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  bei2   jyutping
  bi4   pinyin
[v] [1] give to; confer; bestow [2] let; allow
[prep] to, by, have been

[] variant:

Stroke count: 8
Level: 2
Radical: (#102)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 25336 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 8th Jul 2009 20:44

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detail  bei2 ngo5   = give me; let me
detail  bei2 nei5   = give you; let you
detail  bei2 keoi5   = give him/her; let him/her
detail  bei2 seoi3   = to pay tax, duties or tariff
detail  bei2 faan1   = give back
detail  faan1 bei2   = give back
detail  m4 bei2   = do not allow
detail  bei2 sam1 gei1   = to devote one's effort to...
detail  bei2 jan4 kei4 si6   = being discriminated
detail  bei2 min6*2   = to give face to; to do somebody a favor
See all 20 compounds

Showing all 57 examples containing 畀
detail audio 唔該冰水
Can I please have a glass of ice water?
detail audio 點解打電話畀佢第二日
Why don't you phone her and tell her to change it to another day?
detail 畀你
I'll hum it for you.
[Lit. I hum give you listen.]
detail 畀你
I've got something to give you.
detail 需要畀錢
He must pay me money
[Lit. he must pay money me]
detail 麻煩你翻譯畀我
Would you mind translating this sentence for me?
[Lit. trouble you translate this sentence give me hear. [Marked as level 1 because this is a tremendously useful sentence for learners ;)]]
detail 畀你見到
I don't want to let you see.
[Lit. I not want give you-[plural marker] see-arrive]
detail sendemail畀你check
I sent you an email, check it!
[This is a good example of typical office Cantonese. It's very normal to integrate the three English words above; using the "proper" Chinese words (電郵, 寄 and 睇) is not the most natural way of saying it.]
detail 介紹男朋友畀你
Let me introduce my boyfriend.
[lit. I introduce me boyfriend give you know.]
detail audio 唔該地圖畀我
Please draw a map for me.
detail audio 有冇聽日畀我
Do you have something you want to give me tomorrow?
detail audio 若果聖誕老人送禮畀你
If you aren't a good boy, Santa won't bring you any presents.
detail 電話醫生
She has phoned the doctor.
[咗 is a marker for perfective aspect. ]
detail 唔要嘅話可以第二個
If you don't want it, you can just give it to somebody else.
[Lit. you don't want [conditional delimiter], can give-present give other person]
detail 畀我做嘢嗰度秘書收埋
My shoes were hidden by the secretary at work.
[Lit. I pair shoes by I work there [classifier] secretary hide-already]
detail 次次講大話畀我聽到
He's always telling lies which I hear.
[Lit. He time time also tells-lies, also give me listen]
detail 好多頭盔畀你
There are lots of helmets for you to choose.
[Lit. have many [counter] helmets give you choose. Note: the counter is optional. 有好多頭盔畀你揀 is okay too.]
detail 不過都係畀我
However, you'll also be beaten by me!
[Lit. However also beaten by me.]
detail 頭先email畀你嗰啲資料收到
Have you get the information I emailed to you just now yet?
[Lit. I just-now email give you that information, you receive not-yet [particle]?]
detail 或者現金或者
Maybe I'll pay by cash, or maybe I'll pay by card.
[Lit. I maybe give cash maybe sign card]
detail 現金
Paying by card is cheaper than using cash.
[Lit. sign card cheap than give cash]
detail 我哋唔可以畀佢
We can't let him die yet.
[Lit. 住 here means "yet"; 畀 indicates the passive voice and does NOT mean give.]
detail 嚇嚫!/畀佢嚇嚫
[She] scared me! / I was scared by her too!
[Lit. scared-bad-thing me! / I also by her scared-bad-thing!]
detail 點解佢哋畀人
Why would they be arrested?
[Lit. why they would by-person arrest [particle]]
detail 媽咪唔畀
Will your mum let you go early?
[Lit. you mum let-not-let you early run?]
detail 人工
He can't pay the wages
detail 香港,就係
In Hong Kong, I'm most scared of being bitten.
[Lit. Hong Kong, I most scared [possessive particle] exactly is by mosquitoes bite. This sentence is topicalised: the topic (Hong Kong) is introduced at the start. Also, note the phrase 最怕嘅; the 嘅 turns it into a noun phrase.]
detail audio 噙晚過電畀我
Last night you phoned me.
detail audio 畀人搵老襯
Someone tricked me.
detail audio 小心畀人搵笨
Be careful not to be tricked by anyone.
detail 唔好大聲畀人歧視
Don't laugh so loudly! We are being discriminated!
detail audio 雪櫃畀你聽日
I put your glass of milk in the refrigerator for you to drink tomorrow.
detail audio 因住
Beware of the door which might squash your hand.
detail audio 成身
We're splashed with mud from head to toe by the passing car.
[lit. "the entire body"]
detail 唔畀入去
Encircle it with ropes to bar people from entry.
detail 呢啲
Give these to him as well!
detail audio 畀佢!
Don't be tricked by him!
detail 畀我一早唔同
I would have hung up the phone and not chatted with her for so long.
[Literally: 畀我就 - If I was in the situation, 一早收綫 - (I) would have hung up right at the outset 唔同佢嗲 - (and) wouldn't have talked with her 咁耐! - so long!]
detail 餐廳例湯都係三幅被新鮮畀你
This restaurant always serves the same soups; there's never a new thing for you to try.
detail 唔通將來攝灶罅
You disallow her despite her wanting to marry Ah Tong's son; don't tell me you want her to end up a spinster?
detail 工廠旁邊住宅殃及池魚
The nearby houses were not spared when the factory caught fire.
detail 快啲電話牽腸掛肚
Give her a call. Don't make her worry.
detail 老細工人七竅生煙
Boss got really pissed off by the workers.
detail audio 機會稱職老婆
Give me a chance to be a good and competent wife.
detail audio 畀佢頭槌龍門
I passed the ball to him and he scored with a header
detail 麻煩你白滾水
I'd have to trouble you for a glass of plain water
detail 真係冇用畀人乜都出嚟
You are useless. You revealed everything when they pressured you to do so.
detail 二分畀人使穿
Slog like slave for the paymaster after having received a miserable remuneration.
detail 原來係噉反而畀你
On the contrary, it's me that's scared by you!
[Lit. Originally like that, on the contrary it's me by you scared (particle) 原來係噉 is a useful phrase with no readily translatable meaning. (At least not consistently.)]
detail 頭先畀我等陣銀行人哋入票
He told me he wanted to go to the bank soon to cash a cheque for someone.
[頭先 implies 10 or 20 minutes ago; contrast with 啱啱 which implies a few seconds ago.]
detail 成日嗰個BB
I was rudely awoken by the baby that just won't stop crying.
[Lit. I by all-day cry that [counter] baby noisy wake-up already]
detail 似乎都係畀人
Seems there's nothing I can do to help you so I'm just gonna have to pass the buck on to someone else.
[Further discussion: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,84284,111096#msg-111096]
detail 醫生畀我蚊𧕴
The doctor gave me some cream to put on my mosquito bites.
[Lit. [counter] doctor give-already [plural counter] stop-itch-cream give me spread insect bite]
detail 今日成身蚊𧕴
I was covered by mosquito bites today.
[Lit. Today by mosquito bite arrive whole-body mosquito-bite]
detail 店舖拎走貨品畀錢, 為之店舖盜竊
Taking away merchandise from a store without making payment is defined as shoplifting.
detail audio 噏得就噏, 周時畀人抽後腳
He talks so much that people often use his own words to contradict him.
detail 近來傳出流言蜚語老闆畀人捉黃腳雞
Recently there has been all these slanderous tales about the boss being blackmailed for having some extra-marital affair.

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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