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  jau5 jau6   jyutping
  you3 you4   pinyin
[] jau5 | [] you3
[1] [v] have; own; possess | [ant]
[2] [v] there is; exist; be present

[] jau6 | [] you4
[adv] variant of (e.g. 二十)

Default PoS: verb Additional PoS: adverb
Stroke count: 6
Level: 1
Radical: (#74)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 43670 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 23rd Jun 2013 05:36

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detail  jau5 zeoi6  you3 xu4 = regular; orderly; successive; in order
detail  jau5 gwaai3 mok6 gwaai3  you3 guai4 mo4 guai4 = no hard feeling; don't be upset; no offense
detail  jau5 jung6  you3 yong4 = useful
detail  jau5 beng6  you3 bing4 = to be sick; become ill
detail  mut6 jau5  mei2 you3 = do not have
detail  jau5 mou5  you3 mao3 = is there? are there? have or not have?
detail  jau5 haan6  you3 xian4 = limited
detail  jau5 si4  you3 shi2 = sometimes
detail  jau5 zo2  you3 zuo2 = already have; be pregnant
detail  so2 jau5  suo3 you3 = to own; possessions; all
See all 510 compounds (CantoDict reports 532 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 179 examples containing 有
detail audio 一個星期
There are seven days in a week.
detail audio 大學有名!?
This university is very famous!
detail audio 其實不過太多功課
Actually I want to go, but I have too much homework.
detail audio 有冇男朋友?
Do you have a boyfriend?
detail 雪白兔子
I have a snowy white rabbit
detail audio 白色
I have two white shirts
detail audio
I am six feet tall.
detail audio 有病
I am feeling ill.
detail audio 鉛筆
I have two pencils
detail audio 足球十一個人
A football team consists of eleven members.
detail audio 屋企阿爸阿媽阿哥
My home has father, mother, brother and me.
detail 唔該請問有冇榴槤
Excuse me, do you sell durian?
Some oranges are sweet.
detail 山羊
Every goat has two horns.
[Lit. [counter] [counter] goat also have two [counter] horns. The "[counter][counter]都" pattern means "every".]
detail 呢度警崗
There's a police box here.
detail 好少
It's rare to see you back so early!
[Lit. so early return seldom have [particle]]
detail 唔明白
There's something I don't understand.
detail 畀你
I've got something to give you.
detail 個人後面匿埋
There's someone hiding behind the tree.
[Lit. have [counter] person at [counter] tree behind-face hide]
detail 屋企地毡
This house is carpeted.
[Lit. This [counter] house have carpet]
detail 仲有其他問題
Any further questions?
[Lit. still have-don't-have other questions?]
detail 佢哋嘅分別只有半年
There's only half a year's difference between them.
[Lit. Their difference only have half year]
detail 有冇郵局
Is there a post office in the area?
[Lit. this area have not-have post-office [particle]?]
detail 對面便利店
There is a convenience store across the street.
detail audio 過來有啲
Come over here, I've got something I want to discuss with you.
detail 請問附近哪裡藥房
Excuse me, is there a pharmacy around here?
detail audio 綠茶你好有益  ?! 
Green tea is very good (healthy) for you!
[the audio actually mispronounced as 綿荼 (which either doesn't exist or really rare)]
detail audio 生果營養
Fruits are sweet and nutritious.
[Please note that "有" is missing from the audio by mistake.]
detail 世界上很多
There are many people in the world.
detail audio 消息通知
Once you have the news then let me know.
detail audio 有冇禮拜堂?
Do you go to church?
detail audio 男人白色
There was once a man with a white horse.
detail audio 一分六十
There are sixty seconds in a minute.
detail audio 一小時六十分鐘
There are sixty minutes in an hour.
detail audio 有冇聽日畀我
Do you have something you want to give me tomorrow?
detail audio 希望大家輕鬆悠閑聖誕節
I hope we have a relaxing Christmas.
detail audio 聖誕老人?
Do you believe in Father Christmas?
detail 相信聖誕老公公
Do you believe in Father Christmas?
detail audio 聖誕樹?
How tall is your Christmas Tree?
detail 你的聖誕樹
How tall is your Christmas Tree?
detail audio 聖誕期間電視好多!
There are lots of good films on TV at Christmas!
detail audio 所有聖誕咭
Have you sent all of your Christmas cards yet?
detail audio 我哋屋企好多嘢食
We have so much nice food in the house.
detail 我們家裡太多好吃東西
We have so much nice food in the house.
detail audio 發燒頭痛
I have a temperature and headache.
detail audio 假期搞作
What are your plans for the holidays?
detail 生果健康有益
Fresh fruit is good for your health
detail 究竟定係  ?! 
Actually, does chicken come first or egg first?
detail 雀仔上面
There are several birds on the tree.
detail 天氣預告聽日驟雨
The weather forecast says it will shower tomorrow.
detail 老虎身上很多棕色條紋
A tiger has many black-brown stripes on its body.
detail 波蘭朋友
A Polish friend has come to visit me.
detail 先生請問有啲可以你嘅
Sir, how can I help you?
Some oranges are sweet.
Some of his oranges are sweet.
detail 點解中國咁多方言
Why are there so many "dialects" in China?
detail 唔好呢啲防腐劑食物
Don't buy food with preservatives!
[Lit. Don't buy these have preservatives (of) food]
detail 呢度地毡
There's a carpet here.
detail 街燈地上
There's a streetlight on the snowy ground.
detail 有時淨係坦克
Sometimes it's shortened to "tank".
[Lit. Have-times only call "tank". [坦克 is short for 坦克車.]]
detail 見到呢度唔係好警崗
I can see a police box that's not very big here.
[Lit. I see-arrive here have one [counter] is-not very big [possessive particle] police box. You CANNOT say 唔大 or 唔好大 instead of 唔係好大, although it may sound like either one if a speaker is talking very quickly. 唔大 should be 細.]
detail 好多頭盔畀你
There are lots of helmets for you to choose.
[Lit. have many [counter] helmets give you choose. Note: the counter is optional. 有好多頭盔畀你揀 is okay too.]
detail 琴日一套有啲地方幾好
I saw a film yesterday... some parts were okay.
[Lit. I yesterday see-already [counter] film, have place (note: this is a figurative use of place) quite good watch.]
detail 琴日一套少少好睇
I saw a film yesterday... it wasn't very good.
[Lit. I yesterday see-already film, have little-bit good-watch]
detail 琴日一套有啲好睇
I saw a film yesterday... it wasn't very good.
[I yesterday see-already [counter] film, have little-little good-watch]
detail 琴日一套一啲好睇
I saw a film yesterday... it was average.
[I yesterday see-already one film, have little-bit good watch.]
detail 一點信心
I‘m very confident about this.
[Lit. I towards this point very confident]
detail 一點自信
I have a lot of self-confidence about it.
[Lit. I toward this one point very self-confident.]
detail 冇用緊要才華
Looks are nothing... the most important thing is talent.
detail 其實老公仲有
Actually, I have a husband... and a daughter to boot!
[呢 is sometimes used to separate conjunctive adverbs from the rest of the sentence: equally valid would be 咁其實呢.]
detail 前日有人
The day before yesterday, someone stole his shirt.
[Lit. day-before-yesterday, have person steal he [counter] shirt.]
detail 噴泉前面黑色
There's a beautiful cat in front of the fountain.
[Lit. fountain front-face have one [counter] beautiful [possessive particle] black-colour cat.]
detail 噴泉側邊白色狗仔
There's a beautiful white puppy beside the fountain.
[Lit. fountain side have one [counter] beautiful [possessive particle] white-colour dog-child]
detail 你哋係咪好多男朋友
You must be popular with the boys!
[Lit. you [plural] [clause delimiter], is-or-is-it-not have many boyfriend [particle]]
detail 如果個人你嘅謙虛
If someone praises you, you need to be more humble!
detail 學生起身
A student called Ping stood up.
[Lit. have [counter] call Ping-boy [possessive particle] student stand-up]
detail 個人九龍花園搵到化石
Someone found a fossil in Kowloon Park.
detail 呢度漫畫作品
Here's some of the manga I've produced.
[Lit. Here have me [counter] manga works. (A more literal translation of the meaning would be "here are some of my manga works" but that doesn't read too well in English.)]
detail 呢個白酒少少  ?! 
This white wine is a little bitter.
detail 你哋唔會有啲拗撬
Do you ever have arguments?
[Lit. you-[plural marker] will-not-will have [plural classifier] arguments [particle]?]
detail 你哋唔會有啲火花  ?! 
Are there ever sparks between you?
[Lit. you-[plural marker] will-not-will have [plural counter] sparks [particle]? The 'sparks' could possibly of anger or love. [Check please!]]
detail 唔好嘈唔知幾多  ?! 
Don't disturb me, I'm up to my eyes in work.
[Lit. don't disturb me, don't know how-much work [to] do.]
detail 上便
There's a guy standing on the table.
[Lit. Have [counter] friend stand at table on-top. 條友 is an set expression for "guy".]
detail 有用
Make yourself a useful person.
[Lit. you need do [counter] useful [possessive particle] person]
detail 方法打倒
I’ve got a way of taking him down.
[Lit. I have [counter] method overthrow him.]
detail 保險箱裡便一盤水
There's a lot of money in the safe.
[Lit. safe inside have one-tray-water]
detail 以前經理咸濕
There was a manager who sexually harassed him before.
[Lit. before have [counter] manager sexually-harrass him]
detail 覺得英國香港有啲乜嘢分別
What differences do you perceive between England and Hong Kong?
[Lit. you feel England with Hong Kong have [plural counter] what differences?]
detail 鮮奶好多鈣質
There's a lot of calcium in this glass of milk.
[Lit. this glass milk have many calcium]
detail 酒店噏耷? 有人幫襯?
Why's this hotel such a mess? How will anyone want to come here?
[Lit. what this [counter] hotel so shabby [particle]? How would have person would frequent [particle]]
detail 兩個重係讀緊書
Mr Lee is married with two sons, who are still in school.
[There is no relative pronoun (such as "who") in Cantonese. The change of subject is self-evident from the context.]
detail 淨係
You aren't the only one who have it; I too have it.
[夠 is used as an adverb that means "too".]
detail 雖然大學但是認為有資格
Although I have not attended college, I believe that I am also qualified.
detail 可惜那天限於時間我們沒有這個問題深入交談
Unfortunately, owing to the lack of time that day, we weren't able to discuss this problem in depth.
detail 如果有事的話 , 不要
Don't come if you're busy.
detail audio 對待顧客要有禮貌
be polite to customers
detail audio 工作有條理
She is a methodical worker.
detail audio 我哋食藥嗰陣時小心可能副作用
When taking medication, we have to be careful; there may be some side-effects.
detail audio 月尾之前所有書籍必須歸還圖書館
All books are to be returned to the library before the end of the month.
detail 你的腦子毛病?
"Are you out of your mind?"
detail audio 眼闊肚窄重有好多慢慢
Don't be so greedy, there's still a lot of food; eat slower!
detail 牛奶有益健康
Milk is good for your health.
detail audio 重有幾遠?
How far do you still have to go?
detail 估唔到
I'm not able to guess his height.
[See the word entry for 估唔到 as the pronunciation for 到 can change depending on the meaning intended.]
detail audio 大廈自來水
This building has "self-arrived" ("running") water.
detail 屋企重有幾多
How much rice is there left in the house? (at home)
detail 有啲
These shoes are a little bit cramped.
detail audio 禁區有落
(Please) let me off before the no standing zone.
[said to minibus drivers]
detail 唔理, 求其得喇
I don't mind how small the room is as long as there is a bed inside.
detail audio 邊個眼高手低無論佢嘅目標崇高能力
It's such a pity that no matter how big his aims are, he hasn't the ability to see them through.
detail audio 有冇翻譯()?
Do you have an interpreter?
detail 木橈只有撐船
How can we use a mere one-feet long paddle to punt the boat?
detail 未有耐
Some time more before the show begins.
detail 做嘢快手之不過有時揦西
He is very fast in what he does, but occasionally he can be sloppy.
detail 男仔露台欄河似乎跳樓
There's a man sitting on the barrier of the balcony as though he is about to jump off the building.
Yours is a good idea, but mine is an even better plan.
[is an expression. 張良 was a famous master strategist. lit: You may have 張良's plan, but I have an escalade (a rampart-scaling ladder)]
detail audio 而家情況重有心情游山玩水?
He still has the mood to go for sightseeing at a time like this?
detail 中間
Read the side if any; read the middle part if there is no side.
[This is a guesswork method people use to read a Chinese character when they do not know its exact pronunciation.]
detail 聽日就要有啲𠍁
You want it by tomorrow? That leaves me with too little time.
detail 身高只有籃球𠍁水
Your height of five-foot-nine is not tall enough to enter the basketball team.
detail 二百已經綽綽有餘
Two hundred dollars is more than enough
detail 媽媽屋企打理井井有條一啲
It is not an easy feat for Mommy to manage the house so neat and tidy.
detail audio 誠意勉為其難原諒你呢
Since you’re so sincere, I’ll reluctantly forgive you just this once!
detail audio 講手指甲凹凹凸凸表示健康問題
I hear that uneven finger nails means that there are some health issues.
detail audio 危難,"不需上前";,"上陣不離父子兵"。
A son would would protect his father and face the danger himself; but in times of emergency, both son and father would fight the battle together.
detail audio 以為攝影師男朋友一定會好多殊不知一張
I had the idea that by having a photographer as boyfriend, I would have many of my pictures taken. Little did I know that none of the photographs were of me.
detail audio 燕窩魚翅實情
For no good reason he'll have bird's nest and shark's fin as a meal; he must really be rich.
detail audio 唔該街口有落
Excuse me, I want to get off at the intersection!
[said to minibus drivers]
detail audio 魚蛋粉魚蛋牛丸牛丸雪糕薯片? 些粉
Fish ball noodles contain fish balls, beef ball noodles contain beef balls, what kind of noodles contain ice cream and potato chips? 7-Eleven.
[A joke in Cantonese that utilizes the pun between 粉 (noodles) and the Cantonese pronunciation of the second syllable of "seven". See entry for 些粉.]
detail 激將法毅力信心
We'll urge by ridiculing him until he regains the will power and confidence.
detail 自瀆睇法
What are your views on masturbation?
detail 有啲審美觀念
Some people do have a very bad sense of aesthetics.
detail 今次舞蹈演出婀娜多姿舞蹈家非常水準
This dance performance used many different styles but were all elegant.The dancers were excellent!
detail 當日天陰陰落雨絲濕出門經已不祥預感
That day the weather was overcast and about to rain. I had a very bad feeling as I stepped out my house.
detail 他的作品獨樹一幟不規則的形狀
His pieces usually do not follow any rules and form. They are very distinctive.
detail 壓力壓力做咩挑釁
"You have pressure, I have pressure, why do you want to provoke me?"
[This infamous quote from 巴士阿叔 ("Bus Uncle") was a cultural phenomenon in 2006. See the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bus_Uncle.]
detail 雀仔上面  ?! 
DELETE: There are several birds on the tree.
detail 社會氛圍
Back then, society had its own sets of norms.
detail 有時廣東話講起上嚟繑口
Sometimes Cantonese can be very hard to pronounce.
detail audio 酒店冇理由話唔定有鬼
There is no reason why the rates for this hotel is so low. Maybe there are ghosts in the rooms.
[Final particle 格 is the affective version of 㗎.]
detail 生果一種有益健康食物
Fresh fruit is a kind of food that's beneficial to health.
detail 有一年,英文滿分
There was one year, I got full score on the English examination.
detail 眼尾好多魚尾紋
I have a lot of crow's feet(wrinkles) at the corner of my eyes.
detail 眼尾見到有人門口
I saw someone walked passed the door out from the corner of my eyes
detail 佢嘅穿著品味
(s)He has a good taste in clothes.
[Literally: His/Her (way of) wearing (clothes) really has taste [in other words: "is very tasteful"]. instead of "佢嘅穿著", you may also say "佢嘅衣著/佢著衫".]
detail 邊度有得正宗意大利
Where can (one) finds authentic Italian food?
[[Lit.] where can/have authentic Italian food to be eaten?]
detail 你嘅另一半
How compatible are you and your partner?
[[Lit.] How compatible are you and your other half?]
detail 快脆有得
Food will be ready soon. [Lit.] very soon, (food will be done and) available to be eaten.
detail 呢個復活節係咪北海道滑雪,重係十劃都未有一撇
It's still far too early to tell if we are going skiing in Hokkaido this Easter.
[In this sentence, the third character 都 in the idiom 十劃都未有一撇 could be moved three spaces up so that the latter half of the sentence would become 都重係十劃未有一撇. The meaning would remain the same. ]
detail 你嘅未來期待
I have very high expectations for your future.
detail 幾個見到非常之街燈草地上面
I saw a bright and really tall streetlight on the grass a few months ago.
[Lit. I several months before see-arrive have one [counter] and bright and very tall [possessive particle] streetlight located grass-floor on.]
detail 如果真係有興趣學好廣東話嘅話一定要多啲香港
If you want to learn Cantonese, you must listen to more Hong Kong radio.
[Lit. If you really have interest study-well Cantonese [conditional delimiter], you then must listen more Hong Kong channel.]
detail 今次真係有排煩
Now you've got a whole bunch of problems.
[Lit. This-time you really have unending problems.]
detail 我哋開始懷疑有可能我哋嗰個殺人狂
We're starting to suspect that he's probably the homicidal maniac we're looking for.
detail 坦克車履帶戰鬥
A tank is a war machine with caterpillar tracks.
detail 一部分更加獨立冷氣
In addition, some [apartments] have their own air conditioner.
[Lit. have one portion additionally are equipped-with independent air-con]
detail 仲有重要清楚
I still have something important and in need of clarification to ask you.
detail 琴晚閂窗發覺身體蚊𧕴
He didn't shut the window yesterday. When he woke up found that he had four mosquito bites.
detail 蚊𧕴有可能因為前日公園
There are three bites on my leg... it's probably because I was in the park the day before yesterday.
[Lit. I [counter] leg have three mosquito-bites, very probable is because I day-before-yesterday go park]
detail 聽講話近排獵豹個人
I heard there's a cheetah who killed three people recently.
[Lit. hear-say-speech recently have [counter] cheetah at this area kill-[particle indicating completeness] three people See this thread for discussion on grammar: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,111098,111192#msg-111192]
detail 獅子動物園出嚟
A lion escaped from the zoo.
detail 獅子動物園唔見咗
A lion went missing from the zoo.
detail 獅子動物園逃走
A lion escaped from the zoo.
[Not as common as this version: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/examples/1391/]
detail 大把擁躉
He's got a lot of fans
detail 邊個
Everyone needs to relieve themselves.
[Lit. Poo have who not excrete?]
detail 有時神經質
She gets hysterical sometimes.
[Lit. she will sometimes very hysterical]
detail 打擊罪行人人
We all have a part to play in combatting crime.
detail 手機聯繫人列表超過200
The contact list in my mobile phone has more than two hundred entries.
detail 萬大事有得解決
No matter how formidable this problem seems, it can be solved.
detail 出嚟肯定有幫助
It would certainly help if you speak out.
[The whole sentence is composed of 5 separate verbs: 講, 出嚟, 肯定, 有, and 幫助. Coming together, 講 becomes the single verb; 出嚟 functions as a directional particle; 肯定 is converted into an adverb; 有 and 幫助 combine as an adjective ]
detail 使,
I am not afraid of you. It's not like you have any real bite.
[For first part, see http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,138128,138130#msg-138130 For latter part, see http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?8,135281,135283#msg-135283]
detail 只有庸才留戀大鍋飯年代
Only lazybones and mediocre persons could hanker after the days of messing together.
detail 自從新聞報道椰子又盛, 一帶食肆食住條水, 推出各種各樣椰子有關小食
Ever since the news reported that coconuts were good and all, the entire stretch of eateries here seize the opportunity to serve snacks made from coconuts.
detail 好在重有公民黨
Thank goodness, we still have the Civic Party.
detail 好彩重有公民黨
Thank goodness, we still have the Civic Party.
detail 幸好還有公民黨
Thank goodness, we still have the Civic Party.
detail 自學”,顧名思義就是不在學校沒有老師指點自己學習
As the name implies, "Self-study" does not involve going to school where teachers are there to teach and guide; one learns on his own.
detail 糖尿病所以每日胰島素
Her dog has diabetes, so it needs insulin shots each day.
detail 甚至有能力不留痕跡情況底下
I have the capability to not leave a trace afterwards.
[E.g. on a computer.]

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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CantoDict v1.4.2 is a collaborative Chinese Dictionary project started in November 2003. Entries are added and mistakes corrected by a team of kind volunteers from around the world.
Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.