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  m4   jyutping
  wu2   pinyin
not; no | []

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Radical: (#30)

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detail 廿  m4 lei5 saam1 cat1 je6 jat1   = reject an objection to a course of action, “I don’t care”; regardless, irrespective
detail  m4 goi1  wu2 gai1 = thank you ; please
detail  deoi3 m4 zyu6  dui4 m2 zhu4 = sorry; excuse me
detail  m4 tung4   = different, other, not the same
detail  ngo5 m4 zi1   = "I don't know"
detail  m4 zi1 dou6*3  m2 zhi1 dao4 = do not know
detail  m4 zi1  m2 zhi1 = do not know; not sure
detail 使  m4 sai2 m4 goi1   = you're welcome; don't mention it
detail 使  m4 sai2 do1 ze6   = you're welcome; don't mention it
detail  hou2 m4 hou2   = is it good or not ; is it all right
See all 356 compounds (CantoDict reports 364 compounds in total, but some may be Common Formations)

Showing all 280 examples containing 唔
detail audio 唔該冰水
Can I please have a glass of ice water?
detail audio 鍾意花生
Do you like to eat peanuts?
detail audio 唔識筷子
He/she doesn't know how to use chopsticks.
detail audio 開心
I am not happy.
detail audio 唔識廣東話
I don't speak Cantonese.
detail audio 唔該()
Please help me.
detail audio 中意返學
I don't like to go to school.
detail audio
I don't eat meat. I am a vegetarian.
detail audio 今日唔會早餐
Today I'm not going to eat breakfast
detail audio 點解打電話畀佢第二日
Why don't you phone her and tell her to change it to another day?
detail audio 唔該一號拎走
Excuse me, I would like to have a Meal 1. Take-away.
[scenario: in McDonald's]
detail audio 唔記得手提電話
Oh! I've forgotten to bring my mobile phone.
detail audio 唔係隨處
it's 徐志摩(a famous Chinese writer), not 除處摸 (touching everywhere around)!
detail 唔係蘋果
This is not an apple
detail 唔該請問有冇榴槤
Excuse me, do you sell durian?
detail 我唔知邊個邊度
I don't know who's delivering [lunch] where.
detail 係唔係
Is it over?
detail 平時唔會〞.
Normally we won't say "多過".
[(This is actually referencing the sentence "今年學費貴過舊年").]
detail 阻住溫書真係唔好意思
Sorry for interrupting your studies!
[Lit. block you revise [particle], really sorry. Standard Chinese:打擾你溫習,真不好意思]
detail 全部唔識
I don't know anything.
[Lit. everything also not know.]
detail 唔明白
There's something I don't understand.
detail 你哋唔使
You don't need to fight with me!
detail 唔好
Stop crying.
[Lit. don't continue cry.]
detail 唔好
Don't chase him!
[Here, the guy is actually running away.]
detail 我唔知你嘅地埗邊度
I don't know where your address is.
[Lit. I not know your address at where.]
detail 鐘意
I don't like tea that's too strong.
[Lit. I not like too strong [possessive particle] tea.]
detail 唔使補習班
Don't you need to go to cram school?
[Lit. you no need return cram-class [particle]. Std. Chinese: 你不是要上補習班嗎?]
I won't disturb you.
[Lit. not block you [particle]]
detail 畀你見到
I don't want to let you see.
[Lit. I not want give you-[plural marker] see-arrive]
detail 唔知點
I don't know what to do either.
[[set phrase]]
detail 千祈唔好插手
You must not, by any means, interfere.
[Lit. you 1000-exhortations don't insert-hand [i.e. put it where it doesn't belong.]]
detail 唔可以上便
You can't stand on the table.
[Lit. you cannot stand at table surface. 唔可以 here carries the sense of "not allowed".]
detail 你哋真係
You're no good at fooling people.
[Lit. you-[plural marker] really trick-not-arrive people]
detail 入便
The pencil is not in the box.
[Lit. [counter] pencil not at box inside]
detail 係唔係中國人
Is he Chinese?
[Lit. He is-not-is Chinese? Std. Chinese: 他是不是中國人?]
detail 獵豹唔可以寵物
You can't keep a cheetah as a pet!
[Lit. cheetah cannot do pet [particle]]
detail 我唔知
I don't know what to eat.
detail 唔好
Don't climb so high.
detail audio 唔可以風扇
Can you please turn on the fan for me?
detail audio 唔知點呢排成日頭痛
I don't know why I've been getting so many headaches lately.
detail audio 真係唔明白點解噉樣
I really don't understand why he acts/behaves like this.
detail audio 唔記得
I can't recall his name.
detail audio 信教
I am not religious
detail audio 唔該地圖畀我
Please draw a map for me.
detail audio 千祈唔好講大話
Don't ever tell lies.
detail audio 雲吞麵
Do you want to eat a bowl of wonton noodles?
detail audio 直程
He completely ignored me.
detail audio 係唔係花生油?
Is this cooked in peanut oil?
detail audio 花生
I cannot eat peanuts.
detail audio 唔得?
"Is that OK? Will that do? Is this all right?" etc.
[The reply will invariably be "得" or "唔得".]
detail audio 唔好絕招
Don't force me to use my ultimate attack on you!
detail audio 係唔係大學讀緊書?
Is your son studying in university?
detail 唔見咗我嘅荷包
Oh no! I can't find my wallet!
detail audio 如果唔係買嘢
If I'm not too tired, I will go shopping.
detail audio 我嘅唔舒服.
I have an upset stomach.
[literally "My stomach is uncomfortable"]
detail audio 好唔好?
Did you sleep well?
detail audio 唔該,
Please don't add any salt.
detail audio 廣東話
My Cantonese is better than you think!
detail audio 睇電視唔得!
I need to watch TV!
[Literally "I cannot not watch TV".]
detail audio 咪郁!!郁嚟郁去前面
Don't move!! I can't see the front when you keep moving.
[the meaning of 咪郁 and 唔好郁 is the same basically, but the young people would like to say 咪郁 more than 唔好郁.]
detail audio 聖誕唔會落雪?
Do you think it will snow on Christmas Day?
detail audio 聖誕老人?
Do you believe in Father Christmas?
detail audio 若果聖誕老人送禮畀你
If you aren't a good boy, Santa won't bring you any presents.
detail audio 呢個聖誕唔好飲醉!
Don't get drunk this Christmas!
detail audio 火雞唔係容易
Cooking a turkey well is not easy.
detail audio 呢個聖誕唔好為咗使錢
Don't spend your money on me this Christmas!
detail audio 唔識踢波
Do you know how to play soccer?
detail audio 唔舒服
I'm not feeling well.
detail audio 先生聽日唔使返學
The teacher said we don't need to attend class tomorrow.
detail audio 唔係
You're not my cup of tea
detail audio 唔該暢散一百
Would you give me change for the hundred-dollar note?
detail audio 過來,唔該
Please pass me the salt
detail audio 唔會!
I don’t buy inferior stuff.
detail audio 唔該搦住!
Would you please hold the umbrella for me!
detail audio 唔知!
I don't know what you're babbling about!
detail audio 唔介意!?
Don't you mind it!?
detail audio 唔該,!
Can you help me take a photo, please.
detail audio 唔使除鞋!
Don't take off your shoes!
detail audio 覺得香蕉?
Don't you think bananas taste weird?
detail 奉旨呃人
He definitely never lies!
detail 真係唔著時
You come at a bad time.
[cf. [url=http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/examples/595/]opposite version[/url]]
detail 唔該打包拎走
Please wrap it up for me to take away!
detail audio 小姐唔該借借
Excuse me, Miss.
[For asking her to move, rather than trying to attract attention]
detail 街上唔好走去
Don't chase around on the street.
detail 慢慢行唔使
No hurry, we can walk slowly.
detail 阿媽今晚煮飯自己
Mum is not going to cook tongiht, so we/I have to have dinner on our/my own.
[Usually mother cooks at home every night. If she does not cook, it implies that she is out at night, so the entire family has to think about the dinner stuff.]
detail audio
Paper cannot wrap fire.
[Subtext: a secret cannot be kept forever.]
detail audio 哎吔唔記得返嚟
Oh, I have forgotten to buy some oranges.
Water and oil cannnot be mixed together.
detail 唔該香片
Please give (me one) pot of jasmine tea.
detail 都係唔啱!
It's all my fault!
detail 唔好呢啲防腐劑食物
Don't buy food with preservatives!
[Lit. Don't buy these have preservatives (of) food]
detail 唔會任何
I'm not going to do anything to you.
[Lit. I will not toward you do any (possessive particle) thing]
detail 唔要嘅話可以第二個
If you don't want it, you can just give it to somebody else.
[Lit. you don't want [conditional delimiter], can give-present give other person]
detail 雖然真空但係唔係乜嘢都
Although it's a vacuum, it's not like there's nothing there.
[Lit. Although is vacuum, but not saying anything don't-have]
detail 見到呢度唔係好警崗
I can see a police box that's not very big here.
[Lit. I see-arrive here have one [counter] is-not very big [possessive particle] police box. You CANNOT say 唔大 or 唔好大 instead of 唔係好大, although it may sound like either one if a speaker is talking very quickly. 唔大 should be 細.]
detail 如果唔夠小心嘅話煙花危險
If [you're] not careful enough, setting off fireworks is dangerous.
detail 頭盔但係唔係好
He's wearing a helmet but it doesn't look too good on him.
[Lit. He wear-continue one [counter] helmet, however not-very stylish.]
detail 詳細情況唔可以透露
I can't let you in on the details.
[Lit. small-details information I not-allowed divulge.]
detail 根本阻住
I just wasn't able to stop him.
[Lit. I basically block-not-arrive him. The construction verb-m4-dou2 indicates an inability to complete the action. So, block-not-arrive is idiomatically "unable to block".]
detail 唔好白鴿佢哋非常之揦鮓
Don't touch the pigeons, they're very dirty.
[Lit. don't touch [plural counter] pigeons [particle], they extremely dirty Other synonyms for 揦鮓: 污糟 and 污糟邋遢 ]
detail 點鐘開工所以夜晚唔可以出街
I start work at 7 o'clock each morning, so I can't stay out too late.
[Lit. I every morning also at 7 o'clock open-work, so I late cannot go-out]
detail 聽朝點鐘開工所以今晚唔可以行公司
I‘ve got to start work at six tomorrow, so I can't go shopping tonight.
[Lit. I tomorrow morning at six o'clock start-work, therefore I this-evening cannot go-shopping]
detail 唔可以
I can't waste even a second.
[Lit. even one second I also not-allowed waste Std. Chinese: 我不可以浪費每一秒]
detail 唔可以
I can't waste even a second.
[Lit. I one second also cannot waste Std. Chinese: 我不可以浪費每一秒]
detail 我哋環保所以唔好嘥電
We need to protect the environment, so don't waste water and electricity.
[You can interpolate a 咁多 with the added meaning of "so much" in between the verb and object. 我哋要環保,所以唔好嘥咁多電同水]
detail 唔係幾
I'm not too busy.
[唔係太忙/唔太忙. This is a useful construction into which you can place lots of other adjectives: 開心 or 急, for example.]
detail 我哋唔可以畀佢
We can't let him die yet.
[Lit. 住 here means "yet"; 畀 indicates the passive voice and does NOT mean give.]
detail 夢想唔可以成真
Can dreams come true?
detail 你哋唔會有啲拗撬
Do you ever have arguments?
[Lit. you-[plural marker] will-not-will have [plural classifier] arguments [particle]?]
detail 你哋唔會有啲火花  ?! 
Are there ever sparks between you?
[Lit. you-[plural marker] will-not-will have [plural counter] sparks [particle]? The 'sparks' could possibly of anger or love. [Check please!]]
detail 一對唔可以筷子  ?! 
Now that you've lost both your hands, you can't use chopsticks any more.
[Lit. don't-have already one pair hands, you then cannot use chopsticks. (Originally transcribed as 冇咗一隻手,你就唔可以用鍊金術... but 鍊金術 is hardly a useful word for learners.)]
detail 因為唔知底細所以暫時
Since we don't have much information, we're calling him "red ghost" for now.
[Lit. because not-know exact-details, therefore temporarily call him red ghost. ("Red Ghost" here is a codename for a criminal. If his name had already been mentioned we could have 因為唔知底細所以暫時噉叫佢.)]
detail 唔好嘈唔知幾多  ?! 
Don't disturb me, I'm up to my eyes in work.
[Lit. don't disturb me, don't know how-much work [to] do.]
detail 唔係小氣
I'm not that petty!
[Context: I was saying that I wouldn't share my bananas with someone; then, to make the point that it was a joke, the above phrase was used.]
detail 真係無聊落去
You're being ridiculous, I don't want to mess around any more.
[Lit. really nonsense, I not want play-continue [particle]. 落去 has the meaning of "continue" here and may be suffixed to many verbs.]
detail 一啲
You call this hot? It's not hot at all!
[Lit. one bit also not hot [particle]. This is an idiomatic pattern that indicates emphatic negation of the adjective.]
detail 媽咪唔畀
Will your mum let you go early?
[Lit. you mum let-not-let you early run?]
detail 𡃇唔通廁紙
Uh-oh, don't tell me we're out of toilet roll...
[Lit. Crap, could-it-be don't-have all toilet paper [particle]?]
detail 人工
He can't pay the wages
detail 成日掛住去蒲返學
He'd rather go out partying than go to school.
[Lit. He always miss hang out, not want return school. Less idiomatically: He misses hanging out, he doesn't want to go to school. See http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?14,134171,page=1]
detail 今日嗰啲乜嘢都九唔搭八
Nothing he wrote today made sense.
[Lit. He today write those things, what also nonsensical]
detail 得滯唔好  ?! 
The soup's too hot! Don't drink it yet.
[Lit. [plural counter] soup hot too-much. Don't eat [extensional-aspect particle] him.]
detail 覺得英國得滯  ?! 
Don't you think the UK's too cold?
[Lit. You not feel UK cold too-much [particle expressing surprise]]
detail 你哋兩個得滯唔好嘈
You two are too noisy, don't disturb me.
detail 唔好惹起
Don't aggravate me !
detail 唔愛
Do you want this piece of clothing?
[Lit. this piece clothing you want not want [particle]?]
detail 唔愛
Do you still want this glass of water?
[Note that the final syllable can be changed to something resembling tone 2 to form a question.]
detail 唔明?
Is it so hard to understand?
[[literal] why you such still not understand?]
detail 唔該睇住
Please keep an eye on my stuff.
[Parsing: 唔該 please | 你 you | 同 for | 我 me | 睇 watch | 住 keep | 啲嘢 the stuff.]
detail 唔得閒麻煩你斟水
My hands are full [at the moment]... could you get some water for me?
[lit. my [counter] hand not free, trouble you help me pour water]
detail 唔係,今朝重未見到
No, I haven't seen him yet this morning.
[呃 [aak3] is a final particle used here to emphasize a denial of sth which is often detailed immediately after it.]
detail 唔好駁嘴冇禮貌
Don't answer back; it's not polite.
[parsing: 唔好 don't | 駁嘴 answer back | 咁 so | 冇 im- | 禮貌 polite ]
He refused to listen to me.
[An example of a Cantonese sentence using more verbs (3 verbs) than its English counterpart (2 verbs).]
detail 粒聲唔出
She went away without a word.
[In Cantonese, the adverb phrase (粒聲唔出) is placed before the verb (走). ]
detail 唔介意
Chan won't mind waiting a bit longer.
[The Cantonese and English versions match each other almost word by word.]
detail audio 唔敢隨便個人資料
I do not dare carelessly fill out [on a form] my personal information.
detail audio 今日返工唔通病咗
He did not go to work today; could it be he's sick?
detail audio 唔好惡屎能登
Don't be so mean!
[The sound recording and the written sentence don't match. The recorder mispronounces 惡 (ok3) as ok6, 屎 (si2) as sei2, and 啦 (laa1) as aa1.]
detail 筆錢唔會覺得肉赤
I don't feel any pain in spending this amount of money.
detail audio 如果發脾氣嘅話唔要出街
If you're still throwing a tantrum, I'm not going out with you.
detail audio 成日食嘢唔做嘢搏炒係咪?
You're forever eating and not doing work; are you trying to get fired?
detail audio 嗰啲全部
Nothing you said made any sense.
detail 快啲唔係就遲到㗎喇
Please be quicker, otherwise it will be late.
detail 今晚咁多梗係食唔晒
There's so much food tonight; of course I can't finish the lot.
detail audio 唔知阿蓮
Not sure whether Ah Lin wants to go or not.
detail 估唔到
I'm not able to guess his height.
[See the word entry for 估唔到 as the pronunciation for 到 can change depending on the meaning intended.]
detail 估唔到喺呢度見到!
Fancy seeing you here!
[See the word entry for 估唔到 as the pronunciation for 到 can change depending on the meaning intended.]
detail audio 唔好爛gag!
Stop making crappy jokes.
detail 唔好大聲畀人歧視
Don't laugh so loudly! We are being discriminated!
detail audio 但係
He/She is reading a book, but I can't see what it's called.
detail audio 如果嘅話唔可以呢個入去
If you're not too busy, could you help me move this dressor into the bedroom?
detail audio 如果垃圾出嚟垃圾袋
If you don't want garbage to spill out, you'll need to tie the garbage bag tight!
detail audio 小朋友唔准甜品
Children who don't eat their vegetables aren't allowed to eat dessert.
detail audio 點解女朋友靚仔!
Why doesn't he have a girlfriend? Because he's not handsome, of course!
detail audio 梗係女仔!
He's so ugly, of course he can't get a girl(friend)!
detail audio 唔要八達通積分?
Do you want to accumulate Octopus card points? (said by cashiers to customers when making a sales transaction)
[儲 should be pronounced cou5 here]
detail audio 我嘅職業唔係一般人可以接受
My occupation is not one that normal people can accept.
detail audio 唔要$5朱古力?
Do you want to pay $5 to get a chocolate?
[note the absent character 購 from 換購]
detail audio 唔要$5換購朱古力?
Do you want to pay $5 to get a chocolate?
detail audio 快啲趕唔切㗎喇!
Let's hurry or we might miss it!
[Here, 就...㗎喇 means "or else"]
detail audio 聽話, 㗎喇!
You better behave yourself else I won't take you there!
[Here, 就...㗎喇 carries a more threatening tone, but still serves as a reminder.]
detail 唔聲唔聲
He took my pen without me knowing.
detail audio 唔好
It's nothing to do with me
detail 馬來西亞未滿17唔准揸車
In Malaysia, those who have not reached the age of 17 cannot (legally) drive.
detail audio 游水!
He is by no means a poor swimmer!
[We have to repeat the verb 游 because the object 水 and the extent particle 得 are both there in the sentence.]
detail 病咗, 唔怪之得!
He is sick. No wonder he's failed to turn up!
detail 唔畀入去
Encircle it with ropes to bar people from entry.
detail 唔好上面睇書!
Don't bend over the desk to read!
detail audio 劈炮唔撈
I'm not working anymore
[I resigned]
detail , 何況
He can't afford a car, let alone a house.
detail audio , 何況而家
I won't go that far away; moreover, it's raining now.
detail 唔理, 求其得喇
I don't mind how small the room is as long as there is a bed inside.
detail audio !
Huh! not sweet at all.
detail 唔好字眼!
Don't use such uncommon wording!
detail 畀我一早唔同
I would have hung up the phone and not chatted with her for so long.
[Literally: 畀我就 - If I was in the situation, 一早收綫 - (I) would have hung up right at the outset 唔同佢嗲 - (and) wouldn't have talked with her 咁耐! - so long!]
detail 工作如果無任歡迎
Much work remains to be done. Any assistance that you can render is most welcome.
detail 唔單只,講話重開
Not only does he asks peculiar questions, he says things that causes embarassment.
detail 蘋果通常㓟皮
I usually eat apples without peeling its skin.
detail 小心
The road was very slippery. He wasn't careful and slipped.
detail 條女發嬲快啲箍煲
Your girl is throwing tantrums. Quickly go appease her.
detail 雖然三十六板斧唔夠犀利
Although he put in all that he knew, he could not match up with you.
detail 成身𣲷/nap6/,
You are all sweaty and sticky after playing. Quickly go for your shower.
detail 做嘢做到天光
He works so slowly, he won't be even finished by [next] morning.
detail 事關重大擔戴?
Is he able to bear the responsibility of such an important matter?
detail 家下𨂾光黑嚟唔切
It is already dusk, I don't think we can make it in time.
detail 唔好捵嚟捵去
He has gastritis; it hurts so much that he tosses and turns on his bed.
detail 唔係皇上使唔使姿整?
You are not meeting the emperor, do you need to be so particular about what you wear?
detail 唔通將來攝灶罅
You disallow her despite her wanting to marry Ah Tong's son; don't tell me you want her to end up a spinster?
detail 仔女慢慢講道理開硬弓唔得
To teach children, one must explain the rationale; going by force won't work.
detail 先至唔好貪口爽
Tell me only if it is true, don't say it for the mere fun of it.
detail 唔係而係自己開心
I do this job not for the money, but rather for my happiness.
detail 唔好玩水唔係就𢱕濕
Don't play in the water, or else you will get your clothes wet.
detail audio 模稜兩可
He does not answer when asked; whenever he responds, they are vague.
detail 聽暇點算
What shall we do if he does not show up?
detail 雖然只係上台分享自己經歷唔知點自然覺得怯場
Although merely sharing my experiences on stage, I do not know why I would naturally get stage fright.
detail 媽媽屋企打理井井有條一啲
It is not an easy feat for Mommy to manage the house so neat and tidy.
detail 手下辦事不力對唔住
My subordinates did not do a good job, so sorry.
detail audio 唔怪之得廚房罐頭逐一逐樣唔見咗原來鼠竊狗偷
No wonder the can foods in the kitchen has been disappearing one by one; so you are the one stealing them.
detail 唔妥,!
Beat him up if we don't feel happy with him!
detail audio 講話唔使轉彎抹角
Don't have to beat about the bush when you talk.
detail 就至唔記得
Yet again you can’t remember what I’ve just said!
detail audio 唔該街口有落
Excuse me, I want to get off at the intersection!
[said to minibus drivers]
detail 做錯少少, 乞人憎!
He chews you out for every small mistake you make, it's no wonder he's so unpopular!
detail audio 落去唔會掯喉
Add some water into it and it wouldn't taste so overpowering.
detail audio 梗係唔及得
He is definitely not as clever as you.
detail 出啲紳士風度開車
Shouln't you be a gentleman by opening the car door for Bou Wah?
detail 舊底玩具風靡一時而家㗎喇
This type of toy was once very fashionable and popular. Now it is no longer an 'in thing'.
detail 唔知大陸通姦唔會打靶
I wonder if one would be shot dead if one is caught committing adultery in mainland China.
detail 唔好
Pull the string taut but do not yank till it snaps.
detail 鬼咁
This piece of meat is too tough. I just cannot bite on it.
detail 而家唔好遲啲喊冷㗎喇
Do not buy now; they will soon be slashing the prices.
detail 女仔小心唔好輕信男人講嘢OK
Girls will be all right as long as they are careful and don't believe in what the guys say.
detail 棒打鴛鴦
Doing this would break the couple apart. I cannot bear to do it.
detail 做事不留撳地游水唔會較飛
He has all along been very careful. He will not land you in trouble.
detail 而家梗係聯絡
He is definitely uncontactable now since he is on the run.
detail 便唔使客氣
It's nothing much, there's no need to stand on ceremony.
detail 小小心意受落禮物唔好抰嚟抰去
It is a small token of appreciation, just accept the simple gift instead of pushing it back and forth.
detail 唔好
Do not sway about
detail 人哋啱啱廣東話發音唔好
Her pronunciation is a bit off as she has started learning Cantonese not long ago. You shouldn't tease her.
detail 弊傢伙,唔記得封信!
Oh shit! I forget to bring along the letter.
detail audio 住喺不知幾隔涉
He lives up on a mountain, really secluded, you can't even reach it by car.
detail audio 酒店冇理由話唔定有鬼
There is no reason why the rates for this hotel is so low. Maybe there are ghosts in the rooms.
[Final particle 格 is the affective version of 㗎.]
detail 轉身唔見咗
He disappeared as soon as I turned around.
detail 唔該快快脆脆()。
Please wash all the dishes quickly.
[In this sample, the speaker is more likely to speak in an impatient manner.]
detail 試過我老婆你呢
I have never cheated on my wife, (how about) you? [Literally] I haven't tried (and did something that I) cannot face to my wife, you?
[whether it means "cannot face to/cannot confront with" or "sorry",to 對唔住 someone you're romantically involved,it mostly refers to you "cheat". Otherwise, it can means you did something that disappointed the other or you let someone down.]
detail 唔好以為佢地只係學生  ?! 
Don't think they're just students!
detail 唔好偷𥊙人哋沖涼如果唔係眼挑針  ?! 
Don't spy on people when they are showering, otherwise you'll get a stye!
[There is an old wives' tale linking styes to spying on people when they are bathing.]
detail 如果阿明真係一個超人⋯⋯唔會米田共返嚟屋企重要走廊地板都係死人⋯⋯
It'd be nice if Ah Ming were a superhero that knew how to fly … Then he wouldn't have brought home the poop that he stepped on in the street and printed it all over the floorboards in the hallway! Cleaning it up will be the death of me …
detail 剩係得個講字唔使
That guy is just all talk and no action. Pay no attention to him.
detail 唔知邊度
We don't know where he has wandered off to.
detail 見到頭先已經知道唔係普通筆記
Based on your expression just now, I guess you already know that this isn't an ordinary notebook.
[Lit. see-arrive you just-not (possessive particle) expression, I think you already know-already, this (counter) isn't ordinary (possessive particle) notebook.]
detail 頭盔但係一啲
He's wearing a helmet but it doesn't look good on him at all.
[Lit. He wear-continue one [counter] helmet, however a little bit also not stylish. 一啲都唔[adjective] is a useful construction to mean "not at all..."]
detail 琴日一套但係一啲唔好
I saw a film yesterday, and boy did it suck.
[Lit. I yesterday see-already [counter] film, however one little bit also not good-watch.]
detail 唔使幾耐可以睇到精彩
In due course, you'll see a spectacular display.
[Lit. in good time, you then can see-arrive one [counter] brilliant [possessive particle] play. 不消多久=唔使幾耐]
detail 唔好老鼠佢哋污糟邋遢
Don't touch the rats, they're extremely dirty.
[You could also add in a 好 in this case (i.e. 佢哋好污糟邋遢) with no real difference in meaning.]
detail 唔係好不過
It's not too urgent but I still need it fast
[Lit. busy then not too busy, however fast do! 有〝你即刻做出嚟〞嘅意思。]
detail 屋企黑猛猛好似盲咗
The house is so dark it's like I'm blind.
detail 你哋遲早唔需要隱瞞
You'd have had to find out sometime, there's no point in me covering anything up.
detail 唔好意思親自出馬
Sorry to make you come and personally deal with this.
[Lit. sorry, need you personally come-out horse]
detail 我哋動機唔知道
We don't even know what his motive is.
[Lit. we even he what motive also not-know [particle].]
detail 啱啱卡通好似𠵇𠺫唔知發生
The anime I was watching just now seemed strange, I'm not quite sure what was going on.
[Lit. I just-now see that [counter] anime seem very strange, not-know happen what-matter]
detail 似乎都係畀人
Seems there's nothing I can do to help you so I'm just gonna have to pass the buck on to someone else.
[Further discussion: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?7,84284,111096#msg-111096]
detail 獅子動物園唔見咗
A lion went missing from the zoo.
detail 其實掟煲但係因為次次所以而家唔敢分手
Actually I really want to break up with her, but I daren't suggest it. Every time I mention it, she bursts into tears.
[Lit. actually I very want with her break-up, however because time-time with her also speak this [counter] matter she cry manner very pitiful, therefore arrive now I not dare with her speak split hand.]
detail 邊個
Everyone needs to relieve themselves.
[Lit. Poo have who not excrete?]
detail 唔可以解釋一下點解無端端被人
Can you explain why you were arrested for no reason?
[Lit. Can-cannot explain a-little-bit why you would-be for-no-reason by people arrest [particle]?]
detail 香港財富分配均勻
Hong Kong has a very unequal distribution of wealth.
[There is no verb in this Cantonese sentence.]
detail 唔知點算賬
I don't know why he has a bone to pick with you.
[[literal] Don't know why he has to with you settle accounts. ]
detail 電飯煲唔好𠱂書檯上便
Don't choose to put the rice cooker on the desk.
detail 𠱂
He wouldn't listen to me. He even said something in retort.
detail 學校唔知邊度
The school is so big. I wonder which way I should actually go to find him.
[唔知 ("don't know") and 至啱 ("most correct") function as a split phrase. The slot between them can be filled by any verb phrase of interrogative nature. ]
detail 嗰個學生唔見咗手機手機重係
That student has lost his mobile phone, and a new one at that.
[重係...添 = at that]
detail 簡直
He had changed so much that I no longer recognized him.
[The two verbs 變 and 認 are each affixed with a verb particle 到 and 唔出 respectively. 到 is a degree particle while 唔出 is a potential particle.]
detail 好處
The advantages are too numerous to mention.
[Cantonese verbs and adjectives are often followed by various types of particle. Here, 到、唔 and 晒 are extent, potential and quantifying particles respectively. ]
detail 唔恨咁多
It's no use wishing so much.
detail 黃色紫色好唔好
Yellow and purple match, does it look good?
detail 黑色
Black colour doesn't suit(match) you.
detail 處女座雙子座
Virgo and Gemini are a match right?
detail 機會錯過永遠唔會返嚟
Once an opportunity slips away, it is gone for good.
[For details on '一 + V + 就' pattern, see http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/phorum/read.php?1,130226,130243#msg-130243]
detail 經常遲到搞到老闆高興
He is always late, which makes his boss very upset.
[Cantonese grammar does not need a relative pronoun (which) to introduce a subordinate clause.]
detail 得㗎?
Would you go after all?
[Alternatively, we can say 你到底去唔去? ]
detail 乜滯
The rice is not quite cooked enough.
detail 睇書乜滯
He seldom if ever reads.
detail 紙板受力唔好
The cardboard doesn't carry much weight. Don't add too much.
detail 食力唔好
Sandy road surface doesn't provide much friction. Don't run too fast.
detail 四月忽然間落場大雪真係五月」!
It suddenly snowed during the end of April. "Until it's time to eat Dragon Boat Festival's dumplings, don't put away your warm clothes," as they say!
[未食五月粽寒衣唔入籠 is a Cantonese saying. There are variations used by Mandarin and other dialects.]
detail 成晚喺度喺度考慮好唔好請假
Ah Hung spent the whole night tossing and turning on his bed, clenching his fist like pig's trotters; he is still considering if he should apply for leave from work.
detail 一個人異鄉無根無蔃自己容易
To be alone in a foreign place without the support from family or society, one has to be very independent; and that can be very trying.
detail 結賬嗰陣時計埋租金保險燈油火臘賺得幾多
When working out the accounts, considering the rental, insurance, utility bills, and other deductibles, there won't be much profit to be made.
detail audio 經濟衰退成因消費投資資產價格之間平衡
Inequilibrium in expenditure, investment and the prices of assets and properties would cause an economic downturn.
detail 哈薩克斯坦唔係美國人
Borat is from Kazakhstan; he is not an American.
detail lilike?
Do you like it or not?
detail 唔好HEA櫃桶!
Don't make a mess of the drawer!
detail 根本就係藤㨢瓜瓜㨢藤
These two matters are deeply entangled together. There is no way to separate them apart.
detail 就算華佗在世唔好
There would not be a cure even if Hua Tuo is alive.
[Hua Tuo was a famous doctor in the Three Kingdoms period. The alternative is '華佗再世' meaning the rebirth of Waa4 To4 ]
detail 沖涼芝麻綠豆嚟嘅唔好囉唆
That I don't take a bath is such a trifling matter, stop nagging at me here!
detail 走寶
If you don't buy it, you'll miss out on this best buy.
[This four-character sentence is compressed from a longer one "如果你唔買,你就走寶。" Here, the correlative conjunctions (如果/就) and the subject (你) are omitted. ]
detail …差唔多咁滯
He has almost lost all his money.
[差唔多 and 咁滯 are two apparently redundant adverbs that share the meaning of "almost". However, when used together, they function as two split constituents that form part of a discontinuous construction.]

: This term is used in Mandarin/Standard written Chinese, not Cantonese.  
: This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
No icon: This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese.
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CantoDict v1.4.2 is a collaborative Chinese Dictionary project started in November 2003. Entries are added and mistakes corrected by a team of kind volunteers from around the world.
Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.