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  heoi3 heoi2   jyutping
  qu4 qu3   pinyin
[] heoi3 | [] qu4
[1] [v] go to/away; leave (for); depart from
[2] [v] be apart from in space or time
[3] [adj] past; previous; last
[4] [phonetics] departing tone
[5] verb particle indicating direction

[] heoi2 | [] qu3
[v] get rid of; remove; do away with

The readings heoi2/qu3 occur mostly in classical texts or in quotations of such texts that occur in contemporary language. Some would use heoi3/qu4 on all occasions.
Default PoS: verb Additional PoS: adjective
Stroke count: 5
Level: 1
Radical: (#28)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 42760 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 16th Jun 2013 11:10

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detail  mut3 heoi3  mo3 qu4 = To erase
detail  ceot1 heoi3  chu1 qu4 = to exit
detail  gwo3 heoi3  guo4 qu4 = go over there; in the past; past tense
detail  heoi3 nin4*2  qu4 nian2 = last year
detail  soeng5 heoi3  shang4 qu5 = to go up; to ascend
detail  heoi3 gaai1   = to go out (to town)
detail  jap6 heoi3  ru4 qu4 = to enter; go in
detail  lok6 heoi3   = go down; down; carrying on
detail  haa6 heoi3  xia4 qu4 = go down; descend
detail  zeon3 heoi3  jin4 qu4 = go in
See all 118 compounds (CantoDict reports 123 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 103 examples containing 去
detail audio 今日打算邊度
Where do you plan on going today?
detail audio 其實不過太多功課
Actually I want to go, but I have too much homework.
detail audio 邊處?
Where are you going?
detail audio 德國旅行
I want to travel Germany.
detail audio 阿爸阿媽日日晨運
Papa and mama go exercising every morning.
detail 後日係咪游水
Are you still going swimming with me, the day after tomorrow?
[Note that the inclusion of 去 here implies that you've already made an appointment to go with someone and you're confirming (你想確定). The swimming pool is far away from both of you.]
detail 從來去過日本
I have never been to Japan.
detail audio 我哋可以圖書館或者返屋企
We can go to the library or perhaps go home.
detail audio 我哋一係圖書館一係返屋企
We either go the the library or go home.
detail audio 以為華埠其實屋企
I thought you went to Chinatown, but in fact you went home.
detail audio 首先圖書館然後返屋企
First go to the library, then afterwards go home.
detail audio 有冇禮拜堂?
Do you go to church?
detail audio 就快大廈
I will move to a new building soon.
detail audio 如果唔係買嘢
If I'm not too tired, I will go shopping.
detail audio 咪郁!!郁嚟郁去前面
Don't move!! I can't see the front when you keep moving.
[the meaning of 咪郁 and 唔好郁 is the same basically, but the young people would like to say 咪郁 more than 唔好郁.]
detail audio 不如雞記早餐!
Let's go to KFC have a breakfast.
detail 聖誕全部出去
Have you sent all of your Christmas cards yet?
detail audio 同埋一齊
I'll join you and go together.
detail 這麼出爾反爾剛纔現在不要到底
Stop changing your mind! A while ago, you said you wanted to go, but now you say you don't want to--are you really going or aren't you?
detail audio 警察拉咗
He was arrested by the police.
detail 鴨子池塘
The ducks on the pond are swimming to and fro.
[The meaning of 游來游去 is discussed [url=http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,74996,77053#msg-77053]here.[/url] ]
detail 金魚魚缸裏面
The goldfish is swimming in the aquarium.
detail 不如一齊踢波
Let's go and play football.
detail 街上唔好走去
Don't chase around on the street.
detail 阿媽超級市場買嘢
Mum has gone shopping in a supermarket.
detail 巴士可以上環
Which bus can take me to Sheung Wan?
detail 請問可以科大
Excuse me, do you know what public transport can take me to the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (from here)?
detail 日日掛住
Every day, my mind is on playing.
detail 一百
Water boils at one hundred degree (Celcius).
detail 幾時食飯
When do we go having meal?
detail 我哋去過九龍
We've been to Kowloon.
detail 香港
I didn't go to Hong Kong.
detail 去過香港
I have never been to Hong Kong.
detail 頭先伙記已經
Just now he said all the delivery boys had gone out.
detail 讀書決定美國法國
Have you decided to go to America or France to study?
detail 真係無聊落去
You're being ridiculous, I don't want to mess around any more.
[Lit. really nonsense, I not want play-continue [particle]. 落去 has the meaning of "continue" here and may be suffixed to many verbs.]
detail 成日掛住去蒲返學
He'd rather go out partying than go to school.
[Lit. He always miss hang out, not want return school. Less idiomatically: He misses hanging out, he doesn't want to go to school. See http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,134171,page=1]
I'll come along with you.
[[literal] I with along you go Please note that (1) the verb particle 埋 (along) follows the prep 跟 instead of the verb 去, and that (2) 埋 is optional and can be omitted (我跟你去 I'll go with you). ]
detail 今朝見工
He's attending a job interview this morning.
[[國] 他今天早上要去參加求職面試。]
detail 老細我哋
We'll go wherever the boss says.
[Cantonese sentences often feature a balanced structure with repetitive wordings rather than a simple structure. ]
detail 邊度
Where are you going with this?
detail 跟住邊度
I asked him where to go next.
[Cantonese grammar has the adverb 邊度 (where) placed at the end of sentence.]
detail audio 之後我哋大家出去雪人
After the snow stopped falling, we all went out to build a snowman.
detail 往常都是步行上班
I used to go to work on foot.
detail 這些囚犯分批帶出槍斃
The prisoners were led out in batches and shot.
detail 興奮圖書館
He goes to the library with excitement.
[地 is used as an adjunct after a word (pinyin: de5)]
detail audio 唔知阿蓮
Not sure whether Ah Lin wants to go or not.
detail audio 如果嘅話唔可以呢個入去
If you're not too busy, could you help me move this dressor into the bedroom?
detail 入去實驗室睇吓我嘅雷射
Follow me into my lab and take a look at my laser.
detail audio 聽話, 㗎喇!
You better behave yourself else I won't take you there!
[Here, 就...㗎喇 carries a more threatening tone, but still serves as a reminder.]
detail audio 橫掂順便睇戲
Let's go for a movie as we are already here anyway!
detail 落去!
Drop a rope down there!
[ ]
detail 唔畀入去
Encircle it with ropes to bar people from entry.
detail audio 出去!
Get him out of here!
detail audio , 何況而家
I won't go that far away; moreover, it's raining now.
detail audio 邊個眼高手低無論佢嘅目標崇高能力
It's such a pity that no matter how big his aims are, he hasn't the ability to see them through.
detail 打發另一僕人他們也把加以侮辱空手回去
And again he (the lord of the vinyard) sent another servant. But they beat him also. They humiliated him, sent him away empty handed. (Luke 20:11)
detail 環境被逼先至標參
The circumstances forced him to kidnap.
detail 成日賭錢都好激氣
As a mother, she is very upset with her son gambling.
detail 成身𣲷/nap6/,
You are all sweaty and sticky after playing. Quickly go for your shower.
detail 通常𨂾一個禮拜facial一次
I usually go for facial once every week.
detail 家下𨂾光黑嚟唔切
It is already dusk, I don't think we can make it in time.
detail 邊度
Where will you work in the future?
detail 餐廳例湯都係三幅被新鮮畀你
This restaurant always serves the same soups; there's never a new thing for you to try.
detail 唔好捵嚟捵去
He has gastritis; it hurts so much that he tosses and turns on his bed.
detail 唔係皇上使唔使姿整?
You are not meeting the emperor, do you need to be so particular about what you wear?
detail 𢱢蘋果
Take and eat this slice of apple
detail audio 而家情況重有心情游山玩水?
He still has the mood to go for sightseeing at a time like this?
detail 騎樓危危乎隨時都會跌落
The pots on the balcony seems unstable enough to fall off anytime.
detail 老師我哋參觀二次大戰博物館軍人塚
The teacher brought us to the museum and memorial tombs of World War II.
detail audio 落去唔會掯喉
Add some water into it and it wouldn't taste so overpowering.
detail 一個別具一格建築物
I will bring you to see a unique building.
detail 揸住國旗
He is swaying the flag that is in his hands.
detail 小小心意受落禮物唔好抰嚟抰去
It is a small token of appreciation, just accept the simple gift instead of pushing it back and forth.
detail 唔好
Do not sway about
detail 郵局
I made a futile trip to the post office.
detail 鬼知尋晚
Who (the hell) knows where he went last night. [as in "I don't know where he went last night"]
[邊 is short for 邊度]
detail 嗱嗱聲然後食飯
You should hurry up and finish your work, so that you can have your meal!
detail 呢個復活節係咪北海道滑雪,重係十劃都未有一撇
It's still far too early to tell if we are going skiing in Hokkaido this Easter.
[In this sentence, the third character 都 in the idiom 十劃都未有一撇 could be moved three spaces up so that the latter half of the sentence would become 都重係十劃未有一撇. The meaning would remain the same. ]
detail 我哋瞓身做好
We'll give this job our best shot.
detail 唔知邊度
We don't know where he has wandered off to.
detail 上個禮拜乾洗
I took the shirt I bought last week to be dry-cleaned.
[Lit. I took-already last-week bought that (counter) shirt go dry-clean]
detail 上個禮拜嗰啲乾洗
I took the clothes I bought last week to be dry-cleaned.
[Lit. I took-already last-week bought those shirts go dry-clean]
detail 兩個禮拜
I took the shirt I bought two weeks ago at the shopping mall to be cleaned.
[Lit. I took two weeks ago at shopping mall buy that shirt go clean]
detail 兩個禮拜鐘意衫舖
I took the shirts that I bought two weeks ago at my favourite shop to be ironed.
[Note: although the verb and object could be separated by the lengthy adjective clause 兩個禮拜前喺我最鐘意嗰間衫舖買, it's more natural and more easily understood use the topicalised construction in this example.]
detail 等陣銀行人哋入票
I want to go to the bank in a moment to cash a cheque.
detail 頭先畀我等陣銀行人哋入票
He told me he wanted to go to the bank soon to cash a cheque for someone.
[頭先 implies 10 or 20 minutes ago; contrast with 啱啱 which implies a few seconds ago.]
detail 我等銀行人哋入票
I'll want to go to the bank to cash a cheque for someone soon.
[Shouldn't be parsed as 我等 陣(我哋) but as 我 等陣]
detail 蚊𧕴有可能因為前日公園
There are three bites on my leg... it's probably because I was in the park the day before yesterday.
[Lit. I [counter] leg have three mosquito-bites, very probable is because I day-before-yesterday go park]
detail 𠱂落去
Don't rashly sit on the chair; it's so wet.
detail 學校唔知邊度
The school is so big. I wonder which way I should actually go to find him.
[唔知 ("don't know") and 至啱 ("most correct") function as a split phrase. The slot between them can be filled by any verb phrase of interrogative nature. ]
detail 我哋嗰陣場面十分墟冚
The scene was all alive by the time we arrived.
Where are you going with this?
detail 超市行路得到
The supermarket is within walking distance.
[間 the | 超市 supermarket | 行路 walking | 去 go | 得 able to | 到 arrive]
detail 旅行國泰
Every time I go to travel I take Cathay Pacific.
[[粵] V-嚫 ... 都... Pattern that means every time someone does something, such and such will happen.]
detail 得㗎?
Would you go after all?
[Alternatively, we can say 你到底去唔去? ]
detail 睇起困難但係落去好容易
This task seems quite difficult, but doing it is really easy.
[Aspect markers 起嚟 and 落去 function rather like antonyms, originally meaning "starting to" and "carrying on" respectively. ]
detail 係噉落去,
If you keep going on like this, you would lose all your money.
detail 我地的士?
Let's take a taxi, shall we?
detail 先至出去
Shake off water from your hand before going out.
detail 跟住報廢手續㗎喇
Follow the condemnation and write-off procedures and you can't go wrong.
detail 我等舖頭打墩傾吓偈消磨時間
I'm going to his store and spend a long time there in a moment, to chat, and to kill time.
detail 兩個禮拜鐘意衫舖
I've taken the shirt that I bought in my favourite clothes shop two weeks ago to be ironed.
[[literal] I taken-have two-weeks-ago in my most-like that-(classifier)-clothes-shop buy that-(classifier)-shirt go iron This Cantonese example shows how a relative clause is composed without a relative pronoun. ]

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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