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  jat1   jyutping
  yi1 yi4 yi2   pinyin
[1] [numeral/article] one; a; an; the
[2] [adj] same; whole; all; throughout
[3] [pron] each; certain; another
[4] [adv] once; as soon as (as short for 一旦)
[5] [adv] a little; slightly
[6] [adv] suddenly; completely

Pinyin yi1 is standard reading, but changes tone to yi4 before characters of tones 1, 2, 3, and to yi2 before characters of tone 4.

is a variant of , the "full form" of , used in certain formal settings such as when dealing with currency.
Default PoS: adjective Additional PoS: nounadverbpronoun
Stroke count: 1
Level: 1
Radical: (#1)

This character is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.

This word has been viewed 44518 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by sheik on 18th Mar 2007 21:22 and last edited on 12th Nov 2014 02:41

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detail 廿  m4 lei5 saam1 cat1 je6 jat1   = reject an objection to a course of action, “I don’t care”; regardless, irrespective
detail  taam4 faa1 jat1 jin6  tan2 hua1 yi1 xian4 = lit. the night blooming cactus shows once / flash in the pan (idiom) / short-lived
detail  jat1 baak3  yi1 bai3 = one hundred
detail  jat1 sang1  yi1 sheng1 = lifetime, lifespan, a whole life
detail  sing1 kei4 jat1  xing1 qi1 yi1 (PRC), xing1 qi2 yi1 (Taiwan) = Monday
detail  sap6 jat1 jyut6  shi2 yi1 yue4 = November
detail  jat1 jyut6  yi1 yue4 = January
detail  jat1 haa5  yi1 xia4 = awhile; once
detail  jat1 di1   = some, a little
detail  jat1 man1   = one dollar; one yuan
See all 887 compounds (CantoDict reports 940 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 172 examples containing 一
detail audio 一個星期
There are seven days in a week.
detail audio 唔該一號拎走
Excuse me, I would like to have a Meal 1. Take-away.
[scenario: in McDonald's]
detail audio 上星期朋友一齊晚飯
Last Sunday, I had dinner with my friends together.
detail audio 烏龍茶一種
烏龍茶 is a type of tea.
detail audio 足球十一個人
A football team consists of eleven members.
detail 一日
Drink eight cups of water each day.
detail 呢度警崗
There's a police box here.
I bought a hand of bananas.
[Lit. I buy already one hand bananas. ['Hand' is another term for 'bunch'.]]
detail 一點灣仔食晏
I have lunch in Wanchai at 1:00 p.m.
["People + time + place + action" is one of the most common sentence patterns in Cantonese.]
detail audio 唔可以風扇
Can you please turn on the fan for me?
detail audio 一生一世都會
I'll love you for the rest of my life.
detail audio 見到父母開心
I am very happy upon seeing my parents.
detail audio 突然好癐等我一下
I'm suddenly very tired, let me sleep for a bit.
detail audio 消息通知
Once you have the news then let me know.
detail audio 我哋一係圖書館一係返屋企
We either go the the library or go home.
detail audio 下次一樣
"Next time, (you do it) the same way"
[eg: when showing someone the correct way to do something.]
detail audio 次次一樣
"(do it) the same way each time"
[eg: when demonstrating how to do something]
detail audio 邊一個國家
Which country are you from?
detail audio 男人白色
There was once a man with a white horse.
detail 八月一年中第八月份
August is the eighth month of the year.
detail 一種食物, 取自動物
Meat is a type of food, it comes from animals.
detail audio 一分六十
There are sixty seconds in a minute.
detail audio 一小時六十分鐘
There are sixty minutes in an hour.
detail 我們黑板一個正方形.
Let's draw a square on the blackboard.
detail audio 一定要睇電視
I must watch TV!
[(spoken by someone obviously addicted to TV!)]
detail 烤火不是容易
Cooking a turkey well is not easy.
detail audio 聖誕節一家人團聚
Christmas is a time for family.
detail audio 突然好攰等我一下
I'm suddenly very tired, let me sleep for a bit.
detail audio 唔該暢散一百
Would you give me change for the hundred-dollar note?
detail audio 同埋一齊
I'll join you and go together.
detail 一蚊好抵
One dollar for a chicken is so worth buying it.
detail 點解等於」?
why does one plus one equal '王'?
[This is a well known riddle, the character 王 being composed of two 一 characters at the top and bottom with a + in the middle!]
detail audio 荔枝
A lychee carries 'three fire'.
[This references the Chinese concept of 'internal body heat' - '熱氣'. Lychees are said to be a very '熱氣' kind of fruit and this may be said with the term 'three fire'.]
detail 一點普通話
I can speak a little bit of Mandarin.
detail audio 一個人屋企
Staying at home alone is so boring.
detail 不如一齊踢波
Let's go and play football.
detail audio 一日嘥時間
It is very time-consuming if the three meals of a day are all made by me.
detail 需要一把牙刷
I need a new toothbrush.
detail 一日蘋果醫生遠離
An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.
detail 一百
Water boils at one hundred degree (Celcius).
detail 不要一般見識!
don't lower yourself to their level!
[lit. don't follow them in being so common/basic/primitive]
detail 街燈照住黑暗角落
A really bright streetlight is illuminating a dark corner.
detail 街燈地上
There's a streetlight on the snowy ground.
detail 見到呢度唔係好警崗
I can see a police box that's not very big here.
[Lit. I see-arrive here have one [counter] is-not very big [possessive particle] police box. You CANNOT say 唔大 or 唔好大 instead of 唔係好大, although it may sound like either one if a speaker is talking very quickly. 唔大 should be 細.]
detail 古靈精怪動物
A weird and imaginative animal.
detail 頭盔但係唔係好
He's wearing a helmet but it doesn't look too good on him.
[Lit. He wear-continue one [counter] helmet, however not-very stylish.]
detail 琴日一套有啲地方幾好
I saw a film yesterday... some parts were okay.
[Lit. I yesterday see-already [counter] film, have place (note: this is a figurative use of place) quite good watch.]
detail 琴日一套少少好睇
I saw a film yesterday... it wasn't very good.
[Lit. I yesterday see-already film, have little-bit good-watch]
detail 琴日一套有啲好睇
I saw a film yesterday... it wasn't very good.
[I yesterday see-already [counter] film, have little-little good-watch]
detail 琴日一套一啲好睇
I saw a film yesterday... it was average.
[I yesterday see-already one film, have little-bit good watch.]
detail 近排一直捱夜加班
Recently I've been staying up late, doing overtime non-stop.
[Lit. recently I always also stay-up-late do-overtime.]
detail 一點信心
I‘m very confident about this.
[Lit. I towards this point very confident]
detail 一點自信
I have a lot of self-confidence about it.
[Lit. I toward this one point very self-confident.]
detail 好聽好多
This song is much nicer to listen to than yours!
[Lit. This one [counter for songs] good-listen surpass yours [particle] lots]
detail 琴晚一套感人
I saw a moving film yesterday evening.
[Lit. I yesterday evening see-already one [counter] moving [possessive particle] film.]
detail 佢哋終於喺返埋一齊
In the end they got back together again.
[終於 here implies that the event of them getting back together happened a while ago (maybe a year or two) and that you've only just found out.]
detail 佢哋卒之喺返埋一齊
In the end they got back together again.
[卒之, as with 終於, implies that the event of them getting back together happened a while ago (maybe a year or two) and that you've only just found out.]
detail 佢哋最後喺返埋一齊
They recently got back together.
[最後 implies something that happened recently - in this context, probably days or at most a month.]
detail 馬鞍山一個架空車站
Ma On Shan MTR Station is an elevated rail station.
[架空 means elevated rail (as opposed to underground).]
detail 噴泉前面黑色
There's a beautiful cat in front of the fountain.
[Lit. fountain front-face have one [counter] beautiful [possessive particle] black-colour cat.]
detail 噴泉側邊白色狗仔
There's a beautiful white puppy beside the fountain.
[Lit. fountain side have one [counter] beautiful [possessive particle] white-colour dog-child]
detail 先進係咩詞性?/一個形容詞
What part of speech does "先進" belong to? / It's an adjective.
[Lit. "advanced" is what part-of-speech [particle]? / is one [counter] adjective.]
detail 唔可以
I can't waste even a second.
[Lit. even one second I also not-allowed waste Std. Chinese: 我不可以浪費每一秒]
detail 唔可以
I can't waste even a second.
[Lit. I one second also cannot waste Std. Chinese: 我不可以浪費每一秒]
detail 乜嘢都正一冇膽鬼
He's scared of everything, he's a real coward.
[Lit. He what also scared, exactly one [counter] coward. Alternatively (and more simply): 佢乜嘢都怕,真係個冇膽鬼]
detail 一對唔可以筷子  ?! 
Now that you've lost both your hands, you can't use chopsticks any more.
[Lit. don't-have already one pair hands, you then cannot use chopsticks. (Originally transcribed as 冇咗一隻手,你就唔可以用鍊金術... but 鍊金術 is hardly a useful word for learners.)]
detail 一啲
You call this hot? It's not hot at all!
[Lit. one bit also not hot [particle]. This is an idiomatic pattern that indicates emphatic negation of the adjective.]
detail 每一兩次
I dye my hair twice a year.
[Lit. I each one year dye two times hair. Note how the verb and object are split up by the frequency phrase.]
detail 保險箱裡便一盤水
There's a lot of money in the safe.
[Lit. safe inside have one-tray-water]
detail 就算日常生活需要一啲科學常識
We need some scientific knowledge even in dealing with our daily life.
Take off a sock and stick in his mouth. [To shut someone up.]
detail 搵日一齊食飯
Let's have lunch together some day.
[The Cantonese word order 搵日 (some day) 一齊 (together) 食飯 (have lunch) 啦 (let's) is the exact opposite of the English version.]
detail 前日佢哋一齊食咗
They took their meal twice together the day before yesterday.
[Here, 餐 is [i]not[/i] a classifier that modifies the noun 飯. It is a verb measure that quantifies the verb 食.]
detail 漢字歷史上古老文字之一大概四千
Chinese characters are one of history's most ancient writing scripts, approximately four thousand years old.
detail 一下我的胸圍尺寸
I want you to take my chest measurement.
detail audio 見到即刻黑面
Once he saw me, he gave me a stern look.
detail 對聯  ?! 
detail 我的朋友一個中學打工
My friend has a part-time job at a high school.
detail 包括水電費房子
I want to rent a house that has utilities included.
detail 十二
One foot is twelve inches long.
detail audio 第一
first column
[note the split characters for 直行]
detail 曹操 曹操  ?! 
PLEASE DELETE AND RECREATE AS A COMPOUND (IDIOM), AS PER http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,92526,92538#msg-92538 Speak of the devil (and he shall appear).
[PLEASE DELETE AND RECREATE AS A COMPOUND (IDIOM), AS PER http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,92526,92538#msg-92538 Note that this is a rough translation "曹操" is actually a famous Chinese general and NOT a translation for the devil.]
detail audio 我嘅職業唔係一般人可以接受
My occupation is not one that normal people can accept.
detail 買滿$30可以優惠價$5換購汽水
Spend over $30, can get a bottle of soft drink for $5
detail 一個人應付過來?
Can you manage on your own?
He lifts up a bucket of water with just one hand.
detail 最後
Turn the book to the last page!
detail audio 一個
Move in a big round circle.
detail audio 吸煙危害健康, 只要每日, 已經足以致命
Smoking is very harmful; as long as you smoke one cigarette a day, it's enough to cause death
detail audio
I've got a bruised patch on my arm.
detail 他用哈姆立克急救法
He saved my life using the Heimlich Maneuver.
detail 畀我一早唔同
I would have hung up the phone and not chatted with her for so long.
[Literally: 畀我就 - If I was in the situation, 一早收綫 - (I) would have hung up right at the outset 唔同佢嗲 - (and) wouldn't have talked with her 咁耐! - so long!]
detail 打發另一僕人他們也把加以侮辱空手回去
And again he (the lord of the vinyard) sent another servant. But they beat him also. They humiliated him, sent him away empty handed. (Luke 20:11)
detail 木橈只有撐船
How can we use a mere one-feet long paddle to punt the boat?
detail 小心
The road was very slippery. He wasn't careful and slipped.
detail 三板斧一哥面前自吹自擂?
He is not capable but yet has the audacity to blow his trumpet before the master?
detail 放膽𨂾泥湴
Don't worry, just jump over the puddle of mud.
detail 通常𨂾一個禮拜facial一次
I usually go for facial once every week.
detail 一個啱啱
This article is about a recently deceased person.
detail 瞓醒,矇忪.
Rubbing a pair of sleepy eyes after waking up.
detail 這兒豬朋狗友吃喝嫖賭
The only thing this good-for-nothing son does is to go around with some bad company and engage in all kinds of vice activities.
detail 近來一時一時鼓埋泡腮
She has been acting a little strange lately, one moment she is smiling sweetly, next moment she is grumpy
detail 成功就要一步一步千祈切忌
Take things one step at a time; avoid being rash and hasty if you want to succeed.
detail 媽媽屋企打理井井有條一啲
It is not an easy feat for Mommy to manage the house so neat and tidy.
detail audio 國家政府一直監察最好自己小心
The government has been monitoring you all along - you had best be careful.
detail audio 唔怪之得廚房罐頭逐一逐樣唔見咗原來鼠竊狗偷
No wonder the can foods in the kitchen has been disappearing one by one; so you are the one stealing them.
detail audio 人一世物一世,出嚟旅行乜都應該試下
Live the moment and enjoy life, when travelling, one should try out and experience everything.
detail audio 一個屈尾十
He just turned around and he walked away.
detail audio 隨口講著衫獨沽一味點知借啲意隔日
I was merely commenting she's always wearing the same clothes; little did I know that she would use it as an opportunity to buy herself a whole cupboard of new clothes the next day.
detail audio 一站式商店
one-stop shop
detail audio 一見鍾情
It was love at first sight when he saw Bou Waa.
detail audio 以為攝影師男朋友一定會好多殊不知一張
I had the idea that by having a photographer as boyfriend, I would have many of my pictures taken. Little did I know that none of the photographs were of me.
detail 藝術家作品細節一點都不苟且
All the artists pay very careful details towards their art pieces.
detail 做錯少少, 乞人憎!
He chews you out for every small mistake you make, it's no wonder he's so unpopular!
detail audio 就手留情佢哋
Show some mercy and let them go.
detail 一點的話就要升天!
Get here a second later and I'd be dead!
detail 生性好奇, 甚麼事情研究一番
He is born curious and likes to look into every single thing.
detail 沊一聲跌咗落水
He fell into the water with a splash.
detail 你做初一我做十五
tit for tat, an eye for an eye
[Lit. "what you do for the first half of the month, I will do back to you for the second half" i.e do me harm and I will return the favour. See a video featuring this phrase [url=http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,84620]here.[/url]]
detail 靚女上車小巴麻甩仔打雀噉眼望住
The sleazy guys on the minibus were gawking at the pretty girl the moment she boards
detail 舊底玩具風靡一時而家㗎喇
This type of toy was once very fashionable and popular. Now it is no longer an 'in thing'.
detail 真係冇用畀人乜都出嚟
You are useless. You revealed everything when they pressured you to do so.
detail 一個別具一格建築物
I will bring you to see a unique building.
detail 噚晚我哋屋企一個不速之客
We had an uninvited guest over at my house last night.
detail 當日天陰陰落雨絲濕出門經已不祥預感
That day the weather was overcast and about to rain. I had a very bad feeling as I stepped out my house.
detail 光陰光陰
Time is as valuable as gold. However, one cannot buy time with gold.
detail 他的作品獨樹一幟不規則的形狀
His pieces usually do not follow any rules and form. They are very distinctive.
detail 一日先至健康
Drinking eight glasses of water per day, only then we will be in good health!
detail 一頭乳牛一天可以生產加侖牛奶
One dairy cattle can produce about 8 gallons of milk in one day
I gave him a punch.
detail 不是一個
I am not someone who will speak boldly.
detail 郵局
I made a futile trip to the post office.
detail 考古學研究人類文化歷史學科
Archeology is a science that studies human cultures and history
detail 生果一種有益健康食物
Fresh fruit is a kind of food that's beneficial to health.
detail 有一年,英文滿分
There was one year, I got full score on the English examination.
detail 每晚臨瞓一定會祈禱
Everynight before I sleep, I must pray.
detail 我地一定會水落石出
we must investigate this incident till the truth comes out.
[[also]查個水落石出 ]
detail 報紙南華明報各一
Please buy some newspapers for me, South China (Morning Post), Sing Tao (Daily) and Ming Pao (Daily), one each.
detail 起嚟真係一疋布咁長
It's a long incident/story to talk about.
[the story is so long to talk about as if it's as long as a full roll of fabric.]
detail 一日早啲釘蓋
You smoke ten packs of cigarettes a day, (you) got a death wish?
[Lit: You smoke ten packs of cigarettes a day, (you) want to die earlier?]
detail 你嘅另一半
How compatible are you and your partner?
[[Lit.] How compatible are you and your other half?]
detail 頭暈
He feels dizzy every time he takes a ferry.
detail 以後一定會加倍小心
I will certainly be much more careful in the future.
[加倍小心 literally means "add on double amount of carefulness", which implies "(be)much more careful"]
detail 期待聽日大家一齊  ?! 
[I'm] looking forward to tomorrow when everybody will be together again!
detail 多謝嗮你承惠十一
Thank you. Please pay eleven dollars.
detail 如果阿明真係一個超人⋯⋯唔會米田共返嚟屋企重要走廊地板都係死人⋯⋯
It'd be nice if Ah Ming were a superhero that knew how to fly … Then he wouldn't have brought home the poop that he stepped on in the street and printed it all over the floorboards in the hallway! Cleaning it up will be the death of me …
detail 呢個復活節係咪北海道滑雪,重係十劃都未有一撇
It's still far too early to tell if we are going skiing in Hokkaido this Easter.
[In this sentence, the third character 都 in the idiom 十劃都未有一撇 could be moved three spaces up so that the latter half of the sentence would become 都重係十劃未有一撇. The meaning would remain the same. ]
detail 一帶房屋員工青睞
The workers favour houses in this area.
Swallow it with a gulp.
detail 原來係噉反而畀你
On the contrary, it's me that's scared by you!
[Lit. Originally like that, on the contrary it's me by you scared (particle) 原來係噉 is a useful phrase with no readily translatable meaning. (At least not consistently.)]
detail 幾個見到非常之街燈草地上面
I saw a bright and really tall streetlight on the grass a few months ago.
[Lit. I several months before see-arrive have one [counter] and bright and very tall [possessive particle] streetlight located grass-floor on.]
detail 如果真係有興趣學好廣東話嘅話一定要多啲香港
If you want to learn Cantonese, you must listen to more Hong Kong radio.
[Lit. If you really have interest study-well Cantonese [conditional delimiter], you then must listen more Hong Kong channel.]
detail 頭盔但係一啲
He's wearing a helmet but it doesn't look good on him at all.
[Lit. He wear-continue one [counter] helmet, however a little bit also not stylish. 一啲都唔[adjective] is a useful construction to mean "not at all..."]
detail 琴日一套但係一啲唔好
I saw a film yesterday, and boy did it suck.
[Lit. I yesterday see-already [counter] film, however one little bit also not good-watch.]
detail 首先一般情報
First of all, we have some (new) information.
[Lit. first is one [counter] piece-of-intelligence]
detail 唔使幾耐可以睇到精彩
In due course, you'll see a spectacular display.
[Lit. in good time, you then can see-arrive one [counter] brilliant [possessive particle] play. 不消多久=唔使幾耐]
detail 不可一世份人真係大鼻
He thinks he's the best in the world... he's really arrogant.
[second half: he personality really arrogant.]
detail 坦克車履帶戰鬥
A tank is a war machine with caterpillar tracks.
detail 呢個一個開頭光芒芒後尾黑壓壓故事
This is a story that starts out innocently but ends up being very dark.
[Lit. this [counter] is one [counter] start bright, end dark [possessive particle] story]
detail 一部分更加獨立冷氣
In addition, some [apartments] have their own air conditioner.
[Lit. have one portion additionally are equipped-with independent air-con]
detail 真係令人懷念一個世紀之後返嚟
We've really missed you while you've been gone the last 100 years.
[Lit. really make-people very miss-you, one century afterwards again return come [particle] This is being said to someone who's lived several hundred years (specifically Greed from Full Metal Alchemist).]
detail 做生意第一就係
If you wanna be a businessman, the first thing you gotta learn is how to play dirty.
[Lit. you want study do business, number one [counter] thing is-exactly study wickedness]
detail 每一都會兩次
I always dye my hair twice per year.
detail 琴晚閂窗發覺身體蚊𧕴
He didn't shut the window yesterday. When he woke up found that he had four mosquito bites.
detail 唔可以解釋一下點解無端端被人
Can you explain why you were arrested for no reason?
[Lit. Can-cannot explain a-little-bit why you would-be for-no-reason by people arrest [particle]?]
detail 租金,等我,,總共萬一
The rent is, just let me get it right, oh yes, 11,000 dollars altogether.
[The speaker uses some discourse markers to make a reply.]
detail 一句話起嚟
His remark set everyone in the house roaring with laughter.
[起嚟 is a verb complement which means 'starting to ...'.]
detail 機會錯過永遠唔會返嚟
Once an opportunity slips away, it is gone for good.
[For details on '一 + V + 就' pattern, see http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?1,130226,130243#msg-130243]
detail audio 今朝關於你嘅裡面見到一齊器械
This morning I had a dream, it was about you. In the dream I saw us playing the equipment together
detail 自從新聞報道椰子又盛, 一帶食肆食住條水, 推出各種各樣椰子有關小食
Ever since the news reported that coconuts were good and all, the entire stretch of eateries here seize the opportunity to serve snacks made from coconuts.
detail 一個人異鄉無根無蔃自己容易
To be alone in a foreign place without the support from family or society, one has to be very independent; and that can be very trying.
detail 大家知道吹水功夫一流可以簡單天花龍鳳吸引
Everyone knows Ah Hung is really good at talking. He can capture his audience by making a simple matter so sophisticated.

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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CantoDict v1.4.2 is a collaborative Chinese Dictionary project started in November 2003. Entries are added and mistakes corrected by a team of kind volunteers from around the world.
Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.