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  di1 dit1   jyutping
  di1   pinyin
[1] [pron] some; those
[2] [adv] a few; a little bit

[adv] only a little bit; every little bit

[variant] , D
Default PoS: pronoun Additional PoS: adverb
Stroke count: 11
Level: 2
Radical: (#30)

This character is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 33701 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 21st Jan 2014 03:32

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detail  jat1 di1   = some, a little
detail  ni1 di1  ni1 di4 = these
detail  go2 di1  ge4 di4 = those
detail  zou2 di1   = earlier
detail  faai3 di1  kuai4 di4 = faster
detail  di1 gam3 do1   = a little bit
detail  do1 di1   = more
detail  zaang1 di1   = almost
detail  siu2 di1   = less; fewer
detail  ci4 di1   = later
See all 46 compounds (CantoDict reports 43 compounds in total, which would seem to be an error - please report this on the CantoDict forum)

Showing all 134 examples containing 啲
detail audio 餐廳好好
The food at that restaurant is excellent!
detail audio 頭髮
Your hair is so smooth!
detail audio 上星期朋友一齊晚飯
Last Sunday, I had dinner with my friends together.
detail 快啲鞋帶
Quickly tie up your laces!
[Lit. faster tie shoelace]
detail 麵包變咗
The bread is squashed.
[Lit. the bread change-already shape. 變形 is a verb-noun pair, much like 食飯 or 洗手.]
detail 保險箱裡便
The money's in the safe.
[Lit. the money at safe inside]
detail 洗潔精出嚟
Squeeze out some detergent.
detail audio 過來有啲
Come over here, I've got something I want to discuss with you.
detail audio 記住多啲牛奶
Remember to drink more milk!
detail audio 中意乜嘢?
What do you like?
detail audio 廣東話
My Cantonese is better than you think!
detail audio 記得!
Remember to bring along all the stuff, okay!
Pull up your trousers a little bit!
detail audio 廣東話進步好多
Your Cantonese has improved a lot!
detail audio , 快啲?
How come you're so puny! Can't you walk slightly faster?
detail audio 生性!
Behave yourself!
detail audio 行李
Stack the luggage in a pile.
detail 肥仔多啲運動減肥
Fat guys have to do more exercise to lose weight.
detail 以前呢度生意做得而家喎呵
Doing business here used to be all right, but now, it's over.
detail 先生請問有啲可以你嘅
Sir, how can I help you?
detail 頭先伙記已經
Just now he said all the delivery boys had gone out.
detail 唔好呢啲防腐劑食物
Don't buy food with preservatives!
[Lit. Don't buy these have preservatives (of) food]
detail 嗰啲聲音覺得好好
I love the sound of those cicadas [nearby]!
[This is an example of topicalisation: the topic of the sentence, 嗰啲蟬嘅聲音, is placed at the front.]
detail 覺得呢啲聲音好好
I love the sound these cicadas are making!
[Lit. I feel these cicadas [possessive particle] sound very good-listen [particle].]
detail 琴日一套有啲地方幾好
I saw a film yesterday... some parts were okay.
[Lit. I yesterday see-already [counter] film, have place (note: this is a figurative use of place) quite good watch.]
detail 琴日一套有啲好睇
I saw a film yesterday... it wasn't very good.
[I yesterday see-already [counter] film, have little-little good-watch]
detail 琴日一套一啲好睇
I saw a film yesterday... it was average.
[I yesterday see-already one film, have little-bit good watch.]
detail 係咪保險嗰啲
Is it those people who want to sell insurance?
detail 壞咗快啲拖車
My car's broken down, quickly send out a repair truck!
[Lit. I [counter] car broken-already, you faster send-out [counter] drag-car come [particle]!]
detail 車死咗火快啲拖車
My car's packed up, quickly send out a repair truck!
[Lit. My [counter] car die-already fire, you faster send [counter] drag-car come [particle]! 死咗火 is more commonly used than 壞咗.]
detail 慳啲使
Don't spend so much money!
detail 唔好白鴿佢哋非常之揦鮓
Don't touch the pigeons, they're very dirty.
[Lit. don't touch [plural counter] pigeons [particle], they extremely dirty Other synonyms for 揦鮓: 污糟 and 污糟邋遢 ]
detail 頭先email畀你嗰啲資料收到
Have you get the information I emailed to you just now yet?
[Lit. I just-now email give you that information, you receive not-yet [particle]?]
detail 如果個人你嘅謙虛
If someone praises you, you need to be more humble!
If you pay by card it'll be cheaper.
detail 你哋唔會有啲拗撬
Do you ever have arguments?
[Lit. you-[plural marker] will-not-will have [plural classifier] arguments [particle]?]
detail 你哋唔會有啲火花  ?! 
Are there ever sparks between you?
[Lit. you-[plural marker] will-not-will have [plural counter] sparks [particle]? The 'sparks' could possibly of anger or love. [Check please!]]
detail 細路仔匿埋下便
The kids are hiding under the table.
[Lit. the kids hide at [counter] table underneath.]
detail 頭髮平時撈攪點解今晚梳頭  ?! 
Your hair's normally so messy, why've you combed it this evening?
detail 一啲
You call this hot? It's not hot at all!
[Lit. one bit also not hot [particle]. This is an idiomatic pattern that indicates emphatic negation of the adjective.]
detail 辦公室細路搞到立立亂
The office was turned upside-down by the kids.
[[parsing] (classifier) office by (plural classifier) kids make (extent particle) chaotic http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,128766 ]
detail 呢啲珍珠
These bubbles are very chewy!
[Lit. this [plural counter] pearl very chewy [particle] Note: 珍珠/bubbles refers to 珍珠奶茶, bubble milk tea. The "bubbles" are black spheres a few mm in diameter. ]
detail 出賣朋友
You need to sell out your friends.
detail 螢光棒
You need to wave the glow sticks.
detail 覺得英國香港有啲乜嘢分別
What differences do you perceive between England and Hong Kong?
[Lit. you feel England with Hong Kong have [plural counter] what differences?]
detail 呢啲蚊𧕴
These bites are damn itchy!
[Lit. This [plural counter] mosquito-bite itchy-arrive-die!]
detail 今日嗰啲乜嘢都九唔搭八
Nothing he wrote today made sense.
[Lit. He today write those things, what also nonsensical]
detail 得滯唔好  ?! 
The soup's too hot! Don't drink it yet.
[Lit. [plural counter] soup hot too-much. Don't eat [extensional-aspect particle] him.]
detail 好似長噉啲
The trousers look like somewhat too long.
[噉 means 'to some level/degree' in this sentence.]
detail 就算日常生活需要一啲科學常識
We need some scientific knowledge even in dealing with our daily life.
detail 屈質,將就
The room is indeed cramped, please make do with it.
[[i]literal[/i] (classifier) room is cramped indeed, make-do-with a-little (particle)]
detail 唔該睇住
Please keep an eye on my stuff.
[Parsing: 唔該 please | 你 you | 同 for | 我 me | 睇 watch | 住 keep | 啲嘢 the stuff.]
detail 郁啲撞火
His face flares red whenever he gets cross, which happens quite often.
[Cantonese language often prefers 'simple' repetition (撞火) to 'unnatural' conjunction (such as 每當) for the sense of "whenever".]
detail audio 唔敢隨便個人資料
I do not dare carelessly fill out [on a form] my personal information.
detail 慳返時間
to save (back) some time
detail audio 我哋食藥嗰陣時小心可能副作用
When taking medication, we have to be careful; there may be some side-effects.
detail audio 嗰啲全部
Nothing you said made any sense.
detail audio 眼闊肚窄重有好多慢慢
Don't be so greedy, there's still a lot of food; eat slower!
detail 快啲唔係就遲到㗎喇
Please be quicker, otherwise it will be late.
detail audio 主動
You need to be more proactive (i.e. take the initiative more often).
detail audio 如果垃圾出嚟垃圾袋
If you don't want garbage to spill out, you'll need to tie the garbage bag tight!
detail audio 快啲趕唔切㗎喇!
Let's hurry or we might miss it!
[Here, 就...㗎喇 means "or else"]
detail 碎銀塞入櫃桶
Grab the coins and shove them into the drawer.
detail 雜誌
He collected and took away all the old magazines.
detail 有啲
These shoes are a little bit cramped.
detail 起勢噉
He finished the work with vigour.
detail 呢啲
Give these to him as well!
detail audio 屏埋邊度?
Where did you hide away those things?
detail 唔好字眼!
Don't use such uncommon wording!
detail audio 零舍蚊赧而家
These mosquitoes especially potent as the swellings from their bites have yet to subside.
detail 條女發嬲快啲箍煲
Your girl is throwing tantrums. Quickly go appease her.
detail 基本上剩番頭頭尾尾
The house is basically well-decorated. What remains to be done are just some odds and ends.
detail 你哋冇幾何就坐
As you all seldom come, do stay (sit) a little longer.
detail 四正!
These writings are very neat and tidy.
detail BB快啲背囊裡面口水肩BB.
The baby needs to eat。 Quickly take the bib from the backpack and put it over her。
[Discussion on usage of 將: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,120703]
detail 餐廳例湯都係三幅被新鮮畀你
This restaurant always serves the same soups; there's never a new thing for you to try.
detail 西瓜倒瓤
The water melons are overly ripe (and spoilt)!
detail 好多根蔃
These old trees have lots of roots.
detail 做嘢快手之不過有時揦西
He is very fast in what he does, but occasionally he can be sloppy.
detail 裝修材料
The materials that he wants for the renovation is very peculiar
detail 快啲電話牽腸掛肚
Give her a call. Don't make her worry.
detail 聽日就要有啲𠍁
You want it by tomorrow? That leaves me with too little time.
detail 身高只有籃球𠍁水
Your height of five-foot-nine is not tall enough to enter the basketball team.
detail 重未賠返
He still hasn't paid me back yet.
detail 老細工人七竅生煙
Boss got really pissed off by the workers.
detail 認真讀書
Be serious about your studies.
detail 媽媽屋企打理井井有條一啲
It is not an easy feat for Mommy to manage the house so neat and tidy.
detail 手下辦事不力對唔住
My subordinates did not do a good job, so sorry.
detail audio 國家政府一直監察最好自己小心
The government has been monitoring you all along - you had best be careful.
detail audio 唔怪之得廚房罐頭逐一逐樣唔見咗原來鼠竊狗偷
No wonder the can foods in the kitchen has been disappearing one by one; so you are the one stealing them.
detail 老婆尾注
His wife took all his money and eloped with another man already.
detail audio 隨口講著衫獨沽一味點知借啲意隔日
I was merely commenting she's always wearing the same clothes; little did I know that she would use it as an opportunity to buy herself a whole cupboard of new clothes the next day.
detail audio 呢啲手板眼見功夫你好學識
It will not take long before you learn how to do such simple jobs.
detail audio 成日喺度寫埋無聊費事
He writes so much nonsense that I don't even bother reading it.
detail audio 落去唔會掯喉
Add some water into it and it wouldn't taste so overpowering.
detail 似乎過份咁多人面奚落
You have gone too far, to ridicule her in front of so many people.
detail 出啲紳士風度開車
Shouln't you be a gentleman by opening the car door for Bou Wah?
detail 而家唔好遲啲喊冷㗎喇
Do not buy now; they will soon be slashing the prices.
detail 女仔小心唔好輕信男人講嘢OK
Girls will be all right as long as they are careful and don't believe in what the guys say.
detail 有啲審美觀念
Some people do have a very bad sense of aesthetics.
detail 小小心意受落禮物唔好抰嚟抰去
It is a small token of appreciation, just accept the simple gift instead of pushing it back and forth.
detail audio 而家細路真係身在福中不知福
Children nowadays really don't know how fortunate they are.
detail 嘢食
Find a mesh cover to cover the food.
detail audio 酒店冇理由話唔定有鬼
There is no reason why the rates for this hotel is so low. Maybe there are ghosts in the rooms.
[Final particle 格 is the affective version of 㗎.]
detail 最好快手快腳功課
You better to finish your homework quickly.
detail 一日早啲釘蓋
You smoke ten packs of cigarettes a day, (you) got a death wish?
[Lit: You smoke ten packs of cigarettes a day, (you) want to die earlier?]
detail 落啲薑蔥可以腥味
Drop in some ginger and scallion , can get rid of the fishy smell.
detail 唔該快快脆脆()。
Please wash all the dishes quickly.
[In this sample, the speaker is more likely to speak in an impatient manner.]
detail 嗱嗱聲然後食飯
You should hurry up and finish your work, so that you can have your meal!
detail 如果阿明真係一個超人⋯⋯唔會米田共返嚟屋企重要走廊地板都係死人⋯⋯
It'd be nice if Ah Ming were a superhero that knew how to fly … Then he wouldn't have brought home the poop that he stepped on in the street and printed it all over the floorboards in the hallway! Cleaning it up will be the death of me …
detail 上個禮拜嗰啲乾洗
I took the clothes I bought last week to be dry-cleaned.
[Lit. I took-already last-week bought those shirts go dry-clean]
detail 細佬鐘意公眾地方著衫但係呢啲法律
Kid, no-one likes to wear clothes in public, but it's the law!
[Lit. child, have-no people like in public place wear-clothes [particle], however these are law [particle]]
detail 如果真係有興趣學好廣東話嘅話一定要多啲香港
If you want to learn Cantonese, you must listen to more Hong Kong radio.
[Lit. If you really have interest study-well Cantonese [conditional delimiter], you then must listen more Hong Kong channel.]
detail 頭盔但係一啲
He's wearing a helmet but it doesn't look good on him at all.
[Lit. He wear-continue one [counter] helmet, however a little bit also not stylish. 一啲都唔[adjective] is a useful construction to mean "not at all..."]
detail 琴日一套但係一啲唔好
I saw a film yesterday, and boy did it suck.
[Lit. I yesterday see-already [counter] film, however one little bit also not good-watch.]
detail 唔好老鼠佢哋污糟邋遢
Don't touch the rats, they're extremely dirty.
[You could also add in a 好 in this case (i.e. 佢哋好污糟邋遢) with no real difference in meaning.]
detail 佢哋乘機暴亂搶嘢  ?! 
They took advantage of the riots to steal things.
detail 垃圾, 辦公室
Can you bin the junk that's lying around? The office is a mess.
[Lit. you need throw-away [particle used in imperatives] [plural particle] rubbish, [counter] office very messy Other words you could use instead of 好亂: 好亂龍, 亂晒, 亂晒龍, or 亂晒大龍]
detail 醫生畀我蚊𧕴
The doctor gave me some cream to put on my mosquito bites.
[Lit. [counter] doctor give-already [plural counter] stop-itch-cream give me spread insect bite]
detail 聽日嗰啲準備?
Have you finished preparing the stuff you're talking about tomorrow?
[As this sentence consists of a long relative clause 聽日講嗰啲嘢, a topic-comment construction like the above is preferred to a subject-verb-object construction like 你準備好聽日講嗰啲嘢未. ]
detail 出嚟
Get it all out of your system in one go! [Talking about excretion.]
[Lit. excrete completely the poo out]
detail 脾氣惡頂
His bad temper is quite hard to take.
detail 慳啲啦!
Shut up! | Cut it out! | Save your breath!
[a shortened form of "save your breath"]
Flick away the dust.
detail 冷靜繼續做嘢
Keep Calm and Carry On
detail 我哋不斷收到呢啲冇用傳單實在討厭
We keep getting these unwanted flyers; they're a real nuisance.
[In the second part of sentence, the English version uses "they" to show a change of new subject. The Cantonese version does not need a new subject which is understood.]
detail 呢啲山路𪙛𠸉㗎喇千祈低波
You must engage low gears when you drive as these mountain roads are very uneven.
detail 係噉落去,
If you keep going on like this, you would lose all your money.
detail 都係比較揸拿好過投資小生意
I am of the view that buying property has more assurance, better than investing in small businesses.
detail 結賬嗰陣時計埋租金保險燈油火臘賺得幾多
When working out the accounts, considering the rental, insurance, utility bills, and other deductibles, there won't be much profit to be made.
detail 近來傳出流言蜚語老闆畀人捉黃腳雞
Recently there has been all these slanderous tales about the boss being blackmailed for having some extra-marital affair.
detail 藥水𢳆先至好飲
There is sediment in the medicine, shake evenly before drinking it.
detail 快啲梳化翻嚟
Hurry up and move the sofa back here!
[The first 翻 is an aspect marker, indicating that the sofa should be restored to its original location. The second 翻 is a directional particle, indicating that the sofa should be moved "here", not elsewhere. ]
detail …差唔多咁滯
He has almost lost all his money.
[差唔多 and 咁滯 are two apparently redundant adverbs that share the meaning of "almost". However, when used together, they function as two split constituents that form part of a discontinuous construction.]

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.