think!
detail audio 咪郁!!郁嚟郁去前面
Don't move!! I can't see the front when you keep moving.
[the meaning of 咪郁 and 唔好郁 is the same basically, but the young people would like to say 咪郁 more than 唔好郁.]
detail audio 有冇聽日畀我
Do you have something you want to give me tomorrow?
detail audio 我哋幾時擺放聖誕裝飾?
When will we put up the Christmas decorations?
detail audio 聖誕老人?
Do you believe in Father Christmas?
detail audio 聖誕樹?
How tall is your Christmas Tree?
detail audio 想要聖誕禮物
What would you like for Christmas?
[(implying presents)]
detail audio 呢個聖誕唔好飲醉!
Don't get drunk this Christmas!
detail audio 蠟燭光照
You look beautiful in the candlelight!
detail audio 所有聖誕咭
Have you sent all of your Christmas cards yet?
detail audio 唔識踢波
Do you know how to play soccer?
detail audio 唔介意!?
Don't you mind it!?
detail audio 食咗飯未呀
Have you eaten yet?
[This is also commonly used as a greeting akin to "how are you"?]
detail 婆婆今年貴庚?
Po Po (an elderly woman), how old are you?
[Scenario: A person is talking to an elderly woman. ]
detail 幾時食飯
When do we go having meal?
detail 係咪保險嗰啲
Is it those people who want to sell insurance?
detail 好聽好多
This song is much nicer to listen to than yours!
[Lit. This one [counter for songs] good-listen surpass yours [particle] lots]
detail 頭先email畀你嗰啲資料收到
Have you get the information I emailed to you just now yet?
[Lit. I just-now email give you that information, you receive not-yet [particle]?]
detail 先進係咩詞性?/一個形容詞
What part of speech does "先進" belong to? / It's an adjective.
[Lit. "advanced" is what part-of-speech [particle]? / is one [counter] adjective.]
detail 點解今日見到
Why didn't I see you today?
[Lit. why I today not-have see-arrive you [particle]? [maybe on the telephone]]
detail 讀書決定美國法國
Have you decided to go to America or France to study?
detail 夢想唔可以成真
Can dreams come true?
detail 點解噉樣合作  ?! 
Why would you co-operate like this?
detail 你哋唔會有啲拗撬
Do you ever have arguments?
[Lit. you-[plural marker] will-not-will have [plural classifier] arguments [particle]?]
detail 你哋唔會有啲火花  ?! 
Are there ever sparks between you?
[Lit. you-[plural marker] will-not-will have [plural counter] sparks [particle]? The 'sparks' could possibly of anger or love. [Check please!]]
detail 以為我係邊個
Who do you think I am?/Do you know who I am?
[Lit. you mistakenly-believe I am who [particle]?]
detail 點解佢哋畀人
Why would they be arrested?
[Lit. why they would by-person arrest [particle]]
detail 做乜搞成噉
What were you thinking?
[Lit. do what make complete thus [particle]? This is an idiomatic expression that does not take well to direct translation.]
detail 媽咪唔畀
Will your mum let you go early?
[Lit. you mum let-not-let you early run?]
detail 點呀?女朋友嗌交?
What's the matter? Bickering with your girlfriend again?
detail 唔好惹起
Don't aggravate me !
detail 酒店噏耷? 有人幫襯?
Why's this hotel such a mess? How will anyone want to come here?
[Lit. what this [counter] hotel so shabby [particle]? How would have person would frequent [particle]]
detail 覺得份人點呀?
What kind of person would you say she is?
detail 卅呀呢度人山人海直情不通
On the 30th night, this place will be completely filled with people, impossible to move.
detail audio 公司
How do you spell your company's name?
detail 屋企重有幾多
How much rice is there left in the house? (at home)
detail audio 上次計數
I still haven't gotten even with you!
[for that thing you did before]
detail audio 做乜鬼鼠?
Why are you being so sneaky?
detail audio 有冇翻譯()?
Do you have an interpreter?
detail 木橈只有撐船
How can we use a mere one-feet long paddle to punt the boat?
detail 邊度
Where will you work in the future?
detail 唔係皇上使唔使姿整?
You are not meeting the emperor, do you need to be so particular about what you wear?
detail 冇雷公咁遠
It is not worth buying goods from such a faraway place.
detail 小心晚年
We must consider this matter more carefully; being cautious will help us go a long way.
detail 聽暇點算
What shall we do if he does not show up?
detail audio 錯蕩探班
What brings you here today to visit me at my office?
detail 幾點進行篝火晚會
When can we start tonight's bonfire?
detail 攞景定係贈興
You are mocking us or being sarcastic!
detail 一日早啲釘蓋
You smoke ten packs of cigarettes a day, (you) got a death wish?
[Lit: You smoke ten packs of cigarettes a day, (you) want to die earlier?]
detail 細佬鐘意公眾地方著衫但係呢啲法律
Kid, no-one likes to wear clothes in public, but it's the law!
[Lit. child, have-no people like in public place wear-clothes [particle], however these are law [particle]]
detail 我哋動機唔知道
We don't even know what his motive is.
[Lit. we even he what motive also not-know [particle].]
detail 炒飯好耐,重未!
I've ordered a dish of fried rice a long time ago. But it still hasn't come yet!
detail 鯁嚫!〞〝D𦧲出嚟!〞
"I'm choking!" "Quickly spit it out!"
detail 𠱓幾耐你先
How long did I have to nag you before you agreed to put your pants back on?
detail 黃色紫色好唔好
Yellow and purple match, does it look good?
detail 使,
I am not afraid of you. It's not like you have any real bite.
[For first part, see http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,138128,138130#msg-138130 For latter part, see http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?8,135281,135283#msg-135283]
detail 呢啲山路𪙛𠸉㗎喇千祈低波
You must engage low gears when you drive as these mountain roads are very uneven.
detail 哈薩克斯坦唔係美國人
Borat is from Kazakhstan; he is not an American.

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.