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Found 72 word entries for "我"
Link to this search: http://www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk/dictionary/search/?searchtype=1&text=%E6%88%91
desc ngo5 dei6   we
desc ngo5 dik1 wo3 de5   my; mine
desc ngo5 mun4 dik1 wo3 men5 de5   our; ours
desc ngo5 mun4 wo3 men5   we; us
desc ngo5 m4 zi1   "I don't know"
desc ngo5 oi3 nei5 wo3 ai4 ni3   I love you
desc ngo5 hai6   I am
desc ngo5 dei6 ge3   our; ours
desc ngo5 ge3   my; mine
desc bei2 ngo5   give me; let me
desc zi6 ngo5 zi4 wo3   self; oneself; ego
desc dong1 ngo5 dang1 wo3   when I...
desc dang2 ngo5 deng3 wo3   [1] wait for me; [2] let me
desc nei5 zou6 co1 jat1 ngo5 zou6 sap6 ng5   (idiom) tit-for-tat; an eye for an eye
desc ngo5 zi6 gei2 wo3 zi4 ji3   myself
desc ngo5 mun4 zi6 gei2/1 wo3 men5 zi4 ji3   ourselves
desc ngo5 dei6 zi6 gei2/1 wo3 di4 zi4 ji3   ourselves
desc ngo5 dei6 wo3 di4   we
desc waa6 ngo5 zi1   tell me
desc ngo5 dei6 wo3 deng3   we
desc ngo5 lou5 po4 wo3 lao3 po2   my wife
desc baau1 hai2 ngo5 san1 soeng6 bao1 xi2 wo3 shen1 shang4   I'll take care of it; I'll deal with it
desc mong4 ngo5   MDMA
desc hai6 ngo5 lai4 ge3   it's me
desc jap6 saai3 ngo5 sou3   put it on my tab (bill)
desc ngo5 gwok3 wo3 guo2   our country; my country
desc jap6 ngo5 sou3   my treat; it's on me
desc ngo5 zi1 dou6*3   "I know", "I see"
desc ji1 ngo5 loi4 hon3 yi1 wo3 lai2 kan4   as I see it; in my opinion
desc zi6 ngo5 ceoi1 min4   self-hypnosis
desc zi6 ngo5 faan2 sing2   soul searching
desc ji5 ngo5 so2 zi1 yi3 wo3 suo3 zhi1   From what I know ...
desc ziu3 ngo5 tai2   from my point of view
desc geoi3 ngo5 so2 zi1   From what I know ...
desc hai2 ngo5 ge3 gok3 dou6   from my point of view
desc zaam6 hai2 ngo5 ge3 laap6 coeng4   from my position; from my standpoint
desc gai3 ngo5 waa6   from my point of view
desc kei5 hai2 ngo5 ge3 laap6 coeng4   from my position; from my standpoint
desc bit1 jau5 ngo5 si1 bi4 you3 wo3 shi1   there must be things one can learn from
desc nei5 sei2 ngo5 wut6 ni3 si3 wo3 huo2   to fight to the bitter end; a life-and-death battle
desc ngo5 fong1 wo3 fang1   our side
desc zi6 ngo5 zok3 gu2 zi4 wo3 zuo4 gu3   be the first to do sth; originate a method, etc.
desc zi6 ngo5 tou4 zeoi3 zi4 wo3 tao2 zui4   narcissism
desc 西 nei5 dung1 ngo5 sai1   part company with each going his own way
desc zi6 ngo5 sat6 jin6 zi4 wo3 shi2 xian4   Maslow's hierarchy of needs
desc zi6 ngo5 ping4 gaa3 zi4 wo3 ping2 jia4   self-esteem
desc hing1 hing1 ngo5 ngo5 qing1 qing1 wo3 wo3   very much in love, romantic
desc baai2 ngo5 soeng5 toi4*2 bai3 wo3 shang4 tai2   put me on the spot
desc bat1 fan1 nei5 ngo5   what's yours is mine, what's mine is yours; there's no difference between you and me
desc ngo5 sik1 nei5 lou5 syu2   I don't know you
desc ming6 zung1 zyu3 ding6 ngo5 oi3 nei5 ming4 zhong1 zhu4 ding4 wo3 ai4 ni3   It is fate that I love you
desc wan2 ngo1 ban6 caak6   to take me for a stupid fool; to rip me off
desc ji6 ngo5 gaa3 zik6 zi4 wo3 jia4 zhi2   self-worth
desc nei5 ngaan5 mong6 ngo5 ngaan5   two parties being mute and looking at each other
desc ngo5 hang4 ngo5 sou3 wo3 xing2 wo3 su4   to do whatever one wants regardless of other's opinions
desc jau5 ngo5 hai2 dou6   in my presence
desc ngo5 dik1 tin1 aa1 wo3 de5 tian1 a5   oh my god; oh my goodness
desc syu3 ngo5 zik6 jin4 shu4 wo3 zhi2 yan2   [expression] pardon me for speaking so straightforward (frank; forthright)
desc nei5 zou6 co1 jat1 ngo5 zou6 sap6 ng5   do me harm and I will return the favour
desc nei5 bat1 jan4 ngo5 bat1 ji6 ni3 bu2 ren4 wo3 bu2 yi4   to the degree that you're heartless I'll be unrighteous; if your not benevolent, then I'm not uprighteous
desc bei2 zeok6 hai6 ngo5 bi4 zhe5 xi4 wo3   if I was in your place; if I were you
desc maan6 daai6 si6 jau5 ngo5 wan4 da4 shi4 you3 wo3   come hell or high water you can count on me
desc se2 ngo5 kei4 seoi4 she3 wo3 qi2 shei2   "Who else but I?"
desc zi6 ngo5 bou2 wu6 ji3 sik1 zi4 wo3 bao3 hu4 yi4 shi2   self-protection awareness
desc zi6 ngo5 ji3 sik1 zi4 wo3 yi4 shi2   ego
desc ciu1 ngo5 chao1 wo3   super-ego
desc heoi3 maai4 ngo5 go2 fan6   I don't want to go
desc zi1 ngo5 mok6 yoek6 nei5 zhi1 wo3 mo4 ruo4 ni3   no one know's me better than you
desc si4 bat1 ngo5 jyu5 shi2 bu4 wo3 yu3   1. once time is lost it can't be retrieved 2. time is running out; time is of essence
desc hong1 ngo5 bat1 dai6 kaung1 wo3 bu2 dai4   to humbly ask for sb's asistance when one is uncapable to cope with sth.
desc ji5 zaa3 ngo5 jyu4   mutual deceit
desc ji5 jyu4 ngo5 zaa3 er3 yu2 wo3 zha4   both sides play dirty
Found 452 Chinese Examples for "我"
desc 隔壁 I was next door just now.
desc 鐘意 I don't like tea that's too strong.
desc 太多 I drank too much tea.
desc 有病 I am feeling ill.
desc 白色 I have two white shirts
desc 正在收拾東西 I'm cleaning up!
desc 媽咪 Has mum left yet?
desc 需要畀錢 He must pay me money
desc 我唔知邊個邊度 I don't know who's delivering [lunch] where.
desc 以後你哋? How can I order from your [restaurant] in the future?
desc 麻煩你翻譯畀我 Would you mind translating this sentence for me?
desc 畀你見到 I don't want to let you see.
desc 蘋果鐘意先至 I like to peel apples before eating them.
desc 見到 I can see two tables.
desc I bought a hand of bananas.
desc sendemail畀你check I sent you an email, check it!
desc 今晚媽咪 My mum'll pick me up this evening.
desc I would like to come and visit you.
desc 唔該() Please help me.
desc 唔知點 I don't know what to do either.
desc 食飽 I'm full!
desc 覺得行公司 Going shopping bores me to death.
desc 覺得行公司 I think going shopping is boring.
desc 好多次 I‘ve heard this song many times
desc 畀你 I'll hum it for you.
desc 你哋唔使 You don't need to fight with me!
desc 唔明白 There's something I don't understand.
desc I know what you want
desc 入票 I need to cash a cheque.
desc 學校做嘢 I work at school
desc 中意返學 I don't like to go to school.
desc 可以見到  ?  He can see me
desc 畀你 I've got something to give you.
desc 點呀 In that case, how do I feel?
desc I am six feet tall.
desc 我哋而家出門[] We're leaving now.
desc 我唔知你嘅地埗邊度 I don't know where your address is.
desc 我嘅地埗喺呢度 My address is here.
desc 識聽廣東話 I understand [spoken] Cantonese.
desc 開心 You're even happier than me.
desc 而家拍拖 I'm not dating her any more.
desc 其實我哋多咗 Actually, we're thinking about this too much.
desc 真係輸咗 I've lost (this contest)...
desc 做功課  ?  Help me with my homework!
desc 來自美國 I'm from the United States.
desc 德國旅行 I want to travel Germany.
desc 我唔知 I don't know what to eat.
desc 肚餓 I am very hungry.
desc 唔該一號拎走 Excuse me, I would like to have a Meal 1. Take-away.
desc I don't eat meat. I am a vegetarian.
desc 識講廣東話 I know how to speak Cantonese.
desc 今日唔會早餐 Today I'm not going to eat breakfast
desc 今日早餐 I haven't eaten breakfast yet today
desc 上星期朋友一齊晚飯 Last Sunday, I had dinner with my friends together.
desc 中文字 I write Chinese characters very slowly.
desc 哥哥好好 My (elder) brother treats me very well.
desc 喜歡珍珠奶茶 I like to drink Pearl Milk Tea.
desc 今年 I'm eight this year.
desc 下個星期香港 I'm going back to Hong Kong next week.
desc 其實不過太多功課 Actually I want to go, but I have too much homework.
desc 鉛筆 I have two pencils
desc 返屋企 I'm going home.
desc 中文老師好好 My Chinese teacher is a very nice person.
desc 我係今日返屋企 I returned home only today.
desc 一點灣仔食晏 I have lunch in Wanchai at 1:00 p.m.
desc 鐘意台灣歌手就係盧廣仲 My favourite Taiwanese singer is Crowd Lu.
desc 屋企阿爸阿媽阿哥 My home has father, mother, brother and me.
desc I have to leave earlier.
desc 鐘意珍珠奶茶 I like to drink bubble tea!
desc 小明 I am called Siu Ming.
desc 喜歡你的香水 I like your perfume
desc 唔識廣東話 I don't speak Cantonese.
desc 開心 I am not happy.
desc 介紹男朋友畀你 Let me introduce my boyfriend.
desc 不明白 I don't understand
desc 呢位父親 This is my father.
desc I'm cleaning up/I'm packing up.
desc 喜歡西瓜 I like to drink watermelon juice.
desc 雪白兔子 I have a snowy white rabbit
desc 聽日朋友出街 I'm going out with my friends tomorrow.
desc 琴日一套有啲好睇 I saw a film yesterday... it wasn't very good.
desc 聲音覺得好好 I love the sound cicadas [in general] make.
desc 琴日一套少少好睇 I saw a film yesterday... it wasn't very good.
desc 見到呢度唔係好警崗 I can see a police box that's not very big here.
desc 唔該打包拎走 Please wrap it up for me to take away!
desc 覺得呢啲聲音好好 I love the sound these cicadas are making!
desc 呢隻草蜢鐘意佢嘅聲音 I love the sound this grasshopper makes!
desc 琴日一套有啲地方幾好 I saw a film yesterday... some parts were okay.
desc 可以誓願 It's true I swear!
desc 呢隻草蜢覺得佢嘅聲音好好 I love the sound this grasshopper makes!
desc 覺得聲音好好 I love the sound cicadas make!
desc 就要量地官 I'll be out of a job after the new year.
desc 擺喺 I put the cup here
desc 嗰啲聲音覺得好好 I love the sound of those cicadas [nearby]!
desc 次次講大話畀我聽到 He's always telling lies which I hear.
desc 媽咪 I am chatting with my mummy.
desc 今晚當值 I'm on duty tonight.
desc 打死 I killed a mosquito.
desc 日日掛住 Every day, my mind is on playing.
desc 而家機場下班 I am waiting for the next plane at the airport.
desc 打麻雀姨媽嗜好 Playing mahjong is my aunt's hobby.
desc 哎吔唔記得返嚟 Oh, I have forgotten to buy some oranges.
desc 一日蘋果醫生遠離 An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.
desc 波蘭朋友 A Polish friend has come to visit me.
desc 我哋去過九龍 We've been to Kowloon.
desc 一點普通話 I can speak a little bit of Mandarin.
desc 香港 I didn't go to Hong Kong.
desc 次次講大話真係衰人 She tells lie to me every time... she's a really horrible person.
desc 次次講大話真係大嚿衰 He tells lies to me every time... he's really obnoxious.
desc 畀我做嘢嗰度秘書收埋 My shoes were hidden by the secretary at work.
desc 唔會任何 I'm not going to do anything to you.
desc 我哋嗰個年代十七 We were 17 (years old) back then.
desc 乜嘢都知道 I have discovered all.
desc 都係唔啱! It's all my fault!
desc 需要一把牙刷 I need a new toothbrush.
desc 去過香港 I have never been to Hong Kong.
desc 睇到封信時候已經離開香港 By the time you read this letter, I will have already left Hong Kong.
desc 跟住邊度 I asked him where to go next.
desc 你哋兩個得滯唔好嘈 You two are too noisy, don't disturb me.
desc 覺得普通話兒化好惡 I think that erhua in Mandarin sounds horrible.
desc 散咗好耐 I split up with her a long time ago.
desc 香港,就係 In Hong Kong, I'm most scared of being bitten.
desc 我嘅 He slapped my face!
desc 每一兩次 I dye my hair twice a year.
desc 點解背叛 Why do you need to betray me?
desc 淨係 You aren't the only one who have it; I too have it.
desc 方法打倒 I’ve got a way of taking him down.
desc 真係無聊落去 You're being ridiculous, I don't want to mess around any more.
desc 以為我係邊個 Who do you think I am?/Do you know who I am?
desc 唔係小氣 I'm not that petty!
desc 平時做嘢敷衍 I'm normally pretty apathetic about my work.
desc 唔好惹起 Don't aggravate me !
desc I'll come along with you.
desc 每次見到都係講緊電話 He's speaking on the phone whenever I see him.
desc He refused to listen to me.
desc 近排時間照顧仔女 I'm too busy these days to have time to take care of my children.
desc 老細我哋 We'll go wherever the boss says.
desc 唔係,今朝重未見到 No, I haven't seen him yet this morning.
desc 可以留低可以走人嚟講冇所謂 You can stay or go, it's all the same to me.
desc 踩單車身邊飛過 She flew past me on her bike.
desc 唔得閒麻煩你斟水 My hands are full [at the moment]... could you get some water for me?
desc 唔該睇住 Please keep an eye on my stuff.
desc 以為 Do you think I'm stupid?
desc 媽媽銀行上班 My mum works at a bank.
desc ! I can't be bothered!
desc 唔好嘈唔知幾多 Don't disturb me, I'm up to my eyes in work.
desc 好多角度 I'll think about [it] from many angles.
desc 呢度漫畫作品 Here's some of the manga I've produced.
desc 車死咗火快啲拖車 My car's packed up, quickly send out a repair truck!
desc 壞咗快啲拖車 My car's broken down, quickly send out a repair truck!
desc 根本阻住 I just wasn't able to stop him.
desc 其實老公仲有 Actually, I have a husband... and a daughter to boot!
desc 不過都係畀我 However, you'll also be beaten by me!
desc 挑戰 He's challenging me.
desc 詳細情況唔可以透露 I can't let you in on the details.
desc 一點自信 I have a lot of self-confidence about it.
desc 一點信心 I‘m very confident about this.
desc 近排一直捱夜加班 Recently I've been staying up late, doing overtime non-stop.
desc 頭先總部𠹭所以 Headquarters called me just now which is why I'm late.
desc 重要而家先至 Why has he left telling me such an important thing until now?
desc 近排我哋滿意 We're satisfied with the work you've done recently.
desc 琴晚一套感人 I saw a moving film yesterday evening.
desc 難睇 Are my (Chinese) characters that hard to read?
desc 細蚊仔 I hate looking after brats.
desc 嚇嚫!/畀佢嚇嚫 [She] scared me! / I was scared by her too!
desc 我哋唔可以畀佢 We can't let him die yet.
desc 唔係幾 I'm not too busy.
desc 我哋環保所以唔好嘥電 We need to protect the environment, so don't waste water and electricity.
desc 唔可以 I can't waste even a second.
desc 唔可以 I can't waste even a second.
desc 點解今日見到 Why didn't I see you today?
desc 或者現金或者 Maybe I'll pay by cash, or maybe I'll pay by card.
desc 頭先email畀你嗰啲資料收到 Have you get the information I emailed to you just now yet?
desc 聽朝點鐘開工所以今晚唔可以行公司 I‘ve got to start work at six tomorrow, so I can't go shopping tonight.
desc 點鐘開工所以夜晚唔可以出街 I start work at 7 o'clock each morning, so I can't stay out too late.
desc 琴日一套一啲好睇 I saw a film yesterday... it was average.
desc 唔該搦住! Would you please hold the umbrella for me!
desc 發燒頭痛 I have a temperature and headache.
desc 突然好攰等我一下 I'm suddenly very tired, let me sleep for a bit.
desc 我們家裡太多好吃東西 We have so much nice food in the house.
desc 就嚟死啦 I am being bored to death.
desc 我哋屋企好多嘢食 We have so much nice food in the house.
desc 花生敏感 I am allergic to peanuts
desc 我們電腦遊戲! Let's play video games!
desc 唔好絕招 Don't force me to use my ultimate attack on you!
desc 今年聖誕節不要身上花錢 Don't spend your money on me this Christmas!
desc 呢個聖誕唔好為咗使錢 Don't spend your money on me this Christmas!
desc 討厭禮物 I hate wrapping up presents!
desc 禮物 I hate wrapping up presents!
desc 分鐘之後 After a few minutes I'll be there.
desc 分鐘之內 I'll be there in a few minutes.
desc 花生 I cannot eat peanuts.
desc 直程 He completely ignored me.
desc 唔會! I don’t buy inferior stuff.
desc 唔該暢散一百 Would you give me change for the hundred-dollar note?
desc 隔籬 He sits next to me
desc 上次做錯 Last time I made a mistake.
desc 唔係 You're not my cup of tea
desc 死死下! I am so ill I feel like dying!
desc 發燒頭痛 I have a temperature and headache.
desc 飲嘢 I want to drink something.
desc 今日黑仔 I'm so unlucky today!
desc 呢排 I've recently been eating less.
desc 行路好攰 I walked until my legs were tired.
desc 周身 I don't have any energy.
desc 唔舒服 I'm not feeling well.
desc 鍾意薯條 I like to eat french fries
desc 上網禮物 I buy gifts on the Internet.
desc 鍾意互聯網買嘢 I like to buy stuff on the internet. I like to shop online/on the internet.
desc 廣東話 My Cantonese is better than you think!
desc 就快大廈 I will move to a new building soon.
desc 擺喺 I put the cup here
desc 手提電話擺喺 I put my mobile phone here
desc 呢排成日睇電視 Recently I've been watching tv all day.
desc 乜都鍾意 I like to eat everything.
desc 什麼喜歡 I like to eat everything.
desc . I don't have any money.
desc 沙灘 I walked towards the beach.
desc 甚麼喜歡 I like to eat everything.
desc 放在 I put the ball on the table.
desc 相當快樂 I am fairly happy.
desc 如果唔係買嘢 If I'm not too tired, I will go shopping.
desc 可以. I can read (study) quickly.
desc 一定要睇電視 I must watch TV!
desc 睇電視唔得! I need to watch TV!
desc 我們今年聖誕樹真的還是人造 Shall we get a real Christmas tree or an artificial one?
desc 我哋聖誕樹定係? Shall we get a real Christmas tree or an artificial one?
desc 我們什麼時候聖誕裝飾 When will we put up the Christmas decorations?
desc 我哋幾時擺放聖誕裝飾? When will we put up the Christmas decorations?
desc 如果下雪的話雪人 If it snows I will make a snowman!
desc 若果落雪雪人! If it snows I will make a snowman!
desc 我們聖誕節當天聚會 On Christmas Day we will have a big party.
desc 聖誕節我哋親友 At Christmas we will have a big party.
desc 父母早餐麵包 My parents eat toast for breakfast.
desc 我們黑板一個正方形. Let's draw a square on the blackboard.
desc 唔見咗我嘅荷包 Oh no! I can't find my wallet!
desc 有冇聽日畀我 Do you have something you want to give me tomorrow?
desc 我地七仔 We meet (outside) at Seven-Eleven shop at 7:00.
desc 就快新屋 I will move to a new house soon.
desc 我嘅唔舒服. I have an upset stomach.
desc 消息通知 Once you have the news then let me know.
desc 以為華埠其實屋企 I thought you went to Chinatown, but in fact you went home.
desc 東區 I've been living in the East End
desc 見到父母開心 I am very happy upon seeing my parents.
desc 等我睇睇 Let me see (let me have a look).
desc 一生一世都會 I'll love you for the rest of my life.
desc 火車 I hate to ride on trains.
desc 從來去過日本 I have never been to Japan.
desc 對不起由於下雨所以遲到 I'm sorry, I was late because of the rain.
desc 突然好癐等我一下 I'm suddenly very tired, let me sleep for a bit.
desc 冇記性 As I get older, I get more forgetful.
desc 咪郁!!郁嚟郁去前面 Don't move!! I can't see the front when you keep moving.
desc 聽日點鐘起身 I need to wake up at 7 o'clock tomorrow.
desc 真係唔明白點解噉樣 I really don't understand why he acts/behaves like this.
desc 我哋可以圖書館或者返屋企 We can go to the library or perhaps go home.
desc 我哋一係圖書館一係返屋企 We either go the the library or go home.
desc 畢業之後搵工 After I graduate, I will find a job.
desc 先生爸爸好朋友 Mr. Wong is a good friend of my father.
desc 每次考試都好緊張 I am nervous every time I take a test.
desc 信教 I am not religious
desc 唔可以風扇 Can you please turn on the fan for me?
desc 同埋一齊 I'll join you and go together.
desc 等我 "Let me help you."
desc 唔記得 I can't recall his name.
desc 而家決定 I have to decide now.
desc 我哋你哋好好! We're better than you!
desc 唔該,! Can you help me take a photo, please.
desc 過來有啲 Come over here, I've got something I want to discuss with you.
desc 唔該地圖畀我 Please draw a map for me.
desc 老點! You cheated me!
desc 不敢隨便填寫我的個人資料 I do not dare carelessly fill out [on a form] my personal information.
desc ,邊個? Why are you asking me? How am I supposed to know?
desc 炒飯好耐,重未! I've ordered a dish of fried rice a long time ago. But it still hasn't come yet!
desc 手機聯繫人列表超過200 The contact list in my mobile phone has more than two hundred entries.
desc 估唔到 I'm not able to guess his height.
desc 鯁嚫!〞〝D𦧲出嚟!〞 "I'm choking!" "Quickly spit it out!"
desc 沙灘 I walk all along the beach.
desc 使, I am not afraid of you. It's not like you have any real bite.
desc 𠱓幾耐你先 How long did I have to nag you before you agreed to put your pants back on?
desc 之後我哋大家出去雪人 After the snow stopped falling, we all went out to build a snowman.
desc 今日女朋友掟煲 I broke up with my girlfriend today.
desc 充滿信心 I have complete confidence in you.
desc 公仔麵 I'm fed up with the eating of instant noodles.
desc 我哋不斷收到呢啲冇用傳單實在討厭 We keep getting these unwanted flyers; they're a real nuisance.
desc 旅行國泰 Every time I go to travel I take Cathay Pacific.
desc 簡直 He had changed so much that I no longer recognized him.
desc 等我. Let me have a look.
desc 考倒 You baffle me.
desc 健身嗰個細佬 The guy doing the keep-fit exercise is my brother.
desc 起嚟先生 Now you come to mention it, I know Mr Ho as well.
desc 唔敢隨便個人資料 I do not dare carelessly fill out [on a form] my personal information.
desc 租金,等我,,總共萬一 The rent is, just let me get it right, oh yes, 11,000 dollars altogether.
desc 𠱂 He wouldn't listen to me. He even said something in retort.
desc 聽日聚會頸鏈 At tomorrow's gathering, I will be wearing the necklace you gave me.
desc 我的老天爺 Oh, my God!
desc 一下我的胸圍尺寸 I want you to take my chest measurement.
desc 啱啱卡通好似𠵇𠺫唔知發生 The anime I was watching just now seemed strange, I'm not quite sure what was going on.
desc 我哋動機唔知道 We don't even know what his motive is.
desc 出千 I caught your cheating!
desc 可惜那天限於時間我們沒有這個問題深入交談 Unfortunately, owing to the lack of time that day, we weren't able to discuss this problem in depth.
desc 自來水 I only drink water
desc I am bleeding.
desc 見到即刻黑面 Once he saw me, he gave me a stern look.
desc 古典音樂比較鐘意長笛獨奏 As far as classical music is concerned, I prefer solo flute.
desc 突然間咁多芒果覺得𠺫𠵇 I think he's very strange, suddenly eating all those mangoes like that.
desc 成日嗰個BB I was rudely awoken by the baby that just won't stop crying.
desc 仲有重要清楚 I still have something important and in need of clarification to ask you.
desc 好些存放這兒 He has left a number of books with me.
desc 存放呢處 He has left a number of books with me.
desc 噙晚過電畀我 Last night you phoned me.
desc 我們參照原文必要修改 We consulted the original and made some necessary changes.
desc 乘務員剪票我們的車票 The train conductor punched our tickets.
desc 當日天陰陰落雨絲濕出門經已不祥預感 That day the weather was overcast and about to rain. I had a very bad feeling as I stepped out my house.
desc 筆錢唔會覺得肉赤 I don't feel any pain in spending this amount of money.
desc 每一都會兩次 I always dye my hair twice per year.
desc 呢個方案三個月為期可以做完 I believe this project can be completed within three months.
desc 往常都是步行上班 I used to go to work on foot.
desc 其實掟煲但係因為次次所以而家唔敢分手 Actually I really want to break up with her, but I daren't suggest it. Every time I mention it, she bursts into tears.
desc 我哋食藥嗰陣時小心可能副作用 When taking medication, we have to be careful; there may be some side-effects.
desc 我哋嗰陣場面十分墟冚 The scene was all alive by the time we arrived.
desc I haven't even thought about it.
desc 我的朋友一個中學打工 My friend has a part-time job at a high school.
desc 哪裡我的漢語 No, my Chinese isn't that good.
desc 我的身體沒問題 There are no problems with my health.
desc 醫生要不化驗 Doctor, do I need to have a blood test?
desc 朋友屋頂上面 I'm standing on the roof of my friend's house.
desc 嗰陣時親眼見到獅子動物園嗰度出嚟 With my own eyes, I saw a lion come charging out of the zoo!
desc 你哋遲早唔需要隱瞞 You'd have had to find out sometime, there's no point in me covering anything up.
desc 屋企黑猛猛好似盲咗 The house is so dark it's like I'm blind.
desc 如果發脾氣嘅話唔要出街 If you're still throwing a tantrum, I'm not going out with you.
desc 琴晚跟住鹹濕女朋友 Last night he got really drunk and then lecherously fondled my girlfriend's breasts.
desc 似乎都係畀人 Seems there's nothing I can do to help you so I'm just gonna have to pass the buck on to someone else.
desc 醫生畀我蚊𧕴 The doctor gave me some cream to put on my mosquito bites.
desc 蚊𧕴有可能因為前日公園 There are three bites on my leg... it's probably because I was in the park the day before yesterday.
desc 雖然大學但是認為有資格 Although I have not attended college, I believe that I am also qualified.
desc 包括水電費房子 I want to rent a house that has utilities included.
desc 表演之後O I was also speechless (with surprise) after seeing him performed.
desc 意見 No comment
desc 饒恕我的過錯 Please forgive my past trangressions.
desc 我係無事不登三寶殿 I wouldn't come to you if I hadn't something to ask of you.
desc 你做初一我做十五 tit for tat, an eye for an eye
desc 八月十五 I fell on my bottom.
desc 而家朋友HEA Right now, I'm hanging out with my friends.
desc 成日喺度寫埋無聊費事 He writes so much nonsense that I don't even bother reading it.
desc 一點的話就要升天! Get here a second later and I'd be dead!
desc I was left speechless by his sarcasm.
desc 重未 Trying to win against me? You're not there yet!
desc 又係老鬼 It's just me, the old guy!
desc 麻煩你白滾水 I'd have to trouble you for a glass of plain water
desc 剛才媽媽雌威從來未見 Mother was so angry just now that she was awesome; I have never seen her like this before.
desc 阿媽女朋友投契 My mom and girlfriend are having such a kindred conversation.
desc 畀我一早唔同 I would have hung up the phone and not chatted with her for so long.
desc 劈炮唔撈 I'm not working anymore
desc , 何況而家 I won't go that far away; moreover, it's raining now.
desc 唔理, 求其得喇 I don't mind how small the room is as long as there is a bed inside.
desc 我知道呢個不爭事實 I know this is the undeniable truth.
desc 今次比賽我哋全軍覆沒 During the competition, our team was completely annihilated by theirs.
desc (san3) He even lamented to me about the matter
desc 壓力壓力做咩挑釁 "You have pressure, I have pressure, why do you want to provoke me?"
desc I've got a bruised patch on my arm.
desc 噚晚我哋屋企一個不速之客 We had an uninvited guest over at my house last night.
desc 棒打鴛鴦 Doing this would break the couple apart. I cannot bear to do it.
desc 蹣跚爸爸離開我哋 Father left us when you were still tottering while learning to walk.
desc 老師我哋參觀二次大戰博物館軍人塚 The teacher brought us to the museum and memorial tombs of World War II.
desc 別指望 Don't count on me.
desc 以為攝影師男朋友一定會好多殊不知一張 I had the idea that by having a photographer as boyfriend, I would have many of my pictures taken. Little did I know that none of the photographs were of me.
desc 眼矋矋 Why are you looking at me with those staring eyes?
desc Yours is a good idea, but mine is an even better plan.
desc 真係多謝雪中送炭我哋先至難關 We really must thank you for giving us (the money, food, material needs etc) so that we can make it through the hard times.
desc 工作不是而是自己開心 I do this job not for the money, but rather for my happiness.
desc 唔係而係自己開心 I do this job not for the money, but rather for my happiness.
desc 老細我哋依牙鬆槓 The treat from my boss was wonderful and the food was great!
desc 我係非常贊同辛苦搵嚟自在食講法,何必委屈自己 I agree with the saying that one should work hard and play hard. Why treat yourself so badly?
desc 蘋果通常㓟皮 I usually eat apples without peeling its skin.
desc 家下𨂾光黑嚟唔切 It is already dusk, I don't think we can make it in time.
desc 通常𨂾一個禮拜facial一次 I usually go for facial once every week.
desc 逢親放假我哋都會出國遊埠 We travel overseas whenever there is a holiday.
desc 拒載投訴 I'll report you if you refuse to taxi me.
desc 已經寫明點鐘開始 I've already clearly put into writing that it starts at 7 o'clock.
desc 重未賠返 He still hasn't paid me back yet.
desc 畀佢頭槌龍門 I passed the ball to him and he scored with a header
desc 點解次次波餅 I didn't do anything to piss you off. Why are you throwing/kicking/[whatever action is appropriate] the ball at my body every time?
desc 我哋搓波 Let's have a rally to warm up.
desc 等我試下你嘅咖喱係咪耍家 Let me try and see if your curry is really that accomplished.
desc 機會稱職老婆 Give me a chance to be a good and competent wife.
desc 提起覺得唏噓 Bringing up that issue makes me feel sad.
desc 工作如果無任歡迎 Much work remains to be done. Any assistance that you can render is most welcome.
desc 誠意勉為其難原諒你呢 Since you’re so sincere, I’ll reluctantly forgive you just this once!
desc 學好講嘢當我時候開始而家只係最後先至 I want to learn to speak first . When I can speak well, then I'll learn to write. For now, I just want to leave the writing until last.
desc 手下辦事不力對唔住 My subordinates did not do a good job, so sorry.
desc 佢地兩個可以拉埋天窗揸大葵扇 The two of them got married all because I matchmade them together.
desc 斷估原來真係廿 I was only making wild guesses. Didn't know he actually was 23 years old.
desc 屋企起勢噉 I drank water unceasingly on returning home.
desc 今日/頹廢 I feel dispirited today.
desc 等陣銀行人哋入票 I want to go to the bank in a moment to cash a cheque.
desc 兩個禮拜鐘意衫舖 I took the shirts that I bought two weeks ago at my favourite shop to be ironed.
desc 幾個見到非常之街燈草地上面 I saw a bright and really tall streetlight on the grass a few months ago.
desc 原來係噉反而畀你 On the contrary, it's me that's scared by you!
desc 見到頭先已經知道唔係普通筆記 Based on your expression just now, I guess you already know that this isn't an ordinary notebook.
desc 兩個禮拜 I took the shirt I bought two weeks ago at the shopping mall to be cleaned.
desc 上個禮拜嗰啲乾洗 I took the clothes I bought last week to be dry-cleaned.
desc 上個禮拜乾洗 I took the shirt I bought last week to be dry-cleaned.
desc 我哋瞓身做好 We'll give this job our best shot.
desc 聽日 I need to run, see you tomorrow.
desc 你嘅未來期待 I have very high expectations for your future.
desc 頭先畀我等陣銀行人哋入票 He told me he wanted to go to the bank soon to cash a cheque for someone.
desc 我等銀行人哋入票 I'll want to go to the bank to cash a cheque for someone soon.
desc 但係 He/She is reading a book, but I can't see what it's called.
desc 雪櫃畀你聽日 I put your glass of milk in the refrigerator for you to drink tomorrow.
desc 如果嘅話唔可以呢個入去 If you're not too busy, could you help me move this dressor into the bedroom?
desc 相信已經開始懷疑內鬼原來 I believe he's already started to think that the mole was me all along.
desc 入去實驗室睇吓我嘅雷射 Follow me into my lab and take a look at my laser.
desc 我哋開始懷疑有可能我哋嗰個殺人狂 We're starting to suspect that he's probably the homicidal maniac we're looking for.
desc 畀人搵老襯 Someone tricked me.
desc 上次計數 I still haven't gotten even with you!
desc 我嘅職業唔係一般人可以接受 My occupation is not one that normal people can accept.
desc 今次環遊世界大開眼界 Traveling around the world really expanded my horizons.
desc 琴日一套但係一啲唔好 I saw a film yesterday, and boy did it suck.
desc 他用哈姆立克急救法 He saved my life using the Heimlich Maneuver.
desc 高興接受你的邀請 I am happy to accept your invitation.
desc 以後一定會加倍小心 I will certainly be much more careful in the future.
desc 眼尾好多魚尾紋 I have a lot of crow's feet(wrinkles) at the corner of my eyes.
desc 有一年,英文滿分 There was one year, I got full score on the English examination.
desc 郵局 I made a futile trip to the post office.
desc 唔聲唔聲 He took my pen without me knowing.
desc 唔好 It's nothing to do with me
desc 不是一個 I am not someone who will speak boldly.
desc I gave him a punch.
desc 栽培成為老師 You trained me to become a teacher
desc 我哋幾個夾手夾腳做完報告 We will be able to complete the report very soon with everyone's help and cooperation.
desc 今日報紙 I have a quick glance at today's newspaper.
desc 眼尾見到有人門口 I saw someone walked passed the door out from the corner of my eyes
desc 法國渡過寒暑 I spent three winters and summers in France.
desc 試過我老婆你呢 I have never cheated on my wife, (how about) you? [Literally] I haven't tried (and did something that I) cannot face to my wife, you?
desc 希望畢業投身醫療 I hope to join the health care industry after graduation.
desc 開心 I am happy for you
desc 正宗泰國 I can cook authentic Thai food.
desc 盼望能夠找到真愛 I hope to be able to find true love.
desc 報紙南華明報各一 Please buy some newspapers for me, South China (Morning Post), Sing Tao (Daily) and Ming Pao (Daily), one each.
desc 祈禱 I'd pray for you
desc 我地一定會水落石出 we must investigate this incident till the truth comes out.
desc 每晚臨瞓一定會祈禱 Everynight before I sleep, I must pray.
desc 沖涼芝麻綠豆嚟嘅唔好囉唆 That I don't take a bath is such a trifling matter, stop nagging at me here!
desc 借此機會, 各位致謝 I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all.
desc 我地的士? Let's take a taxi, shall we?
desc 都係比較揸拿好過投資小生意 I am of the view that buying property has more assurance, better than investing in small businesses.
desc 直覺話我知 I have a gut feeling that he stole the money.
desc 最近吸煙危害健康吖嘛! I've recently quit smoking, 'cause smoking is hazardous to health, right !
desc 甚至有能力不留痕跡情況底下 I have the capability to not leave a trace afterwards.
desc 兩個禮拜鐘意衫舖 I've taken the shirt that I bought in my favourite clothes shop two weeks ago to be ironed.
desc 今朝關於你嘅裡面見到一齊器械 This morning I had a dream, it was about you. In the dream I saw us playing the equipment together
desc 我等舖頭打墩傾吓偈消磨時間 I'm going to his store and spend a long time there in a moment, to chat, and to kill time.

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CantoDict v1.4.2 is a collaborative Chinese Dictionary project started in November 2003. Entries are added and mistakes corrected by a team of kind volunteers from around the world.
Copyright Adam Sheik 2003-2024.