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  bat1   jyutping
  bu4   pinyin
not; no; un-

In Mandarin,  changes tone to bu2 before a character of the fourth tone.
Stroke count: 4
Level: 1
Radical: (#1)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

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This word has been viewed 46944 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 14th Oct 2014 15:02

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detail  dang2 bat1 kap6  deng3 bu4 ji2 = cannot wait
detail  mou4 gin1 bat1 ceoi1  wu2 jian1 bu4 cui1 = no stronghold one cannot overcome (idiom); all conquering; nothing one can't do
detail  bat1 sau3 gong3  bu4 xiu4 gang1 = stainless steel
detail  soeng2 bat1 hoi1  xiang3 bu4 kai1 = to take things too hard; to be depressed; to fret over trifles
detail  gou1 paan1 bat1 soeng6  gao1 pan1 bu4 shang4 = to be unworthy to associate with (sb of higher social status)
detail  bat1 wai4 so2 dung6  bu4 wei2 suo3 dong4 = to remain unmoved
detail  gam2 gik1 bat1 zeon6  gan3 ji1 bu4 jin4 = can't thank sb enough
detail  deoi3 bat1 hei2  dui4 bu4 qi3 (Taiwan); dui4 bu5 qi3 (PRC) = sorry; excuse me
detail  bat1 gwo3  bu2 guo4 = but; however
detail  bat1 ho2  bu4 ke3 = cannot; not able to
See all 1246 compounds (CantoDict reports 1280 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 75 examples containing 不
detail audio 是不是中國人
Is he Chinese?
[Canto: 佢係唔係中國人?]
detail audio 其實不過太多功課
Actually I want to go, but I have too much homework.
detail 不明白
I don't understand
detail 不如試吓
Why don't you try to answer?
[^already a literal translation]
detail 對不起由於下雨所以遲到
I'm sorry, I was late because of the rain.
detail audio 不如雞記早餐!
Let's go to KFC have a breakfast.
detail 覺得聖誕節當天不會下雪
Do you think it will snow on Christmas Day?
detail 的話聖誕老公公不會禮物
If you aren't a good boy, Santa won't bring you any presents!
detail 今年聖誕節不要喝醉
Don't get drunk this Christmas!
detail 烤火不是容易
Cooking a turkey well is not easy.
detail 今年聖誕節不要身上花錢
Don't spend your money on me this Christmas!
detail 這麼出爾反爾剛纔現在不要到底
Stop changing your mind! A while ago, you said you wanted to go, but now you say you don't want to--are you really going or aren't you?
detail 就是你的不是
This is your fault
detail 不如一齊踢波
Let's go and play football.
detail 不要一般見識!
don't lower yourself to their level!
[lit. don't follow them in being so common/basic/primitive]
detail 不過都係畀我
However, you'll also be beaten by me!
[Lit. However also beaten by me.]
detail 不愧爸爸
You should be proud to be your father's son.
[lit. you no shame be father [possessive particle] boy]
detail 不愧爸爸
You're worthy of being your father's son.
[Lit. worthy be father [possessive particle] boy]
detail 不敢隨便填寫我的個人資料
I do not dare carelessly fill out [on a form] my personal information.
detail 不要嘲笑別人錯誤不幸
Do not jeer at the mistakes or misfortunes of others.
detail 他的錯誤不能遷就
We mustn't pass over his mistakes.
detail 如果有事的話 , 不要
Don't come if you're busy.
detail 兩個搭配不當
These two words don't go together.
detail 對於這種地位來說, 這樣行為莊重
Such conduct is undignified for a person of his position.
detail 天色
It's getting late.
detail 這個年頭不好
The harvest was bad this year.
detail 哪裡我的漢語
No, my Chinese isn't that good.
[Usage of 哪裡's definition [2], for example to reply to a compliment such as 「你的漢語很好。」]
detail 醫生要不化驗
Doctor, do I need to have a blood test?
detail 崎嶇不平
The road was rough, not smooth
detail 卅呀呢度人山人海直情不通
On the 30th night, this place will be completely filled with people, impossible to move.
detail 是不是這樣不能居安思危?
Is this way not preparing one's self for danger when in good times?
detail audio 上網不如聽朝
Still surfing the web at this time of the night? Why don't you (go to bed) and go online again in the morning?
detail 原本不想這裡
He originally didn't want to come here.
detail 十三不祥
13 is an unlucky number
detail 擄掠無惡不作
The gang of bandits rapes and pillages, and commits all kinds of atrocities.
detail 隔籬周不時打通麻雀令到同屋滋擾
Ah Lin's neighbours often play mahjong right through the night thereby disturbing her and her family.
detail 做嘢快手之不過有時揦西
He is very fast in what he does, but occasionally he can be sloppy.
detail 工作不是而是自己開心
I do this job not for the money, but rather for my happiness.
detail 家庭朋友不怕忍辱負重
He is unafraid to go through humiliation for the sake of family and friends.
detail 不用貓哭耗子假慈悲
There's no need for you to shed crocodile tears!
detail 手下辦事不力對唔住
My subordinates did not do a good job, so sorry.
detail 凹凸不平
This road is so uneven, it's so difficult to walk!
detail audio 危難,"不需上前";,"上陣不離父子兵"。
A son would would protect his father and face the danger himself; but in times of emergency, both son and father would fight the battle together.
detail audio 以為攝影師男朋友一定會好多殊不知一張
I had the idea that by having a photographer as boyfriend, I would have many of my pictures taken. Little did I know that none of the photographs were of me.
detail audio 與其苟且偷生不如
It is better to die than to drag on with such an ignoble existence.
detail 藝術家作品細節一點都不苟且
All the artists pay very careful details towards their art pieces.
detail 可以為咗沕水撞牆在所不惜
He would dive into the water and collide/crash at the wall for you, without regards for the consequences.
[in other words: "He would do anything for you."]
detail 搞不好故意
He may have done it intentionally.
detail 今次你好嘢不過下次冇咁好彩
You got away this time, but you won't be so lucky next time!
detail 我係無事不登三寶殿
I wouldn't come to you if I hadn't something to ask of you.
detail 要人不知除非
[1] The best way to hide a misdeed is not to commit it. [2] What is done by night appears by day.
detail 豈能不辭而別
How could you leave without saying goodbye?
detail 這樣豈不實際
Wouldn't that be more practical?
detail 真係令人猝不及防
I was caught off-guard by this sudden move of his.
detail 當時以為自己命不久矣
Thinking that her end was near, she panicked.
detail 做事不留撳地游水唔會較飛
He has all along been very careful. He will not land you in trouble.
detail 噚晚我哋屋企一個不速之客
We had an uninvited guest over at my house last night.
detail 當日天陰陰落雨絲濕出門經已不祥預感
That day the weather was overcast and about to rain. I had a very bad feeling as I stepped out my house.
detail 他的作品獨樹一幟不規則的形狀
His pieces usually do not follow any rules and form. They are very distinctive.
detail 與其補救已然不如
Prevention is better than cure.
detail 我知道呢個不爭事實
I know this is the undeniable truth.
detail 唱機,不出聲
The record player is broken, it's not making any sound.
detail audio 而家細路真係身在福中不知福
Children nowadays really don't know how fortunate they are.
detail audio 住喺不知幾隔涉
He lives up on a mountain, really secluded, you can't even reach it by car.
detail 不是一個
I am not someone who will speak boldly.
detail 行山價錢不菲
The price of hiking shoes is not cheap.
detail 不過大部分只係冇用情報
Most of the reports are useless though.
[Lit. however most also simply are no use [possessive particle] piece-of-intelligence]
detail 不可一世份人真係大鼻
He thinks he's the best in the world... he's really arrogant.
[second half: he personality really arrogant.]
detail 唔係好不過
It's not too urgent but I still need it fast
[Lit. busy then not too busy, however fast do! 有〝你即刻做出嚟〞嘅意思。]
detail 新澤西州到處都係不毛之地
New Jersey is just barren wasteland.
[Lit. New Jersey everywhere also is barren wasteland. Originally the sentence was 死神界到處都是不毛之地, but I gave it a little twist!]
detail 我哋不斷收到呢啲冇用傳單實在討厭
We keep getting these unwanted flyers; they're a real nuisance.
[In the second part of sentence, the English version uses "they" to show a change of new subject. The Cantonese version does not need a new subject which is understood.]
detail 小說不怎麼樣
This novel isn't up to much.
[怎麼樣 can be used in the negative to mean "(not) well enough" or "(not) up to much". ]
detail 旅遊業擔心某種噱頭十足用語流失生意
The travel industry should not be unduly worried about businesses badly affected due to the cessation in the use of gimmicky linguistics of their promotions.
detail 自學”,顧名思義就是不在學校沒有老師指點自己學習
As the name implies, "Self-study" does not involve going to school where teachers are there to teach and guide; one learns on his own.
detail 甚至有能力不留痕跡情況底下
I have the capability to not leave a trace afterwards.
[E.g. on a computer.]

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.