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  ni1 ne1 nei1 nei4   jyutping
  ne5 ni2   pinyin
粵拼: ni1 / nei1
[][pron][adj] this, same as

粵拼: ne1 -- 拼音: ne
[1][final particle] used mostly to make a shortened question by repeating only some element of a previous question
[2][interjection] look; there we are; there it is
[3][]: level

粵拼: nei4 -- 拼音: ní
[n] woolen cloth

nounAdditional PoS: adjective
Stroke count: 8
Level: 1
Radical: (#30)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 34131 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 16th Oct 2009 19:47

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detail  ni1 wai6*2   = this one; this person
detail  ni1 go3  ni1 ge4 = this
detail  ni1 di1  ni1 di4 = these
detail 便  ni1 bin6  ni1 bian4 = here; this side
detail  ni1 dou6   = here
detail  ni1 ci3   = this time
detail  ni1 joeng6  ni1 yang4 = this type; this kind
detail  m4 hai6 ne1   = otherwise; or else
detail  li1 bou2   = a label (loanword)
detail  hai2 ni1 dou6   = here; at this place
See all 36 compounds (CantoDict reports 37 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 117 examples containing 呢
detail audio 呢隻白酒好正!?
This brand of white wine is really good!
detail audio 大學有名!?
This university is very famous!
detail audio 呢位父親
This is my father.
detail audio 點解打電話畀佢第二日
Why don't you phone her and tell her to change it to another day?
detail 呢度警崗
There's a police box here.
detail 好多次
I‘ve heard this song many times
detail 屋企地毡
This house is carpeted.
[Lit. This [counter] house have carpet]
detail 我嘅地埗喺呢度
My address is here.
[Lit. My address at here.]
detail 麻煩你翻譯畀我
Would you mind translating this sentence for me?
[Lit. trouble you translate this sentence give me hear. [Marked as level 1 because this is a tremendously useful sentence for learners ;)]]
detail 非常
This road is very narrow
detail 有冇郵局
Is there a post office in the area?
[Lit. this area have not-have post-office [particle]?]
detail audio 二手嚟㗎
This car is second-hand.
detail audio 唔知點呢排成日頭痛
I don't know why I've been getting so many headaches lately.
detail audio 呢個廣東話?
How do you say this in Cantonese?
detail audio 呢個價錢平時
This price is higher than normal.
detail audio 呢排
I've recently been eating less.
detail audio 呢排成日睇電視
Recently I've been watching tv all day.
detail audio 每年呢個時候總係忙碌
It is always so busy this time of the year.
detail 我們什麼時候聖誕裝飾
When will we put up the Christmas decorations?
detail audio 呢個聖誕唔好飲醉!
Don't get drunk this Christmas!
detail audio 呢個聖誕唔好為咗使錢
Don't spend your money on me this Christmas!
detail 究竟定係  ?! 
Actually, does chicken come first or egg first?
detail audio 睇到封信時候已經離開香港
By the time you read this letter, I will have already left Hong Kong.
[This line of dialogue is often heard in TV soap operas! :-)]
detail 可以學好廣東話
How actually can I learn Cantonese well?
[點先 is the abbreviated form of 點樣先至。 先至 means ‘really; actually’ here, often used with 呢 at the end of a sentence for emphasis. See this thread for details: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?1,111468,111471#msg-1114]
detail 以前呢度生意做得而家喎呵
Doing business here used to be all right, but now, it's over.
detail audio 適合
He is fit for the job.
detail audio 啱晒
This job is fit for him.
detail 先生請問有啲可以你嘅
Sir, how can I help you?
detail 唔好呢啲防腐劑食物
Don't buy food with preservatives!
[Lit. Don't buy these have preservatives (of) food]
detail 呢個雲石地板
This is a marble floor.
detail 呢度地毡
There's a carpet here.
detail 見到呢度唔係好警崗
I can see a police box that's not very big here.
[Lit. I see-arrive here have one [counter] is-not very big [possessive particle] police box. You CANNOT say 唔大 or 唔好大 instead of 唔係好大, although it may sound like either one if a speaker is talking very quickly. 唔大 should be 細.]
detail 覺得呢啲聲音好好
I love the sound these cicadas are making!
[Lit. I feel these cicadas [possessive particle] sound very good-listen [particle].]
detail 呢隻草蜢覺得佢嘅聲音好好
I love the sound this grasshopper makes!
[Lit. This [counter] grasshopper, I feel his sound very good-listen [particle].]
detail 呢隻草蜢鐘意佢嘅聲音
I love the sound this grasshopper makes!
[Lit. This [counter] grasshopper, I very like his sound [particle]. Note that 㗎 can be used interchangeably with 囉 here.]
detail 一點信心
I‘m very confident about this.
[Lit. I towards this point very confident]
detail 一點自信
I have a lot of self-confidence about it.
[Lit. I toward this one point very self-confident.]
detail 好聽好多
This song is much nicer to listen to than yours!
[Lit. This one [counter for songs] good-listen surpass yours [particle] lots]
detail 其實老公仲有
Actually, I have a husband... and a daughter to boot!
[呢 is sometimes used to separate conjunctive adverbs from the rest of the sentence: equally valid would be 咁其實呢.]
detail 你哋係咪好多男朋友
You must be popular with the boys!
[Lit. you [plural] [clause delimiter], is-or-is-it-not have many boyfriend [particle]]
detail 黑猛猛
This room is pitch black.
detail 呢度漫畫作品
Here's some of the manga I've produced.
[Lit. Here have me [counter] manga works. (A more literal translation of the meaning would be "here are some of my manga works" but that doesn't read too well in English.)]
detail 呢個白酒少少  ?! 
This white wine is a little bitter.
detail 呢個實驗緊要記性
It's vital to remember what you're doing in this experiment.
[Lit. this [counter] experiment[,] most important is memory Translated more directly: "the most important thing about this experiment is memory", but I don't think that's what's meant since the context is a chemistry experiment rather than psychology.]
detail 呢啲珍珠
These bubbles are very chewy!
[Lit. this [plural counter] pearl very chewy [particle] Note: 珍珠/bubbles refers to 珍珠奶茶, bubble milk tea. The "bubbles" are black spheres a few mm in diameter. ]
detail 鮮奶好多鈣質
There's a lot of calcium in this glass of milk.
[Lit. this glass milk have many calcium]
detail 呢啲蚊𧕴
These bites are damn itchy!
[Lit. This [plural counter] mosquito-bite itchy-arrive-die!]
detail 唔愛
Do you want this piece of clothing?
[Lit. this piece clothing you want not want [particle]?]
detail 唔愛
Do you still want this glass of water?
[Note that the final syllable can be changed to something resembling tone 2 to form a question.]
detail 酒店噏耷? 有人幫襯?
Why's this hotel such a mess? How will anyone want to come here?
[Lit. what this [counter] hotel so shabby [particle]? How would have person would frequent [particle]]
detail 呢個旅遊團香港人為主
This tourist group consists mainly of Hongkong people.
[以...為主 = take ... as the main thing]
detail 機器好容易操作
It's easy to operate this machine.
[Whilst the English version needs a dummy subject "it", the Chinese version needs no subject with "this machine" functioning as a topic of the sentence.]
detail audio 存放呢處
He has left a number of books with me.
detail audio 你呢陰濕
Your plot is very wicked.
detail 筆錢唔會覺得肉赤
I don't feel any pain in spending this amount of money.
detail audio 呢個方案三個月為期可以做完
I believe this project can be completed within three months.
detail 卅呀呢度人山人海直情不通
On the 30th night, this place will be completely filled with people, impossible to move.
detail 估唔到喺呢度見到!
Fancy seeing you here!
[See the word entry for 估唔到 as the pronunciation for 到 can change depending on the meaning intended.]
detail audio 如果嘅話唔可以呢個入去
If you're not too busy, could you help me move this dressor into the bedroom?
detail audio 大廈自來水
This building has "self-arrived" ("running") water.
detail 呢個紙板箱地下就得㗎喇
Just leave this cardboard box on the floor.
[(No need to do anything else to the box.)]
detail 呢啲
Give these to him as well!
detail audio 好多冤枉路, 先至搵到
He has taken many a roundabout way before finding this job.
detail audio 做到嗍氣
This job involves strenuous work.
[[i]lit.[/i] this job work till gasp breath Note: "job" is topic, not subject. Extent particle 到 is followed by verb phrase 嗍氣.]
detail audio 地方污糟
This place is very dirty.
detail 呢隻古仔㜺鬼
This story is really interesting.
detail 事關重大擔戴?
Is he able to bear the responsibility of such an important matter?
detail 一個啱啱
This article is about a recently deceased person.
detail 以前他條
This job is not as relaxed as the previous one.
detail 冇符
I'm at wits end for this matter
detail 小心晚年
We must consider this matter more carefully; being cautious will help us go a long way.
detail 𢱢蘋果
Take and eat this slice of apple
detail 老細我哋依牙鬆槓
The treat from my boss was wonderful and the food was great!
detail 唔係而係自己開心
I do this job not for the money, but rather for my happiness.
detail 幾百真係及時雨
This few hundred dollars is really great help at the right time.
detail audio 誠意勉為其難原諒你呢
Since you’re so sincere, I’ll reluctantly forgive you just this once!
detail 打邊爐同打屎窟可以
These two issues are as different as chalk is from cheese, how can they be put together and be compared at all?
detail audio 點解次次波餅
I didn't do anything to piss you off. Why are you throwing/kicking/[whatever action is appropriate] the ball at my body every time?
[Alternative translation: There's no grudge between us, why are you hitting me with the balls that you return?]
detail audio 呢度網址查詢
Please click here to access the website for information.
detail audio 呢啲手板眼見功夫你好學識
It will not take long before you learn how to do such simple jobs.
detail 又係老鬼
It's just me, the old guy!
detail audio 廣告周街都係!
This advertisement is being posted all over the place!
detail audio 冇咁
This glass of wine is not so strong; suitable for you.
detail 自瀆睇法
What are your views on masturbation?
detail 或者呢個褻瀆神明應得報應
This probably is the punishment he gets for blaspheming against the deities.
detail 舊底玩具風靡一時而家㗎喇
This type of toy was once very fashionable and popular. Now it is no longer an 'in thing'.
detail 鬼咁
This piece of meat is too tough. I just cannot bite on it.
detail 咁多對手競爭點樣先至令到自己脫穎而出
With so many other competitors, how can I ensure that I stand out from the rest?
detail 真係令人猝不及防
I was caught off-guard by this sudden move of his.
detail 呢度啱啱線雪櫃
This place is just nice for a fridge
detail 我知道呢個不爭事實
I know this is the undeniable truth.
detail 我地一定會水落石出
we must investigate this incident till the truth comes out.
[[also]查個水落石出 ]
detail 呢度小小心意希望笑納
Here is a little regards(gift), hope you would accept it gladly.
[心意 is literally [n] "kind regards/ thoughts", it symbolizes a gift or a present.]
detail 試過我老婆你呢
I have never cheated on my wife, (how about) you? [Literally] I haven't tried (and did something that I) cannot face to my wife, you?
[whether it means "cannot face to/cannot confront with" or "sorry",to 對唔住 someone you're romantically involved,it mostly refers to you "cheat". Otherwise, it can means you did something that disappointed the other or you let someone down.]
detail 呢個復活節係咪北海道滑雪,重係十劃都未有一撇
It's still far too early to tell if we are going skiing in Hokkaido this Easter.
[In this sentence, the third character 都 in the idiom 十劃都未有一撇 could be moved three spaces up so that the latter half of the sentence would become 都重係十劃未有一撇. The meaning would remain the same. ]
detail 我哋瞓身做好
We'll give this job our best shot.
detail 一帶房屋員工青睞
The workers favour houses in this area.
detail 見到頭先已經知道唔係普通筆記
Based on your expression just now, I guess you already know that this isn't an ordinary notebook.
[Lit. see-arrive you just-not (possessive particle) expression, I think you already know-already, this (counter) isn't ordinary (possessive particle) notebook.]
detail 細佬鐘意公眾地方著衫但係呢啲法律
Kid, no-one likes to wear clothes in public, but it's the law!
[Lit. child, have-no people like in public place wear-clothes [particle], however these are law [particle]]
detail 呢個一個開頭光芒芒後尾黑壓壓故事
This is a story that starts out innocently but ends up being very dark.
[Lit. this [counter] is one [counter] start bright, end dark [possessive particle] story]
detail 生意蝕本生意嚟㗎
This venture... is loss-making.
[Lit. this [counter] business is loss-making business [explanatory particle]]
detail 做生意第一就係
If you wanna be a businessman, the first thing you gotta learn is how to play dirty.
[Lit. you want study do business, number one [counter] thing is-exactly study wickedness]
detail 聽講話近排獵豹個人
I heard there's a cheetah who killed three people recently.
[Lit. hear-say-speech recently have [counter] cheetah at this area kill-[particle indicating completeness] three people See this thread for discussion on grammar: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,111098,111192#msg-111192]
detail 其實掟煲但係因為次次所以而家唔敢分手
Actually I really want to break up with her, but I daren't suggest it. Every time I mention it, she bursts into tears.
[Lit. actually I very want with her break-up, however because time-time with her also speak this [counter] matter she cry manner very pitiful, therefore arrive now I not dare with her speak split hand.]
detail 唔可以解釋一下點解無端端被人
Can you explain why you were arrested for no reason?
[Lit. Can-cannot explain a-little-bit why you would-be for-no-reason by people arrest [particle]?]
I'll leave this bag of clothes with you for the time being.
detail 點都要辦法呢度
You must bring him here by fair means or foul.
detail 我哋不斷收到呢啲冇用傳單實在討厭
We keep getting these unwanted flyers; they're a real nuisance.
[In the second part of sentence, the English version uses "they" to show a change of new subject. The Cantonese version does not need a new subject which is understood.]
detail 呢隻病人
This medicine is able to cure the patient.
[The verb 醫 is followed by three particles: 得, 翻, 好. 得 is potential particle; 翻 is resumptive marker; 好 is resultative particle. ]
detail 睇起困難但係落去好容易
This task seems quite difficult, but doing it is really easy.
[Aspect markers 起嚟 and 落去 function rather like antonyms, originally meaning "starting to" and "carrying on" respectively. ]
detail 自從新聞報道椰子又盛, 一帶食肆食住條水, 推出各種各樣椰子有關小食
Ever since the news reported that coconuts were good and all, the entire stretch of eateries here seize the opportunity to serve snacks made from coconuts.
detail 年卅晚家人喺度𨅝檯腳, 點知咁啱男朋友預訂情人節喺呢度燭光晚餐
I had my reunion dinner with my family here on Chinese New Year's Eve. Little did I know that my boyfriend made a reservation to have our candlelight dinner in this same place on Valentine's day.
detail 呢啲山路𪙛𠸉㗎喇千祈低波
You must engage low gears when you drive as these mountain roads are very uneven.
detail 識做?
Can he really do this piece of job?
[In this example 做 and 咩 are separate. Cf. the shorter more ambiguous "佢識做咩?", which can be interpreted as 1. "What can he do?" (when 做咩 is treated together), or 2. "Can he do it?" (when treated separately).]
detail 根本就係藤㨢瓜瓜㨢藤
These two matters are deeply entangled together. There is no way to separate them apart.
detail 呢個罄竹難書蓮子
This man was responsible for many countless wrong doings. We let him off easy by putting a bullet in him.
detail 呢度住客穿著禮服為主顯赫
The residents here are all formally attired, a mark of their affluence.
[Note: this is a very formal register, and is not the kind of this you'd drop into everyday conversation.]

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.