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  dou3 dou3*2   jyutping
  dao4   pinyin
[] dou3 | [] dao4
[1] [v] arrive; reach; get to
[2] [v] go to; leave for
[3] [particle] used after a verb or adjective to indicate degree/extent

[] dou3*2 | [] dao4
[particle] used after a verb to indicate attainment/achievement or potentiality

Stroke count: 8
Level: 1
Radical: (#18)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 43734 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 1st Aug 2013 01:59

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detail  dou3 kei4  dao4 qi1 (PRC), dao4 qi2 (Taiwan) = [v] to expire; [adj/adv] at the due date
detail  teng1 dou3*2  ting1 dao4 = hear; have heard
detail  hon3 dou3*2  kan4 dao4 = look; have looked
detail  gin3 dou3*2  jian4 dao4 = see; have seen; have met
detail  tai2 dou3*2   = look; have looked
detail  sau1 dou3*2  shou1 dao4 = to have received (sth.)
detail  dang2 dou3  deng3 dao4 = wait until; waited until
detail  dou3 lei4/lai4/loi4  dao4 lai2 = to arrive; to reach; to have arrived; arrival; advent
detail  loi4 dou3  lai2 dao4 = to come, to arrive
detail  zaau2 dou3/3*2  zhao3 dao4 = find; succeed in finding
See all 184 compounds (CantoDict reports 188 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 116 examples containing 到
detail audio 開心.
Nice to meet you.
[(lit.) Very happy to have met you.]
detail 可以見到  ? 
He can see me
He's tanned.
[Lit. he shine arrive (very) black]
detail 畀你見到
I don't want to let you see.
[Lit. I not want give you-[plural marker] see-arrive]
detail 見到
I can see two tables.
[Lit. I see-arrive two [counter] table.]
detail 你哋真係
You're no good at fooling people.
[Lit. you-[plural marker] really trick-not-arrive people]
detail 對不起由於下雨所以遲到
I'm sorry, I was late because of the rain.
detail audio 見到父母開心
I am very happy upon seeing my parents.
detail audio 行路好攰
I walked until my legs were tired.
[We have to repeat the verb 行 because the object 路 and the extent particle 到 are both there in the sentence.]
detail 見到高興
nice to meet you
detail 晚上可以看到上天空中星辰
At night you can see stars in the sky above your head.
detail 分鐘之後
After a few minutes I'll be there.
detail 分鐘之內
I'll be there in a few minutes.
detail 見到真是太好了
It was nice meeting you.
detail audio 就嚟死啦
I am being bored to death.
detail audio 廣東話
My Cantonese is better than you think!
detail audio 咪郁!!郁嚟郁去前面
Don't move!! I can't see the front when you keep moving.
[the meaning of 咪郁 and 唔好郁 is the same basically, but the young people would like to say 咪郁 more than 唔好郁.]
detail audio 聖誕節就快
It will be Christmas soon
detail audio 硬係過籠
You always eat too much food!
detail audio 死死下!
I am so ill I feel like dying!
detail audio 五顏六色
He is seriously ill.
detail 這麼出爾反爾剛纔現在不要到底
Stop changing your mind! A while ago, you said you wanted to go, but now you say you don't want to--are you really going or aren't you?
detail audio 返學可以好多同學
Going to school can get to know a lot of classmates.
detail audio 睇到封信時候已經離開香港
By the time you read this letter, I will have already left Hong Kong.
[This line of dialogue is often heard in TV soap operas! :-)]
detail 先生請問有啲可以你嘅
Sir, how can I help you?
detail 巴士可以上環
Which bus can take me to Sheung Wan?
detail 請問可以科大
Excuse me, do you know what public transport can take me to the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (from here)?
detail 一百
Water boils at one hundred degree (Celcius).
detail 喺度釣魚但係終於垃圾
He's fishing... but, he wound up catching some rubbish!
[Lit. He currently fishing... but, he finally catch-arrive rubbish!]
detail 見到呢度唔係好警崗
I can see a police box that's not very big here.
[Lit. I see-arrive here have one [counter] is-not very big [possessive particle] police box. You CANNOT say 唔大 or 唔好大 instead of 唔係好大, although it may sound like either one if a speaker is talking very quickly. 唔大 should be 細.]
detail 次次講大話畀我聽到
He's always telling lies which I hear.
[Lit. He time time also tells-lies, also give me listen]
detail 根本阻住
I just wasn't able to stop him.
[Lit. I basically block-not-arrive him. The construction verb-m4-dou2 indicates an inability to complete the action. So, block-not-arrive is idiomatically "unable to block".]
detail 差人車尾搵到屍體
The policeman found the body in the car's trunk.
[Lit. [counter] policeman at car-trunk find-arrive [counter] dead-body In this example, 喺車尾廂 cannot go at the end of the sentence. (Why?)]
detail 頭先email畀你嗰啲資料收到
Have you get the information I emailed to you just now yet?
[Lit. I just-now email give you that information, you receive not-yet [particle]?]
detail 點解今日見到
Why didn't I see you today?
[Lit. why I today not-have see-arrive you [particle]? [maybe on the telephone]]
detail 個人九龍花園搵到化石
Someone found a fossil in Kowloon Park.
detail 曬太陽黑猛猛
He sunbathed so much he got a great tan.
[Lit. he shine-sun shine-arrive pitch black. 佢曬到黑猛猛 is okay too.]
detail 啱啱收到現場最新消息
We've just received an on-the-spot update.
[Lit. just now receive on-the-spot most new [possessive particle] news. Std. Chinese: 剛剛收到現場最新的消息. (Heard this sentence on a news report.)]
detail 辦公室細路搞到立立亂
The office was turned upside-down by the kids.
[[parsing] (classifier) office by (plural classifier) kids make (extent particle) chaotic http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,128766 ]
detail 呢啲蚊𧕴
These bites are damn itchy!
[Lit. This [plural counter] mosquito-bite itchy-arrive-die!]
detail 唔係,今朝重未見到
No, I haven't seen him yet this morning.
[呃 [aak3] is a final particle used here to emphasize a denial of sth which is often detailed immediately after it.]
detail 每次見到都係講緊電話
He's speaking on the phone whenever I see him.
[English "whenever" = Cantonese "every time" (每次) + "is always" (都係)]
detail audio 出千
I caught your cheating!
detail audio 見到即刻黑面
Once he saw me, he gave me a stern look.
detail 務必按時到達那裡
You must be there on time.
detail 快啲唔係就遲到㗎喇
Please be quicker, otherwise it will be late.
detail 估唔到
I'm not able to guess his height.
[See the word entry for 估唔到 as the pronunciation for 到 can change depending on the meaning intended.]
detail 估唔到喺呢度見到!
Fancy seeing you here!
[See the word entry for 估唔到 as the pronunciation for 到 can change depending on the meaning intended.]
detail 通常博物館搵到古董
Antiques can usually be found in museums.
detail 曹操 曹操  ?! 
PLEASE DELETE AND RECREATE AS A COMPOUND (IDIOM), AS PER http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,92526,92538#msg-92538 Speak of the devil (and he shall appear).
[PLEASE DELETE AND RECREATE AS A COMPOUND (IDIOM), AS PER http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,92526,92538#msg-92538 Note that this is a rough translation "曹操" is actually a famous Chinese general and NOT a translation for the devil.]
detail audio 但係
He/She is reading a book, but I can't see what it's called.
detail 好食七名食埋
So tasty that it is finger licking good.
detail audio 梗係女仔!
He's so ugly, of course he can't get a girl(friend)!
detail audio 成身
We're splashed with mud from head to toe by the passing car.
[lit. "the entire body"]
detail audio 屋企起勢噉
I drank water unceasingly on returning home.
detail 最後
Turn the book to the last page!
detail 原本不想這裡
He originally didn't want to come here.
detail audio 好多冤枉路, 先至搵到
He has taken many a roundabout way before finding this job.
detail audio 爬到上山, 猛咁嗍氣
I gasp for breath after climbing up the hilltop.
detail audio 做到嗍氣
This job involves strenuous work.
[[i]lit.[/i] this job work till gasp breath Note: "job" is topic, not subject. Extent particle 到 is followed by verb phrase 嗍氣.]
detail 阿媽女朋友投契
My mom and girlfriend are having such a kindred conversation.
detail audio 零舍蚊赧而家
These mosquitoes especially potent as the swellings from their bites have yet to subside.
detail 成身𣲷/nap6/,
You are all sweaty and sticky after playing. Quickly go for your shower.
detail 做嘢做到天光
He works so slowly, he won't be even finished by [next] morning.
detail 荔枝過造龍眼旺季
The peak season for longans to come on sale is after the lychees.
detail 唔好捵嚟捵去
He has gastritis; it hurts so much that he tosses and turns on his bed.
detail 隔籬周不時打通麻雀令到同屋滋擾
Ah Lin's neighbours often play mahjong right through the night thereby disturbing her and her family.
detail 冇雷公咁遠
It is not worth buying goods from such a faraway place.
detail 下扒輕輕就要做到
Don't just say it, you must do it.
detail 老細我哋依牙鬆槓
The treat from my boss was wonderful and the food was great!
detail 𠍁因住𢱕落嚟
The cup is placed so close to the edge, be careful or it might just fall off.
detail 老細工人七竅生煙
Boss got really pissed off by the workers.
detail 媽媽屋企打理井井有條一啲
It is not an easy feat for Mommy to manage the house so neat and tidy.
detail 好彩得到細心查核搵到問題所在
Fortunately due to your careful checks, we are able to find where the problem lies.
detail 好似嗅到味道開始大聲
The dog seems to have sniffed and picked up some scent and started to bark.
detail 學好講嘢當我時候開始而家只係最後先至
I want to learn to speak first . When I can speak well, then I'll learn to write. For now, I just want to leave the writing until last.
[copied from [url=http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,91899,91899#msg-91899]this thread.[/url]]
detail audio 使出渾身解數
Forced him to pit all his skills
detail audio 收聲, 嘈到拆樓!
Shut up, you're making a lot of noise!
detail audio 廣告周街都係!
This advertisement is being posted all over the place!
detail 咁多對手競爭點樣先至令到自己脫穎而出
With so many other competitors, how can I ensure that I stand out from the rest?
detail 而家梗係聯絡
He is definitely uncontactable now since he is on the run.
detail 真係著時適值屋企
Came at the right time, just when he is home.
detail 已經出神入化境界
He has already attained the level of perfection through training.
detail 朝早稀冧冧晏晝
The bowl of porridge you had this morning was so watery. You will be hungry before noon.
detail 地鐵西灣河銅鑼灣只需大概二十分鐘車程
It takes only around twenty minutes from Sai Wan Hoi to Causeway Bay by MTR (the Metro).
detail audio 住喺不知幾隔涉
He lives up on a mountain, really secluded, you can't even reach it by car.
detail 眼尾見到有人門口
I saw someone walked passed the door out from the corner of my eyes
detail 我地一定會水落石出
we must investigate this incident till the truth comes out.
[[also]查個水落石出 ]
detail 盼望能夠找到真愛
I hope to be able to find true love.
[I hope I can find true love.]
detail 如果阿明真係一個超人⋯⋯唔會米田共返嚟屋企重要走廊地板都係死人⋯⋯
It'd be nice if Ah Ming were a superhero that knew how to fly … Then he wouldn't have brought home the poop that he stepped on in the street and printed it all over the floorboards in the hallway! Cleaning it up will be the death of me …
detail 見到頭先已經知道唔係普通筆記
Based on your expression just now, I guess you already know that this isn't an ordinary notebook.
[Lit. see-arrive you just-not (possessive particle) expression, I think you already know-already, this (counter) isn't ordinary (possessive particle) notebook.]
detail 幾個見到非常之街燈草地上面
I saw a bright and really tall streetlight on the grass a few months ago.
[Lit. I several months before see-arrive have one [counter] and bright and very tall [possessive particle] streetlight located grass-floor on.]
detail 唔使幾耐可以睇到精彩
In due course, you'll see a spectacular display.
[Lit. in good time, you then can see-arrive one [counter] brilliant [possessive particle] play. 不消多久=唔使幾耐]
detail 琴晚劈酒醉醉地
You got pretty drunk last night.
[Lit. you yesterday evening binge-alcohol binge-arrive drunk-ish]
detail 屋企黑猛猛好似盲咗
The house is so dark it's like I'm blind.
detail 新澤西州到處都係不毛之地
New Jersey is just barren wasteland.
[Lit. New Jersey everywhere also is barren wasteland. Originally the sentence was 死神界到處都是不毛之地, but I gave it a little twist!]
detail 琴晚跟住鹹濕女朋友
Last night he got really drunk and then lecherously fondled my girlfriend's breasts.
[Further discussion: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,84284,111096#msg-111096]
detail 似乎都係畀人
Seems there's nothing I can do to help you so I'm just gonna have to pass the buck on to someone else.
[Further discussion: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,84284,111096#msg-111096]
detail 今日成身蚊𧕴
I was covered by mosquito bites today.
[Lit. Today by mosquito bite arrive whole-body mosquito-bite]
detail 嗰陣時親眼見到獅子動物園嗰度出嚟
With my own eyes, I saw a lion come charging out of the zoo!
[Lit. I that time own-eyes see-arrive [counter] lion at zoo that-place zoom-already out come 出嚟 implies that you're standing outside of the zoo, because the lion's coming towards you 咗 implies the lion's already outside the zoo gate (completed)]
detail 其實掟煲但係因為次次所以而家唔敢分手
Actually I really want to break up with her, but I daren't suggest it. Every time I mention it, she bursts into tears.
[Lit. actually I very want with her break-up, however because time-time with her also speak this [counter] matter she cry manner very pitiful, therefore arrive now I not dare with her speak split hand.]
detail 我哋嗰陣場面十分墟冚
The scene was all alive by the time we arrived.
detail 一句話起嚟
His remark set everyone in the house roaring with laughter.
[起嚟 is a verb complement which means 'starting to ...'.]
detail 簡直
He had changed so much that I no longer recognized him.
[The two verbs 變 and 認 are each affixed with a verb particle 到 and 唔出 respectively. 到 is a degree particle while 唔出 is a potential particle.]
detail 好處
The advantages are too numerous to mention.
[Cantonese verbs and adjectives are often followed by various types of particle. Here, 到、唔 and 晒 are extent, potential and quantifying particles respectively. ]
detail 我哋不斷收到呢啲冇用傳單實在討厭
We keep getting these unwanted flyers; they're a real nuisance.
[In the second part of sentence, the English version uses "they" to show a change of new subject. The Cantonese version does not need a new subject which is understood.]
detail 等到差佬蚊都瞓啦  ?! 
[粵] paint will dry before the cops come! lit. to wait for the policeman to come, mosquitos would be asleep
detail 超市行路得到
The supermarket is within walking distance.
[間 the | 超市 supermarket | 行路 walking | 去 go | 得 able to | 到 arrive]
detail 等到返嚟嗰陣已經三日
By the time you return, he will have already been gone for three days.
[咗 (have been) is a perfective marker in a future tense sentence here.]
detail 公仔麵
I'm fed up with the eating of instant noodles.
[Very often, the same verb (食) has to be used twice when there are both an object (公仔麵) and an extent particle (到) in a sentence. ]
detail 經常遲到搞到老闆高興
He is always late, which makes his boss very upset.
[Cantonese grammar does not need a relative pronoun (which) to introduce a subordinate clause.]
detail audio 今朝關於你嘅裡面見到一齊器械
This morning I had a dream, it was about you. In the dream I saw us playing the equipment together
detail 成晚喺度喺度考慮好唔好請假
Ah Hung spent the whole night tossing and turning on his bed, clenching his fist like pig's trotters; he is still considering if he should apply for leave from work.
detail 大家知道吹水功夫一流可以簡單天花龍鳳吸引
Everyone knows Ah Hung is really good at talking. He can capture his audience by making a simple matter so sophisticated.
detail 沖涼芝麻綠豆嚟嘅唔好囉唆
That I don't take a bath is such a trifling matter, stop nagging at me here!

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.