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  jan4   jyutping
  ren2   pinyin
[1] person; people; human being
[2] everybody; each; all
[3] grown-up; adult; manhood
[4] persons of a certain kind
[5] a person's character, reputation, etc
[6] a person's physical or mental condition
[7] manpower; staff; human resources

Stroke count: 2
Level: 1
Radical: (#9)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

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This word has been viewed 49129 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 24th Jun 2012 03:44

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detail  sau1 gin6 jan4  shou1 jian4 ren2 = recipient (of mail)
detail  geoi2 jan4  ju3 ren2 = graduate; successful candidate in the imperial provincial examination
detail  pong4 jan4  pang2 ren2 = other people; bystanders; onlookers; outsiders
detail  on1 jan4  an1 ren2 = to pacify the people / landlady (old) / wife of 員外|员外, landlord
detail  daai6 jan4  da4 ren5/2 = adult; Your Honour
detail  jan4 sang1  ren2 sheng1 = life
detail  jan4 hau2  ren2 kou3 = population
detail  jat6 bun2 jan4  ri4 ben3 ren2 = Japanese person
detail  neoi5 jan4*2  nv3 ren2 = woman; girl
detail  naam4 jan4*2  nan2 ren2 = man
See all 1243 compounds (CantoDict reports 1331 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 124 examples containing 人
detail audio 中文老師好好
My Chinese teacher is a very nice person.
detail 是否本地人
Is he a local?
detail audio 係咪本地人嚟㗎
Is he/she a local?
detail audio 是不是中國人
Is he Chinese?
[Canto: 佢係唔係中國人?]
detail audio 足球十一個人
A football team consists of eleven members.
detail 原來哥哥差人
Your brother was a policeman all along!
[Lit. all along you brother is policeman]
detail 個人後面匿埋
There's someone hiding behind the tree.
[Lit. have [counter] person at [counter] tree behind-face hide]
detail 你哋真係
You're no good at fooling people.
[Lit. you-[plural marker] really trick-not-arrive people]
detail 係唔係中國人
Is he Chinese?
[Lit. He is-not-is Chinese? Std. Chinese: 他是不是中國人?]
detail 世界上很多
There are many people in the world.
detail audio 男人白色
There was once a man with a white horse.
detail audio 行開,煩人!
Beat it, you're troublesome!
detail audio 若果落雪雪人!
If it snows I will make a snowman!
detail 如果下雪的話雪人
If it snows I will make a snowman!
detail 我們今年聖誕樹真的還是人造
Shall we get a real Christmas tree or an artificial one?
detail audio 聖誕老人?
Do you believe in Father Christmas?
detail audio 若果聖誕老人送禮畀你
If you aren't a good boy, Santa won't bring you any presents.
detail audio 聖誕節一家人團聚
Christmas is a time for family.
detail 奉旨呃人
He definitely never lies!
detail audio 汽車鏟上行人路
The vehicle mounted the pavement.
detail 中國人筷子食飯
Chinese people are [people who] use chopsticks to have their meals.
["揸" here is actually "to hold"]
detail audio 一個人屋企
Staying at home alone is so boring.
detail audio 中國人前面
Chinese put their surnames to the front.
detail 次次講大話真係衰人
She tells lie to me every time... she's a really horrible person.
detail 殺人狂嚟㗎
He's a homicidal maniac!
detail 係咪保險嗰啲
Is it those people who want to sell insurance?
detail 前日有人
The day before yesterday, someone stole his shirt.
[Lit. day-before-yesterday, have person steal he [counter] shirt.]
detail 琴晚一套感人
I saw a moving film yesterday evening.
[Lit. I yesterday evening see-already one [counter] moving [possessive particle] film.]
detail 差人車尾搵到屍體
The policeman found the body in the car's trunk.
[Lit. [counter] policeman at car-trunk find-arrive [counter] dead-body In this example, 喺車尾廂 cannot go at the end of the sentence. (Why?)]
detail 如果個人你嘅謙虛
If someone praises you, you need to be more humble!
detail 個人九龍花園搵到化石
Someone found a fossil in Kowloon Park.
detail 點解佢哋畀人
Why would they be arrested?
[Lit. why they would by-person arrest [particle]]
detail 有用
Make yourself a useful person.
[Lit. you need do [counter] useful [possessive particle] person]
detail 人工
He can't pay the wages
detail 酒店噏耷? 有人幫襯?
Why's this hotel such a mess? How will anyone want to come here?
[Lit. what this [counter] hotel so shabby [particle]? How would have person would frequent [particle]]
detail 覺得份人點呀?
What kind of person would you say she is?
detail 可以留低可以走人嚟講冇所謂
You can stay or go, it's all the same to me.
[Sometimes we need more Cantonese syllables to express the simple English word "or". It's 亦可以 in this sentence. ]
detail 呢個旅遊團香港人為主
This tourist group consists mainly of Hongkong people.
[以...為主 = take ... as the main thing]
detail 不敢隨便填寫我的個人資料
I do not dare carelessly fill out [on a form] my personal information.
detail audio 唔敢隨便個人資料
I do not dare carelessly fill out [on a form] my personal information.
detail audio 之後我哋大家出去雪人
After the snow stopped falling, we all went out to build a snowman.
detail 不要嘲笑別人錯誤不幸
Do not jeer at the mistakes or misfortunes of others.
detail audio 畀人搵老襯
Someone tricked me.
detail audio 小心畀人搵笨
Be careful not to be tricked by anyone.
detail 搶救病人
give emergency treatment to a patient
detail audio 中華人民共和國萬歲萬萬
Long live the People's Republic of China!
detail 對於這種地位來說, 這樣行為莊重
Such conduct is undignified for a person of his position.
detail 卅呀呢度人山人海直情不通
On the 30th night, this place will be completely filled with people, impossible to move.
detail 潮人
Wow! What a fashionable guy!
detail 唔好大聲畀人歧視
Don't laugh so loudly! We are being discriminated!
detail audio 我嘅職業唔係一般人可以接受
My occupation is not one that normal people can accept.
detail 馬來西亞未滿17唔准揸車
In Malaysia, those who have not reached the age of 17 cannot (legally) drive.
detail 一個人應付過來?
Can you manage on your own?
detail 唔畀入去
Encircle it with ropes to bar people from entry.
detail audio 有冇翻譯()?
Do you have an interpreter?
detail audio 工人咁滯
Nearly all the workers have come.
detail 乜滯
Almost no one has come.
detail 打發另一僕人他們也把加以侮辱空手回去
And again he (the lord of the vinyard) sent another servant. But they beat him also. They humiliated him, sent him away empty handed. (Luke 20:11)
detail 一個啱啱
This article is about a recently deceased person.
detail 隔籬周不時打通麻雀令到同屋滋擾
Ah Lin's neighbours often play mahjong right through the night thereby disturbing her and her family.
detail 捉棋時候依牙鬆槓
It irritates me when people around me are giving all sorts of comments while I am playing chess.
detail 快啲電話牽腸掛肚
Give her a call. Don't make her worry.
detail 老細工人七竅生煙
Boss got really pissed off by the workers.
detail 這樣咄咄逼人追問
With your forceful interrogation, he became even more nervous.
detail audio 人一世物一世,出嚟旅行乜都應該試下
Live the moment and enjoy life, when travelling, one should try out and experience everything.
detail audio 人哋重係黃花閨女
She's still an untouched virgin girl!
[The audio has 閨 mispronounced as gwai3 (instead of gwai1).]
detail audio 香港新加坡人高樓大厦
People of Hong Kong and Singapore are used to seeing high rise buildings.
detail audio 講手指甲凹凹凸凸表示健康問題
I hear that uneven finger nails means that there are some health issues.
detail audio 瓦礫死咗兩個
The debris crushed and killed two persons.
detail 老師我哋參觀二次大戰博物館軍人塚
The teacher brought us to the museum and memorial tombs of World War II.
detail 做錯少少, 乞人憎!
He chews you out for every small mistake you make, it's no wonder he's so unpopular!
detail 消防員救出被困電梯
Fire fighters rescued three people trapped inside a lift.
detail 似乎過份咁多人面奚落
You have gone too far, to ridicule her in front of so many people.
detail 真係冇用畀人乜都出嚟
You are useless. You revealed everything when they pressured you to do so.
detail 女仔小心唔好輕信男人講嘢OK
Girls will be all right as long as they are careful and don't believe in what the guys say.
detail 有啲審美觀念
Some people do have a very bad sense of aesthetics.
detail 要人不知除非
[1] The best way to hide a misdeed is not to commit it. [2] What is done by night appears by day.
detail 豈但年青人愛好運動年紀積極鍛煉身體
Not only are the young keen in sports, even the elderly are enthusiastic about physical training.
detail 真係令人猝不及防
I was caught off-guard by this sudden move of his.
detail 個人戽被
You are so old now yet you still kick your blanket when you sleep!
detail 人家點樣,點樣做
Just do as you are told.
detail 而家㗎喇
No one takes instructions from him anymore.
detail 人哋啱啱廣東話發音唔好
Her pronunciation is a bit off as she has started learning Cantonese not long ago. You shouldn't tease her.
detail 阿媽鬧人中氣十足
Mum can scold people very loudly
detail 二分畀人使穿
Slog like slave for the paymaster after having received a miserable remuneration.
detail 不是一個
I am not someone who will speak boldly.
detail 轉身唔見咗
He disappeared as soon as I turned around.
detail 考古學研究人類文化歷史學科
Archeology is a science that studies human cultures and history
detail 眼尾見到有人門口
I saw someone walked passed the door out from the corner of my eyes
detail 人齊開飯
Wait till everyone has arrived and then start the meal
detail 份人善忘
(S)He is very forgetful.
[Although 份人 may be omitted, it can emphasize the sentence is talking about "personality". ]
detail 唔好偷𥊙人哋沖涼如果唔係眼挑針  ?! 
Don't spy on people when they are showering, otherwise you'll get a stye!
[There is an old wives' tale linking styes to spying on people when they are bathing.]
detail 如果阿明真係一個超人⋯⋯唔會米田共返嚟屋企重要走廊地板都係死人⋯⋯
It'd be nice if Ah Ming were a superhero that knew how to fly … Then he wouldn't have brought home the poop that he stepped on in the street and printed it all over the floorboards in the hallway! Cleaning it up will be the death of me …
detail 細佬鐘意公眾地方著衫但係呢啲法律
Kid, no-one likes to wear clothes in public, but it's the law!
[Lit. child, have-no people like in public place wear-clothes [particle], however these are law [particle]]
detail 等陣銀行人哋入票
I want to go to the bank in a moment to cash a cheque.
detail 頭先畀我等陣銀行人哋入票
He told me he wanted to go to the bank soon to cash a cheque for someone.
[頭先 implies 10 or 20 minutes ago; contrast with 啱啱 which implies a few seconds ago.]
detail 我等銀行人哋入票
I'll want to go to the bank to cash a cheque for someone soon.
[Shouldn't be parsed as 我等 陣(我哋) but as 我 等陣]
detail 我哋開始懷疑有可能我哋嗰個殺人狂
We're starting to suspect that he's probably the homicidal maniac we're looking for.
detail 科學家科學方法研究
A scientist is someone who does research using scientific methods.
detail 不可一世份人真係大鼻
He thinks he's the best in the world... he's really arrogant.
[second half: he personality really arrogant.]
detail 真係令人懷念一個世紀之後返嚟
We've really missed you while you've been gone the last 100 years.
[Lit. really make-people very miss-you, one century afterwards again return come [particle] This is being said to someone who's lived several hundred years (specifically Greed from Full Metal Alchemist).]
detail 似乎都係畀人
Seems there's nothing I can do to help you so I'm just gonna have to pass the buck on to someone else.
[Further discussion: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,84284,111096#msg-111096]
detail 聽講話近排獵豹個人
I heard there's a cheetah who killed three people recently.
[Lit. hear-say-speech recently have [counter] cheetah at this area kill-[particle indicating completeness] three people See this thread for discussion on grammar: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,111098,111192#msg-111192]
detail 唔可以解釋一下點解無端端被人
Can you explain why you were arrested for no reason?
[Lit. Can-cannot explain a-little-bit why you would-be for-no-reason by people arrest [particle]?]
detail 打擊罪行人人
We all have a part to play in combatting crime.
detail 手機聯繫人列表超過200
The contact list in my mobile phone has more than two hundred entries.
detail 環衛工人
sanitation worker
detail 經濟都會瞓着
Listening to him talk about economics would put anyone to sleep.
detail 人質囚禁二十日獲釋
The hostages have been set free after 20 days in captivity.
[Aspect marker 咗 is used to indicate passive voice.]
detail 一句話起嚟
His remark set everyone in the house roaring with laughter.
[起嚟 is a verb complement which means 'starting to ...'.]
detail 笑起上嚟殺死
She has a killer smile.
detail 健身嗰個細佬
The guy doing the keep-fit exercise is my brother.
[In the Canto version, the noun 'guy' is placed after the verbal phrase which modifies the noun. In the English version, the noun is placed before the phrase.]
detail 呢隻病人
This medicine is able to cure the patient.
[The verb 醫 is followed by three particles: 得, 翻, 好. 得 is potential particle; 翻 is resumptive marker; 好 is resultative particle. ]
detail audio 噏得就噏, 周時畀人抽後腳
He talks so much that people often use his own words to contradict him.
detail 老婆大人出聲
How would he be so daring as to utter a word, under the staring eyes of his wife.
detail 份人零舍柯箇
He behaves in a particularly affected way.
detail 年卅晚家人喺度𨅝檯腳, 點知咁啱男朋友預訂情人節喺呢度燭光晚餐
I had my reunion dinner with my family here on Chinese New Year's Eve. Little did I know that my boyfriend made a reservation to have our candlelight dinner in this same place on Valentine's day.
detail 一個人異鄉無根無蔃自己容易
To be alone in a foreign place without the support from family or society, one has to be very independent; and that can be very trying.
detail 近來傳出流言蜚語老闆畀人捉黃腳雞
Recently there has been all these slanderous tales about the boss being blackmailed for having some extra-marital affair.
detail 阿妹首都膾炙人口
A-mei's songs are all widely known.
detail 哈薩克斯坦唔係美國人
Borat is from Kazakhstan; he is not an American.
detail 呢個罄竹難書蓮子
This man was responsible for many countless wrong doings. We let him off easy by putting a bullet in him.
detail 大家知道吹水功夫一流可以簡單天花龍鳳吸引
Everyone knows Ah Hung is really good at talking. He can capture his audience by making a simple matter so sophisticated.
detail 人生困擾莫過於喪失人生目標
The biggest perplexity in life is losing the goal of life.
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Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.